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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Mehrunes View Post
    She was literally the Ranger General. All Thalassian military forces were hers to command, not just the Rangers and the Farstriders. And given how Kael's forces consisted of the most elite 15% among the survivors of Arthas' march, they would have served under Sylvanas' prior to the Scourge attack.
    Arguably, it also goes to the Grand Magister, High Priest or the King of Quel'Thalas.

    In that instance of the Third War, yes - all the aspects of High Elven society were under the command of the Grand Magister, the High Priest, the King and the Ranger General.

    I'd reckon Anasterian gave the order for the different sectors to unite, since he was the King. It's not clear whether this was a commonality.
    These days, unification is slightly more common, than what it seemingly was, before the Third War.

    Again, I think them serving Sylvanas in life, likely extends to the order from King Anasterian...not so much, Sylvanas' rule. The same applies to the authority of the High Priest and the Grand Magister.

    The Dark Rangers did fall under Sylvanas' rule, but we can't exactly say the same for the San'layn. Lana'thel, for instance, doesn't reflect on serving Sylvanas, the Ranger General...neither did Dreven, by all accounts.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-06-16 at 02:05 PM.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post

    Now, don't get me wrong - I'd also love to see some continued Sin'dorei/Shal'dorei working together. Just because we talk about improving the Sin'dorei/Forsaken relationship doesn't mean we want to cancel the Sin'dorei/Shal'dorei relationship.
    Nightborne / Nighe Elf
    Tanaria, as my brother predicted, Blood elf/Nightborne relationship is boring - he predicted if the Nightborne went horde, rather than play to their kaldorei heritage to distinguish them from Belves, blizzard would just be absorbed into the blood elves and be nothing more than yes men types, similarly to how the high elves were with humans but worse given how they are elves it's more like different elf nations with similar values - and blizz would leave it at that. Blood elves would dominate Nightborne in terms of presence and just be support characters to Belves where occasionally what would have been a Belf NPc or Blef line would now be a Nightborne line, offering and saying nothing different bringing no new cultural value or perspective. He predicted correctly what is kaldorei in the Nightborne would just be ignored, and the Belves and Nightborne would hold hands boring and interchangeable..

    They could be more, but without the kaldorei elements of the Nightborne identity coming out strong, they are just too similar, and boring together. they offer nothing interest, no conflict or nuance, hey have same area of expertise, same general ideals/lifestyle.

    Amongst the night elves, it would be like focusing on Nightborne/Highborne interactions, that'd be ridiculously boring, because it's essentially the same group, same skill set, and they'd be tight.. far more interesting would be if Nightborne/Highborne with Long vigil mindset Darnassians got development - now you're talking, Nightborne would be both an alternative life for kaldorei and their can be both friction and growth between the two different cultures. they can explore much better the similarities between the two which a lot of people don't get.

    Wow's audience completely doesn't get how Highborne/Nightborne types are related to your Darnassian, much of the explanations and reveals in novels and lore text is totally unknown to them.. the cultural parallels are totally lost in the big arcane and nature difference which blizzard has highlighted and compounded further by placing the Nightborne with the horde thus giving the illusion that Nightborne couldn't be further away from Night elves, yet Nightborne are night elf culture - so how do the two relate?

    i ofc have written paragraphs on that.. most recently:

    Predictions on a new night elf capital city and zone - Page 8 (

    There is conflict with one group overcoming stigma which should be well on it's way out , dealing and coping with the revelations of Legion, the end of addiction, and how do we identify ourselves now.. we share this ancient legacy, and basically the arcane civilization of the Nightborne and Shen'dralar, along with that druidic culture and the priesthood of Elune were the 3 pillars that forged the pre-sundering empire Haydene, Azshara and Malfurion could have balanced that society with equal relevance..

