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  1. #201
    For me it is always just trying to figure out what toon to level first... and then second, etc...

  2. #202
    Vanilla- Didn't play really

    TBC- Played more but was pretty newish (hit max a month before expansion) but I did notice that there was a huge amount of elitism and gloating about how much grinding they've done, at least on my server.

    WOTLK- Hated how everything was just pugging once ToC came out, kind of made me feel like there was no such thing as a guild and it was mainly zerg guilds.

    Cata- All the changes were nice at first and questing seemed fun but if you leveled to fast and you would get halfway through a story and it was time to go to another zone or waist time to finish a story. Plus dungeons were useless for gearing, but I did like the raids.

    MOP- Hated the direction PvP went, there is little world PvP and BG's are a JOKE at best. It comes down to who has the most recent gear wins and spams their CD's faster. I do love all the isles they added (even the dino one) since I always have a good time when I play with friends and we just go rare spawn hunting or dino farming (although you can only do it so much until you get bored and quit till the next expansion).

  3. #203
    Probably not the right place to ask, but you will to forgive my transgression. The name gets throw around here a lot and it still confuses me.

    What is so utterly wrong with Vash'jr?
    I never played Cata when it was current, but when I played through it shortly after MoP launch Vash'jr was by far my favourite Cata zone.
    Is a love it or hate it kinda thing? Is it to slow? Are people getting lost in the 3d-ness?

    To make up for my derailing here's my list:
    - Vanilla: Broken classes, 1 tank class, 1 heal class, several classes that coudln't do anything properly at all.
    - TBC: Outland, god I hate that place. The setting never appealed to me. The most fun I had in TBC was in Karazhan en Sunwell Plateau. both on Azeroth... (lucky me, we get to revisit -_-; )
    - WOTLK: the rise of gearscore...
    - CATA: haven't really played it, but the confusion it causes with storyline/timeline can be annoying. (cata lvling then back to outland lvling and a intact northrend, I can't really make out anymore when I'm where in what time and why :s )
    - MOP: Timeless Isle, I just can't get the hang of that place...

  4. #204
    The Unstoppable Force
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneOstrich View Post
    Probably not the right place to ask, but you will to forgive my transgression. The name gets throw around here a lot and it still confuses me.

    What is so utterly wrong with Vash'jr?
    I never played Cata when it was current, but when I played through it shortly after MoP launch Vash'jr was by far my favourite Cata zone.
    Is a love it or hate it kinda thing? Is it to slow? Are people getting lost in the 3d-ness?

    To make up for my derailing here's my list:
    - Vanilla: Broken classes, 1 tank class, 1 heal class, several classes that coudln't do anything properly at all.
    - TBC: Outland, god I hate that place. The setting never appealed to me. The most fun I had in TBC was in Karazhan en Sunwell Plateau. both on Azeroth... (lucky me, we get to revisit -_-; )
    - WOTLK: the rise of gearscore...
    - CATA: haven't really played it, but the confusion it causes with storyline/timeline can be annoying. (cata lvling then back to outland lvling and a intact northrend, I can't really make out anymore when I'm where in what time and why :s )
    - MOP: Timeless Isle, I just can't get the hang of that place...
    Really? Uhm, it's not really that hard. The timeline is basically TBC -> Wotlk -> Cataclysm (1-60) (80-85) -> MoP -> WoD.

    Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann

  5. #205
    Mechagnome Krekal's Avatar
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    - vanilla: well i got to lvl 13... i guess it's a personal thing but: not being able to stick to one character
    - tbc: same as vanilla, but got to lvl 56
    - wotlk:..... gearscore
    - cata: raids
    - mop: so tired of having to go through the same zones and do the same quests on every character I have in pandaria, ive given up on 2 characters at 85-86 because of it

    also let's not focus on the bad part so im going to share my opinion of the BESt parts of them

    + vanilla: was new to the game, new world
    + tbc: found a social pve guild, loved outlands
    wotlk: first max level (dk!), loved naxxramas
    cata: leveling zones
    mop: still unsure here
    im cool pls respodn

  6. #206
    Agreed, still feels weird imo.
    You start out your life in a world destroyed by the cataclysm, then somehow travel back in time to grow in outland and an untouched northrend and then jump back to 'current' time for some more areas hit by the cataclysm and pandaria.

