1. #3581
    Welcome to gold league, also known as troll/bronze division v2.0

  2. #3582
    Quote Originally Posted by Sivalion View Post
    Love those games that're lost by the 5minute mark. Just LOVE 'em. I can't WAIT to go play more league soloqueue after that game!!!
    I've had so many of those, lol. 0-5 team KDR before 5min is always a good sign

    @ Krudor - I bet they blamed team captain for not banning Blitzcrank too, I also bet Thresh was unbanned :0

  3. #3583
    I figured I would post my last two games here.

    Game 1:

    It's about the 13min mark and I'm 3/0/2. Bot lost their lane about 7min into the game and fed 4 kills to the other adc in that time. The other teams adc is something like 5/0/1. So our support is dead they have two pushing top and 3 pushing mid. I was holding them off for a while as nobody is high enough level to dive and live a Swain under the turret. However the turret had slowly been getting crushed by the adc. So there is about 1/3 hp left on it and another creep wave coming. I've pinged several times for help saying that we're going to lose this turret and nobody shows up. I decide that it isn't worth it cause the other two will just dive me and I will die under the turret, so I back off. 5 seconds later the turret dies and the people that were top just start going off on my for not defending the turret and they finally come down from top.

    So I see them coming down and I decide now is the time to go in. I dive and they go on my and 1sec later my team shows up and I end up getting a triple kill. I then try to explain that if a tower is gone there is no point in dying trying to defend it. How my train of thought was correct and all that. They started to call me nasty names (which I don't care about because at this point I'm the only one doing anything on the team.)

    We ended up losing the game 10min later, after which my team is telling the other team to report me for refusing to communicate with the team. So the other team asks what they were talking about they said "Wouldn't defend towers." To which they replied "why would you defend a tower that is going to die in 5 hits then die right after?" Only for my team to call them noobs and fucking retards.

    Game 2:

    I was Sona with an Ashe and we were against a Vayne/Alistar lane. Not to bad. I tell Ashe just to farm and I will harass them and keep them away so she can farm. We're about level 8 and I'm sitting in the bushes Ashe is just farming and they walk right past me in the bush at about half HP. I ult right away getting both of them and start attack Vayne. Alistar used a W/Q combo on me. In my head as I actually ADC I'm thinking Ashe is going to W then R and will get a double kill, nope Ashe is auto attacking Alistar and Vayne tumbles away.

    So what would have been a for sure double kill just turned into one. I tell Ashe that you need to use your arrow on stuff like that, only to be told "This is my first time playing Ashe." So about 5min later the same thing happens again. They are low walk past me I ult this time Vayne doesn't run away she actually starts to attack me with Alistar. So I'm running to Ashe telling her to use her arrow over and over. After they stop chasing me (which was for only like 2sec) and are running away Ashe finally arrows. This wasn't like it was a half court shot or anything. It was the length of one bottom bush.

    So we lose our tower Ashe is about 55 CS behind and only has 1 kill. Their tower has some dmg so our jungle walks down and says lets dive them and push their tower. So I'm in the bush closest to their tower, our jungle is the river bush and the walk right past me again. I ult our jungle goes in I'm crosing my fingers for an Ashe arrow to hit and I'm shocked he actually used it. However, he was like 10yds away from them and air mailed it bast 2 people standing still.

  4. #3584
    League can be soo frustrating.. Aram I absolutely love it.. but I find if I dont get a carry champ my team fails soo hard we lose.. Eiter I carry or its gg.. Just wish I knew what I could do different then to have better luck.. I guess grouping with 1 failure I know irl isn't helping half the games...

  5. #3585
    Botlane failing hard? Better blame the jungler. Half the games i lose is because the botlane sucks...

    By the 20 minute mark the support and adc had died 10 times and only managed to get one kill. I were busy trying to help top who were also losing, aswell as just keep up in lvls and gold from farming. Botlane kept trying to fight 2v2 while being close to enemy tower, so they'd just get killed before they could get to safety. They asked for ganks and i responded i would help when possible but just keep passive and dont push/be aggressive in lane. They do the opposite and push the lane and end up getting ganked or just flat out stomped by the far stronger adc. Couldn't tower dive 3v2 as they were just too strong and mid was plenty busy fighting enemy mid laner so no 4v2. Basicly i couldn't gank due to pushing the lane and wards in river aswell as lane bushes. When they died they whined about me never ganking.. I gank be 3 places on the map at once if they'd just be defensive they'd be fine until we hopefully won the other lanes..

