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  1. #1

    Lightbulb What expansion would YOU want? Build-A-Leak Workshop!

    The leak threads are getting ridiculous, so how about we try a different approach? Simply design a quick excerpt of the expansion you want to have post-BFA. From realistic to Tuskarrs of the Black Empire, nothing's off the table!

    Being a fan of the rumors of a Death expansion, I'm thinking World of Warcraft: Shadows Gather!

    new continent = shadowlands
    new features =
    *titanforging replaced by voidforging, where ilevel/socket upgrade items can be obtained, and are more frequently obtained from more challenging content.
    *Racial divides deepen as race questlines develop in a similar vein to order hall campaigns
    *culminating in mage tower-styled solo challenges for race themed weapons!
    *Main "factions" of the conflict: Bolvar and his new death knights (mostly on our side), Bwonsamdi (likewise), and Sylvanas+Meu'zala the shadow loa (main antagonists)

    That's about all I can think of, but I'm more interested in what other people can come up with. Time travel? Forgotten continents? Talking bears who practice kung-fu? Actually no, that'd be silly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  2. #2
    Epic! Merryck's Avatar
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    World of Warcraft: i dont care about the name
    • World revamp with EK and Kalimdor the stage for endgame (WQ's around the two continents, new reps and stories, new invasion things etc.) And/or Dragon isles (possibly as patch content)
    • Class revamps with new specs for some classes (tank shaman, ranged monk) and class accessories (scrapped feature from wod), bring back quivers, totems etc. OR New class (either tinker, dragonsworn or necromancer)
    • More customisation options (height slider, colour wheel for hair, new idle animations?)
    • Level Revamp (level squish to 60, remove heirlooms or add them as a buff, in the future replace current increase level cap each expac trend with a new system)
    • Remove factions so you can choose where you want to go. (hell, they could even add high elf customisation to belves then and it'd work)
    • Continue allied race system (preferably without the philospophy that they must tie into the story, so sethrak or tuskarr could come outta nowhere)
    • Time skip so we can introduce some new characters.

    That's about all I care about.
    Oh, and maybe gnome druids or shamans. That would be a plus.
    Oh, and add the thin human option as a customisation option for KT humans or regular humans, or both. Gimme that skinny old mage/druid/shaman fantasy.
    Last edited by Merryck; 2019-10-22 at 12:44 AM.

  3. #3
    i want blizzard to just leak it themselves so these people stfu.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by iamthedevil View Post
    i want blizzard to just leak it themselves so these people stfu.
    please please please

  5. #5
    World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Reforged Lich King in Shadowlands, A Tinkers' Guide to Azeroth, Bolvar's Revenge.

    Or World of Warcraft: 2 Lich 2 King.

    Iunno. I like the latter one more.

  6. #6
    No level squish. Makes our work over the last 15 years seem meaningless.
    No EK or Kalimdor revamp, if a revamp happens, have it happen in Northrend, with a Death themed expansion.
    New class, theres only so many times we can roll up the same class over and over different race or not.
    New races for allied race/new races in general. Hate seeing rehashes of a draenei or dwarf. Have it be something entirely new like the Vulpera was to the Horde.
    New areas to explore. I'd rather this happen than a revamp of anything. I want new content in new areas, not new content in rehashed zones.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    At this point I care less about what the theme will be a more about the mechanics. The last handful of expansions all mostly feel the same just with a different background.

    While some new gameplay functions have been added (WQ’s M+, Islands, WF’s) the core of the expansions hasn’t changed, and that’s been grind reps to unlock flying. More recently, AP grinds were introduced. At the end of the day, we’re just filling up XP bars through daily chores.

    Gear has become almost an afterthought due to catchup mechanics and how quickly it can be replaced.

  9. #9
    So, this is meant to be a bit more on the fanfic side and a bit more on the mocking side?

    WoW: Insert title here
    New continent: A new continent on Azeroth made by a giant light comet, space ship, or smaller world crashing into the planet.
    Main theme: The tyranny of the light.
    New features:
    - more focus on fun class interactions, even if it costs 5% balance *gasp*
    - Big solo/small group progression system for when you want to play and few of your guild are on. Mage tower or other similarly challenging content pls.
    - New healer spec(s) or class
    - Ethereal, Arakkoa and/or Naga race. Allow me to suggest the ridiculous and also ask for a Murloc race that I know will never happen.
    - Do what you will with lore, but allow for people to mechanically be a part of the same guild and group together regardless of faction. Not like my WSG run #9999 with my Zandalari druid is canon, or like the 95th time I kill Azshara on my DH is.
    - Non gear rewards focusing on litterally anything other than mounts or pets, I have enough to not care anymore. A bit more unique mogs, spell skins, glyphs, decorations for garrison 5.0, quivers for hunter, litterally anything else.
    -New feature: No more focus on shock value, story built in a way that 6 months cliff hangers are not obnoxious to the enjoyment of said story.
    -Every progression other than gear and character level account bound. Particularly rep grinds.

