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  1. #1

    How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Can anyone give a tactic on how the hell you beat one of those faggy travel form LOS abusing druid/*** combos in 2v2? as either mage and priest or mage and rogue?

  2. #2

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranex
    Can anyone give a tactic on how the hell you beat one of those faggy travel form LOS abusing druid/*** combos in 2v2? as either mage and priest or mage and rogue?
    have the rogue spam crippling shiv?

  3. #3

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    mage + healer, eew..
    Zukias (Main) (70 mage - Al'Akir)

  4. #4

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Mage + priest is not a good 2v2 combo.

    Mage + rogue is much better.

    Just have the rogue chopping at the druid, forcing the druid to change shape to remove snares, force heals etc. Let the mage sit back and do nothing. Eventually the druid will run out of mana, and then the mage opens up fire.

  5. #5

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    I'd offer my help, if you didn't ask like such a jerk.

  6. #6

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrSimtang
    Just have the rogue chopping at the druid, forcing the druid to change shape to remove snares, force heals etc. Let the mage sit back and do nothing. Eventually the druid will run out of mana, and then the mage opens up fire.
    works well against a solo druid tbh... remember there's a dps running around with the druid aswell, and the trick is to kill them before they kill you (right?). So having the rogue trying to get around to the druid, well... that's something that needs to happen anyway.. but not having the mage help you nuking in the mean while; plain stupid.

    on topic:
    having one dps at the druid and one on the druids' dps class is possibly the best option you have to win this. Then hope you can force the druid into bear form or just have him/her stuck in one place where he/she can't heal the dps the other one of you two is killing. Good luck

  7. #7

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    As the other posters have said, a rogue is the way to go. It will put the druid on the run. This of course means the mage has to be able to solo kill the other dps while the rogue keeps the druid busy because unless the druid ooms or is massively below your gear level, you're pretty much not going to be able to kill it, merely keep it busy.

  8. #8

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cutyboots
    works well against a solo druid tbh... remember there's a dps running around with the druid aswell, and the trick is to kill them before they kill you (right?). So having the rogue trying to get around to the druid, well... that's something that needs to happen anyway.. but not having the mage help you nuking in the mean while; plain stupid.
    Well, I wasn't sure if he'd already killed the druid's partner and they were having trouble killing a solo druid.

    Depends on what the druids partner is. If it's a warlock, the mage and rogue dps should be enough (especially with wound poison stacks) to kill the warlock. Druid's instant HoT's are too weak to out heal the dps, and mage has to keep a focus macro on the druid, waiting for a cast heal to silence. One that silence is off, it should be gg.

    If it's a warrior, then the mage will have to do his best cc'ing the warrior (sheep, nova, rank 1 frostbolt etc) whilst still trying to join the rogue in dps'ing the druid. Forcing the druid to bear form is what you're after. If the druid is willing to shapeshift and run around the arena away from his partner, that's your time to nuke the warrior.

    War/druid is very very tough 2v2 combo. Especially if the druid runs away instead of going in bear form. Good luck.

    I don't see resto's with any other class in 2v2's, but you just gotta adapt.

  9. #9

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Me and my friend lock druids down from running easy. I (Holy Pally) judge Justice, makes it so they can't run any faster than i can, and its also not counted as a movement impairing effect so they can't shift it off. And my friend (rogue) shivs crippling almost constant. End result is usually the druid going into bear..and my friend still eating him alive.

  10. #10

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by Celeras
    I'd offer my help, if you didn't ask like such a jerk.
    Sorry, just re read and it sounded alot worse than i wanted it to, didnt mean to be an ass was just frustrated after 3 hours of druid combos, i appologise <3

  11. #11

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrSimtang
    Druid's instant HoT's are too weak to out heal the dps, and mage has to keep a focus macro on the druid, waiting for a cast heal to silence.
    Are you smoking drugs? With S2 or equivalent gear, youre looking at a 3.5-4k Lifebloom. 176 mana. Pretty easy to roll 3 of those up while the rogue catches up. Can you outdps 10k healing over 7 seconds? Thats assuming they dont pop a regrowth, or worse a Nature's Swiftness. If a druid is trying to cast non-instant heals, then you've already got them beat. The idea behind resto druid is instant rolling lifebloom, combined with insane mobility. Force them to direct those heals toward themselves not their dps friend, and keep them moving and you can beat them while your partner takes out the other dps.