    TLDR: Botlane lost hard, no ganking oppertunities due to warding/pushing by team; Junglers fault for losing lane... I hate ranked sometimes....
    "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful"

  6. #3586
    Where shall I start.
    Every game goes fine.
    Now I try to enter a ranked 5v5 and hopefully get my qualifiers (am in bronze 3 atm, should be silver 2 at least).
    I have a 30ms ping, yet the game keeps lagging, and when I try to poke an enemy once my champ keeps atacking and follows them all the way to their turrets where I die.
    Now I just entered another ranked and it kept disconnecting me with messages about my firewall so I turn it off.
    When I finally load in it instantly shuts LoL down when I reach 100%.

    Now I finally manage to enter the actualy game, where I try to poke renekton once, and my Jayce decides to follow him into the turret (was an execute thankfully).]
    Now It just shut down again, so I'm not entering that sad excuse of a launcher anymore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2
    People who don't buy the deluxe edition should be permanently banned. I'm sick of playing with poor people.

  7. #3587
    Just lost a game thanks to our shitty nautlis jungle... Took all kills from me (adc) when there was a kill in lane or skirmish in jungle. When we were fighting baron (would've been easy to take for us) he went out to fight off the incoming enemy team when baron had 3k hp. Their amumu just Q'ed in and smited it while nautilus died 1v5.. He NEVER said anything aswell. Single handedly lost the game because of hi shit skills. Worst part was the enemy going "THE PLAYS!" "THIS AMUMU" when they stole it as if it was something special... was nothing but our retarded nautilus that doesn't know how to play. Demote that dick to rock division 10.
    "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful"

  8. #3588
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jan 2010
    just lost a game, ranked in my series, bot lane sivir died 37 seconds into the game, came back and died again with her alistar this time, at this point its 3 mins in and twitch has 3 kills. sivir and alistar try again leona stuns twitch is now 5-0, meanwhile garen uptop is now 0-2 to zed, lux and i are even mid lane, when sivir dies again then garen. our jungler tries to prevent the snowball bot lane but its too late twitch is no 8-0 5 mins into the game, garen falls again. at this point were down 17-0 8 mins into the game. all of them get their towers come mid. i die, garen sivir alistar die again. its game over already down 20-0 with 3 towers down 10 mins in, me and the jungler who i queded with just ran around the jungle. we tried killing baron at level 7, then bought mad sightwards. a little bit of trollin on our part yeah but it was a lost cause

  9. #3589
    I was promo'd last night, then lost 4 games straight, all of which I won my lane and felt like I played well. Immediately demoted.

  10. #3590

    0/11/3 mid, immediately followed by 0/8/0 Vayne who absolutely wanted to lane against Draven because "If he's behind, he sucks"

    Plat/Diamond, still elo hell. Meeeeeeeeeeh. Yoloqueue!

  11. #3591
    So. First game in Silver after finally reaching it. Bot and Mid feeds. Lee ganks when ppl don't have mana and cuses at us. But the biggest issue. I lose my lane to Shen. So excited to finally be in Silver, and I lose my lane to Shen as Wukong.....

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-11 at 10:12 PM ----------

    Another loss. Just got decimated. Obv I do suck. I got out of bronze and that's all I can do. I'm done.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  12. #3592
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jan 2010
    Does anyone else do the tribunal after really bad games to cheer your self up with what people say/do and think to yourself im glad it wasn't my team

  13. #3593
    Quote Originally Posted by bobsmith06 View Post
    Does anyone else do the tribunal after really bad games to cheer your self up with what people say/do and think to yourself im glad it wasn't my team
    If I have a game with someone really abusive, doing the tribunal always puts things into perspective for me.. No matter how horrific someone is in a game, I always find someone much worse in my 20 cases for the day.... + it soothes me to remind myself that people do actually get punished for it.

  14. #3594
    Hey guys first post in this thread, I just have to blow off some steam.

    Had a Cho'gath go top, didn't say a word the entire game and did nothing but farm top.

