1. #3281
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You'll have opportunity to ask me my opinion for what's on your mind, and this time choosing not to drop in the daddy Musk angle to poison the discussion. If you think this is all about sycophancy, then go right on believing it without my input.

    It's almost like you forgot the history of governments using law enforcement to correct their citizen's speech. The people have squandered the confidence of the government to engage in proper speech. Would it not in that case be simpler for them to dissolve the people and elect another?
    So you're going to play the hurt victim card to not explain why every single one of your opinions in this thread is massively hypocritical at its core. I asked you nicely about the heart of the issue, without any "daddy Musk". You and I both know that Musk is pruning the information he gives you, and you addressing that undermines every single argument you've made in this thread.

    Got it.

    You're too easy.

    Are you offended at the idea that you fell for propaganda? Or do you not care and are just too proud to admit that you know you're being manipulated?
    2014 Gamergate: "If you want games without hyper sexualized female characters and representation, then learn to code!"
    2023: "What's with all these massively successful games with ugly (realistic) women? How could this have happened?!"

  2. #3282
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    So Senator Steve Daines has been temp banned for posting a photo of himself, his wife, and their kill on a hunting trip. Not exactly gory or anything, curious.

    Hilarious that, rather than use the existing backchannels to connect to Twitter directly and have someone review what appears to be an improper suspension, Republicans would rather just vaguely tweet about it publicly and hope that SOMEONE does SOMETHING.

    Meanwhile, a polite email asking Twitter if the action was intentional or if it was their system simply being overactive would take moments and resolve the issue expeditiously.
    I don't think that was an improper suspension. It wasn't that he posted the picture, it was that he made the picture his profile picture. Twitter has very strict rules about what you can put in your profile pic and header (no porn and no graphic violence) because that picture will show up to everyone you tweet replies to. It's possible that they can convince twitter that the image isn't graphic ENOUGH to warrant a suspension, but if they want to say they don't want dead animals in profile pictures, that seems reasonable to me.

  3. #3283
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I don't think that was an improper suspension. It wasn't that he posted the picture, it was that he made the picture his profile picture. Twitter has very strict rules about what you can put in your profile pic and header (no porn and no graphic violence) because that picture will show up to everyone you tweet replies to. It's possible that they can convince twitter that the image isn't graphic ENOUGH to warrant a suspension, but if they want to say they don't want dead animals in profile pictures, that seems reasonable to me.
    I wouldn't even count that as "graphic" in general, at most you see an amount of blood that you'd bleed after a papercut.

    Either way, I'm mostly just enjoying watching the same Republicans that Elon has been appealing to showing that they give zero fucks about his efforts to make Twitter more of a Republican safe-space shit on him publicly as if this too was directed by him. Who could have ever imagined they'd have no qualms turning on him on the dime.

  4. #3284
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    It's possible that they can convince twitter that the image isn't graphic ENOUGH to warrant a suspension, but if they want to say they don't want dead animals in profile pictures, that seems reasonable to me.
    I think that's what it's going to boil down to. It's hard to argue that the picture doesn't specifically show death. The question, then, is "gory".

    Ted Cruz isn't doing his friend any favors, however, when he says his friend was aiming for the balloon and missed. If he's not taking it seriously, why should Twitter care enough to reverse the ban?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I wouldn't even count that as "graphic" in general
    Twitter spelled out the rules in the ban notification. Graphic violence = death + gory, in one example at least. And that deer is 100% dead.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The ban has been reversed on Musk's direct say-so.

    Wait, that was after Ted Cruz asked, right? That sounds like direct government pressure! Quick, @tehdang denounce this!

  5. #3285
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The ban has been reversed on Musk's direct say-so.

    Wait, that was after Ted Cruz asked, right? That sounds like direct government pressure! Quick, @tehdang denounce this!

    How dare political actors pressure a private entity to cave to their demands by publicly shaming and targeting them. Clearly this is gross government overreach and should be thoroughly investigated as we cannot be certain there was not additoinal behind-the-scenes pressures here.

    That political staff or politicians are making requests of Twitter and Twitter is GRANTING THEM and CHANGING THEIR POLICY as a result is a clear abuse of power and should worry anyone who cares about the First Amendment.

    If we're to take the posts of some here at face-value.

