1. #4921
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Whether you disagree or not doesn't change the facts, I know the game he is playing, I played it in the 90s and even did it here once and you guys are fish in a barrel on it.

    Ok, last time I really want to post on this right now because you guys never really learn this lesson and lose every time because of it.

    But before I do, let me ask you these questions.

    1) Who are this forum doesn't know what Varx is doing? Not some mythical person who just reads and never posts because even for those, ignoring him and moving on would let Varx stuff fall off the page instead of going for pages. Who on here doesn't know what Varx is doing and actually believes him?

    2) How does your responding to him actually change or inform the views of those on this page given the answer of the first question?

    3) How does your responding encourage or discourage him from posting even more? Are you correcting him or just feeding him?

    4) How does your posting actually inform others or productively progress the thread? And do not give the response of "I disproved him which helped" because that is a cop out response if you give an honest answer to question #1 and is about as productive as me just posting the multiplication table over and over again, being factually true doesn't make it productive in context.

    Answer these questions honestly and you will see just how unproductive your actions with Varx is and just how much he is kicking your collective butts in the process.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If you haven't noticed, I had ignored it for a while now. Not me fault he keeps kicking your asses with so many others doing the same thing. Dropping it now.

    If you actually want to post productively, I encourage you to actually start doing the same thing when you see actual shit posters instead of feeding them.
    Thnxs for that.

    But honestly even if they don't respond to me I'll just come back to post it again in a week or two.

    These forums are too liberal for their own good and they need to see some of the opposing view points instead of stagnating as an echo chamber.

    I'm just helping them grow out of their phase.

  2. #4922
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Cancer is literally a killer desiease and. It meant for anything else. I didn't mean literally programmed like fucking soft ware.
    Cancer is just uncontrolled growth. It will often kill the host sooner or later. That's not its purpose. It's not bacteria or a virus that tries to multiply and infect others.

    It's not a killer, it's not programmed. It has no goal and pretending it has one is some weird level of metaphysics for an agnostic. And don't make you school you on all the other topics too. Loser.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  3. #4923
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Fundamentally, this is a thread about the attack on women's basic human rights and dignity, as enshrined by the removal of Roe v. Wade.

    The anti-abortion crowd make similar non-arguments as Varx to justify their misogyny.

    So this isn't really even off-topic. This is the bullshit being pulled up in state legislatures to justify harming women. Most of us can't get access to those discussions, so all we can really do to engage in kick the beans out of people like Varx who present the same non-arguments, to try and ensure that at least the counter-arguments get as much air as the bullshit.

    Because that's all leaving them alone does. It grants them the stage, unopposed, without counterpoint or contradiction. And when that's all people hear, that's all people end up believing, and you end up with crazy bullshit like SCOTUS removing Roe v. Wade and half the country applauding.

    The pigeons aren't just a nuisance. They're running for office and winning.

    If we were talking about something like young-earth Creationism I could get your point; granting them consideration in debunking them is granting them too much credence. But for anti-abortion arguments, specifically? This shit's got political heft, because we haven't been pointing out how deeply dishonest and misogynistic it is. It has to be opposed. Just keeping quiet and letting it gain power isn't a reasonable alternative. It's like not bothering to shout down the KKK member who's being wildly racist. If I see that in real life, I'm gonna protect his victim and tell him to fuck off. Rather than keep quiet. Because it really isn't just "trolling". It's active pursuit of harming and victimizing innocent people.
    No woman has the right to kill anyone. Plain and simple. And SCOTUS agreed.

    Don't want a baby then don't get pregnant. This ain't handmaid's tails as you like to put it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    Cancer is just uncontrolled growth. It will often kill the host sooner or later. That's not its purpose. It's not bacteria or a virus that tries to multiply and infect others.

    It's not a killer, it's not programmed. It has no goal and pretending it has one is some weird level of metaphysics for an agnostic. And don't make you school you on all the other topics too. Loser.
    Haha you can try papi you won't get far.

