Current Alpha Build: 11927
List accurate as of Alpha Build: 11927
Arathi Highlands:
- New Forsaken Camp, near Thoradim's Wall.
- New Road that goes straight into The Hinterlands.
Special Thanks to: X59
- The Horde has reinforced Zoram'gar Outpost.
- New Horde Base, North of Astranaar: Hellscream's Watch.
- New Volcano has risen, West of Raynewood Retreat.
- New Roads, including one that goes straight into Stonetalon Mountains.
- New Lake: Sulfuron Spire, North-East of Ashenvale.
- Lots of Bridges have been Built over Falfarren River.
Special Thanks to: sleekit, BAMcArt4
- The Goblins have completely Terraformed Azshara.
- According to The Azshara Map: Darkwhisper Gorge is now part of Hyjal Mountains.
- New Road that goes, through a gate, straight into Orgrimmar.
- Azshara is now shaped to look like the Horde Logo.
Special Thanks to: Gethe88
- Apocryphan's Rest has been Redesigned. Unknown Reason.
- New Ruins, Similar to Uldaman, are being unearthed. Atleast one.
- New Horde Base, near Apocryphan's Rest. It includes a Horde Flightpath.
- Kargath lies in Ruins.
Blasted Lands:
- Dreadmaul Hold has been retaken by the Horde. Name Reverted to Rockard.
- New Horde Flightpath: Rockard.
- The Tainted Scar has been ranamed The Tainted Forest. Likely cleansed of Demons.
- Blasted Lands is now connected to The Sea.
- New Naga Camp: Bloodwash Shrine.
- New Worgen Camp, South-West of The Dark Portal: Surwich.
Special Thanks to: DreadLobster, Missfit
Burning Steppes:
- UPDATED! Final Room in Blackwing Lair is now accessible to Flying Mounts.
Special Thanks to: Bannor
- Shatterspear Pass. Likely leads In/Out of Moonglade.
- New Night Elf Base, North-East of Ruins of Auberdine: Lor'danel.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Lor'danel.
- New Horde Base, North-East of Lor'danel: Shatterspear War Camp.
- At least 3 Tornadoes in Darkshore. Likely more.
- A Vortex has spawned, South of Lor'danel.
- Tower of Althalaxx has been destroyed.
- Bashal'aran has been destroyed.
- Auberdine lies in Ruins and has been renamed accordingly.
- Potential New Volcano Site. The Blazing Strand.
- New Life has risen in Desolace: Cenarion Wildlands. Located in Central Desolace.
- New Night Elf Base: Karnum's Glade, at the centre of Cenarion Wildlands.
- New Tauren Camp. Weirdly enough, it's located right next to Karnum's Glade.
Dun Morogh:
- New Alliance Flightpath: Ironforge Airfield.
- Minor Changes to Eastern Dun Morogh where Gnomeregan will most likely be situated.
- The Road that connected The Barrens and Durotar has been completely flooded.
- Echo Isles have been redesigned. Additionaly, The Islands are connected by Bridges.
- New Port: Bladefist Bay. East of Orgrimmar. Unknown Routes.
- New Horde Flightpath: Razor Hill.
- New Horde Flightpath: Sen'jin Village.
Dustwallow Marsh:
- New Road that goes straight from Theramore Isle to Southern Barrens.
- New Road that leads, likely, to Thousand Needles.
- Brackenwall Village has been taken over by the Twilight Cultists.
- The Cave West of Stonemaul Ruins has Twilight activity.
Special Thanks to: Ravasha
Eastern Plaguelands:
- The Argent Dawn has fortified and rebuilt Light's Hope Chapel.
- The PvP Towers in Eastern Plaguelands have been somewhat upgraded.
- Some of The Scars, if not all, have been filled with Water.
Special Thanks to: Mordred
Elwynn Forest:
- New Alliance Flightpath: Goldshire.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Eastvale Logging Camp.
- Minor Changes to Norhshire Abbey.
Special Thanks to: Mordred, Narveid
- The Horde has upgraded Bloodvenom Post.
- The Corrupted Furbolgs have expanded Deadwood Village.
- NEW! New Night Elf Base. Includes Alliance Flightpath. West of Irontree Woods.
- NEW! New Night Elf Camp. Unknown Location. Includes a Mailbox.
- NEW! New Night Elf Camp. Unknown Location. Includes a Horde Flightpath. Likely Neutral Camp.
- Talonbranch Glade has been slightly altered.
- NEW! New Goblin Camp. Likely not The Goblins of Kezan.
- UPDATED!, NOT RELIABLE! The Goblins have recently started Terraforming parts of Felwood. Likely not The Goblins of Kezan.
Special Thanks to: Bannor
- Feathermoon Stronghold has been relocated to The Mainland.
- New Alliance Flightpath: New Feathermoon Stronghold.
- Old Feathermoon Stronghold now lies in Ruins. Flightpath also Gone.
- Isle of Dread has sunk.
- New Lake, East of Ruins of Isildien.
- New Lake, North of Dire Maul.
- New Tauren Base: Camp Ataya.
- New Horde Flightpath: Camp Ataya.
- New Night Elf Base: Tower of Estulan.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Tower of Estulan.
- Thalanaar has been destroyed by The Flood.
- New Night Elf Base: New Thalanaar.
- New Alliance Flightpath: New Thalanaar.
- New Horde Base: Stonemaul Hold.
Special Thanks to: X59
Loch Modan:
- The Loch is: a) Drying or b) Blocked from it's Water Source.
- Thorns in Red Cloud Mesa have Expanded. The Thornsnarl.
- New Lake in Red Cloud Mesa.
- New Horde Flightpath: Bloodhoof Village.
