1. #1

    Does wealth help health and longevity?

    How important is health and does it come down to wealth?

    We all like reading MJ's works and I assume we are all hear for one reason. To make money fast. However, this may take 1,5,10 years. Just think of the stories we have heard from current millys and billys. " When i started off I ate jam sandwiches, pasta, spam,59 cents hamburgers etc etc ( anyything cheap and not necessary nutritious )

    In this time what are we dooing to our bodies. The question I am asking is should we always take care of our bodies or wait till we have wealth.

    So the question I have is: Is organic food the way forward for all families? No growth hormones, less pesticides and bred more naturally. ( I have read reports about the differences between organic and standard meat/veg and the "experts" say and majority/reports say no real difference. We are getting taller and fatter ( the latter due to diet ) but if they are injecting growth hormones into meat and spraying veg and fruit for pesticides surely this sh&t is no good for us in the long term?

    If someone is going to be wealthy surely we want to stack things in our favour and live as long as possible? Stuff can happen which you can't predict but surely you want to stack the chips in your pile?

    For a family of 5 our organic food bill is $900 per month.

  2. #2
    I guess it is a balance of grinding/working and spending on health as it becomes more possible. Eating organic definitely isn't cheap but the benefits are there like you say. It would just come down to a person's own goals and what they were willing to sacrifice.

  3. #3
    Thanks gameralacrity

  4. #4
    Personally ,there is no benefit for waiting for wealth to take care our bodies .We have to take care of body ,instead for waiting wealth for it.

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