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  1. #1

    Which of these f2p mmorpgs do you recommend?

    Quit WoW and looking for something decent to play until one of the three godly games (Diablo 3, TERA and GW2) decides to finally come out.

    I'm stuck between...

    Everquest 2 (which seems a bit too wow-like)
    Aion (which seems a bit too asian, and is the PvP any good as that's what it seems to be focused on?)
    DDO (looks nice but a bit of a money trap if you know what I mean)
    Lotro (seems wow-like and also a money trap)
    AoC: Unchained (Dunno about this)

    If you have played one of these (after they went f2p as some of them have changed), care to leave you mini-review please? ^^ Thanks!

    Off-topic question: Is Portal 2's co-op lengthy enough to keep a person interested? (I have a friend who would buy it with me)

  2. #2
    Go read a song of ice and fire, the whole series, will keep you entertained for a while.

  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Primernova's Avatar
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    For a F2P mmo, I would wait for GW2 or maybe try STO.

    Portal 2 co-op was pretty short IMO. The GF and I finished it off in about 3 nights. Was fun though.

  4. #4
    Bah, I hate the wait for "insert game that hasn't been released yet here" responses. A-net may decide to not release it for another 6 months, and anyways why wait when there are other games ready to be played?

    Thanks for answering my second question though, kinda knew it would be too short.

  5. #5
    Tribes:Ascend Open Beta if you're in to FPS games.

  6. #6
    Aion is going Free to Play tomorrow. After having played it for 2 years, I would definitely recommend this game. The leveling might not be as fast as in WoW, but the PvP is really fun. You can gear up to full PvP gear in a matter of a few weeks now Aion has Arenas. Aion is mainly focused on World PvP, Arena and Dredgion (some kind of PvPvE battle where 2 teams make their way through an instance with mobs to the same end target/room)

    Dredgion Video: /watch?v=2dx3ATZnJtE

    New expansion coming up in spring 2012, so youre right in time before the level cap gets raised to 60 and everyone has to level again.
    Last edited by mmoc44227b9210; 2012-02-26 at 11:06 AM.

  7. #7
    Quitting a game for another game which is 'godly' before it's even out.


    You're going to over-hype yourself and end up in disappointment...

  8. #8
    What about EVE?

    After a month or two it basically is f2p.
    (you can pay for your account time with ingame earnable currency "isk")

  9. #9
    Aion is a very underrated game, I suggest you give it a go.Trust me.

  10. #10
    I didn't quit just because those games are coming out. WoW has become really, really, stale for me and paying for it seems like a waste of money. Anyways there must be one out of those 3 games which I'll stick to, they can't all be a let down.

    About EVE, STO and SWTOR, sorry they probably are pretty good but I'm more into fantasy. (W40k is an exception but there's no 40k mmo yet QQ.)

  11. #11
    The Lightbringer Primernova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samakuro View Post
    Bah, I hate the wait for "insert game that hasn't been released yet here" responses. A-net may decide to not release it for another 6 months, and anyways why wait when there are other games ready to be played?

    Thanks for answering my second question though, kinda knew it would be too short.
    Sorry, F2P MMOs are usually that way for a reason. Aion isn't awful by any means and I will prolly try it again honestly. It's engine would be a breath of fresh air after playing SWTOR.

    ---------- Post added 2012-02-26 at 11:16 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Samakuro View Post
    I didn't quit just because those games are coming out. WoW has become really, really, stale for me and paying for it seems like a waste of money. Anyways there must be one out of those 3 games which I'll stick to, they can't all be a let down.

    About EVE, STO and SWTOR, sorry they probably are pretty good but I'm more into fantasy. (W40k is an exception but there's no 40k mmo yet QQ.)
    There ya go then, Aion it up.

  12. #12
    DDO is fun, but like you said you want to buy more stories. The DM voice over for dungeons is really neat. Aion is nice and it's about to go 100% F2P which is nice.

  13. #13
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samakuro View Post
    I didn't quit just because those games are coming out. WoW has become really, really, stale for me and paying for it seems like a waste of money. Anyways there must be one out of those 3 games which I'll stick to, they can't all be a let down.

    About EVE, STO and SWTOR, sorry they probably are pretty good but I'm more into fantasy. (W40k is an exception but there's no 40k mmo yet QQ.)
    Try rift, there has been allot added to it since launch. Or you could try the original guild wars. Would probably squeeze a few months out of it.

    I tried runes of magic, and it isn't to bad. If i remember right, you can get anything in game and on the store if you farm gold and buy store currency from the players.
    Last edited by Chickat; 2012-02-26 at 11:23 AM.

