Hi, first of I kind of dislike Vanilla, I really do. Especially I hate leveling in Vanilla. Even a TBC 2.3.4 server with (compare to Vanilla) increased exp rates is to slow. Therefore I want to start leveling soon the get much of the rested bonus.

What class to choose. Well thats of course pretty important. There are a few decisions for me. These are challance/fun, demand, effort/cost

a: challange/fun. For me the is the MOST important thing. I dont focus on much on pvp or leveling. For me raids are the most important thing. And while I like hunter for leveling it becomes the most braindead and therefore for me boring class to play in raids. Pressing one macro over and over again? no thanks. Destro Warlocks are also pretty bad but Affli is nice and is at least at the beginning of the game kind of decent. I think I go for shadow priest, you MUST use a lot of abilites. So how would you rank the 9 classes?

b: demand: Yeah pretty easy to understand: I want to have it easy to find a raiding guild. While I like the rouge I know that it will be super hard to find a raid guild. As far I remember tanks were pretty high in demand for 5 man dungeons but not so much for raids. But I may switch my spec later on.

c: effort/cost: Sorry to say but I am kind of a greedy player and dont want to need a ton of consumables. Tanks have a high demand of consumables like armor potion. They are also pretty gear dependand. I simply dont have the time to farm non stop for some epic items or expensive consumables.

Another question I am asking myself:
what server should I use. Actually I am German but my english is decent enough. I studied 2 years abroad and miss talking with people in another language. And I never forget Schneesturm for translating EVERYTHING in the most braindead way possible. Imagine Albert Einstein would become Albert onestone. While I can play in another languages it kind of sucks if most players (at least the new ones) use these abominations of names.

On the other hand its great to talk with people from your own region. You may find some people near you and might even meet them in real life. You can talk to them about politics, stores or whatever from your own country. Since I dont have an account I cant post on the official WOW forum and post something in the German forum. Is there any way to figgure out german servers (class balance, horde/allianz ratio, active players)? Or can someone recommend a german WOW forum where I can post something? Would be nice to pick a server with many people near my own location