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  1. #261
    Quote Originally Posted by Kantoro View Post
    I am not bored, but then I am not playing WoW, I find that I am enjoying the F out of Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
    Yeah same playing the shit out of kingmaker before second game will come.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  2. #262
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    yeah and thats why I think the outcry for flying ASAP in the last couple of xpacs have been so strong. Blizzard have maybe made the zones big, but they are so crammed with mobs, obstacles, caves and traverses its just to much. Look at the classic world. You can for the most part roam everywhere and decently enough bypass mobs. Theres "air" between mobs. In retail its just one kind of mob followed by another with some kind of climbing, twists and turns just to get where you want.
    For me this is absolutely the worst change in WoW. Pre-Cata zones are, for the most part, places you can breathe in. You can chill doing your quests or herbalism or mining, and it doesn't feel like a pain in the arse. It's relaxing. Some zones have their dense packs of mobs but for the most part it's as you say, there's space. Logging in to old WoW felt comfy.

    For me the first sign that WoW was taking a turn for the worse was what they did to Darkshore in Cataclysm. Auberdine got fucked up and they put a huge chasm in the middle of the zone that made traversing it a pain. It got real bad in WoD, with cramped areas absolutely stuffed with hostile mobs, and the lack of flying just made it feel even worse. Then it got even worse in Legion. Argus, holy shit. BfA didn't get much better, but then I get to the Shadowlands and it's the worst it's ever been. Infuriating zone design with mobs packed so densely it's virtually impossible to do anything without drawing aggro.

    It's like it's been designed by people who have no idea how it actually feels to play in those zones. They come at it from a designer's perspective, filling it with all kinds of shit instead of considering quality of life for players. I don't get that comfy feeling anymore when I log into WoW. I just think, "Ugh, the Maw. Ugh, shitty world quests in shitty zones". It feels annoying, like I'm being punished just for trying to enjoy myself in a game. Which is why I've quit sooner after this expac than any other.
    Last edited by DarkAmbient; 2021-02-11 at 10:50 AM.

  3. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by Yriel View Post
    I mean, thats what raiding and M+ is, too, doing the same exact stuff over and over again just for the chance of a reward at the end. So if you have a problem with that, why do you play?

    And thanks that after 16 years of playing you finally told me that i don't like playing the game.
    As i said, i mostly had something to do in past expansion, this one is really boring though if you don't raid/M+.
    Yes, raiding and M+ is basically repetition of the same stuff. Although with some differences when you go up in difficulty level, but in principle yes.
    What makes raiding and M+ different from most other content in WoW is that it requires a group of other people to do, and preferable a fixed group.
    So you can say that "other people" is the main content in raiding and M+, and the people you overcome stuff with is the reward, not the gear, that is a means to an end.

  4. #264
    Quote Originally Posted by Yriel View Post
    I mean, thats what raiding and M+ is, too, doing the same exact stuff over and over again just for the chance of a reward at the end. So if you have a problem with that, why do you play?

    And thanks that after 16 years of playing you finally told me that i don't like playing the game.
    As i said, i mostly had something to do in past expansion, this one is really boring though if you don't raid/M+.
    MoP was really boring if you didn't raid or did challenge dungeons or pvp at release.
    WoD was really boring if you didn't raid or did challenge dungeons or pvp at release.
    Legion was really boring if you didn't raid or did M+ or pvp at release.
    BfA was really boring if you didn't raid or did M+ or pvp at release unless you really enjoyed Island Expeditions and Warfronts which most people didn't.

    Also many people are doing raids, M+ and pvp even without a reward for that. They get their weekly reward, sure, but oftentimes people just do PvP because they enjoy PvP. They don't stop PvP for the week just because they capped their conquest. People push themselves in M+ to get that higher rio score, which you could say is a reward but not one the game gives you.

    What exactly were you doing in Legion at release that you cannot do now? The only difference between Legion, BfA and SL is that worldquests in the previous two expansions rewarded you with power and now they reward you with cosmetics and convenience. Other than worldquests there was nothing to do in both previous expansions in the .0 patch.

  5. #265
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    For me this is absolutely the worst change in WoW. Pre-Cata WoW zones are, for the most part, places you can breathe in. You can chill doing your quests or herbalism or mining, and it doesn't feel like a pain in the arse. It's relaxing. Some zones have their dense packs of mobs but for the most part it's as you say, there's space. Logging in to old WoW felt comfy.