    Because personally, /whatever.

  6. #3286
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I consider it chilling to the culture of free speech and the civil rights of individuals for FBI agents to pressure social media companies to ban and censor users. I'll note that such activities aren't countered or met by questioning what actions were taken or whether there was literal compulsion. The FBI has no business doing this. It's overreach and it's a shame this wasn't exposed by the previous management of Twitter--to give Americans an idea of what their tax dollars were funding. A grandmother with 17 followers is posting a joke about the election day online, so it's up to her government to contact the social media company to very kindly think about removing the speech from their platform. Thank you FBI agents for your vigilance in counteracting disinformation online, but be vigilant because there's a teen with incorrect opinions on the Russian invasion of Ukraine that will post in mere minutes! Twitter must be notified!

    I've read utter rejection of this entire argument. Just dismissed out of hand. Civil liberties were never concerned and the FBI is an innocent actor in all this. They're empowered to just send agents to the country's newspapers and magazines to tell them what's truth and disinformation, in this line of argument.

    So I'm not exactly going to waste time digging deeper into tangential questions when the whole controversy simply doesn't exist in your mind and the minds of others. It's sort of like telling the Supreme Court that its rulings on the chilling of speech are silly since no speech was actually banned or prosecuted in many cases, and then questioning the Supreme Court on why the bad actors are actually bad and why openness in documentation is a key factor. Alright, we disagree, but much of what you're going on about doesn't matter much because you rejected or otherwise dismissed the core contention.

    You'll have opportunity to ask me my opinion for what's on your mind, and this time choosing not to drop in the daddy Musk angle to poison the discussion. If you think this is all about sycophancy, then go right on believing it without my input.

    It's almost like you forgot the history of governments using law enforcement to correct their citizen's speech. The people have squandered the confidence of the government to engage in proper speech. Would it not in that case be simpler for them to dissolve the people and elect another?
    You'll have to explain to me how said pressure was anything close to significant given that, again, most requests were denied or just explained away by a glorified "look at our ToS". If the big news is that some FBI agents were potentially slightly overzealous about a few tweets and get rebuffed, yeah I won't faint at the idea. Sorry but not really sorry. You got far bigger problems RE your surveillance state.

    And as others have said, I do expect you to also clutch those pearls of yours at the mere idea of Twitter changing their decision because Cruz -as government as it gets- asked them to and the head honcho said OK. Surely the end of the First Amendment is nigh if such intolerable overreach is allowed.
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  7. #3287
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    It's almost like you forgot the history of governments using law enforcement to correct their citizen's speech.
    You say this and yet you're mum on Republicans constantly trying to block freedom of expression, ban books, ban lesson plans in schools -- even in universities.

    Twitter fact checking and blocking people who consistently and maliciously spread harmful lies is not government overreach.

    You're really just an incredibly disingenuous person, aren't you?

  8. #3288
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I consider it chilling to the culture of free speech and the civil rights of individuals for FBI agents to pressure social media companies to ban and censor users.
    It might be, if this had happened, but it didn't, and nothing in the Twitter files suggests it had. You're imagining up a fake conspiracy out of cobwebs and delusion.

    I've read utter rejection of this entire argument. Just dismissed out of hand. Civil liberties were never concerned and the FBI is an innocent actor in all this. They're empowered to just send agents to the country's newspapers and magazines to tell them what's truth and disinformation, in this line of argument.
    The "utter rejection" is that you're making all this shit up. Literally no evidence of any "sending of agents" or even any pressure applied to push a message.

    So I'm not exactly going to waste time digging deeper into tangential questions when the whole controversy simply doesn't exist in your mind and the minds of others.
    It isn't about what's in our minds. It's about what's factually evidential. That's where your claims fall apart completely.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    You'll have to explain to me how said pressure was anything close to significant given that, again, most requests were denied or just explained away by a glorified "look at our ToS".
    Specifically, for there to be "pressure", there has to be at least an implication of some action that will be taken in response if the target doesn't comply. Without that implication (or overt threat), it's just an open request, not "pressure" in any useful sense.

    Unless literally all reports of misconduct by all private citizens also count as "pressuring Twitter", which is an incredibly useless and objectively stupid use of the word.