  10. #10
    Guild Halls
    More server mergers, Moonglade-EU is in desperate need.
    World Revamp
    Hell, remove faction lines. Optional.
    If not guild halls, then player housing. Lots of cosmetic house rewards to hunt down in the world or earn.

    Hell, give us a "World Designer" mode. Like Warmode, except it's a personal phase where you can place buildings, doodads and NPCs as you desire. Create questlines, challenges, campaigns, houses or roleplay campaigns as you desire.

  11. #11
    For a few years now i've thought how i would love to see Azeroth get a time skip in the vein of Fable 2. Its been so many years since we found places like Ulduar but not once did anyone think that maybe railways are better than kodo to transport goods? a victorian meets industrial revolution jump in tech and culture would be interesting.

  12. #12
    1. Level Squish, bring everything down to 80, eliminate the nonsensical expansion-based zone level adjusting introduced in BFA and just make them all adjust to your level (sans new expansion content). Also, reign in ilevel scaling. We've jumped from 100 ilevels over the course of the expansion to 300+ ilevels over the course of the expansion. I get that we want to feel more powerful over the course of the expansion, but things are just getting ridiculous.
    2. Ideally, no more levels. Keep it all at 60 (or 70, or whatever) and just give us a max level progression system like the Artifact weapons, which we work to develop over the course of the expansion(s). No RNG nonsense like the Azerite Gear that everyone despises.
    3. Azeroth Revamp: EK/Kal/Northrend/Pandaria are revamped to reflect the events of Legion/BFA. BFA didn't affect Northrend/Pandaria much, and neither did Legion, so their revamps are easy enough.
    4. Shadowlands really isn't a continent, since it's just a different version of Azeroth, much like the Emerald Dream, so you really can't make a continent from it, but you can make Shadowland zones from literally any zone in the game, so expansion content is endless without requiring any new land development. This also means that they can expand the Shadowlands over the course of the expansion, giving us a wealth of content.

  13. #13
    Crimson & Scarlet
    Deals with the long-lived Crimson and Scarlet Crusade with a humanoid and beast raid and revamp of Scarlet Monastery, Scholomance, and Stratholme. Could do well after Shadowlands and the dealings with Bolvar, the Lich King.

    Civil Unrest & Militias
    After all major villains have been defeated all that's left is civil unrest. Fight against small factions throughout all previous expansions attempting to overthrow the local governments. Rebuild settlements, towns, and cities. Would be the optimal time to bring Player Housing.

    In short, I just want customizable player housing, add specializations to all classes (I want an Animist-DAOC style spec), replace dailies with weekly and monthly quests, and make raids longer or shorter (BRD style with 20+ bosses or Onyxia with only one), bring out normal, heroic, and mythic difficulty zones, and have dungeon/raid attunements.

  14. #14
    Immortal Darththeo's Avatar
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    World of Warcraft: Shadow of the Void

    1) Max level reduced to 70. All characters levels are reduced to half their current. A level 120 character becomes level 60, a level 74 character is now 37, etc.
    Death Knights and Demon Hunters start at 40, Allied Races start at 10 now. Achievements are altered for heritage armor.
    2) Azeroth and Outlands are redone. Draenor is merely reduced in level and requires a quest to go to by a Bronze Dragon.
    3) Players after leveling to 10 may now quest anywhere they want.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
    –The Sith Code

  15. #15
    Everyone start leaking! One place for all your leak needs. Brilliant!

  16. #16
    World of Warcraft: The Forgotten Land

    Lore: Thousands of years ago, there were two great continents on Azeroth: Kalimdor (Titan/Darnassian: Land of Eternal Starlight) and Belor'thalas (Titan/Darnassian: Kingdom of the Sun) When the Black Empire was felled by the Pantheon, the Titans sealed the Old Gods underneath Kalimdor. The Pantheon
    feared what would happen if the Old Gods would ever break free from their prisons. So Eonar, the titan of life / nature, created Belor'thalas on the other side of the world and fostered the growth of life on this second continent. For good measure and to protect the land from dark forces, she created two seas on each side (The Forbidden Sea and the Veiled Sea) which would prevent any travelers from reaching this land or anyone from leaving until the threat of the Old Gods could be neutralized without hurting the planet. Once N'zoth was defeated by the heroes of Azeroth, this new land is able to be explored. But is it truly untouched by darkness?


    New Land!: Journey to Belor'thalas and explore a continent with over a dozen new areas to explore.

    New Class!: Bard - Tales have been circulating about a mysterious land across the water for generations. Bards have decided to travel and see for themselves, so they may regale tales to new crowds! Three specs: Song (Healing), Warchanter (Ranged Spell DPS), Saboteur (Ranged DPS)

    Level: When you first log in, you have a quest that sends you to a lore figure of your class (I.E. Mages would go to Jaina / Hunters to Rexxar, etc) and they'll teach you to harness the powers of your class and push beyond your normal limits. This opens up...Prestige Classes!

