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  1. #61
    exactly FISHZ, I don't want to sit the next two months out. I want to spend the next two months playing but as is its hard as hell to do it because i'm 5 levels too low to be effective.

  2. #62
    The Lightbringer Snes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoelle View Post
    When i scrolled through the tooltips on the Epic items I noticed that alot of them is BOE
    do u think is just because its Beta, or is it made to 7. dec that way ?
    I think his loot list isn't accurate, seeing as how the Finely Tuned Throat Needler is a crafted BoE crossbow made by engineers.

    Edit:Looks like the crafted ENG. weapons are BoP.. Well, here's hoping scopes sell well this expansion.
    Last edited by Snes; 2010-10-18 at 09:05 PM.
    Take a break from politics once in awhile, it's good for you.

  3. #63
    Its funny how GC never actually answears their questions...

  4. #64
    screw the beta and the live testing, going to do my own testing when cataclysm is released.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by littlevamp78 View Post
    But non of that stuff applies to us at 80, I am not playing cata for two more months I am playing LIVE right now.
    who cares about 80. Maybe they should balance 60 and 70 as well. Honestly if you are still banging your head in icc you won't clear it. If icc isn't on farm by now you are never going to clear it.

    Hell i play a druid do you want me to tell you how royally f up my class is. But i don't care. You know why? cause as long as im viable at 85 is all thats important. Nothing you do in icc or anywhere else for the next two months is going to matter.

    ---------- Post added 2010-10-18 at 09:26 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by gimmemore View Post
    OK im going to play your game. So lets compare both spells. Im using the same facts that your using. As you said, Wg heals for 700-1k per sec and has a 10 sec cooldown.Now healing hands heals for 2-3k and has a 30 cooldown. LOL so basically (1k+10ses cd) VS (2-3k vs 30 sec) In terms of HPS, ITS THE SAME since you can cast 3 WG by the time a pally cast 1 healing hands. That also mean that druid will have a slighter edge on fight where you got constant aoe dmg and pally will have an advantage on fight where you have periodic aoe dmg. On the mana issue part, let me tell you that casting healing hands is costly, the pally was oom at the end.

    And while we are at it, let me remind you that WG is a smart heal and got a 30y range, all you gotta do is press the button, and it heals the 5 most injured targets. Thats some very effective (and easy) healing. On the other hand, healing hand got a 20y range and requires good positioning to be effective. Same goes for light of dawn (even more i would say).

    Um the hps is actually higher for you for two reasons. 1. WG trails off, and 2. It only hits 5 people. You get to hit all 25 people.....let me do the 5 still greater than 25?

  6. #66
    Hope Blizzard watched the movie from the holy pally perspective in that raid movie. What an utter crap of mecanics that light up the screen with + heals every time Radicance is on CD... I mean seriously - Do Blizzard developers not realise when things are so broken that one time they are uber.. .the next they are crap ? In other words... no balance...

    How will this scale with 10 man raids ? ... It WONT ...

    WHat a joke... What a total lack of basic understanding of balancing a game.
    Last edited by Duster505; 2010-10-18 at 09:30 PM.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by engrey View Post
    You have had the last two years and three months to play at level 80, now if you mean ICC and are trying to kill Arthas then yes I can see your point. However also given that ICC (Mainly the Frostwing Hall) has been open since February and that gives another eight months to complete the content there should be little excuses. Even with a 30% buff if people are still struggling that is player issue not a mechanic and game issue. However is the fight impossible with the new changes? No, does it make it more difficult to manage? Yes. However people have killed Arthas recently even with 4.0 out, so again even with the changes you can complete all of the content. Though you have had plenty of time to do so before.
    this x10000000

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Terrax of the Wind View Post
    Holy hell that raid seems O-SOME!!

