1. #1

    I think my raid leaders are calling Alysrazor wipes too soon. What do you think?

    We've wiped in the vicinity of 30 times to alys so far, and we're 3/7. We've made it to the second burnout a couple of times, but every tornado phase seems to claim a few people. Sometimes it's because of harsh winds (which is really stupid since all you have to do is not stand that far away), and sometimes it's because of the tornadoes themselves. I'm not entirely sure it's the same people every time, but if we lose 3 or 4 dps during the first burnout, is it really worth calling a wipe?

    - There is no enrage.
    - The alive people know what to do to avoid tornadoes.
    - No tanks are dead.
    - 1 or fewer healers is dead.

    You do suffer without as much dps on the druids, and we're already cutting it close with the hatchlings before the tornado phase, but I feel like we're being held back by our raid leaders forcing us to carry the worst players (not that they are always bad, but dying to a tornado makes you a terrible player on that attempt) alive into a victory.

  2. #2
    I'd say you want everyone up for the first burnout with heroism. After that it won't matter all that much, we killed it with 3 people alive in a 25 man at the end dpsing in the air with the adds at the bottom not being able to dps the 3 players that were in the air lol.

    oh and for the tornadoes, you can follow them.. they have an easy pattern to follow, it's 4 tornadoes, 2 going clockwise & 2 counterclock wise, just dodge one & run after it & when the other tornado in your back catches up to you, just switch lane & follow another one, very easy especially if you have 1 or 2 feathers, if you have 3 & just came back then it's a real joke, you can follow one tornado the whole time without worrying about getting hit.
    Last edited by Madcaptn; 2011-07-01 at 08:36 PM.

  3. #3
    If you're doing 25m then you can probably still kill it with 20 or so... it will just take awhile.. If you lose 3 people in 10 man it's almost certainly a wipe.

  4. #4
    It depends some upon -which- people you're losing, and at first I would agree with you, play it through for practice until it's really a wipe.


    Eventually the people not living are the only ones who remain that -would- be benefitting from more fight time. And if they're dead, they can't.
    Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler
    The Arms warrior has pet names for all his weapons, while the Fury warrior shows up for battle drunk and half clothed.

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