1. #921
    Normal game, Jax refuses to join teamfights. Jumps in after we're all dead and then focuses singed. Yi does too, to a lesser extent. 24/8, full build with elixirs by 36 mins. Still lose.

  2. #922
    Herald of the Titans Kuthe's Avatar
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    Game1 today: Jungle Wukong, first time ever playing Kong, let alone jungle.
    Aced it, so hard, 19/3/5. LOSE.
    WHY? Because our Rammus went 'afk' at the bot turrent for 10mins, and refused to do anything but watch ezreal lose CS and die in towerdives, and steal his EXP. *I KNOW HE WAS THERE, BECAUSE HE WAS DANCING AND LAUGHING AND STUFF, but never talked ingame*. He then proceeded to refuse to help push towers or gank, or defend. He just waited until a 4v5 team fight, would zoom in after we all died and get a kill through his ulti. All game.
    So we couldn't win 4v5, without our tank, and so yeah. LOSE.

    Game2: Wukong Jungle again. Own'd it, tried to gank but my top and mid were too focused on keeping them at the tower, makes it hard. 21/5/8. LOSE.
    Doesn't help when our top and middle bot have 0/10 by the 15min mark. Just continued to fail and feed, and not let me get heaps of ganks.
    I ended up getting pretty farmed up, and could solo about 3 of them and then I'd die in a 1v4/5. But yeah, LOSE.

    Game3: Jungle Kassadin, first try. Matchmaking queue 'OMG TROLL, KASS IS MY MAIN, HE CANT JUNGLE, GG'. *facepalm*. Mid (Vlad) was a shit talker, I got into a 1v3, brought them all down, then vlad blinks in, ulti's and spams his E, triple kill to him. Our bot had a Voli that build hexdrinker, Manamune and other useless things, and ended up 0/12/3 before his first kill. Jax got Majei's SS, and had 2 stacks after having it for 25mins.
    I ended up 31/9/19, but I can't carry a full team of morons when they fed a Poppy and AP Teemo. Not to mention my game was going odd, and I was like being 'feared' when there wasn't a champion who could do it. My champ was uncontrollable at points. No fears, traps etc. So odd. Maybe my mouse is screwy though.
    I got us to push into their base. Our jax attacked one of their towers, but saw one of them coming, so instead of killing it with one more hit, he ran into the enemy and died straight away. Couldn't get into their base because it was filled with shrooms from a 900 AP teemo. I tried to get them to do stuff, but the Vlad was too busy saying how useless I am after every single one of my triple kills, and making up all this stuff and not actually helping.
    So we lost, AGAIN.

    tl;dr: Skill level is apparently dropping, and I have won, one single game out of about 20 in the last week. Because my teams are all full of noobs who act like they are lv 1 and new to the game.
    We stopped searching for monsters under our beds when we realized that they were inside us.

    Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

  3. #923
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuthe View Post

    Game1 today: Jungle Wukong, first time ever playing Kong, let alone jungle.
    Aced it, so hard, 19/3/5. LOSE.
    WHY? Because our Rammus went 'afk' at the bot turrent for 10mins, and refused to do anything but watch ezreal lose CS and die in towerdives, and steal his EXP. *I KNOW HE WAS THERE, BECAUSE HE WAS DANCING AND LAUGHING AND STUFF, but never talked ingame*. He then proceeded to refuse to help push towers or gank, or defend. He just waited until a 4v5 team fight, would zoom in after we all died and get a kill through his ulti. All game.
    So we couldn't win 4v5, without our tank, and so yeah. LOSE.

    Game2: Wukong Jungle again. Own'd it, tried to gank but my top and mid were too focused on keeping them at the tower, makes it hard. 21/5/8. LOSE.
    Doesn't help when our top and middle bot have 0/10 by the 15min mark. Just continued to fail and feed, and not let me get heaps of ganks.
    I ended up getting pretty farmed up, and could solo about 3 of them and then I'd die in a 1v4/5. But yeah, LOSE.

