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  1. #101
    I loved being carried. If my character could pull out a laptop and sit and play Hearthstone while the other raid members do all the work in Mythic+ while I eat chips IRL and watch PBS, I'd be in raid heaven.

  2. #102
    Mechagnome Wramp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackmist View Post
    Cry more, Captain Nolife.

    I play this shit to raid, not to rote learn eight dungeons the exact same way as everyone else from a guide I saw on the internet.
    You. sir, are my hero and new best friend, could not have said it better !!

  3. #103
    So basically if you aren't a bum that plays wow all day and has no job you're a burden ...... riiiiiiight. On the other hand though if you are a jobless bum playing wow all day you're a burden to society. I wonder which matters more.

  4. #104
    Moderator Rozz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoanaLisa View Post
    Seems to me that depends on the group and what level of difficulty the group/guild/whatever is working on. But this thread isn't really about that is it? It seems the real point here is to display a certain level of elitism and entitlement followed by then telling everyone how they should be playing.

    Really fucking happy I don't raid any longer and can just observe and comment on this nonsense from the sidelines.
    From the lack of context, he's probably pushing heroic and is mad not everyone is min-maxing when it was never required by the raid lead. To me carried means to be underperforming by the standard of the group or in ways that prevent a boss kill. So if your dps and mechanics are fine, this is just an argument between minutes and 5-10 more pulls in terms of clear time.

    I hope the OP isn't the sort of player w/ big fish syndrome. I hate players who are too shit to actually play at the level they claim to be at, so they spend their time trying to punch down at gameplay levels in which min-maxing is a waste of time. Every guild I joined early SLs imploded bc of that sort of mentality. Now my server is too dead to raid, rip.
    Last edited by Rozz; 2021-09-03 at 03:33 AM.
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  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Chriisto View Post
    If you do raid prog but refuse to do M+ then you are being carried. If you are just raid logging and putting no effort into improving your character then you are literally a burden on your group.

    I think of it like this - It's a team sport and you refuse to turn up for practice each week before we play because you think you are better than everyone else even though you are overweight and never score.

    What does everyone else think? We have a few people like this in my guild and it really pisses me off. It probably shouldn't but it honestly makes me feel like giving up when some of us are throwing everything we have at a boss whilst others may as well be afk. I know, find another guild. I just do not understand people like this and how little shame they must have.
    Bad take IMO.

    It's up to raid leaders to set expectations for what is required and then enforcing those expectations. Sounds like your raid is just a mess in terms of having people not communicating and not being on the same page.

    Also, not doing chores such as M+ grinding != getting carried anyway. I've played with some guys who could have easily been trialing for top 20 raids but they wanted to just enjoy playing the game in a less demanding way. They would outperform with their less optimal gear setup and were not being carried at all. If someone's bad parse is 95% and they do mechanics more reliably than anyone else should I really give a shit if they got their M+ in for the week?

    You do end up hitting the nail on the head eventually. If you are frustrated with your raid group to the point you seem to be, you should just leave and find a group that in more in tune with what you're looking for.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Rozz View Post
    I hope the OP isn't the sort of player w/ big fish syndrome. I hate players who are too shit to actually play at the level they claim to be at, so they spend their time trying to punch down at gameplay levels in which min-maxing is a waste of time. Every guild I joined early SLs imploded bc of that sort of mentality. Now my server is too dead to raid, rip.
    This is the SOP for MMO though, lol I have referenced it on 2 other posts besides this one. The majority of folks I see on here complaining or acting like they are elitists are casuals and either are intentionally misleading/projecting or they honestly don't even realize they are in fact a casual.

    The top % of players that are pushing mythic raids, topping 23-24+ mythic + dungeons and top gladiators are a very small % of the player base. The people that haven't done this make up like 85%+ of all that play wow. If you aren't farming the mythic raid already, I am sorry to tell you but you're a casual. And that is totally not a bad thing lol.....

  7. #107
    Stood in the Fire KoolKidKaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chriisto View Post
    If you do raid prog but refuse to do M+ then you are being carried. If you are just raid logging and putting no effort into improving your character then you are literally a burden on your group.

    I think of it like this - It's a team sport and you refuse to turn up for practice each week before we play because you think you are better than everyone else even though you are overweight and never score.

    What does everyone else think? We have a few people like this in my guild and it really pisses me off. It probably shouldn't but it honestly makes me feel like giving up when some of us are throwing everything we have at a boss whilst others may as well be afk. I know, find another guild. I just do not understand people like this and how little shame they must have.
    Why would I raid, if I can get better from Mythic +? Why would I do Mythic+ if I can get better in raids, it pretty much comes down to how you want to get geared. You feel you should gear yourself faster that's your prerogative, but you can't dictate how someone else chooses to spend their time. If mythic + didn't exist you would be raid logging, can't fault someone for not being as sweaty as you are.

