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  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenJesus View Post
    Wow... that is just.. I bet this complaint hasn't even reached blizzard yet since so few people actually bothered doing this stuff.
    That's the problem with a lot of the cosmetic rewards in SL. It's not even remotely worth trying to achieve them. It's almost impossible for me to even get excited about most cosmetics anymore since the time sink is just way to unreasonable.

  2. #182
    Sounds like you had a lot of bad luck, but I do agree with the OP post.

    I did the TLPD and Aeonaxx farm back before cross realm (left it on while watching TV shows), but I don't bother with camping like that anymore.
    I agree the shadowlands rares and treasure are frustrating, and it feels like Blizz went overboard with the requirements for some of them.
    I mean if you did not look on wowhead or have an addon installed, you wouldn't know where to start with these weird requirements like keys, which covenant you're in etc.

    If you're finding it a frustrating chore (which I would), I would just wait until you've got flying and a higher iLevel before bothering.
    Like others have said, the lack of flight whistle, disconnected zones and ridiculous flightpath journeys just waste too much precious time at the moment.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyris Flare View Post
    The bigger problem is that there are apparently a non trivial number of players who actually want to grind world quests and rares, which seems absolutely insane to me. If people didn't jump through these hoops maybe Blizzard could give us more interesting content.
    "If other people didn't like what I don't like Blizzard would agree with me that the content is bad and make less of it." Wow, we have officially reached the pinnacle of egocentrism.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by meroko View Post
    some rares only drop their rare items for that specific zones Covenant. I didn't catch what Covenant you were, but I wanted to make that point known that not all rewards are available to everyone, only those specific Covenants.
    And some have requirements even above those. Like according to wowhead's mount drop article being a necrolord isn't enough to get Geiger and Sabriel's mounts, you have to be channeling to that location to qualify. Don't have to be the spawner, but still channeling. Most of the rest, like Valfir, are just covenant required.
    The most difficult thing to do is accept that there is nothing wrong with things you don't like and accept that people can like things you don't.

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by Schizoide View Post
    Blizzard has the metrics, yes. They know how many people have those cosmetics, and they should adjust droprates and anima costs accordingly.

    Frankly, that's why I don't have any of it myself. I figured it was all far too rare or too expensive, and anima drops too meager, and I'd wait until they nerfed it all. And they will, eventually. I'm in no particular hurry.

    Thing is, this led to me playing the game less. They have those metrics too. Player engagement matters, if people don't login they're less likely to renew their subscription.
    I think the thing that will lead to the most loss of player engagement lost and subs leaving will be the first content patch being released in June, July, or possibly August. Do you disagree? If so than I would imagine taking people off the task of getting content out faster makes zero sense.

    It isn't that I actually have a problem with just handing these things out on the first kill or anything. Or if they were like 50% drop rate. How I can make my shoulders look like isn't that important to me. If it makes you happy than I got no problem with that either. But I do think if all these things could be collected in a week it can also lead to people leaving because then they actually would have NOTHING to do unless they log in to raid once a week or something. So I am not here to counter making them easier to get. I just wonder if it might be a double edged sword will sure, some people are leaving because they cannot get all they want in a weekend and the other edge being if people got it all yesterday they might also bounce.

  5. #185
    All my urge to farm rares for mounts, pets, etc. disappeared when they abandoned "argus style" rares. These ones were perfect imo, as you could quickly do them on alts instead waiting for hours just for the rare to spawn.

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    Rares have always been a thing in wow, but since mists of pandaria they have become less so rares, and more so "mobs with special names that are always alive and need to be killed daily for a chance at a reward" instead of "actual rarespawn, that almost always drops their unique reward" of the past.

    This is a major fucking issue, especially with shadowlands, and here I am to give you some examples.

