1. #1081

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Casting: Reserrection

  2. #1082

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    You need to be in a raid group for this instance.

  3. #1083

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    "You must be exalted in order to do that"

    "Missing reagent: Viagra"

  4. #1084

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Disease ticks and break my vanish.

  5. #1085

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Achievement Unlocked!

  6. #1086

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term


  7. #1087

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    " lets call it, its a wipe"
    "I have been to a place where Love and Pain are one.... Where dancers Glide and Masks hide...."

  8. #1088

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    idk if anyone has said it but " Cant do that while moving ".

  9. #1089

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Quote Originally Posted by Wattsorama
    "Run away little girl, RUN AWAY"

  10. #1090

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Fly Back Into Icecrown, Scholozar Basin, or Storm Peaks or you will be Dismounted in 30 seconds

  11. #1091

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    "Lol, that's what I call a one shot"
    L2P or GTFO
    - Gear isn't free, earn it
    - I also have opinions regarding this game, you're not special
    - LFG Heroics.

  12. #1092

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    "instance is full" :-X

  13. #1093

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

  14. #1094

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Quote Originally Posted by NNozemm
    It's not that hard...
    I see what you did there

  15. #1095

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Nuke It

  16. #1096

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    This ability can only affect one target.

    Or my favourite:

    This ability lasts 3 seconds ;D

  17. #1097

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    XXXXX completed.
    You gain 725 experience.
    Your reputation with XXXXXX has increased by 250.
    Congratulations! You have reached level 10.
    You strenght increased by 2.
    You agility increased by 4.
    You stamina increased by 2.
    You spirit increased by 1.
    You gain one talent point.


    You cannot attack targets of the same faction.

  18. #1098

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    dno if it has been said already...:


  19. #1099

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    Nerfed :-\

  20. #1100

    Re: Describe Your Sex-Life in One WoW Term

    "You play WoW so much, on my warlock, when i cast drain life on you, it says "Warning, target has no life"

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