1. #1

    Wink Blizz Plz ReModel Moonkin form

    Im i the only one who, thinks that boomkin form is pretty sad compared too the remodeled cat , bear and tree forms. the new forms looks so cool and updated and yeah the old forms just looks crap.. Ps remake all old models like orcs and humans - update them like the new thrall and like king of stormwind

    sorry for my bad english atm..

  2. #2
    Your post has been reported to the appropriate people.
    Not Blizzard, but it will be read and receive the attention it deserves...

  3. #3
    blizz has said that they would like to remodel the old races, but are worried that it will break away from what we have loved for the past 6 years... or something like that

  4. #4
    Something less retarded would be appreciated, but I would keep slaughtering them on sight anyway.

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