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  1. #21
    Human Archmage in Dalaran

    Savage Warcraft 3-era Night Elf at the World Tree

    The mysterious Dark Trolls by the Well of Eternity

    Human Silverhand Paladin in the Plaguelands

    High Warlord Tauren Warrior in Warsong Gulch

    Nerubians resisting the Lich King

    A Naxxrammas Lich

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Perhaps I should have elaborated more. It's not just the aesthetics, but the story. In WC3 the Night Elves were depicted as being much more powerful, and they didn't take crap from anyone. They were a force to be reckoned with and you did NOT want them as your enemy. Then you get to WoW, where you have the Horde stomping around Kalimdor and invading Ashenvale and yet the Kaldorei just spent the entire game up until 8.1 just chilling in their trees. If Horde territory was invaded, they would most certainly not just sit around; they would mobilize to fight. Occasionally the Nelves got to do something military in a book or a scenario, but never anything that had a meaningful impact or at the forefront of the story. They were conspicuously passive when they should have been a major player in throughout WoW, but in WoW whenever the Alliance does anything military 9 times out of 10 it's a Stormwind army that's doing it (with some auxiliaries from other races). 9 times out of 10 Nelves are depicted as druids who give quests out to Horde and Alliance adventurers, so that contributes to the feeling that the Nelves were more aggressive and then got pacified.
    That's because of Blizzard's terrible writing when it comes to the Alliance post-vanilla. The Alliance is almost always reactive, with no agency of it's own, and because of Blizzard's hard-on for Varian and then Anduin what agency they do have all come from Stormwind. Then there's the decision in Cataclysm to 'balance' the zones each faction 'has' with the result that the Alliance gets bent over by the Horde. To make matters worse, the phasing over the course of questlines tended to leave a zone in the post-quest state if the Horde had won, and in the pre-questline state if the Alliance had won (I think Astraanar is still being bombarded by Horde today), leaving a feeling that the Alliance had done nothing (not to mention Twilight Highlands just being basically unfinished Alliance-side).

    Over the years, even when the Alliance has won in faction struggles it's still been reacting, and it's done so with help from some parts of the Horde (or even has been seen as the assisting faction to a Horde rebellion).

    End result? Most Alliances races feel passive and weak. The Dwarfs had some vaguely interesting internal politics going on - in novels, and even that was subject to intervention from Stormwind, as I recall, and it had no real impact on the game. OH, and for some absolutely incomprehensible reason everyone in the Alliance decided they should have a 'high king' and they'd be Human. Why the f**k would they want to do that? Why would the Dwarfs or Night Elfs or Draenei have any reason to do this? The Dwarfs had themselves a huge civil war over something more trivial than that. The Night Elfs and Draenei are led by rulers who can remember a time when there were no Humans at all. It's just nuts, and it diminishes all the Alliance races other than Humans (and it doesn't make them any more interesting or compelling, and arguably the opposite).

    All that's interesting an unique has been washed out over the years.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nzx View Post
    I agree that having different animations for Draenei paladins vs Tauren paladins and Undead priests vs Human priests would be cool. I'd also rather they focused on literally anything gameplay related first, so I'm okay with that not happening.
    Did any other class/race/sex combination have the same animation as the old female human paladin Hand of Justice one? ISTR that was unique, so there were certain special animations in-game once upon a time. I feel that a lot of the uniqueness of animations has gone over the years as they've updated and 'improved' the animations.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Dark Age of Camelot released in 2001 with 3 factions and 31 different classes (pretty much all of which were faction exclusive), each with different specs. The last expansion that dropped in 2007 raised that number to 45 classes. DAOC had that many classes yet didn't rake in the billions and billions that WoW did. Blizzard could have been just as ambitituous as DAOC and had many classes from the start, and after they were raking in billions of dollars they could have easily hired the required number of game designers, artists, and QA testers to implement many more.