  7. #207
    I think I only have one in MoP : they forced me to pvp (for the legendary cloak quest) lol... I knew I suck at pvp. I was like "shiiiiiiiiiieeeeett, why are you doing this to me, bruh!" took me around... 23-25 battlegrounds just to win silvershard mines & kotmogu temple haha

    I almost gave up back dere.

  8. #208
    Vanilla : Nothing , i enjoyed game as it was.

    TBC : Nothing also enjoyed game as it was , maybe some arena balance as i was mainly arena player at that time like SL/SL lock and some other arena things, but still enjoyed game a lot.

    WotLK : Also not much , some arena imbalance like Death Knights in Season 5,6,Prot/Holy Paladins,FoK Rogues...
    Tho it hardly stopped me to enjoy game and have a lot of fun.

    Cataclysm : Cant say much as i havent played it , just at near end. What i disliked is that underwater zone , i dont mind underwater combat and questing etc. but this one felt really forced and a lot of quests were anoying to do.Also story i found a bit weird , but thats why i joined later in exp. so i dont really mind it.

    MoP : Reputation and Daily Quests really disliked those it was way overused... Imo TBC had perfect balance of grind rep,quest rep,dailys etc... for reputation.
    Also dont like how Pandas look i think they dont fit WoW with how they look,dislike a lot of Monk animations i find them ridiculous really,that spell when they spin with one leg out is just really bad.
    I kinda have mixed feeling about LFR , i like that i can see content but its just way to brain dead it is becoming worse then BGs lol with all bots and afking,slacking , leaving...

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by feellucky View Post
    Fury warriors were one of the best dps classes for most of vanilla, shamans and paladins could dps or heal (did require non set gear and shamans were better), there were shadow priests dpsing just fine and a few feral druids dpsing decently, fire mages were top dps in naxx and it was dominate for AQ40 too, basically the last half of raiding past MC and BWL. It wasn't as well balanced as today and a few specs lacked throughout (boomkin, non-war tanks) but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out. The main issues were the amount of resources raiding required (pots,res gear etc..) and the fact that Naxx wasn't out long enough for even most raiders to experience the majority of it before BC hit, in my opinion.
    Fire Mages cant be used in BWL and MC due to the resists mechanics hence why fire was so good in Nax and AQ40. Warriors as you say were great DPS, Shamans and paladins DPS however was entirely bad. Any other DPS class did better than them. The issue mainly was if a guild was serious about progression they min maxed and took the optimal specs.

    Some shamans like my self had the enhanced DPS totems. Stuck in a melee group to buff them and heal them. However it was their first real go at raiding and tbh I enjoyed it, and since then they've taken huge strides in getting raiding right. Hybrid specs in TBC was a great leap forward compared to Vanilla, making DPS shamans a realistic option.

    Nax hit the same problem as SWP imo. Difficult to complete and not out long enough to really see more people complete it.

  10. #210
    Vanilla: waiting until level 40 for a slow mount... ARGH!
    TBC: Nothing for me here really.
    Wrath Of the Lich King: Uldu... ONLY JOKING... argent tournament by a long shot.
    Cataclysm : Ultraxion Trash and the two part Deathwing fight... (fighting his claws and on his back? surely we all wanted to smack him in his massive chin.)
    Mists: Not being able to play as much as i would have liked.

    I really enjoyed the attunements in TBC, and i think they should bring them back, atleast for normal raiding and above.

  11. #211
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    Vanilla: never got to live it all

    TBC: raids as the only endgame

    WotLK: nothing

    Cata: raids

    Pandaria: pandas

  12. #212
    Unfriendly players.