    And since you need more clarification. I also didn't imply that cancer is sentient.

    To US, cancer has one purpose and that is to kill you.

    Get it now? Take your time.

  4. #4924
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    To US, cancer has one purpose and that is to kill you.
    Man, y'all really are the party of "Feels over reals" and y'all keep doubling and tripling down on that shit while being seemingly completely obvious.

  5. #4925
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Whether you disagree or not doesn't change the facts, I know the game he is playing, I played it in the 90s and even did it here once and you guys are fish in a barrel on it.

    Ok, last time I really want to post on this right now because you guys never really learn this important less and lose every time because of it.

    But before I do, let me ask you these questions.

    1) Who are this forum doesn't know what Varx is doing? Not some mythical person who just reads and never posts because even for those, ignoring him and moving on would let Varx stuff fall off the page instead of going for pages. Who on here doesn't know what Varx is doing and actually believes him?

    2) How does your responding to him actually change or inform the views of those on this page given the answer of the first question?

    3) How does your responding encourage or discourage him from posting even more? Are you correcting him or just feeding him?

    4) How does your posting actually inform others or productively progress the thread? And do not give the response of "I disproved him which helped" because that is a cop out response if you give an honest answer to question #1 and is about as productive as me just posting the multiplication table over and over again, being factually true doesn't make it productive in context.

    Answer these questions honestly and you will see just how unproductive your actions with Varx is and just how much he is kicking your collective butts in the process.
    I'm not here to "progress the thread" - what are you on about?

    I'm here to discuss, and i believe in social ostracism. See if the majority thinks you have a shitty opinion, and everytime you sprout it you get pushback, you probably will shut up sooner or later. Because that's how it actually works. People dont change their mind. But opinions become out of favour for the majority and they die. Doesn't mean the last people who still believe in it suddenly change, but they will shut up when they realize they aren't getting anywhere. So the message dies down.

    Let's take a less controversial topic than the commonly used slavery and nazis. Voting for women. Do you think suddenly everyone was for it? No, old geezers probably still though the should be pregnant and naked in the kitchen, but they learned to shut up, and they died off, and people being born afterwards are much lees likely to encounter an opinion that was prevalent just a generation before.

    To add on top of this: Discussion is fun.

    And that's all the reason i need. If you dont like it, apply as a moderator and try to change the rules according to your liking, but yeah, this backseat moderation that you try in every thread is really annoying. I don't need your approval or consent to post.
    Last edited by Pannonian; 2022-11-10 at 07:09 PM.

  6. #4926
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    This cannot be stressed enough: The Republican position continues to consistently be rejected by their own voters. Even in deep red states attempts to permanently outlaw abortion or specify that their Constitution does not grant a right/legal access to it keep losing.

    That's it. That's the long and short of it. America is largely with "us" on this, even if we have differences of opinion when it comes to limitations. But the resounding, repeat result is this: American's consistently reject extremist Republican attempts to outlaw all access to reproductive health services like abortion. Period. There's no ifs, ands, or buts.
    The economy may or may not be a drag for Democrats in the upcoming 2024 election. However, I am willing to bet that abortion will still be a drag for Republicans. This fight will go on for decades. Not only on the ballots, but also in courts. Kentucky pro-lifers tried to get around it with their state constitutional amendment, and they failed big time.

  7. #4927
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    To US, cancer has one purpose and that is to kill you.
    Categorically and laughably wrong.

    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  8. #4928
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Thnxs for that.

    But honestly even if they don't respond to me I'll just come back to post it again in a week or two.

    These forums are too liberal for their own good and they need to see some of the opposing view points instead of stagnating as an echo chamber.

    I'm just helping them grow out of their phase.
    I know your game, you are talking to guy who me and my friends used to do the same thing in the old AOL chatroom days. It was fun when I was a teenager, but completely unproductive.

