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  1. #1
    Blademaster Mortax's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Dec 2008
    the Netherlands

    MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Dear fellow holydins,

    So like pretty much every holydin out there I was kinda surprised by the amount of mp5 on the gear in Ulduar. Now I've been reading about possible changes on mana regen and such, and that it will play a bigger part during raids, but I'm still confused about what the EXACT changes will be? Will they nerf mp5 (so that you need to stack more), or will they make longer lasting bossfights/more mana draining encounters (i mean thay you need larger/inefficient heals? I have loads of gear in my bank with mp5 on it, that I switched out with haste/crit, and come to the following gear:, and the only real thing needed now is turning tide, voice of reason, and the t7 helmet, and healing boots from maly. But here comes the real question will that gear cut it in Ulduar, or do I need to switch in the non tier7(25man raid) items with the mp5 cause it is needed in Ulduar?

    I hope you understand my question,because I should go to bed now, it's 3 in the morning :S:P

    May the light be with you,


  2. #2

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    A bule post say they will bring world of manacraft back.

  3. #3

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    They are changing spirit and divine plea should be enough.

  4. #4

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    As far as i know they only change mana reg from spirit. pallys will need the same stats, int crit sp haste :P so if you can replace a mp5 item with crit haste sp, do it.

    That is my point of view, dontknow what think others pallys

  5. #5

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Wait, Mp5 was ever needed?

  6. #6

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?


  7. #7

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamson
    Wait, Mp5 was ever needed?
    IM TEH RET! er... teh holy... or it was teh prot?!
    This bro told a cool story on 2009-12-03 and proudly took part in the banfest.

  8. #8

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    That gun is the only MP5 Paladins need
    Int and crit are still far superior to mp5

  9. #9

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    not needed ... but so much plate having mp5 by default we will have loads of it even if we hate it.

  10. #10

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    I doubt we'll have "loads"
    At most we'll have ~150 if we itemize well and don't just upgrade 'coz it has a higher item level number

  11. #11

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xs
    Int and crit are still far superior to mp5
    Obviously Int/Crit >>> MP5 everyone knows that and i doubt any decent player will argue the fact.
    where most of the questioning come from is comparing haste/MP5. at least i know that's what im wondering about. when it comes down to uldar gear. the main problem is that atm naxx is such a joke when it comes to the length and mana intensity (not to even go into difficulty) that you might as well take haste > MP5.

    i don't know really what the right answer is. and i would absolutely <3 someone with PTR experience to give their opinion on the fights in regards to everything because as far as im seeing (at least looking at strats and incoming dmg numbers) it's going to be a shit load harder to DP on CD (or at least often) without fear of losing the tank from the ms debuff we give ourselves. so what im wondering is will the MP5 be a bit better than haste in some situations so that we wont have to DP so often? or will haste still remain supreme

  12. #12

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Mp5 IMO is not so good since we mostly cast HL, and it's a quick heal that costs 1044 mana with Glyph of SoW, 4/5 T7 bonus and libram, fully raid buffed with hast and jotp, you get 1.5 or so sec casts without any haste gems, meaning it's over 750 mps, even with 250 mp5, it takes 25 secs to cast an other HL. On the other hand, if you're FoL spamming, Mp5 is much more efficient since it's a really cheap heal

  13. #13

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    In addition to the other changes, shaman mana spring totem will be raid-wide and will no longer stack with blessing of wisdom (totem is being buffed to provide the same mp5). Nice in that it provides a little more buff/totem flexibility, but not so nice for mp5.

    Lethal, Thunderhorn-US
    (US #1 2-night guild WoD)
    Tues/Thurs 7-11pm CT
    EN 7/7 Heroic

  14. #14

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    If you have replenishment in your party/raid, you won't have any problems with mp5 since many paladins are over 20k mana (my offspec gear has 23.5k mana, 36% crit with 2050sp, didn't see any problems with mana when there is replenishment in raid).

    note that replenishment for 20k mana gives ~250 mp5.

  15. #15

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    I seems see something from blue that they may change MP5 more attractive, however I cannot find the post, but from what MP5 now....i think this will not come true..

  16. #16

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Quote Originally Posted by wintervictor
    I seems see something from blue that they may change MP5 more attractive, however I cannot find the post, but from what MP5 now....i think this will not come true..
    more attractive? the only way to do that is to make that divine plea work or scales with mp5... otherwise intellect will be always superior.... mp5 sux.

  17. #17

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Replenish in raid buff + bis holy paladin = ~600mp5

  18. #18

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamson
    Wait, Mp5 was ever needed?
    It was "good" to shift into a little mp5 RIGHT after the illumination nerf and it got progressively worse as tbc went on from that point.

    It has never been good in LK and will never be good. It scales worse than two other stats that also add to your HPS. INT beats the snot out of it. I believe over a long fight crit will restore less mana per item budget point but again ... HPS.

  19. #19

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    They'd have to make mp5 2-3x better to make it worth the item budget it currently has for Paladins

  20. #20

    Re: MP5 Is it NEEDed in Ulduar?

    MP5 was poor itemization

    MP5 is poor itemization

    MP5 always (likely) be poor itemization.

    HOWEVER, just because a piece has MP5 does not mean it is not an upgrade. Just assign that MP5 little or no value when considering it vs your current kit.

    Remember, INT is key. More int=Good


    Haste is in there somewhere....but there is enough on all gear now to get capped without trying.

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