    Edit: What in god's green earth was that Holy pally spamming from :27 to :37 (Paragon's vid)?? SO MUCH GREEN NUMBERS!
    Healing Hands I think... looks imba.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Snes View Post
    He probably just didn't hit 80 until 3.2 when he started off heroics by running with geared groups as DPS or something, and thus doesn't get it. By no means were wrath heroics difficult when compared to TBC heroics, but they were a gear check for people at the start and did cause some wipes as a result of that.
    Nope, hit 80 about two weeks after wrath released, and heroics were a complete joke. This was in a smatter of Kara gear and some welfare badge gear that was handed out in TBC. I might have had ONE piece of sunwell gear. To put this in perspective, I haven't run a SINGLE(not one) regular mode instance outside of toc5. On any of my toons. That's how much of a joke the game is.

    ---------- Post added 2010-10-18 at 10:06 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Alayea View Post
    I don't think all that highly of people who use a personal attack to counter someone's differing point of view on a matter.

    Heroics were not "a complete joke" from day one. Perhaps those who were in Sunwell gear didn't have to worry, but we need to remember that that did not constitute a majority number of players. Not even close.

    In my personal experience, I hit 80 while still wearing the majority of my Merciless Gladiator set and loot from Karazhan. I did a few 80 regular dungeons to get some better gear before going into heroics. When I was pugging heroics, I'd usually inspect others' gear because I wanted to see if there'd be any significant issues ahead of time. From what I can recall of those times, most pugs were decently geared for the content we were attempting.

    All that being established, let me tell you that doing lvl 80 heroics was indeed a challenge. The Brann event in HoS was a healing nightmare, kiting Slad'ran was mandatory in GD (and it really sucked if you had no hunter), Mage-Lord Urom's arcane explosion would 1-shot a person most of the time (if standing in the frost didn't kill him/her first), jumping during the Keristrasza fight was required, you had to run out of Loken's lightning nova... You may be the greatest player of all-time, Senaelanna, but in pure statistics you are only a very small number out of the total. That's not how balancing works.
    All I got out of your post is that in fights where you had to, and I know this is shocking for a heroic, but PAY ATTENTION TO THE MECHANICS OF THE FIGHT, you sometimes wiped because a member of your party was retarded and couldn't LoS.

  10. #70
    No Halloween info up yet?

    Maybe you could put things that effect EVERYONE on the front page. The beta testing streams are not interesting.

  11. #71
    casey, my love, that's supposed to be a cross between you and Deathwing!

  12. #72
    lol russian

  13. #73
    DBW torn apart many guilds, i think Fury of Angerforge will do the same...

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by theturn View Post
    Um the hps is actually higher for you for two reasons. 1. WG trails off, and 2. It only hits 5 people. You get to hit all 25 people.....let me do the 5 still greater than 25?
    I somewhat agree with you but you tend to generalize a little to much.

    1.Healing hands wont hit 25 people, well not all the time for sure, unless all Cata fight are designed around having the whole raid staying in a 20y radius.But i gotta admit, healing hands have more potential in 25 than in 10 man or heroics.

    2. Again, Wg is a SMART heal while healing hands is not. yeah a pally might heal lets say 20 people (in a 25 raid) but sometimes, 15 of them dont even need a heal. Wg spot the most injured player so in terms of effective (not overhealing) hps, those 2 spells (healing heands vs WG) are pretty powerful and i dont think you can say that one is WAY better than the other (That heal is hitting for 2-3k thats 3x more powerful than the most powerful druid heal..) They are just completely different

  15. #75
    I haven't been completely keeping up with the cata changes since I haven't been playing WoW lately but I thought one of the main things was they were removing stats like AP and Spell power because things like agi and int were going to provide those. How come that caster staff has +19XX spellpower on it?

  16. #76
    Is it just me or is there no comments about the raid videos hehe,

    anyway regarding one of the previous posts, WOTLK heroics WAS a joke from the start, it was nothing compared to heroic BC dungeons, hell even H Shattered Halls was harder than all WOTLK Heroics, Given Loken was hardest on release cause his lightning nova one shotted people, but it wasn't too have to have the group move together out of it.

    H HoS brann event was a joke, if you found it hard on healing you must've been sleeping behind the keyboard because honestly I remember doing all of this in my ZA/Kara gear with maybe the odd level 75 blue here and there.