    Now there is no Azshara - perhaps a Tyrande, Malfurion and Farondis could find a new balance.. but there are obstacles to overcome, there is the complex the Nightborne face concerning the night elves which is far more interesting than anything they have with the blood elves.. here you have their kin many people they probably know personally from before the sundering, currently living like that.. without the arcane comforts, a life Thalyssra and some Nightborne only had a few months to a year to experience, yet without such a power as the arcane, their kin have remained healthy, sane , strong and defeated the Legion a second time around, not to mention nature they looked down produced wonders like the world tree, , healing world ecology and being the salvation of the Nightborne - there is much awe and yet contempt

    there is also marrying of magics, arcane influencing druidism and druidism influencing arcane to explore.

    There is the role of the priesthood too, this is the order that holds the arcane power as sacred, and was the races first group to utilise it, much happened because of the legion's arrivan and ban, yet the cathedral is free, and Suramar's spiritual order returns.. what does that does that look.

    on both sides their are questions do the night elves continue a 3 separate segregated orders (check my diversity post - Night Elves the most diverse racial group? - Page 3 ( ) or do you show ares of integration annd segregation - e.g. cities have integration, outside is segregation or do they live in cities in distinct separate areas for each order...

    there is so much to explore. That will actually interest fans of the night elf race and could be a very interesting exploration for fans of warcraft in general.

    Meanwhile for blood elf and Nightborne - the biggest source of interest is - grumbling that the Nightborne do all the arcane works with blood elves relgated (they view ), to light duties. or objecting to alliance fans suggesting Suramar should come over to the alliance.

    Most are even cringed/creeped out by Lor'themar/Thalyssra romance, it has weird, it has no fire, and it's not loved. almost as if blood elves can't love people of their own race, they have to go to humans or Nightborne.

    So the Nightborne went horde anyway, but, if they show us more Night elf Nightborne interaction and development, Nightborne joining the horde could be even more interesting for a night elf /Nightborne relationship that isn't wholly based on war. What seemed to be a bad move, can actually add to everything I've just said.. adding higher stakes, more controversy but also more cooperation, more elven unity - something that people like my brother and @Rhlor use to long for. all this can happen with Nightborne still being on the horde as a race, and still being friends with the blood elves. Who told you that because you are friends with one group automatically means you can never be with your kin - who've done you no wrong, who you like and are curious about? In fact, that could add more nuance, blood elves not liking the Nightborne - night elf interaction and that causing some tension and conflict between blood elves and Nightborne - allowing their relationship to be more interesting.

    Nightborne and night elf relationship from every angle is actually potentially a very interesting route to take.. whether it leads to night elven Nightborne, Suramar changing, or nothing changing in terms of faction allegiance. This is one area faction alignment can actually take back seat and offer the wow audience a perspective on the player races cross faction that is not hate dominated or warfare conflict dominated.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Great, so long as we still get Sin'dorei and Shal'dorei moments together, I don't care.

    It might be boring to you two, but I love it. Finally, the Blood Elves have a race they relate to on a magical level. Hopefully, the Shal'dorei will hold some involvement in a Quel'Thalas update for the Horde.
    Valtrois and Rommath are highly strung characters, they could bounce off each other.
    Syrenne and Halduron can also showcase Nightborne and Blood Elf Hunters.

    Nightborne are more than just nelf servants, who only have lore moments with nelfs. Real Nightborne fans don't want that and why would they? Being relegated to only having moments with the tree huggers and Nightborne fans having to ask permission to have lore moments with other races. I think, that is really, all you want.

    Nightborne being banned from talking to all other races, except nelfs
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-06-16 at 02:19 PM.

  4. #24
    @Tanaria So much potential missed in night elf Nightborne interaction, they could really bring out the kaldorei culture and in a sense how the night elves rose to be a great empire .. ofc that wouldn't happen now, because the Nightborne are on the horde, so and night elves aren't into dominating the world, but they can be a beacon of prosperity, flourishing life, and have a resurgence of their golden era on a smaller scale that both factions have access to because one is on the alliance and the other on the horde.