    My favorite still is watching a friend go into a black chatroom claiming to be in the KKK and then immediately go into a white supremacy chat pretending to be black. The responses and rages were funny as hell but that was 20 years ago and most of these people here aren't teenagers I think so they should have grown out of that I would hope.

    But also, we both know that you wouldn't keep coming back every week or two if they just ignored you, the fun would dry up when the reactions did.

    So not commenting on the whole liberal vs non-liberal aspect of your post, just on the actions you are actually doing and why.

    I understand it is fun to you and why it is, the only thing I can't understand is whether the people responding to you enjoy the cat and mouse game or if they are annoyed that you are posting lies and feel duty bound to correct them even if it is pointless and counter productive to do so. But, they seem to enjoy it I guess.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  9. #4929
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    I'm not here to "progress the thread" - what are you on about?

    I'm here to discuss, and i believe in social ostracism. See if the majority thinks you have a shitty opinion, and everytime you sprout it you get pushback, you probably will shut up sooner or later. Because that's how it actually works. People dont change their mind. But opinions become out of favour for the majority and they die. Doesn't mean the last people who still believe in it suddenly change, but they will shut up when they realize the aren't getting anywhere. So the message dies down.

    Let's take a less controversial topic than the obvious slavery and nazis. Voting for women. Do you think suddenly everyone was for it? No, old geezers probably still though the should be pregnant and naked in the kitchen, but they learned to shut up, and they died off, and people being born afterwards are much lees likely to encounter an opinion that was prevalent just a generation before.

    To add on top of this: Discussion is fun.

    And that's all the reason i need. If you dont like it, apply as a moderator and try to change the rules according to your liking, but yeah, this backseat moderation that you try in every thread is really annoying. I don't need your approval or consent to post.
    Translation, you don't like the answers so you dodge the question. Fine by me, going AFK now, legit last post on the topic. Enjoy losing the debates.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  10. #4930
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Man, y'all really are the party of "Feels over reals" and y'all keep doubling and tripling down on that shit while being seemingly completely obvious.
    What's right is right. If we didn't live in a society then it wouldn't matter.

  11. #4931
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    But before I do, let me ask you these questions.

    1) Who on this forum doesn't know what Varx is doing? Not some mythical person who just reads and never posts because even for those, ignoring him and moving on would let Varx stuff fall off the page instead of going for pages. Who on here doesn't know what Varx is doing and actually believes him?
    He's not getting a lot of vocal support, but his views are shared by a huge number of Americans, and there's plenty of thread readers who aren't posting. So who knows?

    2) How does your responding to him actually change or inform the views of those on this page given the answer of the first question?
    Inform? Given that I take pains to explain why his arguments don't hold up, I don't see how it doesn't potentially inform readers' views.

    3) How does your responding encourage or discourage him from posting even more? Are you correcting him or just feeding him?
    Frankly, I don't believe he's actually trolling, meaning posting shit he doesn't believe because he's trying to provoke a reaction. I think he believes it. It's not like it's an unusual position for an American. And "feeding" only applies if he is doing it to provoke. And even there, that's such a stupid reaction and none of us are actually angry.

    4) How does your posting actually inform others or productively progress the thread? And do not give the response of "I disproved him which helped" because that is a cop out response if you give an honest answer to question #1 and is about as productive as me just posting the multiplication table over and over again, being factually true doesn't make it productive in context.
    Again, detailing why arguments in opposition to abortion fail to hold up due to internal logical inconsistency or intentionally dishonest manipulation tactics does help inform and progress the thread. I don't see the argument how it doesn't.

    Answer these questions honestly and you will see just how unproductive your actions with Varx is and just how much he is kicking your collective butts in the process.
    It's like debating creationists. You don't do it to change the minds of the creationist. You do it to expose to the audience how meritless their claims are.

    I also fundamentally disagree with dismissing people like Varx as "trolls". When you've got people exactly like him literally running for and winning federal office, like Marjorie Taylor Greene and possibly Lauren Boebert though it's looking like she might narrowly fail to keep her seat.