    Even if WoW didn't add more classes, Blizzard could have created class skins as a stand in for those unplayable classes. For example, Tauren "paladins" are classified as such for gameplay purposes, but in lore they are actually sun worshipping druids who wield the power of the sun and fire. They should have been appropriately themed spell effects and animations (which has been brought up with the class skin idea). Class skins could have been used to allow Night Elves to play as star mages, as @Mace suggested.
    It woudl have been very interesting aden preferable if blizzard had released specific class variations on certain races, based on their own lore so far, using an adapted version of hteir basic 9 classes.

    Here is what the extras could have been.
    Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior [then later DK, Monk, DH]

    Human race = Necromancer, a Huntsman class instead of hunter, Thermatauge (most classes are based on humans anyway so you get the standard here)
    Kul'tiran = Tidesage (instead of shaman), Barbarian, Drust (instead of druid)

    Forsaken = Shadow priest instead of priest, Necromancer
    Worgen = Harvest Witch (instead of druid (seasonal balance, life/death balance), Werewolf (shapeshifting class based on the worgen nature)

    Orc: Beastmaster class, Blademaster class, Barbarian, Farseer class [replaces hunter, and enables a combo of shaman and priest based on ancestors and elemental healing, Mage class never happens, also have shaman]
    Mag'har: Hunter as well as Beastmaster, Farseer too, no mage class.

    Draenei: Anchorite (not priests), Vindicators (not paladins), Auchenai (version of a Farseer), Artifcer (mage/technologist combo they don't get a mage class), Elementalist (instead of shaman), Rangari instead of hunter, Sha'tari (Draenei version of mage, famous from Shattrath city)
    Lightforge: Light enhanced versions of the above

    Dwarf: Runemaster [replaces mage, which remains more exclusive, also Warlock isn't available to them] nor are shaman but they get Thunder Rider when the Wildhammer options arrive]
    Dark Iron: Flame Thermatauge (replaces shaman), Dark Runemaster, Mage, Necromancer and Warlock.

    Tauren: Grove Warden (cuts out the arcane/nature and day/night swing of balance of nature which is elven druids, they don't get shapeshifts immediately but it comes later in a class update, they are about seasonal balance and warm/cold along with dry/wet). Farseer learnt from orcs, [still have shaman and hunter class, Earthwalker (new class coming later - no paladins or priests]

    Gnomes: Get Tinker class (when DKs come out) Runemaster class too. Thermatage and Toymaster (hunter version) - lose the warrior class

    Goblins: Get Alchemist class, Tinkmaster class, Broker instead of shaman

    Night Elves: Archer/Ranger, Huntress, Moon Priest, Star Augur (arcane based adaptation of warlock), then later Astromancer in addition to Mage (when Highborne return), Moonguard class (their version of shamanism based on using the arcane to wield elements. Fel Lords (essentially Warlocks) also come with the Demon hunter class, and only Illidari can use them (i.e. like DHs, it's an ilildari version)
    Nightborne: Valewalker (their vein of night elven druidism), Moon Priest, Astromancer, Archer and Hunter. Spellblade instead of rogue, Duskguard instead of Warrior. Star Augur

    Blood Elves: Archer, Ranger, Sun Priest (in addition to priest), Blood Mage, Spellbreaker (in addition to Paladin), Thermatauge, Botanist (their version of druidism solar/lunar balance, sun/moon similar to night elven druidsm with minor changes)
    Void Elves: Riftblades (no rogues), Riftwalkers, Void Knights (instead of DKs or Palas), Locus Walker (instead of priest), Void Mage, (still have mage) - Paladin and Priest become available with high elf options, Entropists (not shaman), Void druid (a void elf night elf collaboration to tackle the nightmare problem)

    Darkspear: Shadowhunter, Witch Doctor, Hexpriest, Loa Priest, Loashifter (not druid based on the loa), Tracker (spear using hunter based class), Hydromancer instead of mage
    Zandalari: Loashifter, Witch Doctor, Loa Priest, Hexpriest, Shadow Hunter, Arcanitol instead of mage