    1. Bubbleblood- While I can solo this rare, it takes awhile, and its annoying ,it is slow and boring, takes about a minute, and I have killed this rare every day since launch of shadowlands. And yet here we are april 9th, and i still have yet to get his grungy containment pack. The reason I am hunting this item is for the pack cause it fits my mog amazingly. we are almost 6 months in, and this one reward is still missing. that is literally insane, that is in the most simple terms, a 0.5% drop rate (for me) and this is
    one item
    on one rare
    in one zone
    how is that at all respectful to the players time? that you ask of players who want to collect all the rewards just form world content itself, multiple hours of farming every single day, for MONTHS just to have a chance at the rewards, FROM WORLD CONTENT.

    2- collector kash- this highlights another issue, he has a few rewards, however one of them the jagged bonesaw could not be obtained till jan 12th when we unlocked a new renown level... after that point he now drops the jagged bonesaw, this item is a modifier you apply to a toy you get as a necrolord. And yet, I have been farming this rare every day since jan 12th. 3 months later, and yet where is that jagged bonesaw? still on the rare. Locking a garunteed item behind unlocking its drop is fine, get renown then go kill a rare and get the item! but locking a RANDOM CHANCE behind something like this? its fucking mental

    3- Tahonta- this rare had a secret method required to get the mount, which required reaching a specific level of the abomination factory, and then to go find a secret abomination neena, and then have her on you when you kill the rare, meaning all the kills before this, all the farming, was pointless, cause you never could have gotten the mount. Imagine if some rare had a secret method where you had to kill a rare the same hour your account was registered on, most players would get it acidently, as the others would all be screwed, not knowing that the time they played at and killed it, meant they never ever had the chance of getting this. it took a fair while for players to figure out it was neena that made the mount spawn, and even now we arnt 100% sure, as even with neena, people like me killing tahonta every day still have yet to get the mount.

    now i shouldnt need to do this, but fuck it lets give it a shot!
    What does my average day look like?

    Log on with neena. Go to tahonta and kill them. No mount
    Go to bubbleblood, ask in chat if anyone wants to help kill. No response. wait 10 seconds, then spend the next minute killing bubbleblood. No pack
    Then go to collector kash, kill him. no bonesaw.
    Then I take the portal back to the seat. and then i go to the abom factory and collect unity. Then go and do ALL the maldraxxus world quests. Then return to the abom factory and pick up neena again.

    Oh wait unity? oh yeah. There is an ENTIRE ARMOR SET locked behind doing world quests in maldraxxus with unity as your active abom, unity an abom not obtainable till rank 5 of the abom factory. And has no weekly quest, same with neena, so you cant carry their summon items in your bag, you have to go actually pick them up from the abom factory. And completing a world quest with unity, has about a 1 in 20 chance of giving you a peice of gear for your mog set.

    Now repeat this for 6 months straight, and im sure you start to see why this is so fucking draining, depressing, and tiring.
    Because of this I have been playing less and less of shadowlands day by day, to the point most days my log in is just to go, kill these 3 rares, then log off, because its just exhausting. and im playing more classic then live, even playing more of other games that i used to only play when wow's servers were down.

    People love to talk about how "locking flying is just blizzard trying to force people to stay subbed for longer" i love to point out that is hilariously wrong.
    Simply because this, this right here is that. its gambling, not with money but with time. "If i kill them today i might just get it!" its disgusting and disrespectful to players time. Blizzard needs to increase the drop rate of rares, or simply return them to what they used to be.

    I can garuntee you right now, I far prefered the time lost protodrake to this shit. When I farmed that mount it took me a long time, but that i could sit there and play something else, it was "once it spawns i am 100% going to get it" instead of this, were the mob is always there, but every single day you have a chance to get the item, and this chance means you are never actually garunteed to get it, even if you farm for 6 fucking months like I have.

    Many people call me a shill saying I never say anything bad about the game, usually because I keep to myself the problems, simply because my problems with the game are ones plenty of people already talk about, or ones not big enough to make a thread or big deal about, so I never really voice them, but for yall that keep calling me shill and such, here is one of my problems I feel is big enough to talk about, and is a major problem.

