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  1. #1

    Old World Changes

    Current Alpha Build: 11927
    List accurate as of Alpha Build: 11927

    Arathi Highlands:
    - New Forsaken Camp, near Thoradim's Wall.
    - New Road that goes straight into The Hinterlands.
    Special Thanks to: X59

    - The Horde has reinforced Zoram'gar Outpost.
    - New Horde Base, North of Astranaar: Hellscream's Watch.
    - New Volcano has risen, West of Raynewood Retreat.
    - New Roads, including one that goes straight into Stonetalon Mountains.
    - New Lake: Sulfuron Spire, North-East of Ashenvale.
    - Lots of Bridges have been Built over Falfarren River.
    Special Thanks to: sleekit, BAMcArt4

    - The Goblins have completely Terraformed Azshara.
    - According to The Azshara Map: Darkwhisper Gorge is now part of Hyjal Mountains.
    - New Road that goes, through a gate, straight into Orgrimmar.
    - Azshara is now shaped to look like the Horde Logo.
    Special Thanks to: Gethe88

    - Apocryphan's Rest has been Redesigned. Unknown Reason.
    - New Ruins, Similar to Uldaman, are being unearthed. Atleast one.
    - New Horde Base, near Apocryphan's Rest. It includes a Horde Flightpath.
    - Kargath lies in Ruins.

    Blasted Lands:
    - Dreadmaul Hold has been retaken by the Horde. Name Reverted to Rockard.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Rockard.
    - The Tainted Scar has been ranamed The Tainted Forest. Likely cleansed of Demons.
    - Blasted Lands is now connected to The Sea.
    - New Naga Camp: Bloodwash Shrine.
    - New Worgen Camp, South-West of The Dark Portal: Surwich.
    Special Thanks to: DreadLobster, Missfit

    Burning Steppes:
    - UPDATED! Final Room in Blackwing Lair is now accessible to Flying Mounts.
    Special Thanks to: Bannor

    - Shatterspear Pass. Likely leads In/Out of Moonglade.
    - New Night Elf Base, North-East of Ruins of Auberdine: Lor'danel.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Lor'danel.
    - New Horde Base, North-East of Lor'danel: Shatterspear War Camp.
    - At least 3 Tornadoes in Darkshore. Likely more.
    - A Vortex has spawned, South of Lor'danel.
    - Tower of Althalaxx has been destroyed.
    - Bashal'aran has been destroyed.
    - Auberdine lies in Ruins and has been renamed accordingly.
    - Potential New Volcano Site. The Blazing Strand.

    - New Life has risen in Desolace: Cenarion Wildlands. Located in Central Desolace.
    - New Night Elf Base: Karnum's Glade, at the centre of Cenarion Wildlands.
    - New Tauren Camp. Weirdly enough, it's located right next to Karnum's Glade.

    Dun Morogh:
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Ironforge Airfield.
    - Minor Changes to Eastern Dun Morogh where Gnomeregan will most likely be situated.

    - The Road that connected The Barrens and Durotar has been completely flooded.
    - Echo Isles have been redesigned. Additionaly, The Islands are connected by Bridges.
    - New Port: Bladefist Bay. East of Orgrimmar. Unknown Routes.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Razor Hill.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Sen'jin Village.

    Dustwallow Marsh:
    - New Road that goes straight from Theramore Isle to Southern Barrens.
    - New Road that leads, likely, to Thousand Needles.
    - Brackenwall Village has been taken over by the Twilight Cultists.
    - The Cave West of Stonemaul Ruins has Twilight activity.
    Special Thanks to: Ravasha

    Eastern Plaguelands:
    - The Argent Dawn has fortified and rebuilt Light's Hope Chapel.
    - The PvP Towers in Eastern Plaguelands have been somewhat upgraded.
    - Some of The Scars, if not all, have been filled with Water.
    Special Thanks to: Mordred

    Elwynn Forest:
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Goldshire.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Eastvale Logging Camp.
    - Minor Changes to Norhshire Abbey.
    Special Thanks to: Mordred, Narveid

    - The Horde has upgraded Bloodvenom Post.
    - The Corrupted Furbolgs have expanded Deadwood Village.
    - NEW! New Night Elf Base. Includes Alliance Flightpath. West of Irontree Woods.
    - NEW! New Night Elf Camp. Unknown Location. Includes a Mailbox.
    - NEW! New Night Elf Camp. Unknown Location. Includes a Horde Flightpath. Likely Neutral Camp.
    - Talonbranch Glade has been slightly altered.
    - NEW! New Goblin Camp. Likely not The Goblins of Kezan.
    - UPDATED!, NOT RELIABLE! The Goblins have recently started Terraforming parts of Felwood. Likely not The Goblins of Kezan.
    Special Thanks to: Bannor