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Rozz View Post
    From the lack of context, he's probably pushing heroic and is mad not everyone is min-maxing when it was never required by the raid lead. To me carried means to be underperforming by the standard of the group or in ways that prevent a boss kill. So if your dps and mechanics are fine, this is just an argument between minutes and 5-10 more pulls in terms of clear time.

    I hope the OP isn't the sort of player w/ big fish syndrome. I hate players who are too shit to actually play at the level they claim to be at, so they spend their time trying to punch down at gameplay levels in which min-maxing is a waste of time. Every guild I joined early SLs imploded bc of that sort of mentality. Now my server is too dead to raid, rip.
    Im assuming you mean big fish, little pond 'syndrome / effect', and yes, this SCREAMS BFLP. I see it all the time - and for some reason, the ones who talk about their REALM ranking are usually the worst culprits. To be clear, not everyone who talks about realm ranking are suffering from BFLP, but certainly a lot are. Recently someone on this forum talked themselves up as a "frequent Realm First Mythic Raider", before eventually linking their armory. It was some backwater realm with 2 raid teams total over both factions - and only ONE that had ANY kills heroic or above, the other just cleared LFR/normal.

    This individual was convinced they were an exceptional mythic raider, and leagues ahead of most mythic raiders, based purely on their realm first status; this was not the case - their kill dates were WELL behind pug raids on the more populated realms, and they didnt really rank at all world wide, with their dates being right before the cutoff for CE. Still an achievement, absolutely, they cleared the content in time, while it was current - and many cannot do that, so its not that they are completely useless, but if you put them in a massive pond, suddenly they dont look so big.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KoolKidKaos View Post
    Why would I raid, if I can get better from Mythic +? Why would I do Mythic+ if I can get better in raids, it pretty much comes down to how you want to get geared. You feel you should gear yourself faster that's your prerogative, but you can't dictate how someone else chooses to spend their time. If mythic + didn't exist you would be raid logging, can't fault someone for not being as sweaty as you are.
    Shouldn't it purely come down to what content you enjoy?
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    In no way are you entitled to the 'complete' game when you buy it, because DLC/cosmetics and so on are there for companies to make more money
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Others, including myself, are saying that they only exist because Blizzard needed to create things so they could monetize it.

  9. #109
    Only 3 items I need for my BIS drop from Mythic + and I was lucky to get them within the 1st few weeks from my vault. I grinded 2k IO to get my gear upgrader. I got my weapons off Mythic Terragrue (Demon Hunter) I have my full BIS from heroic and now im enjoying time playing my alts without the grind - Because im not throwing myself into mythic + every single week despite pulling 4th and 5th on the DPS meters means im carried? fuuuuck offfffffff

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by InflaterMouse View Post
    This is the SOP for MMO though, lol I have referenced it on 2 other posts besides this one. The majority of folks I see on here complaining or acting like they are elitists are casuals and either are intentionally misleading/projecting or they honestly don't even realize they are in fact a casual.

    The top % of players that are pushing mythic raids, topping 23-24+ mythic + dungeons and top gladiators are a very small % of the player base. The people that haven't done this make up like 85%+ of all that play wow. If you aren't farming the mythic raid already, I am sorry to tell you but you're a casual. And that is totally not a bad thing lol.....
    Maybe he's in a Guild like I used to be in where there's a couple bottom feeders who don't put in any form of effort and the Raid Leader continues to baby them. Always missin gems and enchants, no consumables, went the whole tier in a 190 leggo, doesn't know the fight, mechanics or their class, always seem to be dead and when they did manage to stay alive the whole fight they parse 9%..

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by darklogrus View Post
    Maybe he's in a Guild like I used to be in where there's a couple bottom feeders who don't put in any form of effort and the Raid Leader continues to baby them. Always missin gems and enchants, no consumables, went the whole tier in a 190 leggo, doesn't know the fight, mechanics or their class, always seem to be dead and when they did manage to stay alive the whole fight they parse 9%..
    Could be, for sure not trying to talk down to anyone discussing their issues. Hell we have people like that in our guild but they eventually get held accountable. Hopefully it works out.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Chriisto View Post
    If you do raid prog but refuse to do M+ then you are being carried. If you are just raid logging and putting no effort into improving your character then you are literally a burden on your group.

    I think of it like this - It's a team sport and you refuse to turn up for practice each week before we play because you think you are better than everyone else even though you are overweight and never score.

