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  1. #1

    Rate Your Favourite Battlegrounds

    Here's Mine.

    Most Fun

    Alterac Valley


    Arathi Basin
    Battle for Gilneas
    Twin Peaks

    Kind of Fun

    Eye of the Storm
    Warsong Gulch
    Deepwind Gorge
    Temple of Kotmogu


    Silvershard Mines
    Isle of Conquest

    Extremely Boring

    Strand of the Ancients

  2. #2
    Most fun

    AB - mostly because of the open scenery and the amazing Defiler's tabard
    AV for my alliance
    BFG, despite it being a little gloomy (sometimes around Mine I get stuck in fences )
    SotA. Yes, I like it. Still I don't heh... care too much about the objectives but alliance is so bad here


    EotS, SSM

    Would prefer not to

    Kotmugu. This I don't understand with myself though, because I like killing other players and don't care too much about objectives, yet I can't stand this place
    DWG. As a bg (as Horde) it's alright, but the RBG groups I'm with struggle to understand the concept of "not spreading out to all the bases + cart" which is unfortunate for my rating

    On my blacklist (as horde)
    AV and IoC. Need I explain?

  3. #3
    Most Fun ever

    Alterac Valley


    Arathi Basin
    Warsong Gulch
    Battle for Gilneas
    Twin Peaks


    Silvershard Mines
    Isle of Conquest

    Extremely Boring

    Strand of the Ancients

  4. #4
    I'll play.

    Most Fun

    Warsong Gulch
    Deepwind Gorge


    Twin Peaks
    Temple of Kotmogu
    Battle for Gilneas

    Kind of Fun

    Arathi Basin
    Eye of the Storm


    Strand of the Ancients
    Silvershard Mines

    Extremely Boring (blacklisted)

    Alterac Valley
    Isle of Conquest

  5. #5
    Most Fun

    Battle for Gilneas
    Temple of Kotmogu

    Strand of the Ancients
    Eye of the Storm

    Meh ok
    Everything else

  6. #6
    Arathi Basin

    Twin Peaks
    The MoP BG with the 3 carts
    That other MoP BG, with the 3 flags
    Strand of the Ancients


    Isle of Conquest

    EDIT: I am horde, so needless to say both IoC and AV are blacklisted.

  7. #7
    Elemental Lord TJ's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jan 2010
    North Wales
    Every time I get SOTA I debate killing myself.

  8. #8
    Mmm, tough question! As Alliance and assuming roughly equal teams, I like all of them except Strand of the Ancients (hate vehicle fights!). Favourites would probably be ToK, AV. Also love TP / WSG as a druid.

    Since that rarely happens:

    Dislikes ..
    Battle For Gilneas - it just drags on. I think either scoring speed should be boosted and / or bring the points required to win down to 1600, same as everything else.
    Strand of the Ancients - vehicles! ><
    Silvershard Mines - map feels unbalanced.

    Favourites ...
    Bearing in mind this is with typical random groups, I think IoC and AV are my favourites.

    I have BfG and SotA blacklisted, and would love to be able to blacklist SSM as well.

  9. #9
    Most Fun

    Isle of Conquest. Even if it's pretty one sided most of the time. I'd still enjoy it even if it weren't a free win.
    Classic AV. I miss it.


    Arathi Basin
    Battle for Gilneas
    Eye of the Storm

    Kind of Fun

    Warsong Gulch
    Twin Peaks
    Deepwind Gorge
    Temple of Kotmogu


    Current Alterac Valley.


    Strand of the Ancients
    Silvershard Mines

    If you couldn't tell by looking at the two BGs I have blacklisted, I play Alliance. I hate capture the flag games and enjoy the "domination" games like AB or Gilneas. I love the 40v40 BGs, although they tend to be somewhat boring now because the Alliance teams usually dominate in them. Still, free conquest points are free conquest points, so I can't complain.

    40v40 battlegrounds feel more like real PvP to me. The original AV was absolutely fucking perfect. To me, PvP doesn't get any better than that. The other battlegrounds that have 10/15 people feel like skirmishes....old AV felt like a real war. Epic slugfests in the center where both teams were trying to push each other back and gain ground, single players could avoid the combat and make a difference by doing the quests and contributing to get the stronger NPCs involved (and were often encouraged to do so), Ivus and Lokholar regularly made appearances, and matches lasted for hours (sometimes days, even).

