1. #19941
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I guess that's why they needed to scrap the upper age limit for signing up with the army, so they didn't need to train the crew.

    Meanwhile there seems to be no love lost between the separatist areas.
    I wonder if this is staged so they can go. "Look see totally independent from Russia, we hate those guys in Luhansk too."

  2. #19942
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    Industrial heart of the USSR... now torn apart
    Quote Originally Posted by alkyd View Post
    There are two views about how strong or weak this conflicts makes Russia look

    1. It's obviously the most prominent in the West and on this forum which is the fact that Russia has performed poorly in Ukraine.

    2. The other view is that everybody knows that this conflict has become a proxy war between NATO and Russia. The Western politicians especially wanted to make it Vietnam 2.0 for Putin. Ukraine got tremendous military and financial aid and training from the NATO/EU to the point that stock levels of certain weaponry started depleting. Nevertheless, despite all the aid to Ukraine and anti-Russia sanctions, Russia has slowly advanced to their goals in Ukraine and its economy did not crumble as many have expected.

    The fact that NATO and EU couldn't break Russia with all the sanctions and military aid to Ukraine gives good PR opticals for Russia.
    It's way too soon to say that. Even the guy who in his every prediction includes "Crimea goes to Russia 100%, done deal", also (correctly) says sanctions won't make Russia crumble in one year. It's only been 3 months. With Lend-Lease, Ukrainian military victory looks much more likely than I predicted 2 months ago, but it will take time. Still, if you'll ever have grandchildren, they will learn at school "Ukraine defeated Russia in the war of 2014-2023. (or even 2024)" And Western help will be covered in more advanced study of that war.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobleshield View Post
    It's not 2004. People have lives, jobs, families etc

  3. #19943
    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    I wonder if this is staged so they can go. "Look see totally independent from Russia, we hate those guys in Luhansk too."
    Doesn't matter what they want - Russia will expend them like the cannon fodder they are and then take over (or try) their lands.

  4. #19944
    Quote Originally Posted by alkyd View Post
    2. The other view is that everybody knows that this conflict has become a proxy war between NATO and Russia. The Western politicians especially wanted to make it Vietnam 2.0 for Putin. Ukraine got tremendous military and financial aid and training from the NATO/EU to the point that stock levels of certain weaponry started depleting. Nevertheless, despite all the aid to Ukraine and anti-Russia sanctions, Russia has slowly advanced to their goals in Ukraine and its economy did not crumble as many have expected.

    The fact that NATO and EU couldn't break Russia with all the sanctions and military aid to Ukraine gives good PR opticals for Russia.
    Need I remind you that *Russia* attacked *Ukraine*? They're the only ones who think it's a proxy war.

  5. #19945
    Speaking of the separatists, it seems that Russian propaganda may be backfiring slightly with regards to them. Russian milbloggers are now complaining about the treatment they are getting, about the lack of equipment and even lack of pay they are receiving. After all, Russian propaganda this whole time has been the war was started to protect the people of Donbas. Putin only used them as an excuse and is treating them as such, but that stands in opposition to the ongoing propaganda, so to treat them as badly are they are while at the same time saying the war is to protect them is causing issues with the Russian milbloggers.

  6. #19946
    Quote Originally Posted by XDurionX View Post
    Ukrainian secret service has "confirmed" that Putin has cancer, take that as you will.
    Putin does not have cancer. Putin is cancer.

  7. #19947
    The news lately spam that Donbas will be lost and that Ukraine will enter in EU but not Nato, they seem to set the ground for such deal. I wonder if the Russians will accept this deal or try to go further than Donbas and reinforce further their army. I personally think that the west is very confident with such deal because something bigger is involved, like "accept this deal or ww3"

  8. #19948
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    The news lately spam that Donbas will be lost and that Ukraine will enter in EU but not Nato, they seem to set the ground for such deal. I wonder if the Russians will accept this deal or try to go further than Donbas and reinforce further their army. I personally think that the west is very confident with such deal because something bigger is involved, like "accept this deal or ww3"
    There is zero chance of Ukraine getting into the EU until ten-fifteen years at least.

  9. #19949
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    The news lately spam that Donbas will be lost and that Ukraine will enter in EU but not Nato, they seem to set the ground for such deal. I wonder if the Russians will accept this deal or try to go further than Donbas and reinforce further their army. I personally think that the west is very confident with such deal because something bigger is involved, like "accept this deal or ww3"
    I think Russia would settle for getting Donbas and their land bridge to Crimea.

    But what Russia would accept is not relevant when Ukraine has no reason to accept anything less what they had before the invasion started. The long term conflict favours them, not Russia.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  10. #19950
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    The news lately spam that Donbas will be lost and that Ukraine will enter in EU but not Nato, they seem to set the ground for such deal. I wonder if the Russians will accept this deal or try to go further than Donbas and reinforce further their army. I personally think that the west is very confident with such deal because something bigger is involved, like "accept this deal or ww3"
    The news have no clue and aren't thinking clearly.

    Here's the inside scoop of how it's going to go down: The Ukraine will retake everything. And they will join whatever organisation they want to join. They are WINNING this war.

    Russia's cooperation is not needed for anything. There is nothing Russia could negotiate with.

