1. #2661

    Your chest and wrist could use better enchants. Like peerless stats on chest and agility on wrist.
    Also your JC profession is not leveled wich is a agility loss.
    Overall, for an offspecs it looks good though.

    Now for me. I just rerolled from resto to elemental since we needed the buffs in our raidteam. So please check me out:

  2. #2662
    Your char looks good, gonna inspect you more when I come home. I really need help with my shaman. In DS10 yesterday I made about 20k dps average. I feel I can do more. What am I doing wrong?


    I have a Darkmoon Card: Volcano in my inventory. Maybe thats a better call for me than my current trinkets?

  3. #2663

    U can try getting closer to the hitcap. Also your gemming is not great, having orange gems in red sockets is a real no go. Int all the way.
    Your enchanting need a fix also. Have peerless stats as enchant on your chest, get power torrent for your weapon. Have haste enchants on feet and maybe also on hands since u go for haste mostly. Movement is mandatory on most fights in Dragon Soul so probably get the walking prime glyph so u can spam lightningbolt all the way while walking. Your talent spec is not optimal either, the convection 2/2 talent is useless since we don't lose alot of mana during battle. I suggest to get rid of that 2 point and put it in either elemental warding or ancestral resolve. Get the darkmooncard in instead of the mastery trinket should be nice also. And reforge the mastery from volcano to haste.

    Here is mine again and please give me pointers before you post your own thing:

  4. #2664
    Quote Originally Posted by reutis View Post

    U can try getting closer to the hitcap. Also your gemming is not great, having orange gems in red sockets is a real no go. Int all the way.
    Your enchanting need a fix also. Have peerless stats as enchant on your chest, get power torrent for your weapon. Have haste enchants on feet and maybe also on hands since u go for haste mostly. Movement is mandatory on most fights in Dragon Soul so probably get the walking prime glyph so u can spam lightningbolt all the way while walking. Your talent spec is not optimal either, the convection 2/2 talent is useless since we don't lose alot of mana during battle. I suggest to get rid of that 2 point and put it in either elemental warding or ancestral resolve. Get the darkmooncard in instead of the mastery trinket should be nice also. And reforge the mastery from volcano to haste.

    Here is mine again and please give me pointers before you post your own thing:
    Why did you buy 2pt13 for Resto if your an Elemental Shaman? 2p bonus for both sets makes little to no sense. Ignoring that blatent issue however, theres a few others.

    - You have Epic Gems in wrists you might replace, but no Epic gem in your relic which you wont.
    - Your 0.11% over the hit cap, download ReforgeLite and it will fix that for you
    - You have only 50 Haste on gloves, get 65 Mastery
    - 50 Intellect in your ring doesn't make much sense either. Its about the same as putting a 25 Int, 25 Haste gem into that socket, so its not the socket itself that makes little sense, its that you have other slots that have 40 Int in that you could have put that 50 Int gem into, and a 20 Int + 20 Haste gem with a 10 Int socket is worth more than a 40 Int gem, which is basically the trade you have done.
    - Glyph of Lava Burst is better than Glyph of Lightning Bolt
    - I assume you change to Glyph of CL for AoE fights, as you don't have it on


    At time of posting this I have my PvP trinket on because I'm doing PvE gear Random BGs =) In that slot I have Heroic Necrotic Focus.

  5. #2665
    Thanks for the reply undefetter,

    - I got 2 set resto since my main spec was resto and cause of lack off buffs in our raid I switched to elemental so still gathering the gear that is needed for my 4 set as elemental.
    -The hitcap is best I can get (I use reforgelite for this allready).
    - The haste is because I got 20% mastery and 21% haste since half off my gear is mastery based since it was healing before. When I get more haste I will switch that out.
    - About the ring, it is one thing I didnt notice I putted it in that slot
    - The glyphs is something I am still testing myself what gives most output but I guess u are right about that. After I switched out my Tier12 4 set I putted that one off and went for lightning bolt glyph. Thanks and I will concider this.
    - And about CL glyph U are correct, I switch that out on fights like yorsah herioc etc.

