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    [A] Vek'nilash - <Order Sixty Six> 6/8 heroic recruiting


    Order Sixty Six is a 10M raiding guild based on Vek'nilash EU, Alliance side. Our raid days are:

    Wednesday: 19:45 - 23:00 and
    Sunday: 18:45 - 23:00

    Our raid times may say "casual". Still, Order Sixty Six consists of people with a hardcore attitude. We're a haven for people that excel at the game, but who cannot commit to the time-intensive raid schedules of traditional guilds.
    Our members strive to be not just great players, but great people too. We are friendly, mature, very laid back, and work together to get the job done.


    We aim for a stable roster consisting of 12-14 dedicated raiders. The bad part of having a semi-wide roster is that sometimes you have to get rotated out. The good part of having a semi-wide roster is that sometimes real life can happen and it will not affect the raid. You're taking a vacation? Then go with a clear concience, knowing your guild will still be able to raid even without you.
    Occasionally we raid an additional night, usually Monday, for either old content or alt-runs. This is of course optional.
    What do we require of our raiders? Well, the guild provides food and flasks, so show up on time with your own pots, fully gemmed/enchanted/reforged/specced/glyphed, and do your outmost to push your tps, hps or dps to the limit. It's not ok to randomly go AFK, you wait for a break. It's not ok to show up with your raid required off-spec ready to PvP. But it is ok to crack jokes and scare Chumana about zombies in Paris.


    Recent experience. While getting a pre-nerf C'thun kill is a prestigious achievement, what matters most is being geared and experienced enough to push into relevant progression with us as soon as possible.
    Motivation. We’re not looking to recruit people who think this guild is what they want; we want people who know it is.
    Dedication. We strive to keep our turnover rate as low as possible while maintaining a solid roster.
    Personality. We take the game seriously, but with a laid-back attitude. Nobody yells (well, sometimes Keade does), and everyone maintain a light-hearted attitude, even during progression. We don’t troll trade chat or brag on the forums. Overall our members are mature and pleasent to be around. More than just good players, we’re looking for good people, ones who we will enjoy playing with.


    1 Healer: Preferrably Disc/Holy Priest
    1 Ranged DPS: Preferrably Mage > Warlock > Hunter


    http://order-sixtysix.enjin.com/home oooooor

    Contant Chumana, Keade or Karrling ingame.

    You can cut our wings, but we will always remember what it was like to fly.

  2. #2
    Bump for great justice!

  3. #3
    Bump and some other random letters

  4. #4
    Bump for the greater good!

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