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  1. #141
    I don't like it because it requires a specific amount of time of continuous play.
    When not raiding, most of my playing time is while I am at work, so it isn't ideal to have to do continuous play. I would do it a lot more, if there was no penalty to sitting afk or logging out.

  2. #142
    The Lightbringer Clone's Avatar
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    I don't like how it's basically just killing a series of trash mobs.

  3. #143
    Scarab Lord
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    Simply because not everyone outgear it or play an OP class, tuning in there can be pretty bad in some wings/for some classes, now you have collective punishment on score if someone needs to take a min or two afk, DCs or just fucks up. Add to that you're just milling through the same mobs over and over in a pretty grim and gloomy setting, it's just not fun on your own or with a group and now with the added stress of score many straight up abhor having to do it for their legendary upgrades.
    It barely qualifies as a roguelite and upsets more people than it pleases as it tries to be something it's not.
    Last edited by Tiwack; 2021-07-08 at 03:51 PM.
    If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  4. #144
    The buffs you get are fun, the rest is a bit boring.

  5. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by kaminaris View Post
    Still, mage tower was several leagues ahead of this abomination of roguelike torghast boring crap.
    I don't understand why people keep comparing Torghast with Mage Tower. They have nothing in common.

    Mage Tower:
    - was a challenge, even in top level items, because it was not designed around gear
    - basically consisted of one boss fight
    - 1 attempt took 5-10 mins
    - rewarded unique cosmetics
    - completely optional

    Torghast is:
    - not a challenge, easily overgeared
    - basically consists of killing trash mobs
    - 1 attempt takes up to 2 hours
    - rewards legendary currency
    - absolutely mandatory

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Nice try. I did all the specs except for Warlocks and Priests (as I didn't have those classes leveled back then).
    So you didn't do all, I did. Even the specs I have never played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Getting invasion + argus token gear in like 2-3 days to vastly overgear a "challenge" is way below the bar.
    Not like they were actually challenging when they were current content.
    They were tedious at best with avoiding basically insta-kills. DPS ones were just burst fests.
    Thats cool opinion however its completely wrong. 900-915 ilvl Mage tower was still challenging. If I had issues with some of them, you can absolutely say for certain majority of playerbase also had it hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Plus, it's not like I could do them ever again. Maybe that would've made it much more fun, try new stuff.
    But no, once they were done they were basically deleted from the game for you.
    And thats a good thing. No content lasts forever, there is no point in trying to prolong content artificially. The dumb thing they did was to remove it completely from other/new players.
    Ship has been abandoned.

    NextUI for XIV

  7. #147
    I found it fun the first few times but what kills it for me is the mandatory grinding forever every week because it is the only reasonable source of soul ash. If I could do it as an alternative form of progression and it had decent rewards, I'd do it every so often for fun. But having to clear two wings, every single week just wasn't fun. Especially as an ele shaman. I found either I got lucky on orbs and it was easy mode, or I got unlucky and it was brutal. Especially in the fire one with the stacking dot depending on the floor. Early in the xpac that was fatal on higher floors if I didn't get lucky on orbs because I lacked the mana to stay alive. Skill was irrelevant.

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by Queendom View Post
    I don't understand why people keep comparing Torghast with Mage Tower. They have nothing in common.
    They are still a content.

    Torghast failed in every possible way to live up to expectations, namely making subsequent runs feels like different runs (take a look at other roguelikes).

    Blizzard basically tries to sell "slightly different experience" as "infinite possibilities"
    Ship has been abandoned.

    NextUI for XIV

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by LordVargK View Post
    Not to derail the discussion here, but I think D3 rifts are enjoyed by all D3 players. It's really the only thing to do in the game
    I enjoyed D3 up to the moment rifts became a thing, then I quit. So I would have to say rifts are enjoyed by a very small minority, considering the game got totally abandoned.
    TO FIX WOW:1. smaller server sizes & server-only LFG awarding satchels, so elite players help others. 2. "helper builds" with loom powers - talent trees so elite players cast buffs on low level players XP gain, HP/mana, regen, damage, etc. 3. "helper ilvl" scoring how much you help others. 4. observer games like in SC to watch/chat (like twitch but with MORE DETAILS & inside the wow UI) 5. guild leagues to compete with rival guilds for progression (with observer mode).6. jackpot world mobs.

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Can we stop this nostalgia driven rose tinted glasses argument with the Mage Tower?

    The majority of the mage tower challenges were bullshit.
    The tank challenge was bullshit.
    The healer challenge was a chore.

    It wasn't JUST time-gated (it wasn't up 100%) you also needed to have a currency to do attempts. You ran out? Too bad.
    Imagine Blizz pulling this both with Torghast.

    The only reason, literally the only reason you think the Mage Tower was better than Torghast is because it was done first.
    Oh, and for vanity leggo weapon skins. Which did literally nothing for your gameplay.
    Thanks for proving my point, the mage tower was a great addition to the game. This... not really.