    - Feathermoon Stronghold has been relocated to The Mainland.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: New Feathermoon Stronghold.
    - Old Feathermoon Stronghold now lies in Ruins. Flightpath also Gone.
    - Isle of Dread has sunk.
    - New Lake, East of Ruins of Isildien.
    - New Lake, North of Dire Maul.
    - New Tauren Base: Camp Ataya.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Camp Ataya.
    - New Night Elf Base: Tower of Estulan.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Tower of Estulan.
    - Thalanaar has been destroyed by The Flood.
    - New Night Elf Base: New Thalanaar.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: New Thalanaar.
    - New Horde Base: Stonemaul Hold.
    Special Thanks to: X59

    Loch Modan:
    - The Loch is: a) Drying or b) Blocked from it's Water Source.

    - Thorns in Red Cloud Mesa have Expanded. The Thornsnarl.
    - New Lake in Red Cloud Mesa.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Bloodhoof Village.

    Stonetalon Mountains:
    - The Charred Vale has been destroyed by a Vulcano.
    - Webwinder Path has been taken over by the Deepmoss Spiders. Renamed accordingly.
    - New Unknown Zeppelin Route. Starts/Stops at Unearthed Grounds, near The Barrens.
    - New Night Elf Bases: Tal'darah Overlook, Tal'darah Grove, Windshear Hold.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Tal'darah Overlook.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: South-West Side of Mirkfallon Lake.
    - New Horde Base, East of Sun Rock Retreat: Krom'Gar Fortress.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Krom'Gar Fortress.
    - New Tauren Base: Cliffwalker Post.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Cliffwalker Post.
    - New Base: Sludgewerks. Likely owned by The Goblins of Kezan.
    - Battle Going on between the Night Elf Forces and the Horde at Battlescar Valley.
    - New Road that goes straight into Ashenvale.
    - Stonetalon Mountains now reaches the Sea.
    - Lots of Minor Changes.
    - New Gnome Camp: Trueshot Point. West of The Fold.
    - New Dwarf Camp: Northwatch Expedition Base Camp.
    - New Site: The Deep Reaches. Entrance: Northwatch Expedition Base Camp.
    Special Thanks to: Furbolger, Bannor

    - The City has been Redesigned, to better accommodate Flying Mounts and have a City Feeling.
    - The Park has been Completely Destroyed, most likely by Deathwing. Cataclysm Event?
    - Stormwind Entrance has "Dragon Marks" on 2 of it's towers.
    - The famous "Player-Owned House" portal has been removed.

    - The City has been Redesigned, to better accommodate Flying Mounts and have a City Feeling.
    - NEW! New Gate that goes straight into Azshara.
    Special Thanks to: Bannor

    Silverpine Forest:
    - The Greymane Wall has been Updated to accomodate the architecture of Gilneas.

    Northern and Southern Barrens:
    - The Barrens have been split by Lava.
    - New Life has risen: The Overgrowth. Located in the Northern Region of Southern Barrens.
    - Camp Taurajo has been Ruined by The Alliance. Renamed accordingly. Flightpath Gone.
    - Old and New Alliance Bases: Honor's Stand, Forward Command, Northwatch Hold, Fort Triumph.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Honor's Stand.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Fort Triumph.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Northwatch Hold.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Hunter's Hill.
    - New Horde Base, North of Razorfen Kraul: Desolation Hold.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Desolation Hold.
    - Battle going on between the Alliance Forces and the Horde at Battlescar.
    - The Road leading to Mulgore is being blocked by "The Great Gate".

    Stranglethorn Vale:
    - A Vortex has spawned, North-East of Gurubashi Arena.
    - UPDATED! The Zandalar Trolls have Moved from Yojamba Island, next to Zul'Gurub. Linked to Main Stranglethorn Vale Path.
    - UPDATED! Nesigwary's Expedition is now Fortified. Linked to Main Stranglethorn Vale Path.
    - New Alliance Camp. Unknown Location.
    - The Goblins are looking for Petrol all over Stranglethorn Vale.
    - New Goblin Base: Bloodsail Compound.
    - New Horde Flightpath: Bloodsail Compound.
    - NEW! New Goblin Seafood Restaurant on the Savage Coast of Stranglethorn Vale.
    Special Thanks to: Seitan

    Swamp of Sorrows:
    - UPDATED! New Alliance Base. Likely North of The Sunken Temple.
    Special Thanks to: Ebon Champion, Bannor

    - North-Eastern side of Tanaris has been flooded.
    - Gadgetzan has been Slightly Expanded to better suit Leveling Hubs. Flightpath Inside!