    How do you jungle Wukong? I play WK solo top quite often, but due to his lack of sustain i didn't think he will be a good jungler. Although it only seems right that a Monkey should be in the jungle.

  4. #924
    Quote Originally Posted by mrpoker View Post
    How do you jungle Wukong? I play WK solo top quite often, but due to his lack of sustain i didn't think he will be a good jungler. Although it only seems right that a Monkey should be in the jungle.
    Once you get Wriggles it's fine. His high mobility and short-invis on W make for pretty good ganks.

  5. #925
    Ok, so, I'm back with yet another whine about LoL community (I think this is becoming a hobby). These games happened a few days ago but I didn't have the time to write about them.

    **Game 1:

    So I'm MF. Ye. Again. On the champ select screen, we have a guy pick TF, one guy picking Vayne, one takes Leona, and one picks Pantheon. They ask me to go jungler. Well, I tell them I don't have jungleing runes. So I pick MF. Lock in. TF goes "NOOOO, PICK AP". I'm like, sorry, didn't notice we had a Vayne. TF starts to get all aggressive about it. "You fucking noob. Son of a bitch." I'm thinking to myself, "ok, a bit over the top reaction, but it's a LoL player." I let it slide by.

    The game starts and Leona/Vayne go bot against Taric/MF, me and Pant go top against Olaf/Swain, TF mid vs Heim. Leona started to say "MF you don't have a brain? You can't jungle and then you pick AD, are you retarded?" And Vayne goes "troll?". Totally uncalled for. "This is a normal draft, so chill your pants" is my reply. Leona goes "No, no chill. We have four players with brain and you retard." I'm like ok, lets see who is the retard during the game.

    I didn't have my headphones on cause I was waiting for a friend to call me. The games starts and I get to know that Pant doesn't speak English (I have a theory, I think Greeks players who don't know English play Pant for obvious reasons. Just a theory though.) Well it doesn't matter, the guy is pinging who to target and stuff so it's all good. He was targeting Swain. We killed Swain but with Pantheon dieing in exchange and me running away with Olaf chasing me. It was good cause I was getting almost all CS while Olaf was missing out on them as the CS was near my tower. This happened three times and I see TF telling Pantheon to stop feeding.

    Now we hit level 6 and the same thing is happening and this time Olaf is turret diving me. He kills me, but dies to turret dmg. Fair enough. Happened twice. All four of us dieing. I get a message from my friend so now I can put my headphones on. The first thing I hear after putting my headphone on, "Your turret has been destroyed". I see the time and it's 7:30 into the game. Which pro and player with a brain lost his turret so fast? It's mid, TF. After 1 min. Same message. Now who?? Bot lost it. See bots score, 0/5/1 Leona and 1/5/0 Vayne. Fucking awesome! My turret is up, I am 2/2/3, going against Swain and Olaf as MF and I'm the retard.

    Pantheon dies again and Swain dies. I run. TF says report top in /all. And the most hilarious thing happened after that. Heim replys, "NO. REPORT YOU. FUCKING NOOB." And it was all I needed. Then their entire team starts talking trash to TF, Leona and Vayne. Apparently, trash talking was going on for a while I didn't have my Headphones on and was too concentrated on Olaf and Swain. Olaf and Swain leave top and go mid/bot leaving Pant and me to take down the turret. They do this on purpose cause they wanted to kill TF, Leona and Vayne. Now TF, Leona and Vayne are fighting each other. Leona is blaming Vayne, Vayne TF and TF calling Leona noob. Me and Pantheon come bot, to help out. We bring down two of them to low, they run. We destroy their turret. Now all of them are pushing bot. I die, Pant kills two, dies. Then they rape the other three. Calling them noobs and whatnot. Pissing them off. About 30 mins into the game, TF is 7/10/3. Leona is 1/10/something. Vayne is 3/9/something. Pant is 6/10/something and I'm 4/7/13. TF is calling me a noob for having this score. Seriously mate. Are you fucking kidding me? You lost your turret to fucking Heim in 7 mins and almost lost the mid inner turret and you are talking shit to me?

