1. #1

    Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    So after wiping on Kalecgos for 4 hours a night since Sunwell has been up, it's needless to say we've tried nearly everything and we are at the point where we feel like it's pretty much useless by now. Most of our players are nearly full T6 and we've been farming Illidan for months now, but for some reason we're dying repeatedly. We've gotten him to single digits numerous times, but never a kill. Our GM is adamant about us wearing some shadow and arcane resist (Medallion of Karabor, Violet Eye Trinket/AR Cloak) and I don't know if it's helping at all. Also, sometimes portals should spawn but they dont, seemingly skipping over a group.

    I need any advice in the worst of ways, because at this point i'm ready to just throw in the towel and wait until wrath. It just bothers me that we could literally walk through BT/Hyjal in a couple weeks, now it's taking us a couple weeks for a boss that appears to be easy. We just don't know what we're doing incorrectly.

    The raid makeup is 9 healers, 3 tanks, 3/4 decurses, and we use a 4 portal rotation. Halp!

  2. #2

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    if he is skiping ports its prob because somone is standing to close to the hedge and this is making kalec target them and not in line of sight skiping that portal =]

  3. #3

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    i would suggest bringing in atleast 2 more healers also wearing the resist gear is really not needed once you get your group lineup you already know when you are supposed to go in the rotation so use arcane pots/shadow pots. Too the portal thing if someone misses a portal and it pops on them say they call their group but the groups cooldown is not ready yet it can massively screw up a portal rotation same thing with rezing if you have to rez you should do it about 5 seconds b4 that persons group timer will be up good luck on your future attempts the boss is fairly trivial once you get it on lock

  4. #4

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    isn't it that in a 4-group portal rotation, the 5th portal will be skipped because everyone will have the debuff not allowing them to go into the spectral realm if its done correctly (except maybe the MT who is ineligible)?

  5. #5

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    no a 4 portal rotation will be the perfect rotation a 3 portal rotation would leave a portal that would need to be skipped or the tank who was relieved would have to take

  6. #6

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    my guild is also pretty much stuck. we've been attempting him since the first day of sunwell. we've had one single digit attempt, the rest we wipe in the 30%-50% range. we are doing the 9 healer and 2 tank strat with four decursers.

    our main problem is our tanks keep dieing. every attempt ends with most of the raid up with a dead tank. We've tried everything, and aren't really making any progress...

    if anyone has any advice at all, please lets hear it.

  7. #7

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    We don't wear any resist gear, 3 tanks on their own seperate rotation from the other groups, 2-3 healers in every group (one on a tank at all times, one on the raid at all times, if there's a third it depends on their class/spec to determine what they should heal). We also have one healer that will stay out with the last tank to go into a portal to make sure that he has enough heals to survive having alot of stacks of the debuff. Any other questions, ask away.
    Gladiator Lifehammer - 80 Holy Paladin - Dark Iron PvP
    Antihammer the Flawless Victor - Unholy Death Knight
    Rival Unholyheals - 70 Shadow Priest - Dark Iron PvP

  8. #8

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    There is no reason to be wearing any resist gear unless you're using a Flask of Chromatic Wonder with Violet Badge. There is absolutely no excuse for the curse escaping before 50%, so if that's a problem you need to fix that.

    I'm guessing you have a lack of CoH priests/Resto shamans?

  9. #9

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    Try to get into the habit of "friendly" naming and shaming people that miss portals. Finding out people who miss clicking their portals is key. It shows the people who arent paying attention, and with the warning they will be punished with minus dkp, raid kicked or whatever, it really does help peope wake up and focus.

    Also, from the time it takes the first person in a portal group to get ported to the last person that enters the portal, if the same person is close to being first again, and the other same person is close to being last again, if this time delay between first clickers and last clickers repeat, then its possible for the portal groups to become out of sequence.

    Portal groups should stay on the same sides, group 1 + 2 left and group 3 + 4 right for example. And when your portal is there spam click it as fast as you can to keep the sequence alive till the end of the fight.

    Full consumbale ofc, dpsers keeping optimal dps rotation, and the kill is yours.

  10. #10

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    Already been mentioned, but missing portals would denote somone standing too close to the hedge where a portal can't open. Also, no need for resist gear besides arcane resist pots/shadow prot, if you have a problem with the phase 1 tanks dying around portal 4-5, have the last two healers to enter only heal the tank, their group can survive a blast or two without heals @ 9-10 stacks by popping their arcane pot/healthstone/bandage.

  11. #11

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    portals skipping is down to peopel beening located too close to the walls so have everyone step in 3-4 yards from the wall.

    use no resistance gear, tell your gm to do 1 try without

    have it so that each group is made up of the people you require, and when 1 person gets portal from any group they spam a macro in party chat "xx been ported help" etc. this helps a lot on the "retard" check of this fight, when you get to 10-15 on both dragon and demon have both groups try to get to equal % on both. when your almost equal have a full nuke on both killing the one inside FIRST. once you have the one on the inside on immnue you have basicly won its just about nuking the one on the outside from then on.

  12. #12

    Re: Problems with Kalecgos: Need Help/Advice

    I think Infekt covered everything but a few more specifics that we have found helpful

    Portal groups should consist of a MT healer, an AoE healer and three dps. One of your MTs should have the job of going into the portal as well as the group that gets ported. You should also have a Floater healer if the melee group gets ported (our melee group doesn't have a Single target healer in it) to heal the demon plane tank. I also found that a paladin should always stay with your MT (First to tank Dragon Kalecgos) until he goes into the portal. Paladins are the most effective because they can Bubble off the stacking debuff.

    If your first three portals are done correctly (e.g. no one standing too close to the bushes, correct people taking the portals, Secondary MT getting in the portal first) the rest falls into place. You are in the demon plane for one minute, keep everyone topped off, and then when you get ported to the dragon plane, everyone should stand in the middle of the circle on the carpet until the spectral exhaustion debuff is gone.

    10 seconds before you lose Spectral exhaustion go to your initial positions and get ready to take the very next portal. A few more things we do are when kalecgos (Dragon) gets to about 40% we start communicating the percent health of each mob. We communicate when groups enter/exit each of the realms, especially your tank healers, and we announce when the spectral exhaustion is gonna wear off. Once Kalecgos gets to about 15% you have to be really careful because if your dps is off in one of the phases the enrage is brutal, you have to take them down at the same rate.

    hope this helps, and good luck

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