Stonetalon Mountains:
- The Charred Vale has been destroyed by a Vulcano.
- Webwinder Path has been taken over by the Deepmoss Spiders. Renamed accordingly.
- New Unknown Zeppelin Route. Starts/Stops at Unearthed Grounds, near The Barrens.
- New Night Elf Bases: Tal'darah Overlook, Tal'darah Grove, Windshear Hold.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Tal'darah Overlook.
- New Alliance Flightpath: South-West Side of Mirkfallon Lake.
- New Horde Base, East of Sun Rock Retreat: Krom'Gar Fortress.
- New Horde Flightpath: Krom'Gar Fortress.
- New Tauren Base: Cliffwalker Post.
- New Horde Flightpath: Cliffwalker Post.
- New Base: Sludgewerks. Likely owned by The Goblins of Kezan.
- Battle Going on between the Night Elf Forces and the Horde at Battlescar Valley.
- New Road that goes straight into Ashenvale.
- Stonetalon Mountains now reaches the Sea.
- Lots of Minor Changes.
- New Gnome Camp: Trueshot Point. West of The Fold.
- New Dwarf Camp: Northwatch Expedition Base Camp.
- New Site: The Deep Reaches. Entrance: Northwatch Expedition Base Camp.
Special Thanks to: Furbolger, Bannor
- The City has been Redesigned, to better accommodate Flying Mounts and have a City Feeling.
- The Park has been Completely Destroyed, most likely by Deathwing. Cataclysm Event?
- Stormwind Entrance has "Dragon Marks" on 2 of it's towers.
- The famous "Player-Owned House" portal has been removed.
- The City has been Redesigned, to better accommodate Flying Mounts and have a City Feeling.
- NEW! New Gate that goes straight into Azshara.
Special Thanks to: Bannor
Silverpine Forest:
- The Greymane Wall has been Updated to accomodate the architecture of Gilneas.
Northern and Southern Barrens:
- The Barrens have been split by Lava.
- New Life has risen: The Overgrowth. Located in the Northern Region of Southern Barrens.
- Camp Taurajo has been Ruined by The Alliance. Renamed accordingly. Flightpath Gone.
- Old and New Alliance Bases: Honor's Stand, Forward Command, Northwatch Hold, Fort Triumph.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Honor's Stand.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Fort Triumph.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Northwatch Hold.
- New Horde Flightpath: Hunter's Hill.
- New Horde Base, North of Razorfen Kraul: Desolation Hold.
- New Horde Flightpath: Desolation Hold.
- Battle going on between the Alliance Forces and the Horde at Battlescar.
- The Road leading to Mulgore is being blocked by "The Great Gate".
Stranglethorn Vale:
- A Vortex has spawned, North-East of Gurubashi Arena.
- UPDATED! The Zandalar Trolls have Moved from Yojamba Island, next to Zul'Gurub. Linked to Main Stranglethorn Vale Path.
- UPDATED! Nesigwary's Expedition is now Fortified. Linked to Main Stranglethorn Vale Path.
- New Alliance Camp. Unknown Location.
- The Goblins are looking for Petrol all over Stranglethorn Vale.
- New Goblin Base: Bloodsail Compound.
- New Horde Flightpath: Bloodsail Compound.
- NEW! New Goblin Seafood Restaurant on the Savage Coast of Stranglethorn Vale.
Special Thanks to: Seitan
Swamp of Sorrows:
- UPDATED! New Alliance Base. Likely North of The Sunken Temple.
Special Thanks to: Ebon Champion, Bannor
- North-Eastern side of Tanaris has been flooded.
- Gadgetzan has been Slightly Expanded to better suit Leveling Hubs. Flightpath Inside!
- Rut'theran Village has been taken away by the Ocean. Rebuilt Offshore. Flightpath still there.
- New Flightpath: Dolanaar.
- New Flightpath: Darnassus.
Thousand Needles:
- Zone Flooded by Cataclysm.
- The Great Lift has been destroyed.
- Thousand Needles now has exit to The Great Sea.
- Harpies have take over a large part of the Southern Region.
- New Centaur Camps: Splithoof Heights and Southsea Holdfast.
- New Gnome/Neural Goblin Base: Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge.
- NOT RELIABLE! According to The Map: Tanaris replaced Un'goro Crater as The Zone South-West of Thousand Needles.
Tirisfal Glades:
- Ruins of Lordaeron, Brill and The Bulwark have been redesigned.
- Mountains now cover-up the Region West of Deathknell. Isn't there supposed to be something BIG.. Historically?
Un'Goro Crater:
- New Neutral Camp: Mossy Pile. Unknown Location, around Fire Plume Ridge.
- New Alliance and Horde Flightpath: Mossy Pile.
Western Plaguelands:
- The Bulwark has been redesigned.
- Sorrow Hill and Uther's Tomb have been improved.
- The Forsaken and The Humans are trying to take over the Ruins of Andorhal.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Ruins of Andorhal.
- The Humans are trying to repopulate The Farming Areas.
- New Alliance House at Chillwind Camp. Includes a Mailbox.
- NEW! Argent Dawn has taken over Hearthglen.
Special Thanks to: Hoddie
- Sentinel Hill is now protected by Walls.
- Weird Beam of Light, West of Sentinel Hill.
- New Alliance Camp at Moonbrook.
- New Alliance Flightpath: Moonbrook.
- Menethil Harbor has been Flooded. Flightpath still There.
- The Wetlands Water is now Green.
- New Night Elf Camp, inside The Green Belt. Includes a Flightpath.
- New Dwarf Camp: Slabchisel's Survey.
- NEW! New Alliance Camp, Outside of Whelgar's Excavation Site. Includes Flightpath.
Special Thanks to: Aurabolt, Hoddie