    Blizzard makes a lot of stupid fucking decisions, but stuff like this, these "small things" they add up, especially as this is THREE RARES there is atleast 100 in shadowlands. and yet 3 of them have me here 6 months later still missing rewards. I can only fucking imagine how bad it is for other people who actually want to "complete" shadowlands. I know for example desmephisto who is going for full plate, he has been doing hardcore wow every day all day for 6 months now on multiple warriors to try and get all the plate gear in shadowlands. here we are 6 months later, hes got multiple warriors of each covenent. and yet hes only about 50% done completion... that is fucking insane.

    I did so many dailies, killed so many rares, I was world first 20k, 30k, and 35k anima. And yet here we are, there is still countless rewards i have to unlock, after months of farming, and yet ive maybe only unlocked 20-30% of necorlord cloth rewards. like and there is fucking 3 more necrolord armor types, then ontop of that 3 more covenants, like you gotta be fucking kidding me.

    Rant over, im gunna go drink for abit and see how this turns out, tell me what item youve been farming for or something idk. what rare has been fucking abyssmal to you?
    Meanwhile I am waiting here complaining about nothing to do, because all those rewards seem completely pointless and uninteresting.
    I was not even aware that there are systwms with this complexity in place lol

  7. #187
    from my pov its not a major problem, cuz i dont give a damn about rares and what they drop. maybe if they were a challange and dropped something usefull and not just another pet/mount/toy/cosmetic to throw on the massive pile of useless junk that i never use. only "all the things" fanatics care about that shit.

  8. #188
    Ever since MoP, rares have become a pile of crap that peaked during BfA in Mechagon and Nazjatar. Didn't even bothered to care to look into how they work in SL, but I assume it's the same ... rares being just named mobs that aren't rare at all, but have either their spawns or their drops locked behind retarded rng.

    Rares should be ... well ... rare. Rare chance to spawn at a random place on the map with a guaranteed drop for those lucky to be nearby.

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    You can choose between two methods:
    1) Make the mob rare, like they spawn once a day or week. Thousands camp their spot, realmhoppers steal the kill, takes literally years and insane amount luck to get the loot

    2) Make the loot rare, the bosses respawn frequently, you can go kill them and be done with the day, don't have to camp and fight with literal no lifers for the kill. Takes a few months to get the loot but you have the chance every day

    You complain about the later one. Neither is perfect, but the second option is lightyears better than sitting in Storm Peaks waiting for the Timelost Protodrake, doing nothing but spamming the target macro

  10. #190
    I wholeheartedly agree. I had the same problem with Ashen Ink for the disguise toy and achievement. Farmed that shit daily for 2 months, maybe a little bit more. Another thing i don't like is that if you change your covenant, aaaaaall the thing you farmed go to waste. All the buildings you upgraded.

    I would change my covenant for gameplay reasons. I didn't have to do that on my DK main...yet. But i changed my warrior's covenant from Kyrian to Venthyr, and i lost lvl3 travel network in the process....and i SUCKED. I can't bother farming that again.

    Oh and it sucks that after 6 months Blizzard can't bother to fix Ardenveald treasure achievement...i god Hearthy Dragon Plume on my alt and so now i can't complete exprorer's meta achievement on my main. Seems that kind of stuff is low priority for Blizzard rn.
    Last edited by Nickname93; 2021-04-12 at 11:59 AM.

  11. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    The Slimeroc is bad enough, but there's also the backpack daily drop chance from the 10/10/10 mob that spawns in the slimepools.

    I haven't even tried that for obvious reasons lmao.

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    The Tahonta thing is just major headscratcher, really.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Probably to do with how prevalent they are now. Pretty much each Shadowlands zone has multiple of them and some are covenant tied too, making them impossible to do on alts unless you plan on making like 6-7 Night Fae alts for getting, for example, the Valfir fox. It's kind of just really obnoxious to the point that the only situation I can think of that is worse in recent times is Soundless.