    It can offer a different type of elven kingdom to that of the Thalassians simply because of how arcane, nature and Elune have been set up to interact and the corporation of the two can show that. Meanwhile the Thalassians can continue to interact with humans and trolls, and dwarves on EK , like the good ol days, even with some of them on the horde and on the alliance, it's a different set up, different challenges, nuances, focuses, despite their similarities, they are also different.

    It's interesting and a lost opportunity or rather an opportunity that is not being ceased.

    [ps. I predict Tanaria will not be able to see past horde alliance rivalry, and will loo at this from the smaller picture of alliance getting horde stuff and some wicked ploy by ravenmoon, rather than just seeing this for what it is, an honest, non-faction motivated desire for better night elf lore independent of what the alliance and horde are doing . So night elves can be more interesting and enjoyed by both factions. But he's pegged me as some horde hater, so whatever I say cannot be positive, and he certainly cannot agree with me. Afterall, I'm the enemy, I'm the alliance,.. and this is all a ploy. - please prove me wrong Tanaria

  5. #25
    Zandalari, Revantusk and Darkspear trying negotiate with remaining troll tribes to be allies or at least trading partners of the Horde

    Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring healing Silithus

    some sort of council from all Human nations (similar to wyrmrest accord) getting some stuff done and solving some real problems. or maybe trying to get some artifacts from former human nation ruins. etc

    Dark Iron and Bronzebeard clans helping Wildhammers retake Grim Batol and Twilight Highlands

    mechagnomes helping cleanse gnomereggan for good

    this game really needs some positive rebuilding

    we cant have sentinell hill burning for years and some similar dumb stuff

    we need some stuff fixed

    for example,whike Bastion aint my ideal zone,half of its story goes around wildlife,fixing stuff,training, visiting past,etc.

    lots of zones can have similar results

    to see that we changed world for good

    phasing could help alot

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    @Tanaria So much potential missed in night elf Nightborne interaction, they could really bring out the kaldorei culture and in a sense how the night elves rose to be a great empire .. ofc that wouldn't happen now, because the Nightborne are on the horde, so and night elves aren't into dominating the world, but they can be a beacon of prosperity, flourishing life, and have a resurgence of their golden era on a smaller scale that both factions have access to because one is on the alliance and the other on the horde.

    It can offer a different type of elven kingdom to that of the Thalassians simply because of how arcane, nature and Elune have been set up to interact and the corporation of the two can show that. Meanwhile the Thalassians can continue to interact with humans and trolls, and dwarves on EK , like the good ol days, even with some of them on the horde and on the alliance, it's a different set up, different challenges, nuances, focuses, despite their similarities, they are also different.

    It's interesting and a lost opportunity or rather an opportunity that is not being ceased.

    [ps. I predict Tanaria will not be able to see past horde alliance rivalry, and will loo at this from the smaller picture of alliance getting horde stuff and some wicked ploy by ravenmoon, rather than just seeing this for what it is, an honest, non-faction motivated desire for better night elf lore independent of what the alliance and horde are doing . So night elves can be more interesting and enjoyed by both factions. But he's pegged me as some horde hater, so whatever I say cannot be positive, and he certainly cannot agree with me. Afterall, I'm the enemy, I'm the alliance,.. and this is all a ploy. - please prove me wrong Tanaria
    Well boohoo.

    You had Thalyssra and Shandris work with each other in Nazjatar. What else do you want, except Nightborne being banned from communicating with the other races of the world?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Great, so long as we still get Sin'dorei and Shal'dorei moments together, I don't care.

    It might be boring to you two, but I love it. Finally, the Blood Elves have a race they relate to on a magical level.

    Nightborne are more than just nelf servants.
    You will still get Sin'dorei /Shal'dorei moments, as i wrote.. I also wrote they'd be even more interesting.. because they won't all be amicable, this allows the value of friendship to be more powerful in the face of enmity a, rivalry and differences. it means it won't be a beautiful perfect union, but it would be a better one, that can have better meaning, a more meaningful friendship because there is also conflict and disagreements. Right now , they have no reason to disagree.