    - Rut'theran Village has been taken away by the Ocean. Rebuilt Offshore. Flightpath still there.
    - New Flightpath: Dolanaar.
    - New Flightpath: Darnassus.

    Thousand Needles:
    - Zone Flooded by Cataclysm.
    - The Great Lift has been destroyed.
    - Thousand Needles now has exit to The Great Sea.
    - Harpies have take over a large part of the Southern Region.
    - New Centaur Camps: Splithoof Heights and Southsea Holdfast.
    - New Gnome/Neural Goblin Base: Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge.
    - NOT RELIABLE! According to The Map: Tanaris replaced Un'goro Crater as The Zone South-West of Thousand Needles.

    Tirisfal Glades:
    - Ruins of Lordaeron, Brill and The Bulwark have been redesigned.
    - Mountains now cover-up the Region West of Deathknell. Isn't there supposed to be something BIG.. Historically?

    Un'Goro Crater:
    - New Neutral Camp: Mossy Pile. Unknown Location, around Fire Plume Ridge.
    - New Alliance and Horde Flightpath: Mossy Pile.

    Western Plaguelands:
    - The Bulwark has been redesigned.
    - Sorrow Hill and Uther's Tomb have been improved.
    - The Forsaken and The Humans are trying to take over the Ruins of Andorhal.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Ruins of Andorhal.
    - The Humans are trying to repopulate The Farming Areas.
    - New Alliance House at Chillwind Camp. Includes a Mailbox.
    - NEW! Argent Dawn has taken over Hearthglen.
    Special Thanks to: Hoddie

    - Sentinel Hill is now protected by Walls.
    - Weird Beam of Light, West of Sentinel Hill.
    - New Alliance Camp at Moonbrook.
    - New Alliance Flightpath: Moonbrook.

    - Menethil Harbor has been Flooded. Flightpath still There.
    - The Wetlands Water is now Green.
    - New Night Elf Camp, inside The Green Belt. Includes a Flightpath.
    - New Dwarf Camp: Slabchisel's Survey.
    - NEW! New Alliance Camp, Outside of Whelgar's Excavation Site. Includes Flightpath.
    Special Thanks to: Aurabolt, Hoddie

  2. #2
    Partying in Valhalla
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    Re: Old World Changes

    *to the top*

    Stickied -- Not to be confused with bumping =D =D

  3. #3
    Mechagnome Gonder's Avatar
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    Re: Old World Changes

    Great job guys! I am surprised how all the new Forum's opened up and i love all the new screenshots and stuff lately best news of Cata so far (Or basicly always will be.) ;D

    And yay 2nd post, pretty good.

  4. #4

    Re: Old World Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by KYMYK
    - Dreadmaul Post ( Note: Not Dreadmaul HOLD ) now lies North-West of The Dark Portal.
    It has always been north-west of the Dark Portal ???
    Quote Originally Posted by Chocolatinia View Post
    Deathwing begins to explode as he explodes

  5. #5

    Re: Old World Changes

    @dreadlobster, my bad. Updated accordingly. Thank You

  6. #6

    Re: Old World Changes

    Im kind of sad that the wetlands are less...wet...the dam was always so cool lookin spitting out water.

  7. #7

    Re: Old World Changes

    The Feathermoon stronghold.. Soaringbiscuit called it. Kudos to him!
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  8. #8

    Re: Old World Changes

    the "fleet" offshore at Zoram'gar Outpost are NElf ships not horde.
    Mannoroth nodded. "The warrior shows much promise... I would see more of his kind, learn their potential..." WoTA

    gee thx Brox...

  9. #9

    Re: Old World Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by sleekit
    the "fleet" offshore at Zoram'gar Outpost are NElf ships not horde.
    Updated, Thanks. Those ain't just Nelf Ships tho.

  10. #10

    Re: Old World Changes

    Am I the only one gettin the feelin the horde is taking more new grounds then the alliance? Are there updates World maps somewhere? If not could someone post them?