    It's a real shame the place got gutted so hard. Since the "reinforcements" bullshit got put in, it's just a race to zerg towers and the enemy boss and ignore all the other stuff in the BG. Matches never last for more than a few minutes.
    Last edited by Ciddy; 2014-08-07 at 01:59 PM. Reason: Changed formatting to match OP

  10. #10

    Original AV


    Warsong Gulch
    Arathi Basin


    Twin Peaks
    Deepwind Gorge
    Eye of Storm


    Strand of the Ancients


    Current Alterac Valley


    Isle of Conquest

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Snuggli View Post
    I'll play.

    Most Fun

    Warsong Gulch
    Deepwind Gorge


    Twin Peaks
    Temple of Kotmogu
    Battle for Gilneas

    Kind of Fun

    Arathi Basin
    Eye of the Storm


    Strand of the Ancients
    Silvershard Mines

    Extremely Boring (blacklisted)

    Alterac Valley
    Isle of Conquest
    this by far

  12. #12
    Most Fun

    Warsong Gulch


    Eye of the Storm
    Arathi Basin
    Battle for Gilneas
    Twin Peaks

    Kind of Fun

    Silvershard Mines
    Temple of Kotmogu


    Deepwind Gorge
    Strand of the Ancients

    Extremely Boring (Blacklisted)

    Alterac Valley
    Isle of Conquest

    I really like capture-the-flag style battlegrounds... what can I say.

  13. #13
    Most Fun

    Alterac Valley
    Twin Peaks
    Temple of Kotmogu


    Silvershard Mines
    Battle for Gilneas
    Deepwind Gorge

    Kind of Fun

    Warsong Gulch


    Arathi Basin
    Eye of the Storm

    Extremely Boring

    Isle of "Why did I not imminently quit this BG?"
    Strand of the @#%&ing Boring BG.

  14. #14
    Banned Rorke's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Feb 2012
    Long Island New York, USA
    Back in Wotlk I used to be avid about playing random BG's. Now I don't care about them anymore. When I do play them, the only BG I actually enjoy is Twin Peaks. Idk I just really like the layout of that map. Gilneas is pretty good too if you're winning.

    I hate Arathi Basin the most. Most of Arathi Basin is decided within the first few minutes of the game and the map layout is just too big for 15v15. It really should be 20v20 or 25v25 but its not.

    Strand of the ancients would be better if there was only one round that lasted 25 minutes. They would have to buff the walls a lot but I think it could work where if you start out defending, you need to hold for 25 minutes or else you lose the game. I hate how its two rounds because whoever wins the first round decisively usually just ends up steamrolling the next round anyway.

  15. #15
    love: gilneas, AB, EotS
    ok with: twin peaks, silvershard, newest panda map
    hate: WSG (alltough I have a soft spot due to vanilla), Isle of PvE, AV, sota

  16. #16

    WSG i love this one makes me Feel nostalgic
    Twin peaks
    Deepwind gorge

  17. #17
    fun: wsg, temple, twin peaks
    meh: bfg, eots
    awful: mines, gorge, ab,
    i dont play: sota, av, ioc

    rbg perspective of a dk

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Eye of the Storm is my favourite.

    AV is just an Alliance biased PVE map... It can be fun but mostly not. WSG is good but the rewards are terrible and it's a put off for that, AB is great. I really like Twin Peaks. Mostly though the older BG's I like most, I don't like the mines or the Worgen one, or the Gorge... The power orb one is fun.
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

  20. #20
    I used to love AV, but lately I prefer to see these when doing randoms/rbgs.

    Arathi Basin
    Warsong Gulch
    Twin Peaks
    Eye of the Storm

    Deepwind Gorge
    Battle of Gilneas
    Silvershard Mines

    Temple of Kotmogu

    Strand of the Ancients

    Alterac Valley
    Isle of Conquest
    Last edited by Evelyn; 2014-08-08 at 09:38 PM.

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