    Your response might actually mean you will prove what i said in spoiler tags about you wrong. If so, I'll be hones, I'm shocked.

    and I didn't say it wasn't nice, I said i t was boring. Nice can get very boring . nice is great for real life, it's terrible for a drama/ entertaining product.. this is why conflict has to be around. My biggest beef is that you can't constantly show conflict, you have to balance it with nice stuff. but if it's only nice, like the Belf/Nightborne interaction, it quickly becomes boring.. nothing more to see here.

  8. #28
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    I'd want to see more

    Goblin Vs. Gnome

    Though, for cooperation, I'd like to see High Elves and Blood Elves connecting. Or once more, see Tauren and Night Elves work together again.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    You will still get Sin'dorei /Shal'dorei moments, as i wrote.. I also wrote they'd be even more interesting.. because they won't all be amicable, this allows the value of friendship to be more powerful in the face of enmity a, rivalry and differences. it means it won't be a beautiful perfect union, but it would be a better one, that can have better meaning, a more meaningful friendship because there is also conflict and disagreements. Right now , they have no reason to disagree.

    Your response might actually mean you will prove what i said in spoiler tags about you wrong. If so, I'll be hones, I'm shocked.

    and I didn't say it wasn't nice, I said i t was boring. Nice can get very boring . nice is great for real life, it's terrible for a drama/ entertaining product.. this is why conflict has to be around. My biggest beef is that you can't constantly show conflict, you have to balance it with nice stuff. but if it's only nice, like the Belf/Nightborne interaction, it quickly becomes boring.. nothing more to see here.
    Well we've had Nightborne and Night Elves interact.
    The latest was in BFA. Blizzard are aware of it, but I think they prefer the more natural Blood Elf/Nightborne friendship and the more interesting friendship, which is very different, between Void Elves and Night Elves.
    This is what the Alliance needs...a bit of controversy which takes it out of the "white knight" slug fest.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Well boohoo.

    You had Thalyssra and Shandris work with each other in Nazjatar. What else do you want, except Nightborne being banned from communicating with the other races of the world?
    Much more, they touch the tip of the iceberg, of working through the issues that can potentially be resolved.. but in my long post above, I hint at some of the deeper things that can be explored from a societal level.

    Shandris interacting with Thalyssra was much more interesting than the Lor'themar/Thalyssra stuff. Lor and Thally just stand together, with a romance short given online much later to show they have feelings that doesn't move anyone.. this while nice, is rather weak.

    So this is how you show more. Nightborne and Night elf relations is the way forward, and it can be very interesting with Nightborne and blood elves till being tight. - it is certainly better than the current situation. hey we're enemies so, let's literally forget everything we did together in 7.01, especially 7.0 and our shared origin. And how interesting our different paths through the last 10,000 years and years apart can make coming together a very interesting affair. Why? because "mwuhaha, you're alliance, and we're horde, we can't possibly, have relations.. it must be black and white, cos that's the only way things can be.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Much more, they touch the tip of the iceberg, of working through the issues that can potentially be resolved.. but in my long post above, I hint at some of the deeper things that can be explored from a societal level.

    Shandris interacting with Thalyssra was much more interesting than the Lor'themar/Thalyssra stuff. Lor and Thally just stand together, with a romance short given online much later to show they have feelings that doesn't move anyone.. this while nice, is rather weak.

    So this is how you show more. Nightborne and Night elf relations is the way forward, and it can be very interesting with Nightborne and blood elves till being tight. - it is certainly better than the current situation. hey we're enemies so, let's literally forget everything we did together in 7.01, especially 7.0 and our shared origin. And how interesting our different paths through the last 10,000 years and years apart can make coming together a very interesting affair. Why? because "mwuhaha, you're alliance, and we're horde, we can't possibly, have relations.. it must be black and white, cos that's the only way things can be.
    Let's not turn this into some odd Night Elf/Nightborne thing.

    I love the relation between Blood Elves and Nightborne, far more than Nelfs and Nightborne. I just find the latter stale and boring and quite predictable.