  11. #11

    Re: Old World Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by KYMYK
    - New Lake, North-East of Ashenvale.
    This is most likely Sulfuron Spire in Hyjal. After checking both new maps the layout is similar. That is my prediction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nakorson
    Am I the only one gettin the feelin the horde is taking more new grounds then the alliance? Are there updates World maps somewhere? If not could someone post them?
    It's hard to tell by the maps in my opinion. Alliance got half of Southern Barrens and looks to be the primary force in Stonetalon Mtns. I was looking at the very old "progression" map provided during Blizzcon and couldn't really tell where both sides quest in the same zone. Hopefully Ashenvale will be for both still as the few lonely Alliance questers allowed for some PvP moments that I remember on my Horde chars.

    Also a lot of Eastern Kingdoms hasn't been revealed.
    Holy Toledo! Somebody had fun! - Simon Gruber

  12. #12

    Re: Old World Changes

    I think the Sludgewerks in Stonetalon are most likely Goblin, not undead. There appears to be an oilrig there, as can also be seen on the maps of Kezan and the Lost Isles. It'd be awesome if they had made oilplatforms for more races, but I doubt it...

  13. #13

    Re: Old World Changes

    I'd love if someone could post new World Maps / Zone Maps, i know there are several on the Front Page, but not all.

  14. #14

    Re: Old World Changes

    @nakorson im afraid those were the only ones available on Alpha.

  15. #15

    Re: Old World Changes


  16. #16
    Pandaren Monk Ravasha's Avatar
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    Re: Old World Changes

    Dustwallow Marsh:

    - There's a bridge going from Theramore Isle directly to the west, so there are 2 ways out of Theramore now.
    - The cave directly to the west of Stonemaul Ruines now has Twilight activity. (You can see it by the sign it has on the map.)
    - Some islands west of Alcaz Island disappeared or made contact to the shore.
    - Brackenwall Village has been taken over by the Twilight Cultists. (You can see it by the sign it has on the map.)

  17. #17

    Re: Old World Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Ravasha
    Dustwallow Marsh:

    - There's a bridge going from Theramore Isle directly to the west, so there are 2 ways out of Theramore now.
    - The cave directly to the west of Stonemaul Ruines now has Twilight activity. (You can see it by the sign it has on the map.)
    - Some islands west of Alcaz Island disappeared or made contact to the shore.
    - Brackenwall Village has been taken over by the Twilight Cultists. (You can see it by the sign it has on the map.)
    Thanks, will update ASAP altho you are wrong about the smaller islands around Alcaz. I have the old and the new map infront of me. Only 1 small island has somewhat connected to the Mainland but nothing noteworthy.

  18. #18
    Herald of the Titans Aurabolt's Avatar
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    Re: Old World Changes

    I didn't see any mention of this released thus far but I have a few queries in need of confirmation:

    -Southshore is taken over by the Forsaken after the Alliance denizens flee during the Cataclysm

    -The Alliance take over Camp Taurajo in addition to reinforcing Bael Modan and Northwatch Hold.

    -The Draenei and the Night Elves complete Forest Song shortly after Ashenvale is destroyed by the Horde.

    -Rebel Camp is STV is destroyed during the Cataclysm. As a result, a wall is built on the STV/Duskwood Boarder to defend against encroaching Naga.

    -Westfall and Redridge get their long-needed backup from Stormwind. Lakeshire and Sentinel Hill are reinforced accordingly.

    -The Dwarves have set up a base camp in Southeastern Wetlands after the Cataclysm blows open Grim Batol.

    -Thrall appears as a Neutral NPC in Desolace alongside Cairne's Ghost/Spirit.

    -The Ebon Blade rebuild New Avalon/Havenshire, using it in tandem with the Argent Dawn as a base camp against the Scarlet Crusade and the lingering Scourge presence.

    -Anduin Wrynn (now a teenager) is now in Theramore on diplomatic relations regarding Stormwind's interests on Kalimdor.

    -Quel'Thalas has begun to heal itself and has now been given a graphical upgrade accordingly.

    -The Deeprun Tram has been expanded to include Gnomeregan after the Gnomes reclaim most of it.

    Remember: These are just what I heard in regards to changes. I need to know which are true and which aren't.

    ...Ok, time to change the ol' Sig ^_^

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  19. #19

    Re: Old World Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Aurabolt
    -The Alliance take over Camp Taurajo in addition to reinforcing Bael Modan and Northwatch Hold.
    Camp Taurajo seems to be destroyed, not taken by alliance.
    Map says Ruins.
    And here they are ->

  20. #20

    Re: Old World Changes

    Sick news aurabolt, would love to see some pics on quelthalas
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