    Pandaren: Animagus (shapeshifter druid type), Runemaster, Celestian (instead of priest and mage), Brewmaster, Mistweaver, Windwalker are all classes of their own, the monk class is still around. but gnomes, tauren

    1. Barbarian
    2. Necromancer
    3. Tidesage
    4. Drust
    5. Blademaster
    6. Beastmaster
    7. Farseer
    8. Anchorite
    9. Vindicator
    10. Auchenai
    11. Artificer
    12. Sha'tari
    13. Rangari
    14. Elementalist
    15. Thermatauge (flame)
    16. Runemaster
    17. Thunder riders
    18. Grove Warden
    19. Tinker
    20. Toymaster
    21. Alchemist
    22. Archer/Ranger
    23. Moon Priest
    24. Star Augur
    25. Astronmancer
    26. Valewalker
    27. Spellblade
    28. Duskguard
    29. Moonguard
    30. Sun Priest
    31. Blood Mage
    32. Spellbreaker
    33. Botanist
    34. Farstrider
    35. Riftblade
    36. Riftwalker
    37. Locus Walker
    38. Entropist
    39. Void Knight
    40. Witch Doctor
    41. Hexpriest,
    42. Shadowhunter
    43. Loa Priest,
    44. Tracker
    45. Shadowhunter
    46. Arcanitol
    47. Hydromancer
    48. Animagus
    49. Celestian
    50. Brewmaster
    51. Windwalker
    52. Mistweaver

    Hunter far less common, Mage even more so

    But we have 61 classes by the time we read Shadowlands.

  4. #24
    Night elfs were by far the most interesting in Warcraft 3, but like others have said, they didn't do a great job bringing them into WoW the same as they were in War3.

    Unfortunately, the WoW devs have always neglected everything that isn't orc/human or Sylvanas.
    Last edited by Mojo03; 2021-11-14 at 09:42 AM.

  5. #25
    I love the fantasy of the Blood Elves and their Azerothian-known mastery of the Arcane.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo03 View Post
    Night elfs were by far the most interesting in Warcraft 3, but like others have said, they didn't do a great job bringing them into WoW the same as they were in War3.

    Unfortunately, the WoW devs have always neglected everything that isn't orc/human or Sylvanas.
    I’m glad I’m not the only one that notices this.

    Night elves went from a titanic race with a grand vision to essentially tree huggers of green peace and purple human yes men.

    The Order of Elune and all their vast lore left for dead with zero development or explaining.
    The arcane civilization and magecraft were stuck in the pages of a book until Legion
    The utterly unique star culture clearly playing a role in original lore, in game spells and voice lines got zero expansion, just like Elune got no depth lore added till 8.1, nearly 18 years after WC3 launch.

    Instead of taking off they were literally ditched.

    The blood elves got their savagery and drive , also got their focus and intelligence. Night elves were largely portrayed as spineless and incompetent to make blood elves and the horde look good (remember Cata how orcs were out manoeuvring them in forest land and their powerful Mages and druids were totally absent. Not to mention how every encounter with blood elves saw night elves humiliated from Ghostlands in TBC to Desolace remake in Cata Then MoP where Varian has to mansplain basic tactics to a 10,000 year old warrior priest general.

    Until Legion they were utter garbage. And instead of raise their profile properly though legion it’s been shoddy with obvious abandonment half way through the project. Because other things are deemed more interesting … Altho it was an improvement on before.
    Last edited by Mace; 2021-11-14 at 11:02 AM.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    52 different classes
    I'm not sure if this post is serious or not. It is honestly absurd to think that this game would even function with 52 different classes, let alone have 52 different classes with three substantially different specs, playstyles, roles, and balancing. Also, the list has Shadowhunter listed twice, but I can't be bothered working out if that's because there are 52 and you mistyped one or because there are 51, so I'm going to assume it's 52.