    Atleast on the Horde and working more with them, the Nightborne can work with other powerful and interesting races like the Zandalari, the Orcs, the Darkspear, their neighbors in the Highmountain Tribe.
    For me, I think this presents far more interesting relationships for Suramar. Thalyssra and Talanji became good friends as Talanji thanks Thalyssra for her work against the Banshee Loyalists and Zandalari Exiles
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-06-16 at 03:03 PM.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Let's not turn this into some odd Night Elf/Nightborne thing.

    I love the relation between Blood Elves and Nightborne, far more than Nelfs and Nightborne. I just find the latter stale and boring and quite predictable.

    Atleast on the Horde and working more with them, the Nightborne can work with other powerful and interesting races like the Zandalari, the Orcs, the Darkspear, their neighbors in the Highmountain Tribe.
    For me the closest thing we have to have between the two elves is that the elves of the Horde are trying to "fix things" and the Kaldorei remarked that it is too late to fix something.
    Foolish enough was the talk between the Horde Elves and Shandris. With the indeference they had of the last events.

    The Kaldorei if he has to negotiate with someone from the Horde can only be the Zandalari. Or some race that is added later. Everyone else is essentially a Teldrazzil partner and at least they have to remember if they get together ... and it wouldn't be something really fun to remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Shandris interacting with Thalyssra was much more interesting than the Lor'themar/Thalyssra stuff. Lor and Thally just stand together, with a romance short given online much later to show they have feelings that doesn't move anyone.. this while nice, is rather weak.
    It really wasn't. It was a very empty talk.

    They skipped the "important" topic and Thalyssra seems more to be making up an excuse.
    Last edited by geco; 2021-06-16 at 03:07 PM.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Let's not turn this into some odd Night Elf/Nightborne thing.

    I love the relation between Blood Elves and Nightborne, far more than Nelfs and Nightborne. I just find the latter stale and boring and quite predictable.

    At least on the Horde and working more with them, the Nightborne can work with other powerful and interesting races like the Zandalari, the Orcs, the Darkspear, their neighbors in the Highmountain Tribe.
    What do you love about the Nightborne and Blood elf relationship?

    It is nice to have. For me I just like that they're friends. Even though i don't particularly like the nightborne, it's nice to have cool wizard friends. It isn't interesting above that, but it doesn't need to be.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Let's not turn this into some odd Night Elf/Nightborne thing.

    I love the relation between Blood Elves and Nightborne, far more than Nelfs and Nightborne. I just find the latter stale and boring and quite predictable.
    I just wrote an essay with many points on what potential and interest a Nightborne and night elf relationship would be, even with Nightborne still being horde and still overall being friendly with blood elves, I'm still waiting for your similar point to s///

    Looks like my comment about you was right.. your snide remark doesn't make sense, which shows it was given out of anger, cos you hate me suggesting night elves have anything to do with Nightborne because for you it's all about horde vs alliance and I'm the enemy here /rolleyes

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    What do you love about the Nightborne and Blood elf relationship?

    It is nice to have. For me I just like that they're friends. Even though i don't particularly like the nightborne, it's nice to have cool wizard friends. It isn't interesting above that, but it doesn't need to be.
    You just wrote earlier that you'd like to see more night elf/nightborne stuff and now you are saying it doesn't need to be? Sure, we don't need to have any racial stories but if this was a matter of need, then I might be writing a different piece.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    What do you love about the Nightborne and Blood elf relationship?

    It is nice to have. For me I just like that they're friends. Even though i don't particularly like the nightborne, it's nice to have cool wizard friends. It isn't interesting above that, but it doesn't need to be.
    It's the fact that Blood Elves and Nightborne can relate to each other on a deep level regarding magical dependence.
    And Nightborne Mages don't suddenly cancel Blood Elf Mages, just like Troll and Undead Mages aren't cancelled.

    During the faction assaults, Blood Elves and Nightborne took up the role of being the Honorbound Arcanists with the Blood Elven Blood Magi holding a presence in Nazmir.
    Blood Elf Mages also fought in the Arathi highlands.

