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  1. #1

    If Blizz gave Warfronts a 2nd chance, what would you like to see

    It's no lie to say Warfronts were not worth the hype blizz set up in BfA, but if Blizz were to decide to redeem it with some well needed changes to how it works so that their more fun what themes would you like to see

    Dwarves vs Tauren, or Gnomes vs Trolls go without saying since it would round out themes for the original 8 races, but we could go farther

    Personally, I kind of like the idea of Worgen vs Mag'har, with both being more industrialized counterparts to the main races, with Worgen mail giving a musketeer sort of appearance while Plate gets a dark knight flavor compared to Stormwind(with an open mouth helmet to fit Worgen better), and Mag'har plate being a mix of the Blackrock set from WoD and the Mag'har heritage armor while Leather gets a set based on the Shattered hand Orc models and mail being based on the Frostwolves

  2. #2
    I don't want Blizzard to give Warfronts a second chance. They seemed neat on paper but in execution were one of the least enjoyable things they ever brought to this game. Square peg, round hole. This game just isn't compatible with that kind of content.

  3. #3
    The only way to save Warfronts would be to make them a new PvP 40-player battleground, with the same objectives.

  4. #4
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Warfronts have been imo among the worst content that has ever made its way into WoW. Only Snoreghast comes close to THAT level of awfulness.
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  5. #5
    A loss condition

  6. #6
    Brewmaster SunspotAnims's Avatar
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    It should've been solo with the option to play in a group, like Torghast, and since the strategic decisions would be placed squarely on your shoulders if it were solo, there should be actual strategic decisions to make. Like playing Warcraft 3 with your character as the hero unit.

  7. #7
    Warfronts needed a PVP mode.

    Island Expeditions should've never been a horde v alliance race, but just a chill, Torghasty PVE-only rogue-like.

  8. #8
    The Insane Syegfryed's Avatar
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    single player option, otherwise not interest in something like that, already have the bgs

  9. #9
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Warfronts were just a less-interactive PvE Ashran, and ashran was already incredibly boring. I don't think theming is going to make it much more engaging.

    If you're going to have content like that you need to make it more rewarding and make players crazy-go-nuts powerful.

    Blizzard has only done large-scale "tactical" world content once, for my money, in the form of Wintergrasp.

    1) Players of all gear levels could be involved and be useful. Vehicles helped even the playing field. Even if you didn't have good PvP gear you could pilot a vehicle to good effect or destroy enemy vehicles. Both were useful to either side.
    2) The inclusion of Vault of Archavon dropping useful, contemporary gear meant that controlling the zone was useful and incentivized non-PvPers to get involved and have an interest in who controlled it.
    3) Either side could actually tangibly progress in the battle. When you destroyed a wall or tower, it stayed destroyed and your actions had a permenant impact on the course of the battle. Meanwhile, world PvP areas like Tol Barad and Ashran had no way to meaningfully progress.

    If Tol Barad had been a basic carbon copy of Wintergrasp instead of the mindless run-in-a-circle that it was, and with its additions of dailies and an attached zone, I think it could have been a major part of Cataclysm. Ashran would have been far more successful if it had had any actual incentive to do it instead of a bunch of gimmicky, disparate chores to do that acquiesced into nothing.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  10. #10
    I'd like to see Blizzard throwing them into trash where they belong.

  11. #11
    Be bold and make them cycle monthly instead of biweekly. Really test those limits.

  12. #12
    The Unstoppable Force Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Tweak them a bit and make them epic battle grounds, if people like those versions make more for more battle grounds. Other wise they shouldn’t bother.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  13. #13
    Warfronts were some of the dullest content ever created, I wouldn't want to see them expanded lol.

  14. #14
    Elemental Lord
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    problem with warfronts is that there weren't enough. we got 2 warfronts and they were boring auto win things. they could've spiced it up by having them all over Azeroth, involving the local flora/fauna/tribes - like make one in Desolace and we rally one faction of centaur behind us which turns the other hostile who then attack us. STV - have wild animals launch attacks from the shadows. at least then it would've spiced things up a bit

  15. #15
    Needed to google and look if i ever made warfronts at all... and yeah i did them and they were boring. They werent intuitive, i was never sure what i have to do to win. There were also a bunch of people AFK, others that were just mimimi and when u had a bad group you just wasted time for nothing.

    And personal for me thats not content i want, or i would love to see them working/expanding on. I want more Dungeons, more zones, more arenas and for fck sake GOOD new battlegrounds. broken shore sucks, deepwindgulch rework sucks, katmogu sucks, ashran sucks.

    All the (systems) and new content they tried to implement in wod/legion/bfa/sl are just okay or sucks. Take your ressources and time and bring just more of the same. Because this system/content blocks all my alts. in cata/mop/wod/legion i was able to play 4-5 chars in pvp, without trouble. Now its hard enought to keep 2 charakters up to date, cause you have so much grind and powerloss, if u dont do the grind.

    And what i really miss are different Raids in the same tier/patch, like the 4.0 und 5.0 Raids. Was fun to see different settings and seeing different storys in the same raidtier, even if all the raids have just 2-6 Bosses.

  16. #16
    No second chance. NEVER again, the worst content they ever did.

  17. #17
    I am Murloc!
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    At the very least, Heroic mode should have been the baseline. Enemy boss that assaulted your base and was an actual threat, more agressive attack waves, anything that actually made it feel like an actual battlefield instead of resource collection "miner simulator". Maybe they could have make it work like old school AV - you could leave at any time, rewards were tied to rep, the scale was much larger. Could even use their fancy Island AI to create enemy parties that were trying to complete their own objectives and had to be stopped.

    That, or just go the PvP route and make it modern recreation of AV, where both sides build their bases and fight. Might still keep the attacker/defender dynamic, but at least it'd be more involving than defeating weak and useless AI.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I don't want Blizzard to give Warfronts a second chance. They seemed neat on paper but in execution were one of the least enjoyable things they ever brought to this game. Square peg, round hole. This game just isn't compatible with that kind of content.
    There was no execution because they removed the human choice element, they arent dumb, they know the community cant do such content collectively, the decision making/leadership/skill is not there.

    Which is why most of these content are just trash content dumbed down to the extreme and its a waste of dev time, but in a second note, it is good for alts 6 months in, so eh.

  19. #19
    PvP Moba-like game.

    But instead of items you could buy buffs for your army.

  20. #20
    Way fewer players, 5 players at most, and more likely 3 or even a solo experience.
    Far more focus on the add waves and buffing them to be a tangible bonus that is required to get to the opposing fortress.
    More and deeper building mechanics. Maybe not quite to the RTS level of micromanaging, but at least some freeform plots so every run doesn't end up building the same 5 buildings no matter what. If I want a run where I steamroll with 50 knights then I should be able to. If I want a run where I make an impregnable defensive wall that slowly moved forward then I should be able to.

    In short: Less players, more decisions.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

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