    For me the first sign that WoW was taking a turn for the worse was what they did to Darkshore in Cataclysm. Auberdine got fucked up and they put a huge chasm in the middle of the zone that made traversing it a pain. It got real bad in WoD, with cramped areas absolutely stuffed with hostile mobs, and the lack of flying just made it feel even worse. Then it got even worse in Legion. Argus, holy shit. BfA didn't get much better, but then I get to the Shadowlands and it's the worst it's ever been. Infuriating zone design with mobs packed so densely it's virtually impossible to do anything without drawing aggro.

    It's like it's been designed by people who have no idea how it actually feels to play in those zones. They come at it from a designer's perspective, filling it with all kinds of shit instead of considering quality of life for players. I don't get that comfy feeling anymore when I log into WoW. I just think, "Ugh, the Maw. Ugh, shitty world quests in shitty zones". It feels annoying, like I'm being punished just for trying to enjoy myself in a game. Which is why I've quit sooner after this expac than any other.
    Yep. Its most definetly is a design choice though. They have done this for so many years now and its just gotten worse with each xpac. I've stopped playing retail(2 weeks now) and decided to play some classic until my sub runs out(30 days left). its just alot more relaxing. You can feel that this is a big world even though i've played this game since vanilla and know most of the game. Theres space to breathe as you say and you are not met with mobs every 10 seconds that wants to dismount you.

    I dont understand why Blizzard has decided to push out zones like this, cause it is on purpose. Cant say its not after all these years with all these zones filled to the brink with mobs and shitty terrain to traverse.

    Maybe the team that made vanilla had the luxury of having EK & K to build upon, a huge world compared to every xpac after. But that still doesnt meant they have to make smaller(or bigger zones but equally more mobs) zones. It comes down to design philosofy and how they want to present a zone.

    Looking at the SL zones:

    Revendreth - Nigthmare to navigate in. Mobs everywhere, even on roads. Getting from one side to the other is a pain in the ass. Still is after i've learned the routes.
    Maldraxxus - Cool zone and the theme is nice. Big minus that its so small. You would think with the four houses there that space would be needed. But nah, cram everything into a little zone.
    Bastion - Looks great and visually appealing. Zone is streched north to south instead of having a more South-->North & West-->East combination. Less mob density here though, thats a good thing.
    Ardenweald - Beautiful zone, helps that you can see stuff in the distance, but you cant go there so yeah. Initially felt like a big zone, quickly realise its small and filled with mobs everywhere.

    Its even worse when each zone is disconnected from eachother for some reason. Dont understand why, cause each covenant easily travel between each zone as seen in campaign(s). The idea probably sounded great before launch, it sucks now. With the lack of fligth whistle(why was it removed?) and lack of FP generally, going around in the zones sucks.

    I think they wanted to incorporate the stuff from classic into retail. They wants us to have lesser FPs and making us travel on ground alot. What makes this not work, is that in retail theres mobs literally at every turn and traversing most zones sucks. Its annoying and frustrating, theres never that feeling in classic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuusah View Post
    MoP was really boring if you didn't raid or did challenge dungeons or pvp at release.
    WoD was really boring if you didn't raid or did challenge dungeons or pvp at release.
    Legion was really boring if you didn't raid or did M+ or pvp at release.
    BfA was really boring if you didn't raid or did M+ or pvp at release unless you really enjoyed Island Expeditions and Warfronts which most people didn't.

    Also many people are doing raids, M+ and pvp even without a reward for that. They get their weekly reward, sure, but oftentimes people just do PvP because they enjoy PvP. They don't stop PvP for the week just because they capped their conquest. People push themselves in M+ to get that higher rio score, which you could say is a reward but not one the game gives you.

    What exactly were you doing in Legion at release that you cannot do now? The only difference between Legion, BfA and SL is that worldquests in the previous two expansions rewarded you with power and now they reward you with cosmetics and convenience. Other than worldquests there was nothing to do in both previous expansions in the .0 patch.
    Well in Legion you could do WQs that could give you a legendary. WQs in SL gives you nothing of great value, and when they put in WQs thats more or less useless+boring people dont want to do them. You also had Class halls in Legion and that was great if you had many alts, could work on artifacts on all characters.