    To have World of Warcraft with this many classes you'd lose unique class set bonuses because it'd be totally unrealistic to expect the level of gameplay altering tier bonuses we've had to be applied to 52 classes, 150+ specs. You'd lose unique class questlines, there's no way you could have unique class set designs, they'd have to remove racials or dilute them to the point of uselessness because it would be impossible to balance, even mundane shit like class colours wouldn't work properly because there aren't 52 immediately discernible colours. Imagine trying to run a pug 5-man and a Zandalari "Arcanitol" wanted to join. Would you expect the average player to understand the benefit spec 2 of the Arcanitol brings to their group, given that it's one of 150?

    All of that, without even mentioning that there just aren't 150 different ways to play the video game. What makes the Arcanitol playstyle different to the Mage playstyle?

    And then, if the only difference is cosmetic, how do you 1:1 translate every mage spell into an Arcanitol spell? How could you possibly have a "Fire Hydromancer", and what would their spells look like? If you manage to put that together, what does an Arcane Hydromancer look like, and if you manage to do that, what does a Frost Astromancer cast? And then how do you expect someone playing AV to understand what in the ever-loving fuck is going on when each team has 40 different individual classes that do the exact same thing except have totally different animations? Was the purple beam that just hit me a Witch Doctor heal or an Auchenai curse? Is that a Loa Priest or a feral druid?

    Like, I 100% get that it would be really cool to see this kind of thing, the depth would be great, it'd be really fun if it all worked - but in reality, there's just no way that it would.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Nzx View Post
    I'm not sure if this post is serious or not. It is honestly absurd to think that this game would even function with 52 different classes, let alone have 52 different classes with three substantially different specs, playstyles, roles, and balancing. Also, the list has Shadowhunter listed twice, but I can't be bothered working out if that's because there are 52 and you mistyped one or because there are 51, so I'm going to assume it's 52.

    To have World of Warcraft with this many classes you'd lose unique class set bonuses because it'd be totally unrealistic to expect the level of gameplay altering tier bonuses we've had to be applied to 52 classes, 150+ specs. You'd lose unique class questlines, there's no way you could have unique class set designs, they'd have to remove racials or dilute them to the point of uselessness because it would be impossible to balance, even mundane shit like class colours wouldn't work properly because there aren't 52 immediately discernible colours. Imagine trying to run a pug 5-man and a Zandalari "Arcanitol" wanted to join. Would you expect the average player to understand the benefit spec 2 of the Arcanitol brings to their group, given that it's one of 150?

    All of that, without even mentioning that there just aren't 150 different ways to play the video game. What makes the Arcanitol playstyle different to the Mage playstyle?

    And then, if the only difference is cosmetic, how do you 1:1 translate every mage spell into an Arcanitol spell? How could you possibly have a "Fire Hydromancer", and what would their spells look like? If you manage to put that together, what does an Arcane Hydromancer look like, and if you manage to do that, what does a Frost Astromancer cast? And then how do you expect someone playing AV to understand what in the ever-loving fuck is going on when each team has 40 different individual classes that do the exact same thing except have totally different animations? Was the purple beam that just hit me a Witch Doctor heal or an Auchenai curse? Is that a Loa Priest or a feral druid?

    Like, I 100% get that it would be really cool to see this kind of thing, the depth would be great, it'd be really fun if it all worked - but in reality, there's just no way that it would.
    Oops. Shadow Hunter was an accidental double entry. I didn’t properlymoroofnread because this is only conceptual.

    It’s still essentially 9 classes

    Many of the classes I list are race specific and pretty much minor variations of the main classes that they could have done at classic release like DotA’s 43 classes Vale S’theno Mafia boss. Was talking about.

    This could still come in wow as class skin or some sort of combo classes or both.

    But let me break it down.