    Russia "accepting the deal" is irrelevant. Russian opinion is insignificant to the outcome to all those decisions.
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  11. #19951
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    The news lately spam that Donbas will be lost and that Ukraine will enter in EU but not Nato, they seem to set the ground for such deal. I wonder if the Russians will accept this deal or try to go further than Donbas and reinforce further their army. I personally think that the west is very confident with such deal because something bigger is involved, like "accept this deal or ww3"
    As someone else wrote, Ukranian EU membership is decades down the road.

  12. #19952
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    People are funny if they think Ukraine will be in EU soon - EU can't even agree on a bloody oil embargo and you imagine they would agree to that.

    Best case scenario for Ukraine in EU would be something akin to Putin kicking the bucked, current Russian regime collapsing and complete 180 degrees turnaround towards West by subsequent whoever it will be their next Warchief there. Then - maybe Ukraine will be in EU until 2030.

    Ukraine itself has a long shopping list of what it would need to do to be a member as well, after all it's still an ex-Soviet republic with a big corruption problem of its own. They will need a good half a decade to even begin cleaning that shit up.


    As for what is happening now - it is clear that Russia will probably grab another town or two, then dig in and declare "mission accomplished". There is maybe a chance for Ukraine to try and do a counterattack on some positions somewhere in July/August so they might take some areas back. And then it will be a simmering war of attrition for a year or two until Putin croaks and maybe some less checky leadership in Russia emerges.

  13. #19953
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    People are funny if they think Ukraine will be in EU soon - EU can't even agree on a bloody oil embargo and you imagine they would agree to that.
    True, but if we look at gas it's stranger; as Ukraine still hasn't cut off export of Russian gas through Ukraine.

    Basically too many rely on the energy flowing from Russia to EU.

  14. #19954
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forogil View Post
    True, but if we look at gas it's stranger; as Ukraine still hasn't cut off export of Russian gas through Ukraine.

    Basically too many rely on the energy flowing from Russia to EU.
    Very likely due to EU/West pressure.

    After all, war is bad and all, but the spice must flow.

  15. #19955
    russians executing ukranians they capture, loads of photos from lyman of ukranians with hands tied behind their backs being executed. Fucking russian pigs

  16. #19956
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    People are funny if they think Ukraine will be in EU soon - EU can't even agree on a bloody oil embargo and you imagine they would agree to that.

    Best case scenario for Ukraine in EU would be something akin to Putin kicking the bucked, current Russian regime collapsing and complete 180 degrees turnaround towards West by subsequent whoever it will be their next Warchief there. Then - maybe Ukraine will be in EU until 2030.

    Ukraine itself has a long shopping list of what it would need to do to be a member as well, after all it's still an ex-Soviet republic with a big corruption problem of its own. They will need a good half a decade to even begin cleaning that shit up.


    As for what is happening now - it is clear that Russia will probably grab another town or two, then dig in and declare "mission accomplished". There is maybe a chance for Ukraine to try and do a counterattack on some positions somewhere in July/August so they might take some areas back. And then it will be a simmering war of attrition for a year or two until Putin croaks and maybe some less checky leadership in Russia emerges.
    People thinking Ukraine should be fast-tracked inside the EU fundamentally misunderstand what the EU is about, really.

    While there is a mutual defense clause (of which there can be arguments held about just what that means, too), the EU isn't a military alliance in it's primary purpose, it needs to be real careful about inviting nations still grappling with a ton of domestic corruption before they're ready, dealing with Hungary and Poland is already pushing it in areas like rule of law, and displays the EU in it's current form isn't equipped to handle democratic backsliding from states once they have become full members.

  17. #19957
    Quote Originally Posted by XDurionX View Post
    Ukrainian secret service has "confirmed" that Putin has cancer, take that as you will.
    Does this even matter? Will anything change when he will be replaced? I think Russia is going to be Russia, they will not admit that Putin was the bad guy but instead there will be propaganda how they liberate world from nazis and NATO just signed by different leader and thats all.

  18. #19958
    Quote Originally Posted by zealo View Post
    People thinking Ukraine should be fast-tracked inside the EU fundamentally misunderstand what the EU is about, really.

    While there is a mutual defense clause (of which there can be arguments held about just what that means, too), the EU isn't a military alliance in it's primary purpose, it needs to be real careful about inviting nations still grappling with a ton of domestic corruption before they're ready, dealing with Hungary and Poland is already pushing it in areas like rule of law, and displays the EU in it's current form isn't equipped to handle democratic backsliding from states once they have become full members.
    Neither is NATO tbh. Turkey has shown that plenty of times along the years.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  19. #19959
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    Does this even matter? Will anything change when he will be replaced? I think Russia is going to be Russia, they will not admit that Putin was the bad guy but instead there will be propaganda how they liberate world from nazis and NATO just signed by different leader and thats all.
    Well if anything, this makes him more dangerous imho.

  20. #19960
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    Does this even matter? Will anything change when he will be replaced? I think Russia is going to be Russia, they will not admit that Putin was the bad guy but instead there will be propaganda how they liberate world from nazis and NATO just signed by different leader and thats all.
    Eeehh...yes and no, it's still a time honoured habit of blaming the previous guy in russia. putin might escape it due to popularity but that's easily deconstructed.

    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    russians executing ukranians they capture, loads of photos from lyman of ukranians with hands tied behind their backs being executed. Fucking russian pigs
    Got anything on that or just hearsay? Not saying I don't believe you as we've all seen Bucha but without a link to an article it's hard to verify.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2022-05-26 at 05:01 PM.

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