1. #29761
    So Russia is flipping pissed about UK sending Uranium arms to Ukraine.

    Putin has vowed to respond to Britain sending uranium tank arms to Ukraine.

    The despot said Moscow will be 'forced to react' if the UK goes ahead with its delivery of 14 battle tanks.

    The depleted uranium (DU) ammunition is meant for use by Ukrainian forces who are utilising British-made Challenger 2 tank which the Government has sent to Eastern Europe.

    It is the latest direct threat that Putin has levelled against Britian.

    Sergei Shiogu, Russian defence minister, also responded to the latest news of Britain sending new weapons to Ukraine.

    The minister for despot Putin said: "Another step has been taken, and there are fewer and fewer left".

  2. #29762
    What are they going to do about it? Bomb Ukraine more?

    Its typical muscovite garbage only meant to mean anything to the unthinking.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    I think you misunderstand Gherkin.

    Gherkin is controlled opposition. He's straight out of the old Soviet playbook.

    Gherkin's "critique" is useful to the Kremlin as it's escalatory in nature while technically aligned with the intentions of the Kremlin. Gherkin is just there to constantly push for more of X or else this or that terrible thing will happen.

    This was very common in the Soviet era too. Soviet press was chokeful of "critical" articles like...."Comrade Stalin is too lenient with the enemies of the State and he should be sending twice as many people to the gulag".

    Again, there's no REAL dissent in any of the permitted "criticism". There's no "This war is dumb, and a crime, and we should retreat and sue for peace." Or "Putin is a war criminal and should be arrested, and we need to organize free elections." That is not permitted, that is what gets you thrown out of a window.

    Saying "Putin is not doing enough to murder Ukrainians and to oppose NATO and if we don't escalate we will lose" is not real opposition. This is just preparing the groundwork for the Kremlin.
    The Gherkin's early messages were along those lines - but now he has gone full doomer. Of late the message he has been putting out is that russia has pretty much lost the war and nothing much can be done to change that. And that pootie is an idiot.

  3. #29763
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    What are they going to do about it? Bomb Ukraine more?
    yeah, pretty much, albeit you should say "bomb civilians more" and not just Ukraine as though they randomly blow shit up; they're very much intentionally killing civilians.

    On the other hand though, it feels like there are some developments as a result of these actions lately. It doesn't matter to his health since he will never leave Russia, but today Ireland said it will arrest Putin on sight if he sets foot there not long after Germany enacted that policy.

    Symbolically, it does not feel like Putin is one of the world's leaders anymore despite still being on the UN council.

  4. #29764
    If muscovy could bomb them more, they would. They are at the limit of what they can do already. There is no secret army or reserve waiting to go. muscovy can do nothing but let everyone trample over yet another red line and do nothing about it.

    This is totally fake, but an accurate representation of what went down at the Xi-pootie meeting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And muscovy appears to be bringing t54s and t55s out of storage.


  5. #29765
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    If muscovy could bomb them more, they would. They are at the limit of what they can do already. There is no secret army or reserve waiting to go. muscovy can do nothing but let everyone trample over yet another red line and do nothing about it.

    This is totally fake, but an accurate representation of what went down at the Xi-pootie meeting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And muscovy appears to be bringing t54s and t55s out of storage.

    Vlad blows Xi, and Trump blows Vlad...

    This is shaping up like an opening scene for Human Centipede 4.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  6. #29766
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post

    And muscovy appears to be bringing t54s and t55s out of storage.


    So...T-34 when?

  7. #29767
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Those museum pieces are outclassed even by Leo 1s, if Russia has to scrounge for armour that badly the situation must be truly dire.

  8. #29768
    Quote Originally Posted by zealo View Post
    Those museum pieces are outclassed even by Leo 1s, if Russia has to scrounge for armour that badly the situation must be truly dire.
    meh effectiveness of a tank is based on the skillfulness of its crew and its deployment. Even those tanks are mean if used correctly.

  9. #29769
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post

    And muscovy appears to be bringing t54s and t55s out of storage.

    I'm sure those will do really well against modern Javelins
    Last edited by Belize; 2023-03-22 at 05:06 PM.

  10. #29770
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    meh effectiveness of a tank is based on the skillfulness of its crew and its deployment. Even those tanks are mean if used correctly.
    Reminds me in basic when they were trying to hammer home the fact that a tank is there as support and any tankers there not to get a fat head over their job.

    They are a sitting duck alone and the infantry around them can manage much better without the tank then the tank can without them and if they get a fist fight with his unit the infantry man will be much more trained and in shape for that and will kick his ass most times.