    I checked u out, it all looks fine but why U go for int-mastery int-haste gems at sametime ? and are u more mastery orientated shaman? Cause then I should choose the 50 mastery enchant on your feet instead of the haste one. and regem for int-mastery though. Unless u use the haste only to get faster casts?

  6. #2666
    Quote Originally Posted by reutis View Post
    Thanks for the reply undefetter,

    - I got 2 set resto since my main spec was resto and cause of lack off buffs in our raid I switched to elemental so still gathering the gear that is needed for my 4 set as elemental.
    -The hitcap is best I can get (I use reforgelite for this allready).
    - The haste is because I got 20% mastery and 21% haste since half off my gear is mastery based since it was healing before. When I get more haste I will switch that out.
    - About the ring, it is one thing I didnt notice I putted it in that slot
    - The glyphs is something I am still testing myself what gives most output but I guess u are right about that. After I switched out my Tier12 4 set I putted that one off and went for lightning bolt glyph. Thanks and I will concider this.
    - And about CL glyph U are correct, I switch that out on fights like yorsah herioc etc.

    I checked u out, it all looks fine but why U go for int-mastery int-haste gems at sametime ? and are u more mastery orientated shaman? Cause then I should choose the 50 mastery enchant on your feet instead of the haste one. and regem for int-mastery though. Unless u use the haste only to get faster casts?
    65 Mastery is flat better than 50 Haste on Gloves, theres no benefit to trying to keep them around the same level.

    As for my gems I have some Int+Haste, some Int+Mastery because the Int+Haste ones are left over from before I got my 4pt13 set, I haven't replaced them with Int+Mastery yet because I haven't got any more Orange gems from Raids yet. As for boot enchant, I've actually replaced that with Mastery now, been meaning too for a while actually. I focus more on Mastery because its better than Haste by a fair margin with 4pt13 and Legendary.

    I simmed your character, here are your stat weights:

    Hit - 4.376
    Int - 3.777
    Haste - 1.931
    Mastery - 1.777
    Crit - 1.379

    65x1.777 = 115.505

    50x1.931 = 96.55

    Mastery Enchant on gloves wins.

  7. #2667
    Would love to give you some useful feedback, but my ele knowledge is very lacking.
    Based on what i DO know though, your gemming, spec, glyphs and stats all look very nice.
    Granted those gloves of yours are pretty new, you should throw a tinker on them

    Onty, Twisting Nether EU (Can't link yet)
    Last edited by mmoc395ea88180; 2012-02-09 at 02:03 AM.

  8. #2668
    I dont know that much bout resto, so i'll let someone else do you.

    eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Skirtan/advanced (cant post links yet)

    Any help would be appriciated

  9. #2669
    Quote Originally Posted by Svernhagen View Post
    I dont know that much bout resto, so i'll let someone else do you.

    eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Skirtan/advanced (cant post links yet)

    Any help would be appriciated
    You could get 50 int to bracers and peerless stats to chest. You don't use glyph of unleash elements even though it is extremely good. While not a dps increase, glyph of healing stream is very useful in raids. 2 points in convection is practically worthless at this gear level, and could be in elemental warding, totemic reach, or ancestral resolve depending on the fight. I'm sure you know this but finishing your enchanting will net you another 80 int. You might want to look into a replacement for Reflection of the Light. base hit trinkets are usually a no-go, but on that subject your hit is very weird. You're reforging out of a lot of spirit, but you are under hit cap by a lot (and still using that spirit trinket).

    http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...rdean/advanced is me. Let's hope I remember to log off in my ele gear, but if I forget feel free to do my resto gear and such.

  10. #2670
    Thx for the tips, will definetly respec out of convection and in to ancestral resolve probebly. i got a new ring and trink yesterday and have'nt reforged after that so thats why my hit is low. yup the trinket sux. tytyty bai bai

  11. #2671

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