This is my freshly race changed Nightborne warlock main. I love how the purple and red work so well together and the overall cohesion between the pieces. I wish I did have the purple pvp gloves but I never pvp'd during that time. That set will forever be one of my favorites from pvp and I will be kicking myself for not getting it...
Last edited by Aragnil; 2018-02-22 at 01:46 PM.
Would you go with a purple or green themed weapon to match the transmog? I really like the combo of the void elf heritage and archimonde armor, but I agree that the green does stand out a bit. Personally I'd go with the void elf tabard, to match the rest of the outfit, but perhaps there is a better one.
Put together with 3 different sets:
I'm going with something a bit more down to earth, I'm tired of looking like a christmas tree.
Here are some of my mogs. Im currently rocking the T21 Mythic look since i got the shoulders last night but I was using Nightbourne Heritage before that. Some of there were created for Belf female and look a little better on that race but i still like it on the NB male.
I'm particularly proud of the Silver Thread set since I farmed it like crazy back in the day to get a leather looking cloth set and it is not longer available in the game.
Last edited by Lac; 2018-02-26 at 02:15 AM.
This is what i'm currently using. Wish I had access to the Affliction scythes but I play Destruction.
Finally the mog is complete for now.
Death Knight (Main) :
Paladin (Main alt) :
Warlock (Main alt) :
I've been using this. So happy since I switched to Nightborne, now my shoulders don't clip into my chest all the time.
The concept is fairly simple since you as a warlock can't chase after a target nor get away from anything. You basically just sit there in the open bait the interrupt then soul shatter and use the 20-50% haste to stack UA's->dot->curse->drain and kill your target in 5 seconds.