Evidently, I was bored. Have a male Blood Elf Paladin:
Now, to go and draw something somewhat decent looking.
zomg bunnehs invaded the thread :P gunna have to remember to gather up a bunch of ss of noblegarden fun seeign as i have the drawing skills of a 6 yr old.
wow lots of great stuff here
Maybe any of you artists could help me out
meh, sucky english ftw .../sigh
Pm if interested to aid <3
Last edited by gseven; 2011-04-23 at 10:59 PM.
I just want to know why every time you refer to digital art you put quotes around "art" as if you believe it isn't art at all. We understand you dislike digital art, but that doesn't change the fact that it IS art. So please stop putting quotes around it as if it is inferior.
It's very clear that you are dissing a form of art in an art appreciation thread... So please just stop.
Last edited by Schattenlied; 2011-04-24 at 08:13 AM.
I'm saddened :'( I keep looking, but I can't find any Lor'themar Theron art. (He's my favorite character)
Oh, and working on something now Hopefully, I can get my scanner up and running so I can post it.
Last edited by Renagade Raven; 2011-05-07 at 02:53 PM.
I must say I was a little surprised to find one of the pictures I painted show up on this thread. Lol I luff looking at all the art though <3
Korya (drawing and WoW version):
Zarya (drawing and WoW version):
Whoa, who's that's a nice... cape :]