    Prestige Classes:

    Prestige classes are simply an alternate advancement of your class. You go to level 1 (but keep all abilities) and level up to a maximum of 50. Each level comes with stat bonuses, new abilities, and talent points (more on this later).

    Mage --> Archmage
    Warrior --> Blademaster
    Druid --> Archdruid
    Hunter --> Beastmaster
    Monk --> Avatar
    Rogue --> Assassin
    Shaman --> Farseer
    Priest --> Inquisitor
    Demon Hunter --> Demon Slayer
    Deathknight --> Runemaster
    Paladin --> Crusader
    Warlock --> Demoniac
    Bard ---> Lyricist


    Talent System: the talent system has been changed. You now gain 1 talent point every 10 levels for a maximum of 12 points.

    While you're in your Prestige Class, you'll gain a talent point each level that you can use to augment your abilities/character to your choosing. Every 5 points spent offers you the choice of one of three abilities/perks.


  17. #17
    Zoom distance nerf reverted
    CRZ gone
    Titanforging gone
    Portal change reverted
    Character account cap increased
    PVP veteran achievements account wide
    Every zone affected my shattering given a "back in time" npc

    That's it, that's mah whole expansion, worst xpac ever obviously but I'd be happy lol.
    Last edited by Drusin; 2019-10-22 at 02:12 AM.
    My Collection
    - Bring back my damn zoom distance/MoP Portals - I read OP minimum, 1st page maximum-make wow alt friendly again -Please post constructively(topkek) -Kill myself

  18. #18
    World of warcraft: Redemption (off expansion)

    "The cycle of Hatred between the Alliance and Horde has broken, but azeroth's wounds are deep. The only way to save our world resides in the past".

    " Khadgar has found ancient knowledge that will allow us to reach and explore past events and gather objects that will allow us to heal Azeroth".

    *Classic races join our side: (not an AR) (All new models).
    - Horde: Ogres
    - Alliance: High Elves
    *New class:
    Ranger; An army of elite tactical soldiers with hybrid mele/range abilities. Two spec: Assault (DPS), Medic (Healer).

    Existing classes modifications; Reimagining the structure of some specs.

    World living quest system; allow us to be part of new experience of leveling. Randomly we will see, at certain areas, quest that appear spontaneously. If we decide to join these missions, we will earn special rewards.

    Profession revamp: We'll have freedoms regarding the progress of our professions, allowing us to create recipes through the combination of certain objects. Progressing our professions will increase our experience, giving us an alternative way to leveling.

    World revamp; change some in-game aesthetics that will make us perceive Azeroth as a bigger world.

    Massive event: Sylvanas hunt; We will chase sylvanas all over the world, finding clues that will lead us to her whereabout.

  19. #19
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    I would honestly love to see an expansion that's a little bit less on the new zones and has a theme that encompasses just about the entire world of Azeroth. I doubt that we ever get that. I don't think Blizzard has the imagination or resources to pull that off. Their entire team is now scaled to populate 4 or 5 new zones, one or two things in patches, dungeons, raids and the rest.

    I think that after so many years of largely ignoring Azeroth it might be nice to get to have a reason and story to get to know it all again. I'm sure a lot of people would find that to be terrible.

    I'm personally less concerned with class mechanics as I firmly believe at this point that they matter most to a relatively small percentage of high-end players. The game should be easy to pick up and play relatively well to my mind. This infinite splitting of hairs over theorycrafting is boring and over-engineered.

    Launch some new stories. Show us some new characters. Don't be afraid of smaller stories that play out on a large canvas. For fuck's sake, tone down the music a little. It's still good but it isn't TBC, Wrath, MoP good. It's generally too loud, too busy and the near-constant screeching of the mixed chorus is getting on my nerves. Quiet moments are OK. Some of BfA's best moments were generally quieter.

    End the faction war. Just stop it. Let the races gradually go their own way which should generate more interesting and smaller conflicts.

    Put a couple of people specifically on professions: Expand them. Make them personally relevant to the character. Allow players to take more (or even all) professions. Stop this weird business of "You can mine a rock or you can skin an animal or you can pick a flower but you can't do all three."

    And one that people will back away from but what I think would be great: The most natural story-telling element in the game potentially is archaeology. Archaeology is about stories. So load stories into the artifacts, make mysteries, sequence some specific artifacts into quest lines that tell epic stories of the past. Make there be a reason to go out and dig things up. Stories, stories, and more stories, that's how WoW survives going forward.
    Last edited by MoanaLisa; 2019-10-22 at 02:42 AM.
    "'s most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

  20. #20
    Fluffy Kitten xChurch's Avatar
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    The darkest corner with the best view.
    All I want is an expansion that is 100% new, none of this revamping crap. In fact, I'd be cool with them level squishing most previous expansion content out of relevance never to be heard from again except for achievement and transmog hunters.

    Also, Sylvanas' head on a pike, can't forget that.

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