1. #19821
    High Overlord delphiskye's Avatar
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    in my own mind
    note 05

    God walks among people disguised as Pharaoh. Telling lies and looking for allies

    King Phaoris of the Ramkahen

  2. #19822
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Can someone try applying the riddles to that Davy Jones leak? And for that matter to Norths leak.

    Idk why but I feel like stars are aligning... Maybe it's the desire for a leak.
    Riddles that can be connected with Davy Jones leak are:

    note 07

    Always listen to your parents. And never fight them.
    Jaina and Daelin.

    A cat has nine lives, but needs only one.
    I don't know but IIRC its Alterac old saying.

    note 02

    Hero of Paw'don greeting you! I will be your guide.
    IMO hardest riddle there. Its Taylor.

  3. #19823
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Acronym would be D'fok

  4. #19824
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Yeah, I've been brushing that up to copy paste but there's a small conflict in that as the displayID's referenced in the VoidElf entry refer to Blood Elf models but the backgrounds refer to Night Elf backgrounds. Hmmph.
    A few questions about the character races DB that I just thought up. I'm not a data person so maybe I'm going in a totally wrong direction.

    1) Does anyone know if the nightborne and highmountain tauren were in this database before 7.3?

    2) Since it seems that the nighborne currently in-game aren't linked to this file (transformation effects don't change your character tooltip race unlike the other races here) is it possible that this DB is referencing other nightborne that exist in some encrypted way (for a future quest or related somehow to Antorus/its aftermath)?

    3) IIRC the lightforged Draenei came with a new file type, .skele or something like that. Is it possible that the other legion races in this DB have a .skele file that we didn't see because we didn't know where to look?
    Last edited by Rae888; 2017-10-21 at 11:12 PM.

  5. #19825
    A reminder that any expansion about ghosts would deal with Void, Loa and Sylvanas especially.

  6. #19826
    For the riddle post why would the notes be not in order? Maybe they are supposed to rearrange into words. Like take the first letter of each answer maybe?

  7. #19827
    High Overlord delphiskye's Avatar
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    in my own mind
    note 12

    Justin joined the guild.
    Justin is a child that hangs out with his friends Roman and Brandon and fish in the Stormwind canals on the edges of the Cathedral District.
    maybe he's grown up?

  8. #19828
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by EbaumsTipster View Post
    A reminder that any expansion about ghosts would deal with Void, Loa and Sylvanas especially.
    Possibly but I'd sooner see the Lich King get involved with Ghosts.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  9. #19829
    Quote Originally Posted by delphiskye View Post
    King Phaoris of the Ramkahen
    LOL found this thread in Lore section.


  10. #19830
    Quote Originally Posted by Rae888 View Post
    A few questions about the character races DB that I just thought up. I'm not a data person so maybe I'm going in a totally wrong direction.

    1) Does anyone know if the nightborne and highmountain tauren were in this database before 7.3?

    2) Since it seems that the nighborne currently in-game aren't linked to this file (transformation effects don't change your character tooltip race unlike the other races here) is it possible that this DB is referencing other nightborne that exist in some encrypted way (for a future quest or related somehow to Antorus/its aftermath)?

    3) IIRC the lighforged Draenei came with a new file type, .skele or something like that. Is it possible that the other races in this DB have a .skele file that we didn't see because we didn't know where to look?
    1) Yes, they've been around for a while. I suck, all four (NB, HT, VE, LD) are new in 7.3.

    2) Haven't confirmed for myself whether or not Nightborne referenced in chrraces.db2 are separate from the in-game ones. Unlikely to be any encrypted character models left that we don't currently know about.

    3) Nope, no skel files for other races yet that I know of. A bunch of people bruteforce filenames based on names for chrraces.db2 and I'm assuming they would've picked up the skel files.
    Last edited by Marlamin; 2017-10-21 at 11:24 PM.

  11. #19831
    I read the Red Shirt Guy article. Not convinced that spreadsheet shows anything more than potential info for new NPCs, but if it in fact does point towards playable subraces, I would guess that these take the 'new race' role in 8.0, rather than being customization options. Nightborne and Highmountain would probably have a mostly shared (start different, meet in middle) starting zone set on the Broken Isles, ending with them pledging allegiance to the Horde, while Lightforged and Void Elves would have a mostly shared starting zone set on the Xenedar and Argus, ending with them joining their Alliance brethren. We've seen no other High Elves from the Sons of Lothar among the Army of Light, but lore doesn't necessarily exclude them - there could be some other lost Naaru ship (and it wouldn't be the first time Blizzard has pulled a 'and these guys were here the whooooole time!')

    Still, even entertaining that notion takes some pretty massive assumptions. But even the possibility of this course makes me more enthusiastic about subraces. They'd be solid choices - their histories are very tied up with existing playables, but they've received enough attention this expac (with the exception of 'void elves') that their unique identities feel pretty well-defined. I would only hope, if something called a 'void elf' does become playable, that it be a High Elf for all intents and purposes, and not some massively transformed species.

  12. #19832
    Meh, I am ok with undead but ghosts are a particular state of undeath that I find significantly less interesting :/ pirates are good though.

  13. #19833
    The 4chan thing wasn't so much a leak as someone claiming insider knowledge answering questions, here are a few points from that thread:
    '>' used for follow up questions, and questions asked by other posters in italics.