  11. #151
    I feel like Torghast is the successor to islands (semi-mandatory weekly activity, large amount of azerite/soul ash), and the one thing I find really striking is the lack of rewards.
    Islands gave so much cosmetic stuff. Pets, toys, mounts, tons of mog, etc. And it wasn't uncommon to get 3-4 items at the completion of a run. Also doubloons and associated mounts, and later the bags. Even if you didn't need the azerite, the rewards were substantial enough to make it worthwhile, whether you're a collector of mog/pets/mounts, or someone happy to try to sell it.

    With 9.0 Torghast, you had... a low chance of getting a pet. And that was about it.
    Once you ran your wings, and maxed soul ash for the week, going back into the regular floors for just a low chance at a pet was a tall order. Maybe it's fun, but I'd rather do something that progressed my character, whether that be collecting items, or just mog that I could sell for gold.

    9.1 adds some transmog, but a lot of it is on the vendors (now you're not as overpowered and it's not as fun), and I don't think it's sellable either.
    I'll be doing a few extra runs until I get shoulders, and the extra soul ash is appreciated, but that just extends the lifespan a little. If they really want to fix Torghast, it needs to have rewards closer to what we had with islands. I could spend hours in there if I felt it was worth the time.

  12. #152
    Herald of the Titans Advent's Avatar
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    I don't mind games being easy. In fact, I prefer it that way. Never got any satisfaction out of beating something hard (And don't really understand people who do because I think it's really weird), so that's not it. It's because it's not an enjoyable experience across the board. They added "Affixes" like M+ which I also don't care for, a lot of the powers aren't very good on the classes I've tried taking there, so it's quite clear there's some bias in how they designed those. They keep making it "difficult" instead of leaning into making every class/spec fun to play in there. I played Warframe because I could augment myself to the point where I could be an unstoppable juggernaut, or untouchable. That's fun to me. Let me do that in Torghast and maybe I'll want to spend more time there.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    I enjoyed D3 up to the moment rifts became a thing, then I quit. So I would have to say rifts are enjoyed by a very small minority, considering the game got totally abandoned.
    I would consider you the minority. Wasn't reaper of souls the pinnacle of D3? And the seasonal model brought back players repeatedly, albeit of course it got stale at some point.

  14. #154
    Rogue-like games bore the hell out of me...

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    Because doing the same thing over and over for 2 years isn’t fun, and on every single alt. If you have several alts you literally spend a night every week running Torghast. In before “you don’t even have to do it”. Yeah you kinda do if you want to keep your characters up to speed if you plan on playing them to their full potential, which I do, because it’s not fun getting rolled over by people with better gear whether it be pve or pvp. And you need different legendary’s for different situations. Blizzard also forcing people to re-farm legendary’s because of their new domination sockets is also beyond fucking dumb. It literally took a month to make one at 235, and they’re basically giving people the middle finger.
    I don't... It literally takes me maybe 90 minutes to run 4 alts through both wings (getting 5 stars on all 8 runs).

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Mardux View Post
    I don't... It literally takes me maybe 90 minutes to run 4 alts through both wings (getting 5 stars on all 8 runs).
    Don’t you only have to do two floors right now per alt? Only Layer 9? Wait until you gotta do 8 floors per alt again (9 to 12) instead of 2. It won’t take you 90 minutes. It’ll take you 90 minutes x 4; 6 hours.

    Nice try though.
    Last edited by muto; 2021-07-08 at 09:53 PM.

  17. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalinos View Post
    So why do people hate it so much?
    Repetetive and trivial content that only serves as a time sink, keeping you from doing what you actually play the game to do. Even with 1 character, you actually end up having to do the same boring runs for months, as the system actually serves as a penalty for those who enjoy playing multiple specs (or even those that actually need multiple legendaries for their one spec to be efficient). It's just another poorly thought out idea, and adding some talents and forcing you to actually clear the entire floor (and spend more time in there) instead of just running through to the endboss, like they've done in 9.1, doesn't improve the experience one bit.

    I don't mind Torghast as content for those that enjoy it, but making it mandatory and forcing everyone to do it week in and week out just makes it another reason for people to quit the game. Terrible for the players, and probably terrible for business.
    Last edited by Sinx; 2021-07-08 at 10:12 PM.

  18. #158
    The problem is likely that, depending on your class, build, & the luck of the draw, a Torghast run is either easy or impossible. You either make it through with no sweat, or you see the boss the RNG has selected for you and realize it's best to cut your losses and wait for another night. There's little real in-between, which strikes me as a fairly basic conceptual flaw.

  19. #159
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalinos View Post
    Care to reply with arguments, such as the ones I laid out above? I clearly stated why and how I find Torghast to be a fun activity. It would be cool if you could do the same, so we can get a discussion going. That is what a forum is used for, since the times of the Ancient Romans (where the word comes from actually) when they thought up the concept.
    No. I'm sorry if that doesn't fit your worldview. But this isn't your personal blog, and we're entitled to our own opinions. Games are supposed to be fun. Torghast isn't fun.
    How joyous to be in such a place! Where phishing is not only allowed, it is encouraged!

  20. #160
    Personally it's the colours. It's designed to keep us out. This is a place where we're not supposed to be and not meant to keep returning to. We're not going on an adventure into Torghast, we're constantly breaking people out of it.

    In that regard they did it too well.
    Last edited by catalystical; 2021-07-09 at 02:06 AM.

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