  12. #4932
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    First of all, I rarely notice you at all.

    Secondly, I haven't engaged with him minus a single post when he started this whole thing. My arse remains unkicked.

    Thirdly, it is laughable that you can talk about others posting productively when you've yet again derailed a thread further with your typical posting. And again, I didn't feed him.
    If you aren't responding to him on this topic, I apologize and retract my statement towards you. Thank you for that. Typically when I see his name or a quote of it, I skip the entire posts typically as they are devoid of anything worth reading and tend to be very circular.

    As I have explained multiple times, the only way to win the game is to not play which you are doing, making you the winner in that exchange.
    Last edited by Fugus; 2022-11-10 at 07:13 PM.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  13. #4933
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    What's right is right. If we didn't live in a society then it wouldn't matter.
    Dude who doesn't know what cancer is shouldn't talk about zygotes.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  14. #4934
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    Categorically and laughably wrong.

    So outside if benign, tumors. What do you feel like a tumor feels it's purpose is?

    What about all those other points too, you gonna take at crack at that?

  15. #4935
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Translation, you don't like the answers so you dodge the question. Fine by me, going AFK now, legit last post on the topic. Enjoy losing the debates.
    Have you ever considered that your troll days aren't over, and you just have evolved into a less obvious troll? Your constant derailment of threads and unnecessary aggressive posting would suggest that. I mean you're still using the "I'm out but i'm having the last post, hurdur".

  16. #4936
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    These forums are too liberal for their own good and they need to see some of the opposing view points instead of stagnating as an echo chamber.

    I'm just helping them grow out of their phase.
    How kind of you to bestow upon us your superior knowledge of the universe and how it works.

  17. #4937
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    No woman has the right to kill anyone. Plain and simple. And SCOTUS agreed.
    Not actually what happened. All they said was that they disagreed with the Roe v. Wade decision that the Consitution implicitly protected a right to privacy. That's it.

    Don't want a baby then don't get pregnant. This ain't handmaid's tails as you like to put it.
    Still denying women's right to withdraw consent, so you're still openly misogynistic.

  18. #4938
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    I know your game, you are talking to guy who me and my friends used to do the same thing in the old AOL chatroom days. It was fun when I was a teenager, but completely unproductive.

    My favorite still is watching a friend go into a black chatroom claiming to be in the KKK and then immediately go into a white supremacy chat pretending to be black. The responses and rages were funny as hell but that was 20 years ago and most of these people here aren't teenagers I think so they should have grown out of that I would hope.

    But also, we both know that you wouldn't keep coming back every week or two if they just ignored you, the fun would dry up when the reactions did.

    So not commenting on the whole liberal vs non-liberal aspect of your post, just on the actions you are actually doing and why.

    I understand it is fun to you and why it is, the only thing I can't understand is whether the people responding to you enjoy the cat and mouse game or if they are annoyed that you are posting lies and feel duty bound to correct them even if it is pointless and counter productive to do so. But, they seem to enjoy it I guess.

    I like you. I think we would have had a good time as stupid teenagers.

    I won't lie you're probably right. I do get a kick out of the insanity that liberals screech. But at the same time I do believe in what I'm preaching, I'm not just doing this for the lulz but because they need a wake up call.

    They won't get it if they stagnant in this echo chamber

  19. #4939
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    So outside if benign, tumors. What do you feel like a tumor feels it's purpose is?
    WhAt Do YoU fEeL tHe PuRpOsE oF a TuMoR iS?

    Seriously? Why are you so religious to believe it has a purpose?
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  20. #4940
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    So outside if benign, tumors. What do you feel like a tumor feels it's purpose is?

    What about all those other points too, you gonna take at crack at that?
    Why does a tumor need a purpose? It lives, just like you, me, a dog and a bacteria. How is there a difference?

    If you think life needs a purpose, we have another religious argument on our hands...

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