    Bad luck protection ought to be a thing.
    Bad luck protection is fine when it comes to gear drops. Cosmetic/mount/pet drops don't need to have bad luck protection because it's voluntary and doesn't increase the power of your character.

  12. #192
    This is a collectors xpac. For content definitely, for completion not a chance.
    Last edited by slime; 2021-04-12 at 12:16 PM.

  13. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    I promise you that everyone who obtained an item in less than 100 attempts disagrees with this very strongly. It also encourages players to log in every single day, even if they dont want to.
    And current 1% chance drop doesn't encourage them to log in daily and not miss a roll because... reasons?

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzonathan View Post
    And current 1% chance drop doesn't encourage them to log in daily and not miss a roll because... reasons?
    Because its percentage based, not currency based. They know they have the same chance of obtaining the mount on each and every run - they can farm it on multiple characters, all with the same chance, and there is no punishment for missing a day - the drop rate doesnt go down if they dont log in for a few days. Your method means there is a 0% DR for 99 attempts, and then 100% on the 100th attempt.

    I like that some cosmetics (including mounts for this discussion) can be obtained by farming - rep for example - and others are a DR. The system is fine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Bad luck protection is fine when it comes to gear drops. Cosmetic/mount/pet drops don't need to have bad luck protection because it's voluntary and doesn't increase the power of your character.
    Couldnt agree with this more - apples and oranges.
    Last edited by arkanon; 2021-04-12 at 10:47 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    In no way are you entitled to the 'complete' game when you buy it, because DLC/cosmetics and so on are there for companies to make more money
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Others, including myself, are saying that they only exist because Blizzard needed to create things so they could monetize it.

  15. #195
    Bad luck protection helps whenever you're at mercy of the almighty RNG. It's appropriate in every circumstance.

  16. #196
    The Insane rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schizoide View Post
    Bad luck protection helps whenever you're at mercy of the almighty RNG. It's appropriate in every circumstance.
    Why not just eliminate all low drop rate items then? There is no reason to keep them artificially low if it just takes X weeks to make it guaranteed. So no they are not appropriate in every circumstance. Ashes of A'lar, Mimron's head etc wouldn't have been so coveted or interesting if everyone just got it after 30 kills. There is nothing wrong with rare items.

    What is wrong is demanding everything in the game just because you've spent enough time in-game.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  17. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    Because its percentage based, not currency based. They know they have the same chance of obtaining the mount on each and every run - they can farm it on multiple characters, all with the same chance, and there is no punishment for missing a day - the drop rate doesnt go down if they dont log in for a few days. Your method means there is a 0% DR for 99 attempts, and then 100% on the 100th attempt.

    I like that some cosmetics (including mounts for this discussion) can be obtained by farming - rep for example - and others are a DR. The system is fine.
    Make the fragments tradeable. Simple fix.

  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzonathan View Post
    Make the fragments tradeable. Simple fix.
    So now all rares are P2W? What an interesting "solution".
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    In no way are you entitled to the 'complete' game when you buy it, because DLC/cosmetics and so on are there for companies to make more money
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Others, including myself, are saying that they only exist because Blizzard needed to create things so they could monetize it.

  19. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    So now all rares are P2W? What an interesting "solution".
    Not if you have alts with which you funnel all farmed fragments.
    Not that it matters because we're already passed that event horizon with wow time token and prolifiration of boosts everywhere.

  20. #200
    OP sounds like he needs a purpose in life that doesn't come from WoW. An individual whose sense of achievement for at least the last decade has come primarily from achieving esoteric WoW conquests is now being denied those tiny fulfillment boosts by bad rolls of the dice, and now his worldview is crashing down on him because the illusion that anything in WoW is actually an achievement is disappearing. Once that disappears, so too does his last decade of effort.

    This was very sad to read.
    Last edited by vizzle; 2021-04-13 at 06:05 AM.

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