It's kinda funny that we have several people who don't even live here tell you that you did your calculations wrong or that we live in castles. I'm in a similar situation as your friend, but without kids. I have a variable contract, but one from the big 3, where I've been for years now. Luckily my monthly payment "only" went up 20 euros, the new price includes the 400 euro that we need to pay less in energy tax. The people here that claimed you were wrong also simply can't understand that alot of people don't have a choice, they can't move places. And people with low income are also the ones who end up in poorly isolated houses. I'm cutting back on gas consumption where I can, but it's also poorly isolated and I'm just not gonna go sit in the cold. Prices will change again this June I think, hopefully things have changed a bit and that the goverment came up with some solutions. Thank God we had a winter like this one this time around.