    Never grouped with the team.
    Never made any attempt at taking a tower, pushing objectives, nothing; he just sat and farmed.

    Needless to say we lost, it was just so unbelievably frustrating because he would ping "Cho'gath is on his way" at his lane, other than that he never said a word while the team begged them to help them out in fights. It didn't help that our Blitzcrank could not stop getting caught in the jungle.


  15. #3595
    Game hasnt started yet but I know its a loss. Guy takes top from someone else cause he can select shen. Then the guy who called top goes jungle...with Rumble. gg another loss.

    EDIT for ^

    Yup it was a loss. Shen fed the hell out of Riven, so did the jungle Rumble. Team reported me for being negative. Saying the game was a loss.

    Queue for another game, oh look another loss inc. I'm first pick, I call top and lock in Wukong. 3rd pick locks in Garen and 5th pick(his friend) tells the team to report me. EDIT: Yup we lost. Garen and Xin fed, Draven spent the entire game verbally abusing the team. Draven, Garen and Xin reported me. I don't get how I go from Bronze to Silver and I'm now playing with worse people.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-05-12 at 08:20 PM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  16. #3596
    Sigh, I think I need to take a couple week break from this game....

    Over the last 3 days I've only won about 5 of 20ish games... Sometimes it's cause my teammates feed, but lately it's because I've simply been getting outplayed. Seriously, I always seem to end up in the lane w/ the highest win guy on their team and get outplayed.

    And don't even get me started on trundle, I'm not sure if he is "really" OP in high level play, but he is similar to master yi in low MMR play where he just dominates everyone... Permaslow, tanky as HELL, and that pillar has fucked me over so many times.... ugh! Has gotten to the point where its more frustrating than fun...

  17. #3597
    7 losses in a row. Guess Silver V is as far as I'll get. Since no champion can carry a team 1v5.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-05-13 at 03:51 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  18. #3598
    Herald of the Titans Drunkenfinn's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    7 losses in a row. Guess Silver V is as far as I'll get. Since no champion can carry a team 1v5.
    It all depends on your luck.

    I'm Silver V myself (at 90 points atm so promotion inc soon, I HOPE!) and the last 3 ranked games I played this weekend were 2 wins and 1 loss. 2 wins I got decent teams that reacted whenever I came to gank and actually intiated each time I got near their lane so I was able to snowball the heck out of all 3 lanes resulting in a rather easy end-game for us due to being ahead quite a bit.

    That one loss was pretty much 2 of 3 lanes pushing and not warding at all resulting in them getting ganked non-stop and then blaming me, even though I actually managed to counter-gank their Lee Sin a few times resulting in either a kill for the lane or at least saving the laners ass. Didnt even lose the laning-phase THAT badly but after the roaming-started people just kept getting caught in the jungle due to no wards what-so-ever apart from me buying a few pinks for baron out of the little gold I had

    Oh and when I played some duo-que with my Silver I friend... Was "forced" to Support and pretty much kept good ward-coverage up 90% of the time (having 4-5 wards up most of the time) and each time wards ran out while I was shopping or dead and someone died in the jungle I got yelled at for being a "Noob Leona that doesnt ward at all!". Jesus. We actually won 2 out of 4 so it wasnt all that bad. Was even forced to play Zac Top one of the games and we still won the game (though I lost my lane due to their Vi camping Top so they just force-pushed the tower fast... luckily I only "fed" one kill to them). Went like 4/4/14 that game.
    Last edited by Drunkenfinn; 2013-05-13 at 07:17 AM.

  19. #3599
    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenfinn View Post
    It all depends on your luck.
    This goes beyond luck. Loss 8. Bot lane kept getting ganked. Blamed me as the jungler. I wonder why they kept getting ganked. Nid support was only green warding drag. No one could seal any of my ganks.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  20. #3600
    They stomp.
    Mid Never joined.
    AD Intentionally feeding.
    We stomp.
    Extremely bad jungler, extremely bad mid, carried with blue ez build.

    And now I can't even get into the game because it's a school day afternoon and these mentally retarded French kids all pick mid and refuse to just cooperate. I'm sorry French people, but your people aren't making it easy for me to like you, at all. Bad experiences everywhere.

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