1. #1

    Personal Defensive WA

    Hey there, I am trying to make a weakaura that essentially tracks M+ boss / mob casts then alerts you with an Off Cooldown defensive using an icon and TTS, You can organise the defensives in an order that suits that specific ability.

    I am using 4 triggers, 1st is the cast itself then the other 3 are the personals (cooldowns/charges/count) using the "show - Not on cooldown". The weakaura works but after the first use because the second trigger is now false the weakaura no longer plays. I have tried splitting the Personals into separate auras and it causes its own individual problems as the triggers in the next aura become true as personals get used and it just plays the next TTS for the next personal.

    The only thing I can think of is a custom function that ignores the false trigger and proceeds to the first active trigger but i have no idea if that is doable or how to write it. Wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get this WA to work smoothly?

    Thanks for your time!

  2. #2
    At the top of the trigger tab, with the dropdown that says "Any" or "All", choose custom and use this:

    return trigger[1] and (trigger[2] or trigger[3] or trigger[4])
    Originally Posted by Zarhym (Blue Tracker)
    this thread is a waste of internet

  3. #3
    Appreciate the reply, I spoke to someone last night in the weakaura discord and we tried something similar. We even put an extra trigger to detect active auras (aura found) ran it as not trigger 5. Then some triggers that when active = true and trigger 5 (aura) = false to play the TTS.

    Unfortunately we theorised that because after pressing the first defensive global there is a small space of time where the spell is off cool-down but not active so the next trigger is true so it plays the tts. Eg

    ‘Cast starts’ “diffuse mage, dampen harm” rather than ‘cast starts’ “diffuse magic” than next cast dampen harm.

    The weakaura more or less works without the TTS but I’m determined to get that working.

    I will try what you suggested when I get online next and remove the aura found trigger.

  4. #4
    Hey Longpointy,

    already did those weakauras long time ago.
    You can grab it here for Season3:

    and for Season 4 [still in progress]:

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


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