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  1. #1

    Are pet battles a complete waste?

    I personally love pet battles, but it seems that I'm just about the only one. Queues last forever. There's little resources out there covering it, and just in general everyone I talk to in game doesn't really care for it.

    I just started playing again after a 2 year break and everything is fun. Cata seems like it was a subpar xpac but I'm still having fun and can't wait for MoP content. About pet battles though, can someone a bit more experienced than me shed some light on the state of pet battles in WoW? I'm curious if i'll continue to have fun if I pursue it further, or if I will inevitably end up in a place all by myself with nothing to do.

  2. #2
    The Insane Kujako's Avatar
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    Well, other then the achievements there seems to be little point in the PvP pe battles. That, coupled with some major imbalances in the pet abilities, makes it not much fun. If everyone is going to use the same pet combinations, why should I do more then one fight?
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.


  3. #3
    Stood in the Fire raintrees's Avatar
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    i personally love them, do i think they're just a waste of time? you betcha, do i think they're an AWSOME waste of time? absolutly!

  4. #4
    I personally don't care for them and spent an hour doing it for a few achieves, but have no pets over lvl 7. It's not for me, but doesn't bother me one way or another that they exist.

  5. #5
    Many people are still working on leveling alts, progressing raids, etc... Pet Battles (like Challenge Modes) will probably become more used during the lull between raiding tiers and after people have most of the toons max'd out.

    imho - pet battles are amazingly fun too.

  6. #6
    Bloodsail Admiral DerSenf's Avatar
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    They give achievement points.
    They give additional companions.
    They are a way to spend time.
    They are fun for some people.

    If any of these reasons is somewhat relevant for you, they aren't a complete waste.

  7. #7
    I like them. I was hoping they'd be a nice little minigame during raids to play during downtime, but last I checked you can't actually battle in a raid (or at the very least you can't battle people IN your raid standing next to you, I didn't try queuing). That destroys a very large portion of what made them interesting to me, but I enjoyed going back to all the zones and capturing and leveling up for the most part.

  8. #8
    I don't know if many people are pvp'ing with them, but I see plenty of collectors in the rare spawn areas. I have a toon camped in Felwood for the minifernal and I always see about 10 other players hovering around. Same when I was camping in Tanaris for the sandstorm pet...but I eventually got lucky and captured one just as a sandstorm started.

    Jaguero Island is also usually full of people waiting for rain for the baby ape to spawn.

  9. #9
    Weird. On my server, pet battles queues are very very fast. I never thought it could be different. I'm like the guy above who tried it for a few hours and enjoyed it but there's too much other stuff to do so I dont have time for em. On the other hand, I have a bud who did 10m ulduar hard modes with me back in wotlk and now all he does is pet battles. Hah, dude just loves them.

  10. #10
    The Lightbringer Bluesftw's Avatar
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    Well for me they sure are waste of time , didnt even bother to train them.

  11. #11
    I already got the title and alot of the achivements so atm Im just waiting for the next patch and the Pandaria elemental pets.

  12. #12
    The Lightbringer Daws001's Avatar
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    I like them. Power leveled my celestial dragon so I could get the cloud serpents a few days ago. I haven't pvp'd yet, though.

    What I would love for Blizz to do is make an iOS/Android app for it so we can play it on the go. It's the type of sub-game that I'd love to be able to do away from the PC. And the controls and UI are all simple enough that it wouldn't be problem for portables. I bet it'd ramp up interest and participation too if they do it right (not charge an extra monthly fee, etc).

  13. #13
    They're supposed to be something you do for fun, not for external rewards. If they're fun for you, then they're worth doing.

    But if you need a specific goal, try going for the Tamer title. The tamers can be pretty difficult to defeat and you'll get a title that not many people have in this world full of Farmers, Masters of Ways and Saviors of Azeroth.

  14. #14
    Love em. I've never had a pet battle queue longer than 30seconds, personally.
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  15. #15
    i like the pet battles, i just dont have a whole lot of time to do them at the moment

    once i've finished grinding dailies for rep, geared up a bit more, cleared all the current raid content and levelled a couple more toons to 90, i'll probably have a lot more time to do pet battles.

    it's a good addition for 6 months down the line when there's no new patch due out for a while and you've done everything else in game that interested you. it's a good side feature.
    <insert witty signature here>

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by PriestLuna View Post
    I personally love pet battles, but it seems that I'm just about the only one. Queues last forever. There's little resources out there covering it, and just in general everyone I talk to in game doesn't really care for it.

    I just started playing again after a 2 year break and everything is fun. Cata seems like it was a subpar xpac but I'm still having fun and can't wait for MoP content. About pet battles though, can someone a bit more experienced than me shed some light on the state of pet battles in WoW? I'm curious if i'll continue to have fun if I pursue it further, or if I will inevitably end up in a place all by myself with nothing to do.

    I'm addicted to the things- and I thought they were they dumbest thing Bliz could ever conceive of when first announced. I now do pet battles instead of dailies hehe.

  17. #17
    The queues for me are pretty fast, but I don't find myseld doing pvp battles that much. But when I did it, it was 1 min tops.

    I suppose that's just as bgs, you will get faster queues if you use 3x25 level pets that if you use some low level ones. If you are starting on it, I assume you are doing so.

  18. #18
    Huge waste of dev cycles, to me personally.

    However, others enjoy it, so more power to them. *shrug*

  19. #19
    The Lightbringer Lora's Avatar
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    It's fun. Since I got all the reps at exalted all I really do now is focus on achievements again and right now I got 35 25's. It's easier to catch higher levels and just raise them to 25 instead of going 1-25.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uggorthaholy View Post
    Thanks but no thanks, Lora, for making me question everything in existence forever.

  20. #20
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    I enjoy them. I've gotten all the pets on each continent except Kalimdor's Minfernal, Silithid, and the summer pet. Almost at 1000 wins and starting to build a good team to take on the later tamers (still in Northrend with those). I think it is great fun, pets are cute and achievements are fun.
    Quote from: Thallidomaniac on March 28, 2010, 05:56:24 am
    Our characters are wearing the same pair of underwear, since like, Level 1. Damn that's unsanitary as hell.

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