    In BfA you had WQs that actually gave you OKish gear as your ilevel was raised. You also had warfronts and isle that gave you loot and chance for mount(s). Problem with both xpacs was AP and the neverending grind connected to it.

    With all this said though - we are just a couple of months into SL. We gotta wait and see whats next for the xpac. It would be unfair to say SL is a shit xpac compared to the previous ones already now.

  6. #266
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    In BfA you had WQs that actually gave you OKish gear as your ilevel was raised. You also had warfronts and isle that gave you loot and chance for mount(s). Problem with both xpacs was AP and the neverending grind connected to it.
    You kinda have exactly the same in Shadowlands, though, just without the never ending grind. That seems to be the problem here. You can also get decent starter gear by doing worldquests and buy anima gear. You can get strong legendaries by doing Torghast. There are tons of mounts from rare mobs and other sources in this expansion.

    You have all the same things and there is a lot of them out there. Just not the endless power grind.

  7. #267
    Quote Originally Posted by Wuusah View Post
    MoP was really boring if you didn't raid or did challenge dungeons or pvp at release.
    WoD was really boring if you didn't raid or did challenge dungeons or pvp at release.
    Legion was really boring if you didn't raid or did M+ or pvp at release.
    BfA was really boring if you didn't raid or did M+ or pvp at release unless you really enjoyed Island Expeditions and Warfronts which most people didn't.
    No it wasn't.
    As i said they had stuff to do in earlier extensions, be it warfronts and islands in BfA, be it Suramar in Legion etc. And back then LFR and heroics had a purpose since they provided loot.
    In SL with WQ giving up to 197 loot, heroics with 171 loot and LFR with 187-194 loot are really obsolete.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuusah View Post
    You kinda have exactly the same in Shadowlands, though, just without the never ending grind. That seems to be the problem here. You can also get decent starter gear by doing worldquests and buy anima gear. You can get strong legendaries by doing Torghast. There are tons of mounts from rare mobs and other sources in this expansion.

    You have all the same things and there is a lot of them out there. Just not the endless power grind.
    Most of the mounts are just reskins. Yes i can get 20 different colored versions of the ardenweald mount but come on... and strong legendaries... not really since you need high level loot to update them so again you are basically stuck with the default version if you don't raid/m+. And thats ok, i don't really need higher versions for what i do but that doesn't motivate me to do Torghast again.

  8. #268
    Quote Originally Posted by Obbi87 View Post
    So we have all been playing Shadowlands, the past few months.

    And the honeymoon phase is over. But I feel like this EXP was really great in the start, but became really boring super fast.

    I really don't get, why blizzard choose to have each zone separated, it feels to disconnected. it made me care less about the "shadowland world".

    The covenant are really boring imo and super slow, its gated behind time, so its like watching a movie, but you can only see 2min each week.

    When I don't raid, m+ or PVP, I don't know what to do ingame, there is no solo content, besides "old content" but have been doing that for years. I really think wow needs more solo content.' (Why mage tower was great)

    The reason why I really enjoyed lets say, Warth. was because I could play at every hour, and I did not need to find a group for things. I could just spam queue HC dungeons, get Valor and get some ok gear for my alts.

    Any others that are getting bored quick of SL?
    The mage tower was patch content and not included at Legion's start so that comparison is a bit unfair. Furthermore, the mage tower was really a one off thing and not something you did a lot or had to care about much. Twisted Corridors in comparison is much much bigger than the mage tower challenge.

    And yeah not having a lot to do "outdoor" is, normal? I dunno, but it's always been this way unless you really wanted to do every world quest every day.

    Either way, yeah I am also a bit bored already which is normal. Happens every time and to everyone. Dunno why people expect to be entertained 24/7 by WoW. That wasn't even in the case in the good old days.

    Also despite that some people are saying, WoW has been more or less always the same game since it at least TBC. Every expansion is mostly the same and does the same things. The reason why they even bother adding arbitrary systems or redesign classes is to gives us the illusion of things being fresh and new. It's completely normal that eventually someone will kinda get bored of it quickly. Many people for example quit WoW during Cata and that wasn't because the expansion was bad to them or anything, but simply because it was just more of the same with a different theme.
    Last edited by RobertMugabe; 2021-02-11 at 12:12 PM.

