It's much like the US took Osama's bait hook, line and sinker. He expected 9/11 to send shockwaves through the country, I doubt he expected them to be so stupid about it that they'd invade one of the primary opponents of radical Islam in the Middle East and fuck up the region so much that a new Califate would rise up and Afghanistan would be retaken by the Taliban in literally two days. The asshole most definitely laughed in his watery grave when those happened.
And not to diminish Ukraine's tenacity, but I do think had the Russians be competent about it there's not much they could have done. A properly equipped, prepared, supplied and led Russian army really should have swept them aside. Unless I really do overestimate the Russians by a lot and/or underestimate how much aid Ukraine got. I'm still surprised as to how little Russia's air force is doing. Their doctrine depends less on air supremacy than America's but it's still something they should seek but apparently they half-assed that aspect even more than the rest. I predict that military scholars and analyst will both be baffled by this invasion for years to come and use it as a quick and handy "what not to do" showcase.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
Watched a video of a Ukrainian man mourning the death of his wife Lyudmilla who was killed by Russian shelling in Mariupal.
42 years of marriage together.
Destroyed and for what? I don't understand this war at all. It was heartbreaking to see that man sob and demand why she was taken from him. The fuck did he do to deserve that? The fuck did any one in Ukraine do?
Putin khuliyo
And the moment Russia tried that, they would be nuked off the face of the earth from multiple other nations who don't want to risk them doing the same to them now or in the immediate future when Russia gets extra paranoid about a retaliation.
If they were to attempt a small yield nuke ANYWHERE, including inside their own borders outside of a test site, Russia's cockroaches wouldn't even survive the response.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
So then you should have a source for that, right?
The cost of the R&D is one thing, the cost of manufacturing the missile is another.
Also, the term "hypersonic missile" covers a large amount of ground, for that matter. HGV's will probably cost $50-100m each. I don't think HCM's will get there except for the extreme high end versions, perhaps. And the Kinzhal is pretty much as low-end of an HCM as you can get, as a somewhat-modified, air-launched Iskander missile.
It's not really in the same class of HCM's envisioned by hypersonic missile R&D, let alone the more advanced HGV's.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
Russia has made a powerful enemy today: Arnold Schwarzenegger.