    It's also the counter to a Night Elf and Void Elf friendship, which is different and controversial, but Blizzard have made it work through Shandris and Umbric.

    The Alliance elf friendship is purposely different from the Horde elf friendship and both work. Alliance needs less predictable friendships.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    I just wrote an essay with many points on what potential and interest a Nightborne and night elf relationship would be, even with Nightborne still being horde and still overall being friendly with blood elves, I'm still waiting for your similar point to s///

    Looks like my comment about you was right.. your snide remark doesn't make sense, which shows it was given out of anger, cos you hate me suggesting night elves have anything to do with Nightborne because for you it's all about horde vs alliance and I'm the enemy here /rolleyes
    What's snide? The fact that I just prefer Nightborne working, not only with the Blood Elves, but the different races of the Horde, like the Zandalari and Orcs?
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-06-16 at 03:15 PM.

  16. #36
    Worgen and night elf. The night elves saved the Gilnean's furry hides back in Cataclysm, and aside from a short scene in the Howling Oak and one little mention in BfA, there hasn't been a lot of evidence of that relationship. Instead we always see Genn with the High King.

    On the Horde side, I'd pick goblins with...anyone. They still feel very tacked onto the side of the Horde, not really invested in much of it, to the point where a neutral goblin not associated with the Bilgewater Cartel was appointed to serve as their leader. Most goblin representation is tied to either Garrosh or Sylvanas' rule, with their inventions being used to fuel war efforts (including those used against the Horde in two expansions: MoP and WoD).

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by geco View Post
    For me the closest thing we have to have between the two elves is that the elves of the Horde are trying to "fix things" and the Kaldorei remarked that it is too late to fix something.
    Foolish enough was the talk between the Horde Elves and Shandris. With the indeference they had of the last events.

    The Kaldorei if he has to negotiate with someone from the Horde can only be the Zandalari. Or some race that is added later. Everyone else is essentially a Teldrazzil partner and at least they have to remember if they get together ... and it wouldn't be something really fun to remember.

    It really wasn't. It was a very empty talk.

    They skipped the "important" topic and Thalyssra seems more to be making up an excuse.
    Shandris/Thalsysysra talk was nonsense for a one off, if they were going to blow it up into something more interesting, then fine, but the night elves have already had that discourse in cataclysm witch each other.

    While it isn't beyond reason or plausibility that some issues still remain - Shandris seems to be overwhelmed with emotion on seeing Zin'Azshari and this is the source of her over reaction to Thalyssra, who's calm measured response and logic actually causes Shandris to concede the point in the end. This is because Shandris already made peace with the past and Highborne in the affairs concerning the Shen'dralar.

    It was a rehash piece, just flavour... what would be interesting is if these interactions meant something that could lead to something. something positive for a change.. it doesn't always have to be negative, but it can have both positives and negative repercussions.

    much to be said.

    You are 100% correct it was empty talk. But perhaps that is what Tanaria likes so much. I mean fluff talk is nice for flavour, but i would say I love it very much, and i would certainly ask for something more substantial.

    If he is happy with that, I serious would question how much he really likes these elves, and if he does really like these elves, then his statement is deceiving I must then ask the question why he's being deceptive. Maybe it's just because it's me that's suggesting it or he thinks he is in some war against me or alliance elf fans.

    Maybe he gets off on this. A lot of guys get off on fighting. Doesn't have to be physical.. it's a testosterone thing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post

    What's snide? The fact that I just prefer Nightborne working, not only with the Blood Elves, but the different races of the Horde, like the Zandalari and Orcs?
    This snide:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Let's not turn this into some odd Night Elf/Nightborne thing.

    I love the relation between Blood Elves and Nightborne, far more than Nelfs and Nightborne. I just find the latter stale and boring and quite predictable.

