1. #1

    Wishlist for Dragon Soul (disc priest)

    So I've used the lootrank website to create a list of the non-heroic tier as I'm not sure when my guild will be starting to do heroic modes. I'm wondering if this is the best setup of gear I can get or if there are pieces I should be switching out for another piece. My plan is to reforge out of the spirit I get on all the gear and gem pure int with the exception of the leggings and the 2nd ring (they both have a yellow socket). According to Rawr I will end up with 2363 spirit after reforging and without buffs (trinket included) and 7531 intellect.

    What do u guys think about this list? Is there anything that I should do differently when it comes to the pieces I should get and how much spirit unbuffed I atleast should get for heroic modes?

    Helm: Cowl of Dying Light
    Neck: Petrified Fungal Heart
    Shoulders: Mantle of Dying Light
    Back: Woundlicker Cover
    Chest: Robes of Dying Light
    Wrists: Bracers of Unconquered Power
    Gloves: Gloves of Liquid Smoke
    Belt: Cord of The Slain Champion
    Leggings: Legwraps of Dying Light
    Boots: Janglespur Jackboots
    Ring 1: Ring of the Riven
    Ring 2: Band of Reconstruction
    Trinket 1: Heart of Unliving
    Trinket 2: Seal of Seven Signs
    Main Hand: Maw of the Dragonlord
    Offhand:Ledger of Revolting Rituals
    Wand: Finger of Zon'ozz

  2. #2
    There is not much options for most of the gear ... I would however, go with foul gift trinket, instead of seal of seven signs. I love the high uptime on the mastery proc.

    also would of dropped either head or legs to be on 4/5 set, to keep bonuses, and try to get a better item for one of those slots, something with mastery on it.

  3. #3
    Yea, me personally pretty similar list as well, except I'm going with Tier hands and getting the crafted legs. Crafted legs have a TON of Mastery on them along with 3 sockets, 1 red 2 yellow, meaning even more mastery with a 30 int socket bonus.

  4. #4
    I disagree on a few items tbh, i think you should grab the valor points boots instead. I would also switch the Seal of seven sign to the trinket that can trigger a heal from your crit heals, that trinket is really powerful for disc as it scales with sp.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Blatz View Post
    Yea, me personally pretty similar list as well, except I'm going with Tier hands and getting the crafted legs. Crafted legs have a TON of Mastery on them along with 3 sockets, 1 red 2 yellow, meaning even more mastery with a 30 int socket bonus.
    Even if you want to max out mastery the hands are not worth getting since crit is so unreliable. I would suggest you to grab the shadow gloves instead and keep the other healing set pieces, then reforge the haste, that will give you an extra red socket wich is better=)

  6. #6
    that's assuming he wants mastery, for me I found I like high haste then crit better than haste/mastery so my off piece is the spine gloves. As for trinkets the int loss alone doesn't make it worth it to use the foul gift over a 397

  7. #7
    Thanks for all the reactions so far. I realize I probably should have written a little more about what I'm raiding though and what my role is. I'm currently raiding with 25 man. My role changes depending on the fight, so I can't say I'm only a tank healer or raid healer. Because of this I would like to keep haste, mastery and crit (not specifically in this order) balanced.

    Some of you have suggested to replace the gloves to get either more of another stat or to get crafted legs instead. The gloves I've listed are an ilvl higher than the tier gloves and have 50 more intellect. Why would it be worth giving up these?(I don't really need the spirit as I'll be getting that from the trinket anyway)
    It's more or less the same case for the boots I've chosen. They have 40 more intellect than the valor boots and don't have spirit.

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