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  1. #501

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    I love the change. My biggest reason are legendary items, like Shadowmourne. I come from a small 10-player raid guild, which is what I prefer. I was pissed to learn that I didn't have a shot at Shadowmourne, and at the time it seemed any future legendary items, simply because i prefer to run 10 instead of 25 player raids. That's complete bullshit. I have a lot of people that I get along with and joke with in my guild. It's a great atmosphere and I love it. I shouldn't be forced to join another bigger guild and leave that behind just to get better loot. So, again, I'm all for the change. =)

  2. #502

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Well I wasn't expecting this.

  3. #503

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    The problem with bigger raid zones with, say 15 bosses in them, is you have to put them somewhere. It can take alot of time and development to visualize all the hallways/rooms/etc. on top of maintaining some semblance of purposeful design, as well as still allowing time to even design the fights and all the other crap I haven't mentioned. TLDR, smaller raid zones (like ZA for instance) could end up just providing a better, more unique visual experience as opposed to a much larger raid that needed alot of copypasta to cut time. (of course on the extreme we could get another "Coliseum", but that sure as hell isn't an end-all)

    Also, 10/25 being on the same lockout will gate the crap out of loot, both raid-acquired and badge-acquired. I just hope they'll focus on more extra hard bosses (Algalon comes to mind), to add a little more worth to some of the harder-achieved items.

  4. #504

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Salmon

    DERRRRPPPPPPP. Thats becuase there are 20 raiders in two 10 man groups, and 25 in one 25 man group.


    you will get gear quicker running 25 man. and if Blizzard decides to amp up the amount of emblems required to buy gear there will be a point in running 25 man. you. will. gear. quicker. in. Cataclysm. running. 25. even if you get the emblem gear retardedly quick, you will STILL get gear quicker. then you can run heroic version and get heroic gear quicker.

    the only problem now is how many raids will be released. if Blizzard can make up for the lockout by having more raids then all is well. you will be raiding the same hours just in different content.

  5. #505

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by trilog
    no but you can show me that rank 13 title, right? you can show me all those titles and all your glory from WOTLK right?


    you're a bad. just plain bad. sorry you had trouble with Najentus. those tridents were really tough for ya, eh? hell did you even get loot reaver down?

    PS: still avoiding my Cataclysm argument. bad is bad is bad is bad. bad troll, bad player. so much bad D:

    He didn't throw tridents you retard, it was spines. Go back to leveling your 15th alt so you can cry that he isn't getting geared fast enough.

  6. #506

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    sounds great!
    bring back da WAR & WORLD in World of Warcraft

    add this line to your sig!:P

  7. #507

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Krathdar The Mighty
    25 man raiders need to stop's enough, calling the 10 man raiders noobs is stupid. just because they haven't the connections you got in game and aren't part of a guild doesn't make them less talented. You are whining over a GAME mind you. Get over yourselves for thinking you are a better person than someone else because of your achievements and gear. You can't find something to do with your life other than WoW? that is sad, this is designed for a few things

    1. To make 10 mans more suitable
    2. To make people less burned out on the game and keep playing
    3. To get the elitist to STFU, i know for a fact there are more complaints with the current system from casuals than there will be from the losers who play 20+ hours a week on this shit

    When it comes down to it 10 man raiders are more of the Majority, and what the majority wants, they get. You 25 man raiders make up the minority and they aren't going to mold the game entirely on what you want. Stop bitching, do your 25 mans and get on with life.

    IT IS JUST A FUCKING GAME YOU BITCHY NERDS. You aren't any better than a 10 man raider, you just have more opportunities and you devote more time, GS=/=Skill
    I agree with this as long as the rewards of 25m outweight the fact that you need 15 more people to raid. They need to at leave triple the amount of loot and badges dropped in 25m for this to be true, otherwise everyone's better off doing 10m. Don't mistake me for thinking loot is so important, it's just the fact that if 10 people get 2 drops off a boss and 25 people get only 5 drops off a boss then it's not equal and much easier to just do 10 mans to get your gear because you have less competition for your gear as well as it being easier to obtain only 10 people to raid.

  8. #508

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Emy
    Someone is playing the wrong type of game. Guess an MMO isn't suitable for you.
    Maybe not most mmo's in the past..but WoW is perfect for this type of thinking

  9. #509

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Keep in mind Blizzard doesn't make huge changes like this for no reason or simply to piss people off. That's not how they make money. I also don't think they are making these changes to appeal to casuals or hardcore specifically since they did a great job with that by making hard modes.

    I think the real intent for all this is to get people to experience the new content. They are introducing two new races and alot of new early game content. No one will ever see any of that if they are so wrapped up in trying to complete all the raiding.

    Personally I'm looking forward to making a Worgen Druid or Rogue (I already have lvl 80 warlock, shaman and DK) but I'm NOT looking forward to the long 85 levels. I hope they make the bind on account xp gear be tradable for replacements. For example, I have the cloth shoulders but if I want to make a warrior I should be able to trade them in for plate and not have to rebuy them.

  10. #510
    High Overlord Zace's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Downwithopp
    He didn't throw tridents you retard, it was spines. Go back to leveling your 15th alt so you can cry that he isn't getting geared fast enough.
    lmao.. tridents. Man mmo-champ is filled with idiots.

  11. #511

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    This is wat i wanted since wotl came out, and how it should be.


  12. #512
    Mechagnome ejzo's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    naw blizzard, blizzard naw!!!

  13. #513

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Unless the 25 man raid drops 2.5 time as much loot as the 10man raid, I see no reason for 25man raids to keep going. As a matter of fact, it should be more than 2.5 times to give an edge to 25man raid, as it is a lot easier to gather 10 uber players than 25.
    Any nerf to any class or spec in any way is a nerf to your raid. So if you PvE, stop your self-righteous remarks and silly arguments. Think for your raid, not yourself.

  14. #514

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Update next month : raid 5 ppl.
    Update in 2 month : SOLO EVERYTHING !

  15. #515

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazertrooper
    Gated content: pathetic.
    Same lockout: don't care really.
    Claiming that 10 man can be same difficulty as 25 man: pathetic. thaddius can be 4 manned on 10 man in blues but with the same gear would be a wipe to enrage on 25 man with less than 20.
    New content will be designed around the new limitations. You're comparing new system with old content.

  16. #516
    High Overlord Yaminho's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Hb
    Well that sounds like übershit

  17. #517

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxrandom
    I knew someone would come up with the [IRL] card. But seriously, I (and many others) play this game solely for the raiding, and if it's possible to clear all relevant content in 1-2 raid days, then what should we do the 5 other days? I don't care about achievements, i don't care about pvp and i don't care about pets.
    Instead of 1 raid (ie ICC currently), we're getting multiple raids. You're comparing new system with old raid designs.

  18. #518

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    Another thought; in order to make the amount of loot dropped in 25man a good pull to actually DOING 25 mans... boss loot tables are going to have to be fucking colossal.

  19. #519

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    i don't like it.. Gief the ulduar system :/

  20. #520

    Re: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements

    To be honest, most of your run-of-the-mill 25 fights aren't that much harder than 10 fights if you have the gear amirite :

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