  12. #12

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deke
    Are you smoking drugs? With S2 or equivalent gear, youre looking at a 3.5-4k Lifebloom. 176 mana. Pretty easy to roll 3 of those up while the rogue catches up. Can you outdps 10k healing over 7 seconds? Thats assuming they dont pop a regrowth, or worse a Nature's Swiftness. If a druid is trying to cast non-instant heals, then you've already got them beat. The idea behind resto druid is instant rolling lifebloom, combined with insane mobility. Force them to direct those heals toward themselves not their dps friend, and keep them moving and you can beat them while your partner takes out the other dps.
    The hell?

    My 2v2 team (mage/rogue) can take out warlock/druid teams, granted it's not a walk in the park, but if we're blowing everything, all our cooldowns, we manage to kill the warlock. Although, I'm not in super high rated bracket for 2v2, so better geared/skilled opponents would be a different story.

    But that's what's been happening with me.

  13. #13

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrSimtang
    The hell?

    My 2v2 team (mage/rogue) can take out warlock/druid teams, granted it's not a walk in the park, but if we're blowing everything, all our cooldowns, we manage to kill the warlock. Although, I'm not in super high rated bracket for 2v2, so better geared/skilled opponents would be a different story.

    But that's what's been happening with me.
    qft. its the reason druids struggle to solo heal in 5v5 and sometimes 3v3. 2v2 its rare but if your a sword rogue with a frost mage where the druid cannot save you from shatter combos yes the target will die. rejuv/regrowth/lifebloom/swiftmend alone cannot save you, and even NS only delays the inevitable. if you can keep on top of the target the druid will have no time to cyclone or root, he is forced to simply spam non-mana-efficient HT's until hes oom.

    3.5-4k lifebloom is great, except on any target that is reduced by 50%. can i outdps 10k over 7 seconds? depends on the target but in general yes. when i rolled shaman/warrior most druid teams were a non issue, purge all the hots, drop WF, ES every 5 seconds when the druid does try to cyclone or regrowth and its GG.

    not to say it happens in every druid game, however its not totally out of the question as deke suggests.

  14. #14
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Pretty much the only way i see to beat a Druid is to make them the focus of the damage, CC the other person as best you can. Healing reduction helps a lot but just kill them first. If they Bear form that's fine they can't heal they mitigate a lot but still vary kill able as a Resto. Look for the lockout/silences wait for them they are going to try and use instants to keep themselves up but they run out quickly and take time to apply. So save it for when you see them shift. Granted they may get 1 instant off while shifting out of form but you can silances them to prevent any further healing if you know they used Instant Healing Touch save your CS/Lockout for when they get low The Druid will shift and escape your melee/range then use Healing Touch, close the distance and lock them out and finish them off.

    Really it will take time to learn all the little tricks Druids have watch for them and develop counters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grimlor
    Deleted half the thread and gave someone a well deserved ban.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, this forum is NOT grammar school, this forum IS a gaming community. We ask everyone to post in their best-as-possible English.

    We do NOT want to see people getting bashed for poor English writing skills. I read the OP's post and I understood him perfectly fine if I put some effort into it. If you are unwilling to put effort into reading a post, please don't put effort in writing your unwanted opinion about it's grammar/spelling/choice of words.

  15. #15

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    I play as a rogue and heavy holy priest, more often then not any fight with a druid last a while, most cases we just nuke the other class(often squishie) wich is normally pretty quick, then just chase the druid around a bit, I have found being a healer that when fighting agains another healing class it normally works better to kill whoever is squishier, in most cases with a rogue and a fear we can get one target down pretty quick, and with starshards, SW:P, shadowfiend and SH, even while healing I can keep the healers casts slow.

    I tank more often then not while playing with a rogue so instant casts are pretty much all i use. druids drive me nutts even 1v2! so it realy depends on what the other class is how you are going to be able to beat them.

    just a side note on 2xDPS, me and the rogue never loose to an all dps team, even 2 locks or mages, its all about the first 30 seconds, and keeping your cool.

    If you are the mage with another DPS class, I will always go for you first, might be better with a healer so you get some time to pew pew!

  16. #16

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    druids aren't OP, it's the same storry how it was with pala in season 1. People in high brackets know how to deal with resto droods, so it's a matter of time.

    When people understood that interupting a heal to pala can be fatal to him, the war+pala combo became one of the worst combos

    When people will understand how to beat a druid (wich is verry easy tbh) then the things will turn over.

  17. #17

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    I'm going to try posting this in a new thread, this is interesting to me.