    I cleared Naxx10 in level 70 epics and a few blues, given that heroics must've been hella easier. I don't remember any hard heroics, H Gundrak first snake boss, you didn't need to kite him, just dps him and move away when he novas, as for the constrictor snake, you usually had 1 dps assigned to break the healer / other people out, instead of the zergfest it is today due to outgearing content.

    anyway back on my point;
    Watching all the raid videos of the bosses in BETA (Yes beta means they're still getting tuned and fixes) Given that this was a release candidate on beta, i must say the tron defence system looks really engaging (reminds me of the iron council to some extent) but they need to tune up the poison, chain lightning and fire aoe (dmg) or atleast put a stacking debuff on raid members to make it hurt.

    the Wyrmbreaker seems like a simple tank and spank, kill the first drake, sit on bosses ass, move on bonestorm/cleave move while dps, profit ? (unless this fight is meant to be a gear check which it seems like or a dps check)

  17. #77
    Warchief Alayea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senaelanna View Post
    All I got out of your post is that in fights where you had to, and I know this is shocking for a heroic, but PAY ATTENTION TO THE MECHANICS OF THE FIGHT, you sometimes wiped because a member of your party was retarded and couldn't LoS.
    I think the phrase for your response would be "missing the forest for the trees".

    ---------- Post added 2010-10-18 at 04:58 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelfarr View Post
    I haven't been completely keeping up with the cata changes since I haven't been playing WoW lately but I thought one of the main things was they were removing stats like AP and Spell power because things like agi and int were going to provide those. How come that caster staff has +19XX spellpower on it?
    They were taking away attack power and spell power from everything except weapons, so that spell power you saw is supposed to be there.
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  18. #78
    I dont get it anymore. Are we supposed to just sit it out, till cata hits, or can we demand a viable game till the expansion hits? I know those changes are good and fun and really a must for the new expansion. But hey, there are not only proplayers out there. There are still some of us, that want to manage having the lk killed. Most guys here will prolly just call peeps as us noobs. Anyway, we want to enjoy the game as well.

    And also as a guy who likes to go pug with the rdf, it's really hard to adjust to those changes made to aoe threat. not that I dont appriciate having mor interesting fights, but those dd's dont. making it harder to tank, while those dd's still keep their aoe goin, isnt the right way to making things more interessting. I love to tank, and I used to during BC, when I first started to tank. Right now, its more like a burden. They are not making it more interessting, they are making it more frustrating with stupi poeple on the group. And thanks to dungoen finder, you cant chose the poeple youre doin dungoens with.

    Whats the whole Idea behind that? making it harder? ok, fine with me. But got those dd's learn it too?

    I've been in a dungoen lately, where everybody just pulled as they wanted to. I was pissed, and even in a boss fight, the pulled when I wasnt even there yet. When I saw that I just sat down next to the boss, and they managed to kill it without even getting anywhere near losing halfe of their live. How am I supposed to teach em, that this is just not ok? hopefully thats different when cata dungoens hit. Right now, its just frustrating, not interesting, not fun, not difficult.

    I think, and I hope they get it, there are other ways to make it all more difficult. With current DPS's mentality its all relaying on tanks and healers.

  19. #79
    Hey, i wanna thank MMOC for letting my stream be a part of of the front page, i got up to 3000 viewers (on a stream that usually only get 20-30 viewers max).
    However, as many noticed, i got dc like every 15-20m, so it was a bit hard to cope with the large number of viewers at the same time (even on LOW setting on both graphics and bandwidth).

    Anyway, i just registered today to say that you guys make a fantastic work to keeping us informed and up to date with everything I never miss a post ever :P

    And final words, as i said on the stream, I broadcast everyday from the Beta from 16:00 to 20:00 (longer if time permits it), so hope to see you guys more and have a chat

    // Dajova (Wemox @ Vek'nilash)

  20. #80
    just realized that some of the items, including weapons and trinkets, are BoE. intended?

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