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  1. #1

    01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Blue posters are back, and we love them.

    Recent In-Game Fixes - January 2010 - 1/4
    Originally Posted by Bornakk (Blue Tracker)
    Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted.

    To review previous in-game fixes, please visit:

    • The mail Bloodsunder Bracers have had their appropriate socket bonus added.
    • The proc on Zod’s Repeating Longbow should no longer reset auto shots.
    • The gear requirement for heroic Halls of Reflection has been increased.
    Blue posts
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Zod's Repeating Longbow (Zod's Repeating Longbow)
    Zod's should not reset your autoshot. This is a bug. We can and will hotfix the problem with Zod's Repeating Longbow. This hotfix should be deployed in the next day or two, barring unforeseen issues, etc. [...] Zod's should also not proc on Wyvern Sting for obvious reasons. (Source)

    Deathbringer's Will (Deathbringer's Will)
    We have taken a closer look at this trinket and the stats that it uses aren't the best for some classes/specs. We are looking at making some updates to improve the random stats it picks from.

    [...] Just to try and avoid confusion, every class will still get 3 procs.

    We know not every stat is as good for spec A as spec B and that’s just the nature of the item. It isn’t intended to be the best possible item for every melee class with the single most desired buff always available. If armor pen isn’t attractive for certain players, then a trinket that procs armor pen sometimes may also not be attractive but that's the nature of an item like this.

    The main issue I'm concerned with is ArP procs for specs that easily hard cap that stat.
    We are concerned about proc’ing a stat that can be readily capped especially on an item that provides a rather large passive armor pen bonus already. It could end up just never being attractive enough. Right now we are strongly considering just having it proc base-stat (strength, agility, etc.), haste, or crit depending on spec. We’ll be sure to let you know if we make this change. (Source)

    Bryntroll better than Shadow's Edge / Shadowmourne? (Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter)
    We're happy with Bryntroll for now. We'll see when the heroic version gets out there.

    If anything, the other weapon procs need to be closer to this level.

    Also note that Shadow's Edge isn't necessarily designed to be the ultimate weapon available, given that acquiring one might not require anything more than having a large bank account to swing around. If heroic Bryntroll proved better than Shadowmourne, that might be a bigger issue, but I'm a little skeptical that will be the case. (Source)

    Icecrown Weapon Procs
    The general answer is "yes" since I already recently mentioned a change we'd like to make on Nibelung. What we won't do is make a lot of really fast changes to procs. Some procs can start out pretty weak, but we are well versed in our players' abilities to find ways to use things and need to be careful on buffing something as tricky as a proc.

    I can say that Heartpierce is being looked at, but we don't have any details to share on changes at the moment. (Source)

    Itemization philosophy and procs
    As a more detailed explanation, our itemization philosophy has evolved a lot from vanilla where in comparison to today’s gear it almost seemed like random stats were thrown together like everybody's classic favorite Strength and Spirit items. One of the biggest risks we feel like we face currently is itemization becoming too stale and predictable where the only thing you get out of a new tier of content are the current item with a few more stats on it.

    Procs are one of the ways we’re trying to address this and we expect you’ll continue to see a lot more of them for the future. With any new feature, though, it’s going to take time to figure out which implementations succeed or fail. Also keep in mind that we know we haven’t always had the best track record with items that give up some of their stat budget for procs which is particularly true of casters.

    We aren’t ready to announce any specific changes at this time, but rest assured we do intend to tweak the procs over time. This is a model you’re likely to see a lot more of in future content.

    Any plans for more procs on other pieces of gear, such as the current shaman tier shoulder proc and ashen verdict ring procs?
    We don't have any specifics to share, but yes, we definitely want to do more of that. Also, small set bonus like Onyxia’s Shard of the Scale / Flame trinkets are things we want to do more of. (Source)

    Block Rating
    In the Cataclysmic long term, this stat will be going away as the way things will be handled will be by combining block rating and block value into one stat. It will be more like block rating than block value, but it's better to think in the terms of a new stat since it will work in different values than what players are currently used to seeing in block rating.

    For the short term, we just stopped itemizing it because it’s generally not a very attractive tanking stat except in very specific cases. I give a /wave to those Anub'arak’s adds tanks out there. In the current content the chance to prevent a small amount of damage isn’t worth the budget, nor do we really want tanks to be at that 100% chance to block. (Source)

    Dungeon Vote Kick
    The vote kick design is still really new and we do want to refine/improve it over time. It's a really fine line to walk between preventing players from abusing the system but also allowing people to remove problematic players. When/if we have updates to provide regarding this we will post them. (Source)

    Bloodlust / Heroism Drums?
    We’re considering it. There are two big considerations at play here. One is we’re unsure the buff is as mandatory as some players think it is. It certainly feels like a big boost when it happens, but part of that is because so many groups use the Bloodlust / Heroism moment as the time to blow all their cooldowns and go all out. While it is unarguably a buff (though for some specs more than others), it’s role as “blow everything!” is significant too. Secondly, while we ultimately wouldn’t mind having a weaker consumable available (like Kings and Fortitude) for groups, we’re not crazy about the idea of every character running around leveling, using Bloodlust for every kill quest. At that point, it just feels like a mandatory consumable and anything designed to make it feel less mandatory (like an expensive cost) feels bad. (Source)

    Ranged Weapon / Relic Slot
    You can’t just compare any two item slots across classes. Classes are designed with their total gear package in mind. It’s only an issue if an item slot is such a major upgrade for one type of character that character progression grows too quickly with certain drops. The closest thing to this is probably weapons, which are generally better for melee than casters. However, the rest of a caster’s armor benefits him or her more than it does the melee class, so overall things average out.