  13. #213
    Vanilla farming flask was not easy.

  14. #214
    Bloodsail Admiral Colonel Sandor's Avatar
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    BC: Blood Elves
    Wrath: Snow and death 24/7
    Cata: Terrible leveling and zones. (The old world revamp was fantastic tho)
    MoP: Scenarios

    BC: New world
    Wrath: Peak of WoW
    Cata: Old world revamp. Goblins and Worgen.
    MoP: New race and class. Something new.

  15. #215
    Vanilla: City raids were difficult
    BC: They started nerfing raids and removed attunements
    Wrath: Ulduar, silly raid, bad mechanics/theme.
    Cata: Too much rehashing (though, it made sense given the theme, but too much of it as far as dungeons etc)
    MoP: Class nerfs made some fair unplayable, and having to go to war vs my warchief when he is 100% in the right.
    Warlords: Having to go back in time and fight horde legends.
    Quote Originally Posted by THE Bigzoman View Post
    Meant Wetback. That's what the guy from Home Depot called it anyway.
    If you say pls because it is shorter than please,
    I'll say no because it is shorter than yes.

  16. #216
    Vanilla: Server stability. No game could get away with that today.

    TBC: Class stacking at its worst.

    WotLK: The start of the end of challenging-to-complete 5 man content.

    Cata: The horrible tuning of 10 man at launch.

    MoP: The eternal quest grids, i.e Dailies for mains and Legendary cloak for alts.

    Warlords: Anyone who tells you they know are most likely mistaken.

  17. #217
    Classic: Never played.
    Burning Crusade: Introduction of Arenas, blood elves taking over the Horde.
    Wrath: Death Knights, intro of the random dungeon finder
    Cataclysm: EVERYTHING (especially the removal of the old world for some piece of shit) except for Worgen, though they really fucked them up
    Pandaria: The start was great, but then the focus turned to just the Horde with the Alliance tagging along and turned to shit. Also, every zone except for Jade Forest and Valley of the Four Winds and them permanently fucking up the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

  18. #218
    Quote Originally Posted by ItachiZaku View Post
    Vanilla: City raids were difficult
    BC: They started nerfing raids and removed attunements
    Wrath: Ulduar, silly raid, bad mechanics/theme.
    Cata: Too much rehashing (though, it made sense given the theme, but too much of it as far as dungeons etc)
    MoP: Class nerfs made some fair unplayable, and having to go to war vs my warchief when he is 100% in the right.
    Warlords: Having to go back in time and fight horde legends.
    No offence, but TBC was the epitome of attunements. Even acknowledged and made fun of by blizzard itself.

  19. #219
    The Lightbringer Fullmetal89's Avatar
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    Classic: Rogues/Shamans could 1 shot anybody, raids apart from BWL were horrible.
    BC: Rep grinds, having to still be attuned to get into heroic/raids, Isle of Quel'danas after a while got extremely boring.
    Wrath: Deathknights thinking they were gods while leveling up through dungeons, trail of the crusader was pretty meh, other than that best time I've had in WoW.
    Cataclysm: Didn't care for the new races, raids went from fun in Wotlk to nightmare mode Classic style in Cata huge step back in my opinion, Dragon Soul was fucking sad.
    MoP: Way too much emphasis on dailies, horrible gating, bad loot distribution on bosses (had to wait till ToT to get my first weapon on my hunter), LFR went from bad to horrible, timeless isle and SoO have been one of the worst patches since Trial of the crusader.
    WoD: Hasn't even come out yet so I can't really judge, but it will be the first expansion pack that I pass on, nothing so far has interested me in the least.
    "I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. "
    General Jack D. Ripper.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneOstrich View Post
    No offence, but TBC was the epitome of attunements. Even acknowledged and made fun of by blizzard itself.
    I believe he was talking about the end of the expansion?

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