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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by bany View Post
    That paired up with transmorg. old bosses making a comeback via "merely a set back" or cavern of times
    Is it a sign that they are desperate to make players feel nostalgic and keep playing or they simply aren`t coming up with new ideas because the team is weaker and/or they are focused on titan ?
    Sure you can argue it`s just a hammer but we know better when it comes to bringing back old stuff in the last couple of years..
    So farming BC content for a weapon, just for x-mog, is good.
    Farming new content for materials to make the same model (largely) for x-mog is bad.

    Is that an accurate picture of your stance on this?

  2. #162
    I have two blacksmiths with the patterns from TBC and I love using those models to 'mog. I could care less that they are bringing them back and that other people get to use them now. I may switch to some others since it won't be as unique of a transmog but that isn't a big deal. Once again, my fun in the game is not dictated by other people's fun nor is it hampered by theirs.

  3. #163
    Titan Arbs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaeed Massani View Post
    "We want the awesome weapon models of old to make a return!"

    *Blizzard re-introduces weapon models of old*

    "Screw you, stop rehashing content!"
    Zaeed you are a wise man, I bow to you.
    I don't always hunt things, But when I do, It's because they're things & I'm a Bear.

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by hamsterbom View Post
    I'm sure it's going to be lovely with half the server runing around with glaives and thunderfurys.
    Yes yes, just like everyone will be running around in Tier 2 if they add Transmog to the game. Oh wait, that didn't happen either.

  5. #165
    Us:Man I really wish we could have the BC crafted weapons for xmog

    "If you want to control people, if you want to feed them a pack of lies and dominate them, keep them ignorant. For me, literacy means freedom." - LaVar Burton.

  6. #166
    Holy crap, some people will complain about ANYTHING.... Wow. Seriously please leave, a lot of us here are really tired of the CONSTANT complaining about absolutely nothing. Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  7. #167
    And again....shut up

    Posting simply to tell a user to "shut up" is not even close to constructive. Thanks!
    Last edited by Daetur; 2013-02-27 at 07:04 PM.

  8. #168
    Zandalari were in Vanilla.

    MoP has a lot of Zandalari in it.

    Whelp, MoP is rehashed.

  9. #169
    Don't mean to be offtopic but you have a MLP avatar, that says a lot about you and I can't take this topic seriously.

    Please don't post in a topic just to insult other users. Thanks!
    Last edited by Daetur; 2013-02-27 at 07:01 PM.

  10. #170
    I still have my Lionheart Executioner but it's on a character that I no longer play, on a server that I no longer visit. I'm glad that I have the chance to make another one on a more relevant character.
    "Why do all supposed 'centrists' just sound like right wingers?"

    "Also, can I just say that I think AOC would absolutely fucking annihilate Greene if Greene ever dared take an actual swing at her?" -- The state of the MMO-C circlejerk.

  11. #171
    Oh my lord. There are "rehashes" in every expansion, guys. EVERY. ONE. Can we just give it a rest?

    It doesn't have to mean a damn thing, especially when it's coming with a brand-spanking-new raid full of brand-spanking-new models.

  12. #172
    I wonder if people would consider it rehashing if the original weapon BS patterns were re-added to the game. To me this is different than redoing a raid into a dungeon or reusing terrain for a new raid because they were unobtainable in the first place. I could still go into lvl70 ZA before they erased it and made a 5 man heroic. I cant make Stormherald or Lionheart Executioner.

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post

    Jaylock thinks it will fail to hold up to expectations... miserably.
    Care to add some substance to this statement.

    The opinions I'm getting from people actually testing the content on ptr are that it is a very well designed raid instance and the majority of people I've spoken to think it's an exceptional raid instance, bit of a cross between BT and Ulduar.

  14. #174
    And are free to quit playing at any time.
    The community will be stronger without people who want to hunt for petty things to cry about. There are things worth bitching about though, like how multi passenger flying mounts are f'd up by CRZ or the multitude of rogue issues.

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by Hakto View Post
    Care to add some substance to this statement.
    He won't, that isn't how he does things.

    He comes on threads, or makes his own, and trashes the shit out of something and then will leave for a long period of time. Occasionally he will come up with half-assed defenses that boil basically down to "Its my opinion this sucks" after people have thoroughly trashed his nonsensically butthurt incessant crying.

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    Jaylock thinks
    The funniest part of the thread.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    The trend of rehashing, reusing, old content is not new. They have started the trend with naxx 2.0, and looks like they will be "rinsing off the dishes" as it were and continue to put the same old crap on them and serve it like it was fresh content.

    Throne of thunder is the new developers attempt at an ulduar like instance.

    Jaylock thinks it will fail to hold up to expectations... miserably.
    Wouldn't it have started with BC when we got recolors of old tier sets? Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Punchbag View Post
    I don't understand your viewpoint? You essentially want people in an online game, who you will never meet in Real Life, to inspect you and go "Oh wow! Hes got that weapon from ages back that is unobtainable! He must be a really awesome guy to have that weapon!"

    You want your e-peen stroked. But you can't. So you're throwing a tantrum claiming 'uniqueness' should stop players from customizing their characters how they want to.
    Back in the day, before Wrath which is when I assume its safe to say you started, people actually inspected other people on a constant basis. It was because the Tier sets weren't practically mailed to you when you log in, like they are now.

    People stood out during Vanilla, and BC, and others recognized their work. It's a shame you weren't around for that, when the community was much stronger, and people got a long.

    As for the OT, I personally don't give 2 shits if they aren't sacrificing new content to put in old content. If they do 1 replica for every 10 pieces of gear, are we really losing something? Not really, so just let them do what they need to do, quit bitching until there is truly a reason to bitch, and I'll tell you what, following these forums since it opened up, there has been a lot of bitching, and 98% of it is useless bullshit from people with a self entitled attitude.

    Either enjoy the game for what it is, or move on.

  19. #179
    In my eyes there are two ways to rehash content. There's the BWD/Cata Zones way and the Naxx 2.0/Onyxia 2.0 way. In BWD Nefarion was a completely different fight with numerous mechanics and overall fun and challenging on normal and heroic. The rehashed old vanilla zones in Cata were meant to be streamlined and have a more enjoyable experience while leveling. They did away with many tedious tasks in exchange for a variety of better quests and story telling.

    In Naxx and Ony 2.0 it was a cut and paste raid scaled to accommodate the new max level. In fact they were dumbed down, specifially Naxx, to a faceroll like nature. All doing this while shoving your face in it like with Ony gear saying "Remember this? Remember fire resist being on gear? LOL! Ya that was funny. Well I guess you have to take it cause it's still an upgrade."

    The former was a content overhaul with a wink reminding you of the old while still enjoying the new different and fun content. While the ladder smacked you in the face with a bad case of nostalgia, reminding you how much better the content was before this rehash.

    OT: And what category does this fall under? NEITHER! This is so insignificant I'm actually dumbfounded how 10 pages has been made out of it already. Aesthetic gear hasn't been relevant for sometime and even less so since Transmog was introduced. Let's save our strength for a worthwhile conversation, shall we?
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    You're full of shit honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler
    You should have no expectations for the next expansion IMO...

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Joeydivision82 View Post
    People stood out during Vanilla, and BC, and others recognized their work. It's a shame you weren't around for that, when the community was much stronger, and people got a long..
    I am sorry dude, but i played since Vanilla and yeah, the community was not as strong as you say it was, people did not get along. It was either you joined a guild and made friends to run stuff or you spent a lot of lonely time in the main town asking for groups that fell apart within minutes because no one wanted to run to a stone. Community sucked really really bad. I personally think things are better now then they ever were back then

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