    Druid = Drust, Grove Warden, Valewalker, Botanist
    Mage =Tidesage, Artificer, Sha'tari, Runemaster, Astromancer, Moonguard, Blood Mage, Arcanitol, Hydromancer, Animagus
    Hunter = Beastmaster, Rangari, Toymaster, Archer, Ranger, Farstrider, Shadowhunter, Tracker
    Paladin = Vindicator, Tinker (bombs replacing light), Spellbreaker, Void Knight
    Priest = Tidesage, Farseer, Anchoraite, Auchenai, Moon Priest, Sun Priest, Witch Doctor, Hexpriest, Loa Priest, Celestian
    Rogue = Alchemist, Spellblade, Farstrider, Riftblade
    Shaman = Tidesage, Elementalist, Thermatauge, Thunder Rider, Star Augur, Moonguard, Entropist, Witch Doctor, Celestian
    Warlock = Necromancer, Auchenai, Locus Walker
    Warrior = Barbarian, Blademaster, Tinker, Duskguard

    Engineering prof - Artificer, Tinker
    Alcehmy prof - Alchemist
    Inscription - Runemaster, Hexpriest, Locus Walker

    DK = Necromancer, Void Knight
    Monk = Alchemist, Riftwalker, Brewmaster, Windwalker, Mistweaver

    Classes that pair in more than one of the original classes simply means they are based on more than one class or draw from all the classes listed

    e.g. Farseer: has resto shaman healigng spec, priest discipline spell, and shaman enhancement spec - these are all rebranded ofc with race and class appropriate names for the specs and spells, but they are essentially those
    necromancer draws from both DK and Warlock classes, Tidesage from shaman, mage and priest class - but most of these classes are just class skins with race and lore appropriate names and visual effects for the spells and spec names.

    They literally all fit within the framework of the 12 classes.. and those which draw from the 3 professions listed.
    Last edited by Beloren; 2021-11-14 at 12:28 PM.

  9. #29
    Pandaren Monk Pakheth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalisandra View Post
    Did any other class/race/sex combination have the same animation as the old female human paladin Hand of Justice one? ISTR that was unique, so there were certain special animations in-game once upon a time. I feel that a lot of the uniqueness of animations has gone over the years as they've updated and 'improved' the animations.
    Most races lost their animations and I remember how awful it was when they changed them to be the same across all races for a specific class in Legion. It was even more tragic considering BfA was the race pride expansion and they literally deleted what made each race/class combo unique.

  10. #30
    night elf fantasy, really incredible how one race can get screwed over by blizzard so many times since wow released.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    This picture was NEVER the night elf. Read the notes on it. And the wikipedia entry that shares the picture. It states quite clearly it is early concept art. Night elves have never been like this, not in WC3, nor in Wow, nor in the books.. it was an example of one of the ideas for them, not what they are. Metzen toyed with making them this and shared this picture in his panel, it is not how the night elves are or have ever been, and is not what the team thought for the night elves, they wanted both the dark elf high fantasy and the wood elf fantasy, best of the dark elves and the forest elves the devs said.
    That's false.

    The demon hunter from the Wc3 looks almost exactly like that:

    And that's canon, he appears like that in the campaign.

  12. #32
    I have several specific ones that I've always really liked:

    - Night Elf Druids of the Claw (W3 era)
    - Wildhammer Dwarf Gryphon Riders
    - Darkspear Troll Shadow Hunters
    - Bronzebeard Dwarf Warriors
    - Pandaren Wardancers and Monks

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy View Post
    That's false.

    The demon hunter from the Wc3 looks almost exactly like that:

    And that's canon, he appears like that in the campaign.
    The art style is the same, likely the same artist But this picture is saying something very different

    It’s not emphasising animal savage jaws with blood dripping as if they’ve literally ripped their head of with their teeth or fought with claws like a savage animal rather than a strong creature. Furthermore he is using a weapon not his bear animal clawed hands - this is a highly trained and skilled fighter - signs of development and advancement. That weapon is not simple nor crude, highly sophisticated of a very high level of craftsmanship. Pinnacle of craftsmanship. -

    His fist is aglow with magic which again speaks of intelligence and training of the high intellect category - not animalistic, crude and primitive which was the concept the other picture was presenting.