  9. #3289
    What's more patently hilarious about this is this presumes that the FBI is either controlled by, or doing the bidding of liberals/Democrats.

    Which, given well documented history of where law enforcement, including federal law enforcement, usually falls on the political spectrum is fairly easily debunked without any evidence to the contrary.

    Also, examples like this where the FBI pay violent former felons to infiltrate racial justice movements: https://theintercept.com/2023/02/07/...sts-informant/

    Like, yeah bros, they're some big lefty organization packed with leftists that are all out there doing leftist bidding and controlling private companies. This is absolute brainworms shit that's wholly detached from the mountains of evidence to the contrary that exist in objective reality.

  10. #3290
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I'll note that such activities aren't countered or met by questioning what actions were taken or whether there was literal compulsion.
    If there had been compulsion, don't you think the twitter files had contained -that- instead of the completely milquetoast "evidence" you keep riding until you're raw?
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  11. #3291
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    The FBI has no business doing this.
    The FBI doesn't have any business trying to make sure terrorists and more don't harm others........well that was a dumb fucking thing to say, especially when you realize that they weren't doing anything illegal, immoral, or anything worth noting.

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  12. #3292
    Banned Cynical Asshole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    The FBI doesn't have any business trying to make sure terrorists and more don't harm others........well that was a dumb fucking thing to say, especially when you realize that they weren't doing anything illegal, immoral, or anything worth noting.
    You sound like one of those Republicans from 20 years ago telling people that all government surveillance and intrusion in private lives is ok because there are terrorists and pedophiles everywhere and people must be protected, so everything and anything is justified. Except now the "terrorists" and "pedophiles" have been replaced with people with the wrong political opinions. The Narrative stayed the same.
    Last edited by Cynical Asshole; 2023-02-08 at 12:39 PM.

  13. #3293
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    You sound like one of those Republicans from 20 years ago telling people that all government surveillance and intrusion in private lives is ok because there are terrorists and pedophiles everywhere and people must be protected, so everything and anything is justified. Except now the "terrorists" and "pedophiles" have been replaced with people with the wrong political opinions. The Narrative stayed the same.
    That's one way to look at what I said, not a correct one, but definitely a choice.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  14. #3294
    ...ouch. wrong thread..

  15. #3295
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    You sound like one of those Republicans from 20 years ago telling people that all government surveillance and intrusion in private lives is ok because there are terrorists and pedophiles everywhere and people must be protected, so everything and anything is justified. Except now the "terrorists" and "pedophiles" have been replaced with people with the wrong political opinions. The Narrative stayed the same.
    We're talking about polite reports of posts the agents in question thought violated Twitter's TOS. Literally anyone can get the same results by hitting the "report post" button and filing a report, it's just being processed via direct e-mail rather than through that automated system. If you're kneejerking over this, it's because you're irrational and so wildly partisan that you've lost touch with reality.

  16. #3296
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    House Republicans reveal their plan to combat inflation:

    "We return not to focus on advancing this robust agenda of progress, but instead, to take up an authentically trivial pursuit, all based on the obsessive victimology of right-wing politics" -- Raskin begins by pointing out what a huge waste of time a hearing Hunter's laptop is

    "Rather than conspiring to suppress right-wing MAGA speech, as my colleagues astonishingly claim, Twitter and other media companies knowingly facilitated Trump's spread of disinformation" -- Raskin

    Former Twitter exec Yoel Roth explains that the Hunter Biden laptop stuff at first glance bore a lot of similarities to the 2016 Russia hack and dump operation
    Former Twitter official Anika Collier Navaroli says "if we're here to talk social media &the govt, we need to talk about Twitter's failure to act before J6. I'm here to tell you that doing nothing is not an option. If we continue to do nothing, violence is going to happen again"
    Navaroli: "In January 2020, after the US assassinated an Iranian general and the US president decided to justify it on Twitter, management literally instructed me and my team to make sure that World War 3 did not start on the platform."
    RASKIN: Did I hear you say there were hundreds of thousands of counterfeit Twitter accounts set up by Russian propaganda and disinformation?

    ROTH: That's right. Those accounts are still active on social media today.

    RASKIN: Well, we should be having a hearing about that
    It's almost as if the Hunter Biden story and Twitter consorship stories are massive nothingburgers that play into the GOP's eternal victimhood complex of political showmanship.

