So a while back i read that Muradin when injured in the frozen wastes, with memory loss, managed a stoneform and grew+gained tremendous strength to
combat the jourmongers.
While in game We As of the new patch Get reduced damage taken and increase size.
Why cant we choose the spec of the racial we get.
for example, Tank classes/pvp get the 10% reduction while us DPS
classes get a more pew pew version of stoneform increasing our stats or some sort.
at least make it on par with the troll racial of 20% icnreased attack speed for like 10 secs.
While casters can get a diff gain.

It makes sense if you think about it.
Stoneform=Rock hard Skin
Punch someone=Hurts
more DPS=Profit.

or they can be even more radical and change the skill to the appropriate Spec you want,
For example Wild Fury(Has something to do with wild hammers)
Gain some sort of Wild Green jungle forest aura, along with Glowing Tattoes on the skin
With the ability giving Agility strength or int depending on the spec.
Its not fail that Horde get all the Dps enhancing abilitys .
The best we have is 1% extra crit or expertise...and Hit rating.....
We of the Dwarven Communist League Of Democracy want DEEEEPS.
/End Rant this is a Real post,thoughts suggestions?