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  1. #21
    surprisingly noone anymore in LoL, but in Hots ... perma stealth fuck that shit Nova why did blizz add it.

  2. #22
    Pit Lord Anium's Avatar
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    That hero man, in the right hands, i can't deal, i just can't.
    Godyr would be up there too.

  3. #23

    No respect for fuckers playing her.

  4. #24
    Gotta be Riven and Jayce for me.
    Always banning them no mather if a team mate wants him, cause usually they're bad in my team and complete OP on the enemy team.

  5. #25
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fearchanges View Post
    Gotta be Riven and Jayce for me.
    Always banning them no mather if a team mate wants him, cause usually they're bad in my team and complete OP on the enemy team.
    Lemme guess you're better than your team and deserve Master/Challenger right? Seriously though the mindset of, "they're always bad on my team and good on enemy team" needs to leave your system because it's not a good mindset. You've already made it apparent that you're quite a pessimist in game so you might need to take a few steps back and evaluate yourself.
    Hey everyone

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Guru Laghima View Post
    Lemme guess you're better than your team and deserve Master/Challenger right? Seriously though the mindset of, "they're always bad on my team and good on enemy team" needs to leave your system because it's not a good mindset. You've already made it apparent that you're quite a pessimist in game so you might need to take a few steps back and evaluate yourself.
    wow man, no need to be offensive. I never wanted to step on someones toes.
    I just gave an honest opinion about how i feel what the OP asked me.
    Considering me being a pessimist, i don't agree, but that's a personal point of view.

    Back on topic:
    Gotta agree with Fizz, always snowball hard

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Guru Laghima View Post
    Lemme guess you're better than your team and deserve Master/Challenger right? Seriously though the mindset of, "they're always bad on my team and good on enemy team" needs to leave your system because it's not a good mindset. You've already made it apparent that you're quite a pessimist in game so you might need to take a few steps back and evaluate yourself.
    You're the one who needs to chill the fuck down. He was just answering OP question so stop getting so butthurt over a honest answer.

  8. #28
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Meh my point proven, being hyper defensive.
    Hey everyone

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by LichKangLoL View Post
    Pretty much this, Fizz, he has 0 counter play if he's fed, just dives into your team and melts everything.

    Same with Fiora, her ult has no counter play which is frustrating as all hell.
    While Fiora's counterplay is limited, it exists (positioning), and there is plenty of outplay potential VS a Fizz even if he's fed. In general in LoL, anything that is fed is a pain to deal with. Which is kinda the point.

    I personally don't have any worst lane EU that I can think off right now. Shaco is probably the most annoying shit in the universe.

    No, wait. I really hate Rengar top.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by fearchanges View Post
    wow man, no need to be offensive. I never wanted to step on someones toes.
    I just gave an honest opinion about how i feel what the OP asked me.
    Considering me being a pessimist, i don't agree, but that's a personal point of view.

    Back on topic:
    Gotta agree with Fizz, always snowball hard
    I guess the dude got a bit fed up with the "my team is so bad but I'm really pro lolol" attitude that a lot of players have. It's the biggest reason for toxicity in this game, players who overvalue themselves and forget that they are with these "bad" players in the team because apparently, their MMR is at that level. Your post, while in no means aggressive or anything, may have been the last drop this guy needed to lash out.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by lakisa View Post
    surprisingly noone anymore in LoL, but in Hots ... perma stealth fuck that shit Nova why did blizz add it.
    Cause they had SUCH good experiences with rogues in WoW....... (sidenote, I love rogues! don't hate me).

    But yes, no amount of "but there is counterplay to her she's so squishy blabla" justifies a champion that is, in no way, fun to play against. Champions that seem MADE to frustrate - typically champions that only allow reactive play against them, so that's gonna be stealthies or champions that are untargetable such as Fiora's ult, and so on.

  10. #30
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Let's stop the personal insults.

  11. #31
    I used to hate Teemo myself, but I've figured out how (basically every) Teemo plays, so it's quite easy to deal with them, even as someone like Nasus.

    I'd say my most hated 3 champions would be... Shaco (good Shacos; such a toxic and stupid champion to play against), Fizz, and LeBlanc. Don't get me wrong, even when I'm laning against a really good Fizz or LeBlanc, I can admire the fact that they can juke pretty much everything, but it's incredibly frustrating when she's got literally 3 health and you can't hit her.

  12. #32
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    I used to hate Teemo myself, but I've figured out how (basically every) Teemo plays, so it's quite easy to deal with them, even as someone like Nasus.