    Raskin guides Navaroli through explaining how in the months leading up to January 6, Twitter actually bent over backward to accommodate right-wing MAGA hate speech
    It's a really great thread full of sound bites of Republicans getting owned then crying a bunch.
    2014 Gamergate: "If you want games without hyper sexualized female characters and representation, then learn to code!"
    2023: "What's with all these massively successful games with ugly (realistic) women? How could this have happened?!"

  17. #3297

    Wow, so Elon's targeting of Yoel Roth for harassment resulted in him being forced to sell his house and move to flee the harassment?


    Gym Jordan has to acknowledge that Twitter is not, in fact, bound by the First Amendment BUT...


    Woah now, Trump, as POTUS, was PUBLICLY PRESSURING TWITTER TO CHANGE POLICIES?! That seems way more serious and nefarious than the FBI reaching out to flag a few potential accounts for ToS violations!


    Greene again pushing the $900K in donations is bigger than it actually is in the context of elections that cost upwards of $12B. Also, doesn't realize that according to the SCOTUS, these donations are protected First Amendment speech.


    And thinks Twitter broke the law in suspending her.


    Oh look, and calls Yoel Roth a pedo, as if he hasn't already been harassed out of his home of these kinds of right wing attacks.

    What a fuckin joke of a clown show. Republicans are genuinely terrible, stupid, dishonest people apparently, or at least those in this hearing.

  18. #3298
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Gym Jordan has to acknowledge that Twitter is not, in fact, bound by the First Amendment
    Wait, was this from a hearing where the Republican Party was publicly grilling Twitter? That sounds like the government forcing a private company into certain actions. I'd love to hear @tehdang give his opinion about that, but we all know he won't, because it would either prove he's a hypocrite, or he'd have to admit his own party is doing things he repeatedly insisted was wrong.

  19. #3299

    The Virginia lawmaker then brought up a 2020 tweet in which Trump threatened to “strongly regulate” or “close” Twitter “down” in retaliation for allegedly “silenc[ing] conservatives.” He then turned to Navaroli to ask about a 2019 Trump tweet heckling Teigen and her husband John Legend, both outspoken critics of the former president.

    Navaroli confirmed that after Trump blasting the couple via tweet, he immediately contacted the social-media giant to demand Teigen’s tweet calling him a “pussy ass bitch” be deleted from the site.

    “What I was privy to was my supervisors letting us know that we had received something along those lines, or something of a request,” Navoroli replied. “In that instance, I do remember hearing that we had received a request from the White House to make sure that we evaluated this tweet and that they wanted it to come down because it was a derogatory statement towards the president.”

    Connolly, dripping with sarcasm, remarked that he “thought that was inappropriate action by a government official,” adding that it “wasn’t Joe Biden about his son’s laptop” but rather “Trump because he didn’t like what Chrissy Teigen has to say about him.”

    Intent on using his line of questioning to prove Trump engaged in the exact behavior Republicans accuse the Biden administration of doing, the congressman then questioned the other former executives on the current president’s contacts with Twitter.

    Both Roth and Gadde told Connolly they were “not aware” and “did not recall” any evidence of Biden having urged Twitter to remove content. Baker, for his part, insisted he didn’t know the answer to that question.
    Oh shit, so there WERE attempts to actually coerce Twitter into removing content by the government.

    The Republican government. Under Trump. Who didn't just request a review on certain accounts or the removal of revenge porn posted in specific tweets, but specifically requested that Twitter censor users for being mean to Trump and otherwise not violating their rules.

    Once again, color literally everyone surprised that Republicans are actually guilty of the very things they accuse Democrats of, rofl.

  20. #3300
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Oh shit, so there WERE attempts to actually coerce Twitter into removing content by the government.

    The Republican government. Under Trump. Who didn't just request a review on certain accounts or the removal of revenge porn posted in specific tweets, but specifically requested that Twitter censor users for being mean to Trump and otherwise not violating their rules.

    Once again, color literally everyone surprised that Republicans are actually guilty of the very things they accuse Democrats of, rofl.
    “I’m terrible and do terrible things so my political opponents must be as awful” is a weird bit of party policy but it runs deep in the Repub spheres.

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