    What does everyone else think? We have a few people like this in my guild and it really pisses me off. It probably shouldn't but it honestly makes me feel like giving up when some of us are throwing everything we have at a boss whilst others may as well be afk. I know, find another guild. I just do not understand people like this and how little shame they must have.
    Unfortunately this is the culture in wow now where it is unfashionable to put effort in, i see "tryhard" being used as an insult all the time towards me, yes i try hard, when did it become unfashionable to try? for the exact reason that you write about, tomake sure that your not a burden on everyone else.

    Sure as hell they wouldnt be happy if someone in the grp was doing worse than them, how they going to collect there boost then? 100% guarantee they would just leave and find another guild where they would expect to get carried, putting it down to whether or not the guild was "good" defined by whether the guild is good enough to carry them.

    Casuals, nothing against casuals, but when your going into content where you are expected to try hard or at least put some basic degree of effort in it becomes a problem.

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Tietoso View Post
    What if your guild doesn't support you when by teaming with you to do Mythic+ and leave you to try and pug it? Then would you agree with it? If the guild expects me to do M+ to progress in M raiding which are 2 separate content I would expect they would party with me otherwise I would disagree with that.
    What, does the WHOLE guild refuse to team up with you for M+ ? I probably wouldn't stick around such a guild, anyway. If we're good enough to do Mythic together we should have no issue running 15s.

  14. #114
    Who gives a shit?

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by ElDoorO View Post
    Oh boy, this thread is a dumpster fire.

    On one side you got people who like the grind and like the edge and wish their team members put forth similar efforts to match the edge, put vaguely enough that anyone can infer just enough to do vault or some unhealthy amount of grinding.

    On the other side you have people triggered so hard they are mocking others. Whether through ignoring the actual question / context and just saying "breathe" or, somehow, presuming they have "no life".

    Of which if WoW is your hobby it's not unreasonable to think someone will put around 3 hours per day every day into the game. Where the 3 hours can be two on Sunday and four on raid nights and others on other nights.

    And then you have people who play 3 hours per week clearly very upset.

    And you also have them acting like instead of them being carried, it's the REVERSE...

    Nearly all of which is based off of nothing but their personal experiences and assuming no one has different experiences.

    So if you're a prog Mythic guild -- then it's unreasonable to assume WoW is less than a significant hobby. You aren't 2+ mythic raiding and not at least a little serious.

    In that context, if you were playing competitive but not professional baseball would you be upset others are putting in less work and not as dedicated as you are? Probably so.

    More likely few of y'all are actually in progression guilds and likely can't compete so you're upset --or-- are in but barely holding on.

    IF much of your guild is putting in way more effort than you then yeah, you may not like the truth that you're being carried and likely that upsets many people here down to their core.

    If, however, you're putting the same or similar effort in, then nah. You're not and y'all are just a little more than casuals. Simple as that.

    p.s. it's ok not to be in progression guilds and enjoying the game casually, much to the frustration of some hardcore people here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They are probably just venting. It's quite possible they don't expect change and just need to let it out to feel validated.
    Its mostly the smug know it all way he presents himself. He's speaking as if everyone has the same goals and because they aren't trying to reach his specific goal then they are a burden. Maybe the guild itself is ok with not being the best and don't require m+. If so, those players aren't a burden, the OP is just in a guild that's not the right fit for him.

  16. #116
    I remember this from my early counter strike days.. People worst than me - Noobs, People better than me - Nolifers

  17. #117
    hate the game, not the player

  18. #118
    I think it goes both ways. As an officer in a 4/10m guild atm, you see very different types of players but 2 of the more annoying ones are on the opposite sides of the spectrum:

    *The player who raid logs and puts in close to 0 effort outside raids. Either 0 weekly keys or they log on Tuesday night asking for a key last minute, and they may even be behind on something like renown (or AP last few expansions). Frustrating because everyone else puts in effort so even though it's "just a game" it's the equivalent of the guy at work who takes 8 toilet breaks in a day to work bare minimum.

    *The player who only cares about logs and min-maxing to the point they actually stop doing mechanics on fights so they can just tunnel to pad their dps. These players can be equally frustrating because on some bosses you gotta prioritize other things over cleaving adds.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by Chriisto View Post
    If you do raid prog but refuse to do M+ then you are being carried. If you are just raid logging and putting no effort into improving your character then you are literally a burden on your group.

    I think of it like this - It's a team sport and you refuse to turn up for practice each week before we play because you think you are better than everyone else even though you are overweight and never score.

    What does everyone else think? We have a few people like this in my guild and it really pisses me off. It probably shouldn't but it honestly makes me feel like giving up when some of us are throwing everything we have at a boss whilst others may as well be afk. I know, find another guild. I just do not understand people like this and how little shame they must have.
    Maybe some of us aren't unemployed.

  20. #120
    Really hope this guy is topping meters in his raid, even ones where his class shouldn't be. It would be a shame for people to discover that this M+ advocate pulls the same numbers as a raidlogging guy.

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