    I never replied anything to him. The opposition team did all that for me. Loved every moment as they called them noobs etc. They even left me on VERY LOW hp just to chase down Leona, TF and Vayne and kill them. One of the most hilarious matches I have ever played. In our base Vayne and I try to bring down Heim, he is running away with low hp, we both see their entire team just outside our base. I stop, Vayne still chasing. Dies to them and calls me a son of a bitch. Their entire team again starts making fun of Vayne.

    The enemy is now going to take down Baron. TF "go Baron and steal it noobs. Fucking cunts". Steal it? Do you know who can steal it from our team? Ye, you and Pant. They take down Baron and I ask everyone to defend base. We still have enough turrets left so sort of lucky team fight can win us the game, maybe. But no, TF and leona are pros and players with brain. They run into them. Trying to steal Baron after it's dead apparently. Both die within seconds.

    Overall the game lasted 49 mins, they won. The scores were awesome. I was 7/10/20. It was the best on our side with second most kills (Pant had most kills), least deaths, most assists.

    Just said, "who is the retard now?" When the game was about to end. Hilarious game was hilarious. Lots of reporting after that match had ended I assume.

    **Game 2

    Trying out new champions in intermediate bot game, I picked Singed (btw, I think he is my fav new champ, the guy is so much fun. Like some of the most fun I had in gaming ever!) There is a Voli, Ez, Eve and Cass. Eve wants to jungle. Cass mid. So I'm going top. Voli and Ez should go bot. But nope. Voli and Ez go top. Asking me to go bot against Graves and Morgana and this is the second time I'm playing Singed. I tell them to go bot, it's better, but nope, they don't. So I go Singed bot against two Ranged. Two freaking tanky ranged. How do I fight? I let them push. Fling Morgana into the turret, she goes down low. Then do the same with Graves. They push again, get FB and double kill. The game is going fine at the moment. I die once. Apparently, no matter how much you juke bot Morgana, she WILL hit you with her Dark Binding. This happened all game long. I don't quite understand it tbh. As Singed all you do is juke, but she will hit you. No matter what, no matter how fast.

    I'm 9/1/3 into the first 10 mins. Bots start to attack top heavily so I go top to help out. Voli is at base and Ez is low. All the bots are around 90% hp. Come in, do the usual trolling as Singed with Ez standing back and hitting creeps. Get a triple kill. Ez goes "Singed stop KS". WHAT THE FUCK? So I thought the guy is joking, people are normally friendly in bot games. I go "lol". EZ, "no lol. Stop KS". Voli says the same. Saw their scores and they are 2/5 Ez and 1/2 Voli. Let it slide by. Now every time I die, they started to laugh, call me noob etc. I'm like -.- Srsly kids these days. Ez and Voli heavily KS from Cass, me and Eve. It pissed Eve ALOT. Like ALOT. When it was me or Cass KS her, she didn't say a thing but when Voli and Ez did, it pissed her so much.

    Anyways, we could have lost the game cause Voli and Ez were close to useless. I was tanking three bots at a time and Ez was with me and he did PATHETIC dmg. Like the worst I have seen. I died cause of this a few times. With them laughing at me. We won in the end with me having a score of 17/7/23 and at 55 mins. Best score in the game, with Cass having 20 kills but more deaths and less assists. But overall it was a pathetic game. Ez and Voli had no clue whatsoever. Both of them were level 20s with less then 25 wins. Both of them kept on talking shit for nothing.

    I got to try out some items on Singed though. Kept selling and buying new items to see different effects. I one point I had 5.8 hp with RoA, Ryleis, Warmog, Frozen Heart and a few other items I don't remember.