  18. #18

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mightyone
    druids aren't OP, it's the same storry how it was with pala in season 1. People in high brackets know how to deal with resto droods, so it's a matter of time.

    When people understood that interupting a heal to pala can be fatal to him, the war+pala combo became one of the worst combos

    When people will understand how to beat a druid (wich is verry easy tbh) then the things will turn over.
    glad you decided to withhold the knowledge of how :P

    i will share what we have done with druids in 2v2 and 3v3, ad basically that is to confuse the hell out of them. start on another target, druid pops into caster switch to him, if he drops down or travel forms away, switch back, if he bear forms stay on him to keep him from casting. try to get him to burn NS early.

    continue switching it up always hitting the weakest target, it will maximize your damage and thus force the druid to always be healing, as opposed to cyclone/root spam. also if have a priest or shaman this becomes far easier, as you can not only dispel/purge all hots, but the innervate as well (hunters/locks can do this to, but its not nearly as dependable). then of course, if you ever get him low, blow all your cd's and stuns and everything you have when he is in caster form. people don't realize just how fragile even the best geared druids are in caster form, largely because they are always in bear form or kiting.

  19. #19

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Im a resto druid with a SL/SL lock partner.... both with 200-230res and I have 1200 healing.

    I find Rogue/Mage is hard to beat when played right.

    1) If rogue jumps me then we pretty much lose. Double sheep + Blind on my partner is enough time for them to nuke me down.... getting the opener on a druid is bad news for the druid (assuming similar gear)

    2) Double dps the Warlock and annoy the Druid so he cant heal to his maximum. A good druid will try to be very far away or LOS so he can cast something thats not instant.... have the mage be in range for a CS if the druid tries to Cyclone/Root the rogue. Blind and CS on druid and burst the lock can win the match if the Druid cant keep up with healing. Sheep is also annoying lol... shifting to avoid or get out of sheep then back to heal is harsh if the Druid doesnt have Tree of Life (not all arena druids get it)

    What you dont want to do is Rogue chasing a druid that has a headstart on him... while your mage is getting beaten 1v1 by the warlock. If your rogue cant catch the druid then get the warlock. If you can catch the druid at the start then cc the lock and burn the druid.

    Oh... and you should be using Wound Poison... yeah druids can remove it... but thats 1 second wasted on GCD for the druid.

    The strength of Druid/Lock is vs another Healer+other combo and outlasting them.... double dps can come as quite a shock. Oh... and once we got nuked by 2 Frost Mages - it certainly suprised me lol... druids just cant heal fast enough.

  20. #20

    Re: How to beat irritating druid 2v2s?

    Quote Originally Posted by hydralisk01
    Im a resto druid with a SL/SL lock partner.... both with 200-230res and I have 1200 healing.

    I find Rogue/Mage is hard to beat when played right.

    1) If rogue jumps me then we pretty much lose. Double sheep + Blind on my partner is enough time for them to nuke me down.... getting the opener on a druid is bad news for the druid (assuming similar gear)

    2) Double dps the Warlock and annoy the Druid so he cant heal to his maximum. A good druid will try to be very far away or LOS so he can cast something thats not instant.... have the mage be in range for a CS if the druid tries to Cyclone/Root the rogue. Blind and CS on druid and burst the lock can win the match if the Druid cant keep up with healing. Sheep is also annoying lol... shifting to avoid or get out of sheep then back to heal is harsh if the Druid doesnt have Tree of Life (not all arena druids get it)

    What you dont want to do is Rogue chasing a druid that has a headstart on him... while your mage is getting beaten 1v1 by the warlock. If your rogue cant catch the druid then get the warlock. If you can catch the druid at the start then cc the lock and burn the druid.

    Oh... and you should be using Wound Poison... yeah druids can remove it... but thats 1 second wasted on GCD for the druid.

    The strength of Druid/Lock is vs another Healer+other combo and outlasting them.... double dps can come as quite a shock. Oh... and once we got nuked by 2 Frost Mages - it certainly suprised me lol... druids just cant heal fast enough.
    I acctually find mage/rogue one of the easiest 2dps combo to beat. (playing warlock, druid as partner). Havent played THAT Much with the combo yet.. so havent met alot of diff 2dps team...

    thing i do to screw the mage roll over is having a self dispell macro for my felhunter.
    /tar lav
    /cast devour magic

    and just spamm that when you see mage is casting sheep on you, or even use it on frost nova...
    manadrain the mage abit, and fear the rogue away from druid...

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