1. #1

    Intelligent Rogue Weapon Swap Macro?

    So, my guild killed LK-25 normal for the first time last night (yay) and I am needing to find a less cumbersome and more intelligent weapon swap macro for Valks. I am a combat spec rogue and have set up a very basic macro to switch from my 2 axes to 2 daggers with crippling poison applied right as the Valks pop:

    /equipslot 16 Dagger 1
    /equipslot 17 Dagger 2

    I start auto-attack on one of the Valks then spam FoK 2 times to apply Crippling Poison to all 3 of them. I then use a separate but similar macro to switch back to my axes.

    /equipslot 16 Axe 1
    /equipslot 17 Axe 2

    Problem is, this method is fairly clumsy and every once in a while I'll forget to switch back to my axes until the next round of Valks pops (doh). Is there any way to add a delay to the macro(s) so that it'll switch back for me? Maybe something that will swap to daggers, delay 3 or 4 seconds then switch back to the axes. I understand that macros that can delay and allow you to spam your rotation with one button are against the EULA, but this is more for utility than trying to cheat the system.

    Thank you for any help and suggestions.
    Constructs in *my* raid?

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  2. #2
    Since /in doesn't work with equipslot, nope.

  3. #3
    You don't need two macros, but I guess this is the best you can do. The following macro switches from axes/swords to daggers and viceversa.
    I know it's annoying to have to do this to help slowing valks and I'm still not sure the dps loss is worth it, but probably you don't have other reliable "slowers" in your group, like it happens on my guild.

    /equipslot 16 Heartpierce
    /equipslot 17 Lungbreaker
    /equipslot 16 Bloodvenom Blade
    /equipslot 17 Scourgeborne Waraxe

    This mon proudly contributed to the legendary "Photoshopping GhostCrawler" thread.

  4. #4
    Some time ago when deadly poison stack procing instant poison went live, someone created addon called PoisonSwapper. Dunno if you could do set it for your needs but its at least some starter

    Quote Originally Posted by Lich King
    "You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mordret View Post
    Some time ago when deadly poison stack procing instant poison went live, someone created addon called PoisonSwapper. Dunno if you could do set it for your needs but its at least some starter
    that addon was broken at the same time the deadly poison procs started proccing the other poison at a 5stack. it was broken specifically for that purpose.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by elvez View Post
    You don't need two macros, but I guess this is the best you can do. The following macro switches from axes/swords to daggers and viceversa.
    I know it's annoying to have to do this to help slowing valks and I'm still not sure the dps loss is worth it, but probably you don't have other reliable "slowers" in your group, like it happens on my guild.

    /equipslot 16 Heartpierce
    /equipslot 17 Lungbreaker
    /equipslot 16 Bloodvenom Blade
    /equipslot 17 Scourgeborne Waraxe
    Oh, I didn't realize it would work with one macro. I guess it will equip one set of weapons if the other is equipped and ignore the other set.

    I'm usually the only rogue in our raids so I'm just trying to do my part. I use Kidney Shot and Vanish -> Cheap Shot when it's up but Gouge and Blind seem to be largely ineffective since they break on damage done. We usually nuke Valks way before they get to the edge (the 25% buff helps) and have other stuns going out so maybe I'll try not switching next week to see what happens.

    Anyway, getting off topic. Thanks for the macro clarification.
    Constructs in *my* raid?

    It's more likely than you think.

  7. #7
    I don't know the DPS level of your raid, but from my experience your are worrying for nothing. My mutilate spec has the Deadly Brew talent just for that purpose and I was never able to measure its effectiveness, coupled with the fact that having enough energy for a 5-combo Envenom just before FoK'ing is tricky in itself. You are not the only one able to slow and stun the Val'kyrs.

    You warriors can Harmstring, your hunters can lay slow trap (that must be sprung by LK) and can concussive shot, your paladins have Hammer and Holy Wrath, your mages have slow and if you are using a protection warrior, he has Shockwave (and I probably forgot many abilities). Actually, our "rotation" is trap, Shockwave, Holy Wrath and dedicated teams on each Val'kyr with paladin and rogue stunning as third action (after that dimishing return makes each Val'kyr immune).

    If you position your raid correctly, all three Val'kyrs should go in the same direction, direction in which you can train LK himself. Also, as a combat rogue, your own Val'kyr will be slowed with Blade Twisting. Distribute the load and it should be easier. It is also a good idea to have your warlocks stand apart from the raid as if they are ever lifted by the Val'kyr, they can teleport away (alas you can't KS away like it was possible on Malygos).

    As for macro swaps, no idea.

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