  9. #269
    Immortal Zka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMugabe View Post
    Dunno why people expect to be entertained 24/7 by WoW. That wasn't even in the case in the good old days.
    Because it WAS the case in the good old days. Old WoW had nothing but group content at max level (with slight exaggeration), so you either played group content or you levelled new alts (and then played group content with others). Blizz for some reason figured we need a lot of mandatory solo content so we can be bored out of our mind while doing them and then not get guild groups because everyone is busy with these boring solo content grinds.
    Last edited by Zka; 2021-02-11 at 12:35 PM.

  10. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by MatthewOU2015 View Post
    you know the mmo champion crowd is never bored and never has a problem with the game. They might even blame you for being bored
    Maybe we should separate the forums, one called “I play 5 hours a day every day and now I’m bored” and another “I play 1 hour per day and I’m overwhelmed with things to do” (also a third called “I don’t play and I’m bored”, would probably be the most populated one).

    You can’t create enough content, especially at the start of an expansion, to please nolifers for too much time, there’s nothing Blizzard can do about it.

  11. #271
    Quote Originally Posted by Yriel View Post
    No it wasn't.
    As i said they had stuff to do in earlier extensions, be it warfronts and islands in BfA, be it Suramar in Legion etc. And back then LFR and heroics had a purpose since they provided loot.
    What did you do in Suramar??? You played through the campaign and then it was nothing but worldquests and that one follower scenario thing once every few days. Just like you're playing through the covenant campaign and do the Maw/Torghast weekly or daily.

    and strong legendaries... not really since you need high level loot to update them so again you are basically stuck with the default version if you don't raid/m+. And thats ok, i don't really need higher versions for what i do but that doesn't motivate me to do Torghast again.
    What... Why do you think you need to raid/m+ to be able to upgrade your legendary?

    What I do not understand is why don't you just raid and do m+? You complain that heroics and LFR are useless now but you're not doing m+ or normal/heroic raids because..... why exactly? Ever considered that they made heroics and LFR useless for a reason to push players into the higher content?

  12. #272
    Quote Originally Posted by Wuusah View Post
    What did you do in Suramar??? You played through the campaign and then it was nothing but worldquests and that one follower scenario thing once every few days. Just like you're playing through the covenant campaign and do the Maw/Torghast weekly or daily.
    Rebuild the zone. It was cool to see the cave more and more rebuild, it was nice to unlock all kinds of stuff along with it like the training of the withered. They have experience with that kind of permanent rebuilding of zones, like in molten front or suramar. It's fun and most people seemed to like it. Why not have it anymore?
    It would be cool to reclaim lost groves in Ardenweald or lost temples in Bastion, heal the wounds and rebuild the zones, so to speak.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuusah View Post
    What... Why do you think you need to raid/m+ to be able to upgrade your legendary?
    You need a higher level item to upgrade your legendary, don't you? So where do you think they come from?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wuusah View Post
    What I do not understand is why don't you just raid and do m+? You complain that heroics and LFR are useless now but you're not doing m+ or normal/heroic raids because..... why exactly? Ever considered that they made heroics and LFR useless for a reason to push players into the higher content?
    I don't like playing by schedule. I raided from end of vanilla to Wrath. In the end i often drove home from work and really dreaded plaing wow, i just wanted to watch a movie or something that evening but no, it was raidday so i only had time to heat up a frozen pizza and then spend the rest of the night raiding. At some point early Cata i stopped, i only wanted to play wow if i want to, not when it's scheduled. That and all the drama that constantly surrounds raids if you aren't progressing.
    And by the same page i hate timed gameplay. I have no problem with difficult dungeons, i actually liked TBCs dungeons best in WoW. But Mythic+ are just not fun because of all that Gogogogooogogogog! gameplay. No my cup of tea.
    So yeah, thats where i am.

  13. #273
    I'm bored because.. what happened to community? I'm back after three years or something and its just totally dead everywhere. But at least LFG have nice overgeared people. And last week I was grinding torghast until my wife said I can only do it once a week! I want a trade chat to vent my angst in but apparently it's not allowed to chat in chat anymore. This is a crappy game but at least it's sixty million times less frustrating than EVE online.

