1. #26501
    Quote Originally Posted by Digglett View Post
    I enjoyed what little of warrior I did play, I did feel a little underwhelmed today with it, then I played Guardian, and.. yeah...
    Huh, actually I felt the other way around, finding Guardian underwhelming and Warrior RAWRishly great. Still, Ranger beats both. And Thief beats all.

    I love having an opinion <3

  2. #26502
    Stood in the Fire Cyphran's Avatar
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    Was just looking at some of the cash shop item lists to be found on the Internet.

    I'm a little confused about bags atm.

    It seems we can purchase extra bag slots
    >> How many default bag slots do we have?
    >> Does anyone know the maximum number of extra bag slots we can buy?

    Also, we can purchase a 12 slot bag from the cash shop.
    >> What is the maximum number of slots we can have on an in-game bought/looted/crafted bag?

    I'm happy to spend the cash for these... but if I can unlock the extra slots/buy 12 slot bags later in game I can probably wait.

  3. #26503
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyphran View Post
    Was just looking at some of the cash shop item lists to be found on the Internet.

    I'm a little confused about bags atm.

    It seems we can purchase extra bag slots
    >> How many default bag slots do we have?
    >> Does anyone know the maximum number of extra bag slots we can buy?

    Also, we can purchase a 12 slot bag from the cash shop.
    >> What is the maximum number of slots we can have on an in-game bought/looted/crafted bag?

    I'm happy to spend the cash for these... but if I can unlock the extra slots/buy 12 slot bags later in game I can probably wait.
    Current bag slots is default + 4 empty ones, max bag slots is I think 7 or 8.

    Max slot bag is 20 iirc, which I probably don't. But yeah, crafting bags is not too hard, plus since you can send all crafting mats to your bank from anywhere in the world it's not such a big issue.

  4. #26504
    Stood in the Fire Cyphran's Avatar
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    Ty.... having 20 slot bags in game kinda invalidates the need to buy 12 slot bags with cash though. Guess I'll hold off for a while and see how it all pans out (that or I'll fire up the CC as soon as I fill my default bag )

  5. #26505
    Warchief Cherrysoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondDust View Post
    I know right, i went AFK for like 5 mins tops came back and saw a error message, got closer and it read, disconnected from server due to a period of inactivity please login again.. grrr lol

  6. #26506
    The last time I looked at the inventory interface there was only one bag with a lock symbol. Does anyone know if that changes as you buy bag slots? Previously there were 3 locked bags. So either they changed the UI or they changed the number of purchasable bags per character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  7. #26507
    Warchief Cherrysoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhandric View Post
    The last time I looked at the inventory interface there was only one bag with a lock symbol. Does anyone know if that changes as you buy bag slots? Previously there were 3 locked bags. So either they changed the UI or they changed the number of purchasable bags per character.
    Cant say i paid that much attention to the slots however i can tell you i got 4 bags from glory chests and was able to equipe them all, plus the default plus one more from PVE , so i had 6 bags equipped, and i didn't 'purchase' any.

  8. #26508
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherrysoul View Post
    Cant say i paid that much attention to the slots however i can tell you i got 4 bags from glory chests and was able to equipe them all, plus the default plus one more from PVE , so i had 6 bags equipped, and i didn't 'purchase' any.
    I wonder if they kept the 7 slot total and unlocked 2 additional slots by default? Hmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  9. #26509
    Ya know, as much as it was a bit of a sour move by blizz to release their patch in the same day GW2 launches............... ArenaNet's response is a hell of a lot worse

    What is this? highschool? Honestly, I'd expect a little bit more professionalism from them. And that joke being called "clever" is pretty sad. A clever joke is supposed to be subtle, witty, ingenious. That low jab is as subtle as a bag of bricks in the face. Honestly, I hope that was just a disgruntled dev and that its removed. I'd like to think that Anet maintains a higher level of professionalism. Whatever else may be said about blizzard, you've never seen them publicly berate, or attack another game. Sure they may include references to other games, but never jabs like that.

    Previous to SWTOR's launch they even wished them luck, one of the devs even admitting he was gonna play SWTOR too, since he was a big star wars fan. Now that SWTOR went Free2Play less than a year before going live, they could had been a bunch of dicks about it, and revel in so much "in your face" comments or ingame easter eggs, but they didn't. Nor did they do any face-rubbing for Aion, AoC, or Rift, or any other competitor they've ever had. They chose to walk the higher path.

    Too bad we can't expect the same from other companies. I'm hoping Anet doesn't develops a habit of doing this, I'd like to think they're a lot better than that.

    Por que odiar si amar es mas dulce? (*^_^*)

  10. #26510
    Quote Originally Posted by Derah View Post
    Ya know, as much as it was a bit of a sour move by blizz to release their patch in the same day GW2 launches............... ArenaNet's response is a hell of a lot worse
    Just a quote for you, from another thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Dewote View Post
    People always take things too seriously, that tombstone doesn't necessarily mean "WoW's dead".