    I'd say my most hated 3 champions would be... Shaco (good Shacos; such a toxic and stupid champion to play against), Fizz, and LeBlanc. Don't get me wrong, even when I'm laning against a really good Fizz or LeBlanc, I can admire the fact that they can juke pretty much everything, but it's incredibly frustrating when she's got literally 3 health and you can't hit her.
    Wait till you play against one who literally only plays Teemo, I had the bonus of playing with one on my team and he quickly showed why he was statistically top 30 EUW. They know how to abuse every tool they have in lane.
    Hey everyone

  13. #33
    Probably because people rarely encounter it but top lane Urgot. He's going to zone you real quick and heaven help you if you try to push him out behind his minion line.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Guru Laghima View Post
    Wait till you play against one who literally only plays Teemo, I had the bonus of playing with one on my team and he quickly showed why he was statistically top 30 EUW. They know how to abuse every tool they have in lane.
    Yeah, I've no doubt I'd lose (I'm only in high Silver/low Gold elo). I've gone up against higher elo players (there was one where I found out 10 minutes in that I was laning against a Diamond 2 Olaf main - good times) whilst playing with friends, and for the most part I've lost. In my experience, most around my elo consistently do the same thing, so it's not hard to shut them down fast and hard (or later, such as with Nasus or other late-game scaling champions) once you figure it out.

  15. #35
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    Yeah, I've no doubt I'd lose (I'm only in high Silver/low Gold elo). I've gone up against higher elo players (there was one where I found out 10 minutes in that I was laning against a Diamond 2 Olaf main - good times) whilst playing with friends, and for the most part I've lost. In my experience, most around my elo consistently do the same thing, so it's not hard to shut them down fast and hard (or later, such as with Nasus or other late-game scaling champions) once you figure it out.
    People around your elo are really really predictable like you've said. Whenever I've played normal draft and played against people from that area... Honestly people all the way up to mid plat are really really predictable and easy to abuse. With that said I always won the game pretty easily, it's quite interesting how easy it is to just take advantage of it real fast.

    The thing is about each lane is that each one can carry but there are different factors in regards to how you get there.

    Top - You just have to get really far ahead, top laners generally get really tanky so they just get tankier fast and get tons of damage too. By getting ahead I mean like 4/0 or just outcsing super hard.

    Mid - Mid has more factors than top but it's relatively the same, I'd say with mid you have more room to roam and if you see that opening take it because it can potentially help another lane.

    Jungle - Basically managing everything correctly, I like to think the jungler is the team manager throughout the early stages of the game through mid game and if done correctly has a big impact. Ganking at the right time, predicting where the enemy jungler is, etc.

    ADC - This is a bit a different but it's sort of like top in terms of getting ahead but I don't think it takes nearly as much since if you get ahead your support also does leaving 2 players on the enemy team farther behind while you and your support are ahead.

    Support - You can lead your ADC in the right direction to get kills and snowball bot lane. Also, play the ward game correctly and you can win with godly vision pretty easily.

    I'd say overall jungle has the most impact but then again I'm a jungler and I do believe currently they have the most to manage. With that said if you can outplay lane opponents you can win games over and over and over again. I'd say overall the lane that carries the hardest once it's ahead is bot lane, in fact I believe bot lane more often than not determines the outcome of the game. There are a few top laners like Irelia that can have a huge impact early through mid and cause the opposing team hell, then you have your mid laners... Most can carry.

    Overall though if you have a top and mid feeding but bot is completely dominating and jungle is doing alright then chances are you're going to win if you can pinpoint the enemy mid and top fast which I never have trouble doing being a Shaco player. Also I don't really know about other junglers but I feel Shaco carries the hardest out of every single jungler, I mean I have a huge fucking jungle pool but I don't feel like any are decent compared to Shaco bar a very good Lee Sin which I'd so I'm only decent at but not great.
    Hey everyone

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Zethras View Post
    Spread out so she only takes 1 person with her, melt her when she's done.
    I feel like when people discuss counter options, they always imagine every fight occurring in the middle of mid lane where all of these positioning options are available. And most players forget that counter play can also feature counter play. A good Fiora isnt going to ult someone when youre spread out.

    Good counterplay is something that isnt binary, like blitz grab where its GG if it hits or terrible if you miss, something the player can re-actively play against, or has more options than just say spreading out. You cant spread out in the jungle or river. Too narrow, too much brush. A good Fiora is going to look to flank the teams carries and murder them or is strong enough to straight up dive through your team.

    That being said, all abilities dont need to be perfectly super strong counter playable. Youre not playing against Fiora's ultimate, youre playing against Fiora. If blitz misses his grab, he jukes in and out of a brush and still has a knockup and is pretty beefy.

    In response to the OP, I will always hate Teemo. I remember playing a game where I had a teemo on my team vs a trundle top and I rolled in there like AWWW MAN THAT TRUNDLE IS SO BONED. Teemo just fed, and fed, and fed. Friend of mine spectating was like OH MAN HES LEVELING UP MOVE QUICK FIRST. I fell asleep holding my pillow crying that night.

  17. #37
    Teemo... Teemo is basically Satan lol.

  18. #38
    Shaco.That dude needs a nerf or at least change his abillities.He does op damage and can escape ridicilously easly.

  19. #39
    Pretty much any champion that can build tanky and still do a lot of damage.

  20. #40
    any decent skilled jungle rammus, TF, vayne, shaco are annoying, rest is fine.

    Will be missed ~

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