    **Game 3

    It was the last day of Ziggz free week. I had a lot of fun with him against bots so I said lets try him out. I picked Ziggs, lock in and after I did that some guy picks another mid (I don't remember which) and calls mid. Fine, I'll go bot. I went bot with MF against Blitz and Renekton. I played as "support", warding and shit as they had Jax jungler. I HAD A HORRIBLE GAME. I ended as 2/13/14. But it was one of my most pathetic games I had ever played. Blitz KEPT on grabbing me. From the Brush. Throw the walls. He even managed to grab me when I was standing BEHIND my creeps and tanks. He ignored everyone and went for me all the time. Made me wonder why I never have a Blitz like that on my team. I was the lowest level player in the game. We still won, got carried. But overall, I was extremely pissed. Just couldn't find a save place from Blitz. The team didn't say anything to me. That was a good change.

    That's it for ranting for now. I'm sure I'll be back with more.
    Last edited by Waterisbest; 2012-07-18 at 04:47 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  6. #926
    AFK Wukong for the entire game. We lost just a hair under the 40 minute mark. I'm impressed we held out as long as we did 4v5, but it never feels good to have a perma AFK ally. Hope the tribunal gets him. >.>;

    Servers are about to come down for patch so my only game of the night was ruined by an AFKer. Doesn't feel too good.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  7. #927
    A week or two ago I was playing AP Kog'Maw when it was his free week and testing it out. I had already dodged a few games because I really wanted to try out Kog and this game I call mid and select him and another person on my team insta locks kassadin. I tell him I'm going to mid and he goes all "Duo mid new meta lolol" so I just try to deal with it and go through with the game. He takes almost all of the cs from me because Kassadins auto attack is inifinitely stronger than Kog'maw's at low levels. After 6 I tell him he should roam and I'm not going to be able to scale into late game at all if he keeps on taking all the creeps. He says why don't you... Really? A roaming Kog'maw can get 1v1'd by anyone on the team due to his lack of mobility and his strength being ranged poke with no help of retaliation. He ends up insulting me for low cs when he obviously realizes that he's the one that has been taking all of mine and calling me a terrible player. So I suck it up grab some GP10 and try to farm our jungle creeps and eventually pass him in cs when I get a little bit of AP to last hit better. We lost the game because I don't have the farm to do enough poke damage and Kass continues to blame me for being bad. FML.

  8. #928
    First game today, decided to play some dominion as classic solo queue is horrible. Everything going good until the gates open. Im going towards top when I notice all of my teammates are capping bot tower. I capped middle, they got bot. I asked them why no one went top and they said I was being negative. They lost our bot tower even though there were four guys defending it, while rest of the enemy team capped mid. They had all tower/shrines 2 minutes in the game and the game was over in like 5 minutes. I guess I just bumped to some troll 4 premade. Atleast I hope they were trolling.

  9. #929
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    First we have a Galio that calls mid but doesn't lock in. Then Lux proceeds to instalock and calls mid too. The last person randomed Akali and went mid too. That game didn't end well at all.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  10. #930

    Polish premade of 3. Yorick losing to Panth, who goes 7/1 by 15 minutes. Ahri same story. Do I need to say more? And I won my lane so bad ;(

  11. #931
    Just played a game as Anivia after a long pause with her, since I had the idea that I sucked with her. I went 17/7/20, I even won my lane vs ahri pretty good, but we couldn't seem to win any teamfights, due to the other team being very fed. 2/18/something sona and 1/12/10 lee sin on my team... We got pretty close to winning at one point, but we didn't manage to hold on to our advantage for long enough to win.

  12. #932
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    This Jayce I just was unlucky enough to be teamed with. He wins top lane hard against a Galio so I think he is pretty good and the game will go fine. Enemy bot gets fed, but Jayce is doing better so I don't mind and bot was trading kills.

