Hey, guys.

so i was looking over the specs and seeing some things that looked a little weird one of those wtf why did u make that blizz? or why didnt u combin that with another? or make another talent for pve/pve.
Termination - your steady shot and cobra shot abilities grant an additional 6 focus when dealt on targets at or below 25% health. ok so this talent kinda confuses me... why didnt they build this into another talent? why only at 25% why not like has a chance to reduce CS cd or randomly grant focus something with more to it, the SV tree has alot of ways to gain focus though they r often trying to gain more because their shots cost alot and without haste its kinda a weaker spec but still above MM.

Posthaste and ill add rapid recuperation to this one as well because they r slightly together, reduces our highest dps gain ability cd by 2 mins that nice now likes like 3 mins? SV hunters r getting like 14-20 focus back on some casts and we get a major SS haste buff with major focus regen yes i understand the power of this in pvp but we're having to spam AC just to burn off all this extra focus i think it might be a little bit too much focus when it should be a time where we're chaining SS's and burnning it off a little at a time i feel like im BM the way u have to spam AC during RF make it more of a post haste sorta feel and increase our regen for like 8 seconds afterwards and not during and reduce its cd by another 30 seconds.

Marked for Death - This is another one of this with lack luster, our hunters mark is now applied when we use out main shot thats great on target switching... theres no dps in this talent even with movement and target switching its still hardly worth it really if u think about it... i feel they should add a procc for us to watch out for, something like Chance on auto shot(blizzard loves MM's auto shot and /afk while we follow a BM or SV hunter) to make ur CS do 30% more dmg and have maybe like a 15% chance to procc lasts 10 secs has 20 sec cd so we arent overly buffing our main shot this will also give us a little bit more burst in pvp when we arent getting aimed shot proccs.

there are other things that i feel like blizzard should have there but this will do for now. what r ur thoughts?

P.S this might have been the wrong place?