    It says "I played WoW and look at me now. If only I had been like you and stuck to playing GW2."
    Look at it this way: It's a grave for those characters who'll get abandoned by players who go back to WoW after playing GW2 and never return.
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  11. #26511
    It's a joke and an easter egg, I don't see the big deal. I found it humorous, and I don't see it as "ArenaNet publicly berating or attacking" another game. Yes, it's subtle -- it's in a different font that someone had to go through the effort of translating, how much more subtle can you get?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  12. #26512
    Lots of balance changes for this stress test. Elementalists, Warriors, and Guardians got toned down a bit. See this thread for the all of the changes if you are interested.

    Stress Test Changes

  13. #26513
    /shrug, I still think it was poor taste. Having read a lot of their posts, and listened to several of their interviews, I kinda got this "laid-back" vibe from them, ya know, like they're cool, friendly, open. I certainly didn't expected this.

    Games can out-do each other without having to come to this. This reminds me so much of the "Operation Flashpoint" vs "Arma" flamewar, where 2 game developing companies (Codemasters and Bohemia Interactive) basically reduced themselves to petty children, openly encouraging their players to bash the opposite game, and company.

    Devs should be better than this. That's all I'm sayin'

    Por que odiar si amar es mas dulce? (*^_^*)

  14. #26514
    Quote Originally Posted by Derah View Post
    /shrug, I still think it was poor taste. Having read a lot of their posts, and listened to several of their interviews, I kinda got this "laid-back" vibe from them, ya know, like they're cool, friendly, open. I certainly didn't expected this.
    They are pretty laid back, which is why this is a memorial to a dearly missed player who is no longer in the world (of Tyria, they went back to WoW), rather than a jab at any Blizzard product at all. People jump at any reason to be offended, at either side of the fence. This? This shouldn't be one of those times.
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  15. #26515
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelesti View Post
    They are pretty laid back, which is why this is a memorial to a dearly missed player who is no longer in the world (of Tyria, they went back to WoW), rather than a jab at any Blizzard product at all. People jump at any reason to be offended, at either side of the fence. This? This shouldn't be one of those times.
    Hummm I'm not offended. After all I just play wow, its not like the game itself is my property, or my baby, I didn't made it, nor am I associated with the people who did. So, not offended. Rather disappointed. Petty jabs like that are something I just don't consider funny. Chalk it up to my personality. I just hope they don't make a habit of doing that. Again, this is how Bohemia Interactive and Codemaster started with their dueling games "Operation Flashpoint" and "Arma" and before you knew it, their official forums were nothing more than a bunch of raging lunatics (devs included) that did nothing but bash the opposite game and company.

    I'd rather not see that happen to Anet, I actually like them.

    Por que odiar si amar es mas dulce? (*^_^*)

  16. #26516
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Personally I find the pretending to be friends while your 100 million dollar project goes to war to be much more nauseating.

  17. #26517
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    Personally I find the pretending to be friends while your 100 million dollar project goes to war to be much more nauseating.
    Who says they have to "be friends"? there is such a thing as a healthy rivalry ya know? they can compete without lowering themselves to the level of children and "frat boys"

    Nobody at blizzard has pretended to be friends with Bioware, or Trion or NCSoft, or Anet or any other company. That doesn't mean they have to be dicks either. Simple good sportsmanship is something that should never go old IMO. While I'm not saying "OMG Anet is a much of morons" (I'm not, I still like them) I am a bit disappointed that they wanna resort to tactics like this. Is tasteless, come on, they can have much more class than this.

    Por que odiar si amar es mas dulce? (*^_^*)

  18. #26518
    How many cases have u heard that ppl died from overplaying WoW + Diablo 3 ?
    In order to max out their lvl + gear up + beat the raid-bosses faster than anything else ?
    In GW2 do u have any urge , to lvl fast and beat the other players ? :P

    U can interprent this tombstone in many ways :P

  19. #26519
    I think Blizzard launching Mists a month after (and lining up 5.0 on launch day) isn't "good sportsmanship". They don't have to say anything. It's gloating, and it tastes much poorer than any official PR statement to be quite honest.

    I'd put that just one step above "We're not in Azeroth anymore", myself.
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    ~When you speak, I hear silence. Every word a defiance~

  20. #26520
    Quote Originally Posted by Derah View Post
    Who says they have to "be friends"? there is such a thing as a healthy rivalry ya know? they can compete without lowering themselves to the level of children and "frat boys"

    Nobody at blizzard has pretended to be friends with Bioware, or Trion or NCSoft, or Anet or any other company. That doesn't mean they have to be dicks either. Simple good sportsmanship is something that should never go old IMO. While I'm not saying "OMG Anet is a much of morons" (I'm not, I still like them) I am a bit disappointed that they wanna resort to tactics like this. Is tasteless, come on, they can have much more class than this.
    If the text on the tombstone is real, that would fit the "healthy rivalry" criteria if anything. It's just poking fun, and they probably only included it due to the rather convenient release of MoP things.
    Last edited by Skelington; 2012-08-16 at 05:35 AM.

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