    Which basically was rather than coming from an advance civilisation who’ve had to live without their wonders for some world
    disaster reason , he had toyed with them
    being a pre elf savage race, likely just barely intelligent enough and totally undeveloped. Totally forest elf and primitive kinda like trolls.

    Obviously they didn’t go that root instead they made trolls the predecessor instead as they fit that more savage presentation.

    This could have been an earlier version of the night elf before the well finished it’s transformation of them and long before they developed into this graceful benevolent and highly intelligent race that built that civilization and excelled in wisdom, knowledge and grace.

    Now that picture, knowing demon hunters partially transforming into demons, I can see them using claws like demons do when they not have their weapons. But that eco does resort, not main. Just like anyone can grow totally Bessel savage in the jet of battle. This doesn’t make the race savage, just have a savage/dangerous side to them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The bare chested ness and art style can be interpreted as savage, but not necessarily, highly trained warriors in battle are bare chested especially when spiritually or supernaturally empowered beyond normal which is the story of the nightnelves.

    They were impervious to the elements because of their magical power so clothes are fashion and civilization based not for protection. In a way that is a bit more similar to dragons and demons or the most deadly and skilled fighters rather than animals.
    Last edited by Mace; 2021-11-14 at 02:11 PM.

  14. #34
    Top tier racial fantasy.

    OG Forsaken: got to be the goat. Mix of tying the story to major in game events, using the "human" part of the humans story while also not being tied down with their not as great overall lore and history.

    OG Night Elves: enough has been said here, wild and savage was the right direction, especially considering their progenitors .....

    Trolls: Troll lore runs deep, is multi faceted, and just in general really really really good.

    Blood Elf: they were great, the mix of holding on to a vaunted past while dealing with massive internal issues.

    Orcs: no description necessary

    Good to average, not the best tier:

    Tauren: a bit bland but pretty rich lore, I dont think they do enough or did enough (story/lore) to warrant higher ranking.

    Dwarves: great, but I feel they play second fiddle to the Humans too much to really get higher.

    Fun but not fleshed out enough, but there is still time

    Gnomes: they could have such good stories, but instead we get half baked mechagon and thats supposed to hold us.

    Goblins: really fun but outside of a cata start zone which is then completely unimportant, they need help story wise.

    Fun but its too late:

    Humans: some major issues with the human story vs others, multiple human nations with different origins that aren't fleshed out (ie we know why certain trolls are the way they are, but humans don't fully get that treatment). Over emphasis on stormwind. No real diversification to the humans.
    Its also too late, you can't go back and add a human nation back into the story, and putting them in now brings up the "where were you when ..." argument.

  15. #35
    Love all the blood elf ones.

    Particularly the Farstrider hinter wood elf and the golden sun lit alight priest.

    I like the Mage fantasy, but for fire and frost. Arcane pure fits more the purple elves

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    Love all the blood elf ones.

    Particularly the Farstrider hinter wood elf and the golden sun lit alight priest.

    I like the Mage fantasy, but for fire and frost. Arcane pure fits more the purple elves
    To be honest.

    I really like the night elf demon hunter
    The dark elf, night elf majestic highborne - think Prince Farondis leading Suramar or Zin’Azshari
    The dark forest Druid , not the savage kind but more like Malfurion - benevolent but can be pretty scary waking up trees, vines or calling down moon and vines.

    I quite love the void elf fantasy too - Mage, Hunter, priest - tendril vapours of purple and stars. It’s using dark powers for good, which is what I loved about the demon Hunter fantasy, except the void elves seem genuine good guys. So do most demon hunters. But they don’t have the rage and tortured soul burden which is a nice change - all the conflicted elves are on the alliance.