    That said, we’re not 100% happy with the relic implementation (or ranged weapons for non-hunters for that matter). They feel a little too much like a "stat stick" and the bonuses have shifted to feeling pretty passive. This is something we’d like to improve in the future. (Source)

    Fate of the Armor Penetration Gear in 4.0
    There isn't a cut and dry sort of answer that we can give you on this just yet. There are many different factors that will need to come into account.

    There is potential for anything that is currently considered Best in Slot now to not be once changes begin going in for Cataclysm.

    You will also need to take into account potential changes in talents and abilities (as well as any other game related changes), and it leaves a bit of wiggle room for some theorycrafting once these changes start being discussed and experienced in more detail.

    To that end though, we don't plan to leave anyone high and dry and are planning out a series of informational releases that should start giving out more detail on these sorts of changes. We'll be doing what we can to answer as many questions as possible on the changes to stats in particular since we know that it is an area that many people focus on. We also want to make sure that these changes are easy to understand and leave room for any additional developmental adjustments that are needed. As always, we'll be keeping an eye on constructive feedback and discussions as well. (Source)

    Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator)
    Swipe - Druid Tanking is boring
    Bears could probably use another ability to make things more interesting. Part of the problem is that the cat rotation is very complex and the bear one is pretty simple, yet we know most players who play one end up playing the other at least occasionally, so it can be somewhat beneficial to have one be a bit easier. (Source)

    Shaman (Forums / Talent Calculator)
    Shaman tanking in 5-man?
    This is a sticky sort of subject. There is a certain level of expectation that people have when it comes to tanking as we've all seen and experienced in game. If changes were made to allow shaman the ability to tank some things but not others, they could easily get labeled as "bad tanks" and no one would want to use them (or play them) at all in this capacity. While for some people, being a "temporary" tank in the lower end 5s might be intriguing, it may not be so for most people and might end up being a very little used spec for the class. It may even end up being more frustrating for some who find themselves wanting to get into the upper end dungeons and raids in this capacity only to find themselves coming up short.

    So you could say, yes, we could find a way to make this work, but the ultimate question is, would it be worth doing so and what would be the end result? I don't want to crush your hopes but, at this point, this sort of change seems very unlikely and wouldn't have the sort of payoff that you would like to come out of it. (Source)
    Dark Legacy Comic #220 and Teh Gladiators #107 are out!

  2. #2
    Mechagnome Poysonivy's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Hmm Teh Gladiators was a bit funny this time with the subs..

    Get well Keydar!!
    Junglebeast @ Stormscale EU |

  3. #3

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Good answer to all the "problems" with weapons/trinket .. Hope it all will end up working as intended

    -- Epic DLC

  4. #4

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Shammy tank with mail gear FTW LULZ

  5. #5

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    rolf @ DLC
    Time waits for no one.
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

  6. #6

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    bout time they fixed deathbringer's will

  7. #7

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    The gear requirement for heroic Halls of Reflection has been increased.
    Thank you for doing this, instead of just nerfing the instance!
    Also, what do people mean by DLC? I understand that as Downloadable content, but that doesn't seem to fit here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farahawnee View Post
    Not having an authenticator on your account is like not locking your windows because your front door is locked, and then wondering how a burglar got in.

  8. #8

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot1291
    Thank you for doing this, instead of just nerfing the instance!
    Also, what do people mean by DLC? I understand that as Downloadable content, but that doesn't seem to fit here.
    Dark Legacy Comics.

    We're happy with Bryntroll for now.
    Gah. Figures.

  9. #9

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    yay zod's fix

  10. #10

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    I love DLC. XD

  11. #11

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    DLC ftw
    Get well soon Keydar!
    Bringing the "hardcoar" to casual since 2009.

  12. #12

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    I had a group of people from the same server kick my tank out after defeating the last boss in an instance. I didn't screw anything up... in fact, those same three people refused to even fight the boss or heal me (thankfully, I was on my Paladin, so that wasn't an issue).

    That time was probably just as bad as the time when a guild from Stormreaver decided to misdirect my other shaman or simply not tank adds and let them kill me instead. That was a fun instance.

    All in all, the fact that you can ignore people and never group with them goes a long way.

  13. #13

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Can you put up the Oculus announcement on top of the page too?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bahumut5
    I don't want to call Boubouille and wake her up for something like this.

  14. #14

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    We learned that skiing is dangerous *_*

  15. #15
    Epic! phai's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Oct 2009

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    go grab a snowboard keydar, skiing is for pussies :>

  16. #16

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    Tottaly on DLC wave. Great one

  17. #17

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    It's good to see that they're changing the way gear is itemised, it was becoming very stale.
    And of course changing things won't always work out smoothly at first so I can forgive the pathetic excuse of a weapon they made out of Nibelung
    Quote Originally Posted by Nawramsti
    Mages are fine wtf are you talking about.
    Frost for PvP Arcane for LOLPVP and Fire for...... sec will get back to you.

  18. #18

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    So maybe its the hour of the day and im just to tired but i dont see any proc on shaman shoulder other than the effect? I thought there was one back on the PTR but i dont see it in the live loot.

  19. #19

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    So, let me see if I get this straight: because my occasionally used cat spec is so complicated, my other, more frequently used, spec should be dumbed down and given fewer utilities/abilities than the rest of the tanks? Logic!

  20. #20

    Re: 01/04 Hotfixes, Blue posts, Comics

    The gear requirement for heroic Halls of Reflection has been increased.

    I cant believe im reading this.
    Something.. hmm.. right, not tauren paladins or nerfing things that bads dont like.

    GoGo Blizz.

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