    First one indicates this is some bad thing which is exactly what the topic is about.. corporation between different races.. why wouldn't this be about a Nightborne/ night elf thing - it's perfectly valid

    And the second... is that you are finding that interaction boring and quite predictable for no good reason you've shown. you've failed to provide reasons you find the blood elf/Nightborne interesting - although that's not a problem if you do, only then to call the Nightborne/night elf one boring and stale despite given a host of avenues such a relationship can explore things, lore, races, generate action, content, good and bad things.. I mean it is anything but boring.. yet you're saying it is - is both disingenuous and hence why I called it a snide remark.. I even quoted it for you the first tie.

    Now you've forced me to write more and explain it to you. the things I do for you Tanaria.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Shandris/Thalsysysra talk was nonsense for a one off, if they were going to blow it up into something more interesting, then fine, but the night elves have already had that discourse in cataclysm witch each other.

    While it isn't beyond reason or plausibility that some issues still remain - Shandris seems to be overwhelmed with emotion on seeing Zin'Azshari and this is the source of her over reaction to Thalyssra, who's calm measured response and logic actually causes Shandris to concede the point in the end. This is because Shandris already made peace with the past and Highborne in the affairs concerning the Shen'dralar.

    It was a rehash piece, just flavour... what would be interesting is if these interactions meant something that could lead to something. something positive for a change.. it doesn't always have to be negative, but it can have both positives and negative repercussions.

    much to be said.

    You are 100% correct it was empty talk. But perhaps that is what Tanaria likes so much. I mean fluff talk is nice for flavour, but i would say I love it very much, and i would certainly ask for something more substantial.

    If he is happy with that, I serious would question how much he really likes these elves, and if he does really like these elves, then his statement is deceiving I must then ask the question why he's being deceptive. Maybe it's just because it's me that's suggesting it or he thinks he is in some war against me or alliance elf fans.

    Maybe he gets off on this. A lot of guys get off on fighting. Doesn't have to be physical.. it's a testosterone thing.
    I understand your point and if it was interesting to see the past. Although back that makes Lothamer more interesting to be there because he is the one who is learning the past of the race from him.

    And Jaina ruins everything.


    But you didn't get my point. Thalyssra actively helped Sylvanas after Teldrazzil. That was the writers' chance for Thalyssra and Lothamer to show they were not on the side of Sylvanas who disagreed with the tree and skipped it.

    Besides, Thalyssra herself is not another of the Horde. "O Shandris, your mother helped me save my city and I help burn yours and prevent them from seeking justice." What kind of true story can there be there?

    If we take BFA out of the equation it would be great to see the dialogue between the two races. But BFA exists. And the shadow is going to be there for several expansions (maybe for the rest of WoW).

    They can fight Azhara together. But I don't really see a relationship between them that can work.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Mate, you questioned what I liked, when Alanar and I were discussing the thread at hand.

    I love Blood Elves and I want them to have a future with those that relate to them and have a kinship with them.

    Forsaken, Nightborne and indeed, Void Elves fit this bill.

    For Nightborne, I'd love to see more of them interacting with the Zandalari. Thalyssra and Talanji were good friends, after the dealings with Apari, Nathanos and Sira.
    Nightborne and Night Elves are alright, I wouldn't say "no" to Thalyssra and Mordent meeting, but I object to Night Elves being pushed onto the Nightborne...I don't want to see that.

    I've given the reasons why I love the Horde Elves' friendship and why I find it just don't like my reasons which aren't my issue, to be perfectly honest.
    Varodoc is also right in the Night Elf and Void Elf friendship...but that is actually far more controversial than their Horde counterparts, which is fantastic.

    Night Elves and Void Elves could form their own Arcane school together. The void elf scholars and highborne from dire maul could expand their knowledge of the Void and Arcane together.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-06-16 at 03:37 PM.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    That I want to see even if they are not Playable.
    Kaldorei and Kaldorei-Forsakens. I want you to make the "passes" so by the way we have an excuse for internal plot and show the state of the Kaldorei.

    (and incidentally take that stone away from the Forsaken if they take Calia better)

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