    I love the sun king gold and red, blue ir greeen Thalassian fantasy. The thing is this is the high elf fantasy - there is nothing distinguishing sin’dorei from quel’dorei in this fantasy except maybe red and blue colours so it could be either. But since Quel’thalas is under the control of the highbelves who call themselves blood elves rather than the exiles, I will call it blood elf. Just know it is high elf.

    The pure high elf fantasy is absent without the high elves, and blood elves can’t be used for it because of how they changed them. Even with redemption and coming close to their former high elf selves, the blood elves still have an edge and darkness aspect to them that forever tarnishes that.

    Only high elves can be high elves.

    Love the Draenei Aichindouin of WoD fantasy - that whole presentation of them was gorgeous.

    Human Mage fantasy
    Worgen werewolf fantasy

    I think those are my favourites
    Last edited by Mace; 2021-11-14 at 04:28 PM.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    To be honest.

    I really like the night elf demon hinter
    The dark elf night elf majestic highborne - think Prince Farondis leading Suramar or Zin’Azshari
    The dark forest Druid , not the savage kind but more like Malfurion

    I quite love the void elf fantasy too - Mage, Hunter, priest

    I love the sun king gold and red, blue ir greeen Thalassian fantasy. The thing is this is the high elf fantasy - there is nothing distinguishing sin’dorei from quel’dorei in this fantasy except maybe red and blue colours so it could be either. But since Quel’thalas is under the control of the highbelves who call themselves blood elves rather than the exiles, I will call it blood elf. Just know it is high elf.

    Love the Draenei Aichindouin of WoD fantasy - that whole presentation of them was gorgeous.

    Human Mage fantasy
    Worgen werewolf fantasy

    I think those are my favourites
    While they have convergent fantasies, since TBC they have also divulged.

    I don’t think the high elves can claim that sun king fantasy anymore or even a Mage fantasy.

    I think of them more like Vereesa and the wayfarers.
    @Tanaria would agree.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    While they have convergent fantasies, since TBC they have also divulged.

    I don’t think the high elves can claim that sun king fantasy anymore or even a Mage fantasy.

    I think of them more like Vereesa and the wayfarers.
    @Tanaria would agree.
    You’re kidding me right? Just because it is the past doesn’t make it less high elven.

    It’s identity is rooted in the high elf, the blood elf shares this, but you can’t cut off the high elf from its past.

    It smacks of those who try to cut off the Kaldorei from the Nightborne. Who are just different looking Kaldorei in Kaldorei city and culture. And say becausenDarnasssians have other cultural expression that Suramar or the pre sundering civilisation is somehow not Kaldorei.

    It’s lunacy. Like Kaldorei can’t have more than one vein or strand. Which smacks of horde fans wanting night elves cut out of their own identity just like you are trying to cut high elves out.

    It doesn’t matter if most high elves or most night elves don’t live that way now. If many do , all do or none do. That identity is still theirs.

    Now it is blood elves that don’t have anything unique as blood elves distinguishing them from
    High elves. Except for maybe fel and being reckless.

    Nightborne at least have upturned ears and chronomancy magic. But they are part of the Kaldorei cast and one of the race’s cultures

  19. #39
    I would say the High elves can claim a Mage fantasy, since there were several mages employed by the Silver Covenant.

    But naturally they can't compare to the Blood and Void elves, whose core identity is based around the idea of Magic. In the Blood elves' case, it is the fiery magic of the Sunwell. In the Void elves' case, it is the cold magic of the Void.
    The Void. A force of infinite hunger. Its whispers have broken the will of dragons... and lured even the titans' own children into madness. Sages and scholars fear the Void. But we understand a truth they do not. That the Void is a power to be harnessed... to be bent by a will strong enough to command it. The Void has shaped us... changed us. But you will become its master. Wield the shadows as a weapon to save our world... and defend the Alliance!

  20. #40
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
    3+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    I wanted chaos/evil-leaning human paladin allied with beasts like some dark knight, or some bandit/pirates like the Fogsail

    guess I'll stick with short-eared blood elves
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

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