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  1. #921
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Too many films make me cry, I am a right softy. The first film I ever remember crying on was Land Before Time
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  2. #922
    The Green Mile, Pursuit of Happiness,Seven Pounds and some others I can't think of right now

  3. #923
    Blade Runner ;_;

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  4. #924
    Any movie that's a basic pet/animal movie where it dies, gets wounded or such. For example Eight Below and Homeward Bound.
    Infectionate Pawsthorne Bubblesbee
    [A] [H]
    Nasturtium Fisticuffs Blesshu Sinnocence Ellipsis Hiddenfee Teddiursa

  5. #925
    pokemon the first movie, and you know which scene I'm speaking of. that and every jackass movie, but those are tears from laughter.

  6. #926
    felt a tear and lump in my throat at the phone scene in the bus station in The Impossible

  7. #927
    Life is Beautiful, italian movie about a Jewish family before and during WWII. Holy crap that makes me cry. Only movie that does and I am not a softy whatsoever. If you dont cry from this, you have no soul.
    Last edited by pyg; 2013-03-02 at 09:21 PM. Reason: myspiled

  8. #928
    Green Mile, Marley and Me, I am Legend (dog part)...basically any movie where someones dog dies. Always gets me. I was in the room when my dog was put to sleep. Literally the worst moment of my entire life.

  9. #929
    Seven pounds by far.

  10. #930
    End of saving private Ryan, when the old man cries and asks if he has lived a good life.

    Just seeing him break down always gets me chocked up.

  11. #931
    The ones I remember which made me teary; Green Mile, Seven Pounds.. probably a few more.
    Sometimes I just get sucked into it too much, can't help it!

    Feels good though :')

    And what pyg says, if we mean the same movie. Don't remember if I was wet-eyed there. (Italian title, right?)
    Last edited by rakhakash; 2013-03-22 at 07:18 PM.

  12. #932
    Changeling (the one with Angelina Jolie) was incredibly sad, even sadder when you consider it is based on events which happen, when you look into those it actually becomes a bleaker story again :<

    The Orphanage - my god when you find out the "twist" and then the ending... sad.

    The Colour Purple
    Blood Diamond
    Schindlers List
    Lord of War
    Grave of fireflies
    Raise the red Lantern (chinese language) - an amazing film but bleak as hell
    Pans labyrinth
    The Mist (stephen king) - holy crap that ending caught me off guard because that ain't how it went down in the book :O
    A whole load more but don't want to make this look like some kind of IMDB 20 page list.

    Now to invalidate everything I ever post again - I cried at Titanic - the part where the mother is tucking her kids into bed as the ship goes down, and the old couple holding hands in bed. The whole love story thing didn't do much for me, but that one part I mentioned did the trick.

    Most of these films I can only watch once, because they are just too depressing.

  13. #933

    Movies that Made you Cry

    Spit it out. Name them.

    For me, I must admit, I am not a very emotional person, but Toy Story 3 did me in.

  14. #934
    Only movie that ever made me cry was The Green Mile.

    No other movied managed that

  15. #935
    Up! also by Pixar did it for me.
    We have felled demon commanders, cowed the master of death, conquered Old Gods, and stopped the Aspect of Death from destroying the very planet. Now, we need to kill this dude who managed to enslave pudding eating panda's, slobbering sauroks, and hilariously inept hozen. Awesome. Really epic.

  16. #936
    The perks of being a wallflower!

  17. #937
    Scarab Lord DEATHETERNAL's Avatar
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    I shed a manly tear the first time I watched this (the scene won't have the full effect unless you watch the rest of the movie first).


    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
    Revelation 6:8

  18. #938
    LOAD"*",8,1 Fuzzzie's Avatar
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    Wow there was a lot of these threads Merged them all!

  19. #939
    I'm watching Bridge to Terabithia right now.

    I know what's coming.

    Why do I torture myself like this.

  20. #940
    when optimus prime died in the 1980's transformers animated movie.

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