    Boy was I wrong. This Jayce proceeded to badmouth the whole team while simultaneously starting retarded team fights, focusing only the tanks and not the Kassadin and Kog'maw I tried to keep locked up and behind all game, and charging in 1v5 like we were behind him the whole time. His ass was reported by almost everyone on both teams and I hope he gets a perma-ban.

  13. #933
    I only play a handful of games a week, and am slowly levelling (17) at my own pace.

    What gets my goat this week:

    People teaming up with level 30's then proceeding to stomp us, ok, whatever, you have hundreds more games than me under your belt and probably playing your best char. Do you -really- need to be so damn proud of it though? Like you are some kind of hero...

    Why do the people who joined together on my team and lane together always suck and then either afk or troll when the fed the opposing team a ton of kills... but when the opposing team has premade members they actually work well together <.<

  14. #934
    Massive feed, enemy graves went 20/5/10 -.-

  15. #935
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Had a 1/12/1 Tristana say that "his friend" was playing on the account and didn't know how to play the game. Are you fucking kidding me?
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  16. #936
    Dreadlord Kenai's Avatar
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    I know I'm not the best Janna ever, and losing a good game really doesn't bother me, but it pisses me off when I get an autoattack kill in the middle of a teamfight and the immediate reaction from the sh*tty mid is "Nice KS!" As if I didn't save your ass 2-3 times prior AND take care of all warding because our jungler is terrible AND babysit our newbie but pleasant attitude Trist from from 3-4 deaths of his own. I just autoattacked and that's it. If you can't beat a Janna AA and get mad about it, get mad at yourself, not me, damnit.

    (Yes, we lost, and it was not a good game. I was our 2nd place and 2nd "killer" DPS as Janna, at 3/5/4 with Philo Stone, 2 points in Tornado, and a few wards. Yup ~_~))
    Light or darkness...which are you blinded by?

  17. #937
    Last time I was playing brand I crushed enemy lux with 3 kill at mid, ok for the entire game it was 2v5, me 10/2, jungle gp 8/5, but our bottom lane feeds like crazy, and this solo top cho gath trash talk all the time and goes like:

    "Brand kses me all the time, i should carry this game"
    Trist just uninstall the game you feed all day
    Gp you need to quit playing jungle
    Soraka go get a life you never heals"

    Ok we won this game but this cho gath is on drugs wtf...

    Will be missed ~

  18. #938
    That´s it, dodging every lux from now on.

  19. #939

    Retarded team of retardedness

    I'm new to jungling, i only did a few bot games prior to this normal game, but figured the best way to learn would be to jump right in.

    So i picked up skarner, got some runes and queued up.
    The game starts and i receive a shitty leash because our mid went down bot because our ashe fed the enemy team first blood, i shook it off and continue jungling, only to be ganked at level 2 by shaco who had set up his boxes in the brush next to my turret and i was at half health from the poor leash. So within the space of 1 minute, our team was aced. I decided it would be a better idea to level up a bit since i was behind the shaco, meanwhile my team continues to feed the enemy team, most notably fed was their renekton. in short they steamrolled my team, and i could not really help. Ii was under leveled from losing my double buff early. My team raged at me and we traded insults. I ganked where i saw openings which is to say nearly none. and yet somehow i am to blame for renekton being fed and orianna being owned by also fed talon. They also raged at me for not handing them buffs, i had decided it wasnt a good idea since they kept dieing. i managed to keep them safe from the other team up until our outer turrets were destroyed and was the only one warding.

    This has left a rather bad taste in my mouth, but i'm going to go do another game anyway, lol.

  20. #940
    One person is ganked in our jungle.
    I prepare myself to defend a push.
    One of my teammates run to the 5 waiting enemies and die.
    Another one dose the same.
    The 4th play aswell.
    All with a slight delay so it is 1vs5 every time.
    Than they start flaming that I did not help.
    I'm so stuned how stupid some people/players are.

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