    •They saw 4 zones but assume 5-6 as usual.
    •Level cap 120 of course
    •They saw art for 8 dungeons, and at least two raids (likely 1 at launch and 1 later in the same tier)
    •"Darkness" in a patch later
    •'Nothing new' Races
    >"Do you mean shitty subraces?"
    •No housing beyond the Garrison/Order Hall model
    •"Will there be base building, like we upgraded the garrison from a just a few tents to this big base" Yes, I will outright say yes to that.
    •"Are there boats and or a pirate themed zone or raid? Are order halls coming back or are we going to a city?" Order halls and your first question are intertwined to an extent.
    •"If there's no new race or new class, what is going to have people buy it as a 'big feature'? Warlords had model updates." I actually haven't talked about it. At all. I won't either because I barely know about it and I am biased against the concept because it already failed once, just in a different way.
    >"HOUSING?" "So neutral Races?" Both way off. Hint: 6.02, 5.0.4, and 7.0.3. All of them had one specific zone each that pertains to it. 7.1.0 also had it.
    >"Any other hints? I can't think of any correlation between MoP and Legion/Kara" The correlation is mechanical in nature. Other hints: 3.3 had issues. 5.3 was a test. RP servers are still disrupted in 4.0 zones because of it.
    >"Zone phasing?" WINNER.
    >"So what are they actually gonna do? Higher level mobs in low level zones for leveling?" Right track.
    •"Is the wow team happy? They seem miserable at times." The person(s) who I am relaying for seem happy enough.
    •"Is it going to be CAta 2 electric boogaloo with old zones getting new phased content? Some zones. Not Cata 2 though.
    •Lietenant Alverold is a big bad, becomes tentacle oldgod davy jones monster and screws around Kul Tiras. We kill him and have to stop the old gods tentacles all over Azeroth

  14. #19834
    Quote Originally Posted by delphiskye View Post
    Justin is a child that hangs out with his friends Roman and Brandon and fish in the Stormwind canals on the edges of the Cathedral District.
    maybe he's grown up?
    I wonder how his life changed now that he knows that pandaren are real

  15. #19835
    So i saw the on subreddit for WOW that sub races have been datamined? you guys talked about it yet? just got home from work.

  16. #19836
    Quote Originally Posted by Velaryia View Post

    Found it on this page.

    "Hey everyone, just coming it with some hot spicy """"leak"""" information. This was from a thread on ebaums famous /wowg/ general, some guy came in and leaked information on a "South Seas" expansion like has been done a hundred times before. However there were a few things in this leak that were interesting and I thought you guys might like to hear.

    1) Jaina, Sylvanas and Azshara all get focus, but none of them are the poster character for the expansion. He said it was very much a "girl power" expansion. He also said that the first two are not villains.

    2) The "poster character" for the expansion is a new rendition of an "old character" but someone he likened to "Davy Jones": he dropped a strange word (Ordleval) in his first post, but when we pressed him for information later on who the character is (it's not Admiral Proudmoore, it's not the Bloodsail captain, etc), he said he had told us earlier. One of our tech whizzes anagramed it up and came up with the name "Alverold", which brought him to look the name up on wow's gamepedia (I'd post the link but I'm still a new account). This brought him to a now-removed letter in the game:

    This was the only mention of the guy, from a DELETED LETTER. It sounds strange and obscure enough to be a lead. Could this Lieutenant Alverod have stumbled on something Old God related and become brainwashed into becoming a "Davy Jones" type character, heading back to Kul'tiras and messing with it before Jaina could return? It's such a strange and far off theory that put the leak in a different category than any other one I've heard. South Seas, Kul'tiras, Azshara, all easy guesses, but Proudmoore's old mysteriously disappearing lieutenant that was mentioned ONCE?

    3) He said that the release of the expansion would be in Summer 2018. He said that Argus's three zones would be timegated, building up to the raid being released in November.

    4) Various information he mentioned include there not being a new class, there being at least one new race, and Kul'tiras being called a "continent"

    I'm just passing along this information, I can provide images of these posts if you want. Just a really interesting sounding theory especially with the Lieutenant. What do you guys think?"
    Just to lend credence to this post, one of the BlizzCon panels pertains to the The Women of Warcraft.
    Last edited by In Ogres We Trust; 2017-10-21 at 11:25 PM.

  17. #19837
    Quote Originally Posted by ralilioth View Post
    So i saw the on subreddit for WOW that sub races have been datamined? you guys talked about it yet? just got home from work.
    That's somewhat of a shortened and sensationalized way of saying it, but yes we've talked about it.

  18. #19838
    Quote Originally Posted by In Ogres We Trust View Post
    Just to lend credence to this post, one of the BlizzCon panels pertains to the The Women of Warcraft.
    This is what is making me think this is the most likely leak. Will be funny if it is as it skimmed over all of our heads months ago.

  19. #19839
    Lol I remember personally being bummed when he said no new race, but that honestly sounds more likely. Zone phasing for old Azeroth and subraces sounds incredibly likely to me.

  20. #19840
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    1) Yes, they've been around for a while.

    2) Haven't confirmed for myself whether or not Nightborne referenced in chrraces.db2 are separate from the in-game ones. Unlikely to be any encrypted character models left that we don't currently know about.

    3) Nope, no skel files for other races yet that I know of. A bunch of people bruteforce filenames based on names for chrraces.db2 and I'm assuming they would've picked up the skel files.
    Thanks for the answers. Follow-up question, then. If nightborne and highmountain Tauren have been in the database for a while, is it consistent that their MaleDisplayID and FemaleDisplayID would be numbered sequentially with void elves and lightforged Draenei?

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