  14. #14
    Herald of the Titans Ratyrel's Avatar
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    I must say they're all not really amazingly different from WoW to be brutally honest with you, but I haven't played Aion so I can't comment on that. Everquest II is pretty boring

    LotRO is decent enough but used to shine due to its community, which f2p has pretty much ruined now, at least in my opinion, mainly because group quests are more or less gone. It is also often a bit clunky as regards lag and animations (not as bad as Sw:Tor though). If you like Lord of the Rings it's pretty cool though and the classes available are very different across the board.

    DDO has you run into content you can't do because you have to pay for it all the time in my opinion. The quest and dungeon design I saw was pretty nice though, very story-driven and quite different from wow, meaning that you had to disarm traps, solve puzzles etc. Can't really comment in depth though.

    Age of Conan is definitely cool, mainly because its so gritty and has meaner combat and a more believable environment.

    The good thing about F2P is that you can try them all out though

  15. #15
    LotRO and AoC are both great games, LotRO has always been, ever since beta and AoC now that it has been actually made playable. The only complaint on LotRO direction would be that the combat can feel a bit "clunky" when you're not used to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ratyrel View Post
    LotRO is decent enough but used to shine due to its community, which f2p has pretty much ruined now, at least in my opinion, mainly because group quests are more or less gone. It is also often a bit clunky as regards lag and animations (not as bad as Sw:Tor though).
    LotRO's combat isn't laggy, nor related to animations. All of it's attacks are based on "on next swing" which may cause a sense of "delay" if you expect things to happen at the exact keypress moment. I personally quite liked it after getting used to that and the ability queue it has going on is awesome.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

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  16. #16
    I've tried all the games you suggested and didn't really enjoy any of them. My favourite f2p mmo is Allods Online, i occasionally play that when i fancy a bit of a change!

  17. #17
    The Lightbringer Calzaeth's Avatar
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    Its F2P. Give every game one month to 'sell', and then decide for yourself!

    Personally, I'd suggest Spiral Knights if you want something not at all WoW-esque. It's kinda hard to explain it in a mini-review, but suffice to say that YOU are fully in charge of YOUR survival, it has a nice autogrouping system, and your toon doesn't level; your GEAR does. And you need to actually use it, no xp-leeching^^

    It isn't fantasy, but I enjoyed it, and I usually stick to fantasy too :P
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  18. #18
    you get nothing for free -

    I haven't found a Free to play game worthy of my time- they all seems lacking and cheap in my opinion.

    And I can see Guild wars 2 sticking all sorts of pay to play and pay to win items in the game in the future- they makes game to make money - firstly they will get us all playing their slick new game, then start adding what ever they fancy that will make them the most money, I know they will because I would - and the share holders want bigger boats

    The MMO as it once was is now dying and in a year or 2 it will be dead then replaced with this so called free to play micro transaction cash cows, Where we all
    compete over who has the better stuff while paying them for that honour, while they site there counting their cash - -

  19. #19
    The only really nice thing about allods is astral flying and astral pvp. 6-manning your boat assigning everyone to a specific task (usually three gunners, one driver, one at the "periscope", and one managing your "spells") is really a refreshing way of doing pvp. But unfortunately it's kinda rare. Aside from astral pvp, it really is a pay to win game, so ground pvp is utter trash. And let's not talk about it's pve which is utter trash too, asking you to repeat twenty times a week completely uninteresting dungeons. Raiding content is of no interest at all, no complex strategies, only hard dps checks which ask you to grind gear endlessly and to cash shop runes for better dps.

  20. #20
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    I don't understand what you mean by "Money Trap"?

    I suggest Lotro out of that list in your OP. I think it's a good game. It is similar to WoW, but it's free and it's Lord of the Rings, which, in my opinion, is a very compelling IP. It doesn't really bend you over for money either. They don't sell power, and you can earn their real money currency in game without spending a cent.

    @MorTvicR I won't defend GW2 and their business model here, but I will say that there are plenty of MMOs that have been successful f2p without selling power in their shops. Selling power causes players to quit because it forces you to pay. I don't play a lot of subscription-less MMOs, but LotRO and the original GW1 are doing a fairly good job of keeping power out of their shops and only selling superficial items and services. The main reason I quit WoW is because they started a cash shop to shake more money from their player base that's already paying monthly. It seems needless to me to have both.

    Bottom line: selling power in any game doesn't make money, it pisses people off and gets people to quit. They make plenty of money from selling services and cosmetics and that stuff doesn't create community backlash.
    Last edited by Malthurius; 2012-02-26 at 12:25 PM.
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