  14. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitrax View Post
    I'm bored because.. what happened to community? I'm back after three years or something and its just totally dead everywhere. But at least LFG have nice overgeared people. And last week I was grinding torghast until my wife said I can only do it once a week! I want a trade chat to vent my angst in but apparently it's not allowed to chat in chat anymore. This is a crappy game but at least it's sixty million times less frustrating than EVE online.
    getting old is tough bud, hang in there

  15. #275
    The retail became boring 2 weeks after being 60 due to many boring choirs and little to no fun content. That is what happens when raids are cleared to fast and dungeons are too easy.
    Last edited by Thundering; 2021-02-11 at 01:30 PM.

  16. #276
    Quote Originally Posted by RemasteredClassic View Post
    I have uninstalled WoW for the first time since vanilla. Kept switching to other games so much in-between the one hour a week of me touching boreghast that it no longer made sense for WoW to be on my hard drive and keep the sub.

    Currently playing BDO for art style and combat as a waiting game while looking forward to New World, Outriders, Crimson Desert, PSO2 NG for 2021 and OW2, POE2 and Blue Protocol...etc for 2022.
    Ok fucking loser, imagine playing wow for ALL of that time and just doing torghast every week. Good players don’t even all do torghast anymore, have fun playing BDO, the endgame is real structured!

  17. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by Yriel View Post
    You need a higher level item to upgrade your legendary, don't you? So where do you think they come from?
    Where did the 190 piece come from that you got to make the base version? The higher versions come from the same place. You don't need to raid or do M+ at all for legendaries. You just need to know a crafter and/or pay one.

    I don't like playing by schedule. I raided from end of vanilla to Wrath. In the end i often drove home from work and really dreaded plaing wow, i just wanted to watch a movie or something that evening but no, it was raidday so i only had time to heat up a frozen pizza and then spend the rest of the night raiding. At some point early Cata i stopped, i only wanted to play wow if i want to, not when it's scheduled. That and all the drama that constantly surrounds raids if you aren't progressing.
    And by the same page i hate timed gameplay. I have no problem with difficult dungeons, i actually liked TBCs dungeons best in WoW. But Mythic+ are just not fun because of all that Gogogogooogogogog! gameplay. No my cup of tea.
    So yeah, thats where i am.
    You are ignorant. This is the big problem that you have. You think all the raiders out there are in a raid guild with fixed dates where they have to show up? You know how big the pug scene is? You can find a raid pretty much any day and any time. You have no experience, so it's tougher now, but you could still join a no experience group. You could start a group yourself and invite players with no experience and progress your way up. Whenever you want. No strings attached to you.

    Same problem with M+. What does it matter that it is timed? There is no "gogogogo" gameplay in M+. You think people are all hectic in M+? You can single pull every trash group and go slowly from pack to pack and still finish with 5 minutes left on the timer. The timer is meaningless, especially if you are just starting in low keys. This content is all about YOU. It's about how you play. You are not in a hurry. The timer is very lenient in that regard. It only becomes a problem once you go high in keys.

    Your whole problem of "it's not my cup of tea" is that you have talked yourself into this fantasy of how you think the game is being played in endgame. It's not a reality.

  18. #278
    I'm starting to realize that WoW is not for me, at least the majority of its content. Also, it's the cycle, content comes out -- we burn through it, then rest, rinse and repeat.

  19. #279
    Shadowlands is like a really good long-lasting marriage: the honeymoon never actually ends. It's kind of sad that the phrase "the honeymoon is over" means that the marriage is now boring.

    I like this expansion. It's the best one so far. As a disclaimer, my first sub charge was December 2006 and the only time my sub was inactive was seven months in the second half of BC due to a deployment.
    Originally Posted by Zarhym (Blue Tracker)
    this thread is a waste of internet

  20. #280
    WoW retail is fun the first weeks with new content. Then it's boring. No progression happens, so only content if you want to repeat with alts. I do not raid or pvp(do not have the time nor interest for it)
    So I rather end up playing multiplayer games with friends instead. Like warzone or good old RTS games.

    I am looking forward for TBC classic. I really enjoy the first 3 versions wow had, but wotlk has many bad things. Really OP DK's and gear everywhere and obolete after every patch cycle. Also adding dungeon finder tools. The game was so dumbed down and they slightly removed more and more the mmo aspect from it. Now it's basically a single player game.

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