    Said that many tankers would actually get a complex over it because of the size of the gun and destruction they could cause and the fact that they didn’t have to walk as much.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
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  11. #29771
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Reminds me in basic when they were trying to hammer home the fact that a tank is there as support and any tankers there not to get a fat head over their job.

    They are a sitting duck alone and the infantry around them can manage much better without the tank then the tank can without them and if they get a fist fight with his unit the infantry man will be much more trained and in shape for that and will kick his ass most times.

    Said that many tankers would actually get a complex over it because of the size of the gun and destruction they could cause and the fact that they didn’t have to walk as much.
    That would, however, require combined arms, something russia notably has been neglecting. With predictable results.

  12. #29772
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    That would, however, require combined arms, something russia notably has been neglecting. With predictable results.
    yea watching the drive randomly into minefields is funny too.

    quite galling watching the drones drop grenades on them when they are next to tanks as well. like buddy get inside the fucking armour thats right next to you.

  13. #29773
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    You really need to stop masturbating to how horrible person Putin is.
    It just shocks me once in a while when you see news like that because of my own childhood teachings; like my parents always told me killing someone is a one-way ticket to hell and how horrible it is. But that's just common sense even without religious jargon.

    For Putin, it's like nothing. It's as natural to him as breathing. And like someone said, he's at least been at it for a decade. How does he not feel even the slightest bit of guilt?

    That's why I think he's at least an interesting person. I really don't know how someone could have what, at least several thousands, of deaths to their name and function when we've seen people commit suicide for the guilt of merely being complicit in a murder case.

  14. #29774
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It just shocks me once in a while when you see news like that because of my own childhood teachings; like my parents always told me killing someone is a one-way ticket to hell and how horrible it is. But that's just common sense even without religious jargon.

    For Putin, it's like nothing. It's as natural to him as breathing. And like someone said, he's at least been at it for a decade. How does he not feel even the slightest bit of guilt?

    That's why I think he's at least an interesting person. I really don't know how someone could have what, at least several thousands, of deaths to their name and function when we've seen people commit suicide for the guilt of merely being complicit in a murder case.
    Bless you. You truly are too pure of a soul for this world.

  15. #29775
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It just shocks me once in a while when you see news like that because of my own childhood teachings; like my parents always told me killing someone is a one-way ticket to hell and how horrible it is. But that's just common sense even without religious jargon.

    For Putin, it's like nothing. It's as natural to him as breathing. And like someone said, he's at least been at it for a decade. How does he not feel even the slightest bit of guilt?

    That's why I think he's at least an interesting person. I really don't know how someone could have what, at least several thousands, of deaths to their name and function when we've seen people commit suicide for the guilt of merely being complicit in a murder case.
    There are millions of people like that in this world with a disproportionate number of them in positions of power with the only holding them back being accountability.

    The only thing about this is he is in a position where he has little to no accountability and hasn’t for a long time.

    There is nothing special about this man historically or personality wise. He is a dime a dozen.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  16. #29776
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    meh effectiveness of a tank is based on the skillfulness of its crew and its deployment. Even those tanks are mean if used correctly.
    So those tanks are double fucked, then?

  17. #29777
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Well i guess russans will get demoralized now:

    This is a 6 year old video for example to compare russan side:

    But real question is if soldiers even get those in russan army at all.
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  18. #29778
    Those Russian MREs look like nasty cat food.

  19. #29779
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    meh effectiveness of a tank is based on the skillfulness of its crew and its deployment. Even those tanks are mean if used correctly.
    Skill can only take you so far in tanks these old - they were designed during ww2 to counter Tigers. The T54s began to be made in 1946. They have day-time only optic sights, poor mobility and poor armour compared to modern tanks - even the T62 is vastly superior to it. And the fuel tank is stored inside the crew compartment for added fun.

    On top of that it will strain russian logistics even more given it used yet another ammo type and has a different engine to all their other tanks. Oh, and it is the only tank in the russian service that doesn't have an autoloader. It requires a 4 man crew and a manual loader, which russians have not had any experience with for a long time.

    A couple of looks at it and the problems it will have. There is very little short of small arms that won't pop it.

    Probably they'll dig them in to use as pillboxes.
    Last edited by Corvus; 2023-03-23 at 12:47 AM.

  20. #29780
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    meh effectiveness of a tank is based on the skillfulness of its crew and its deployment. Even those tanks are mean if used correctly.
    I mean, hasn't Russia taken catastrophic losses to their tank divisions?

    I doubt they have a "secret super experienced skilled tank guys" just waiting in the wings at this point.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

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