1. #1301
    This game make me so fucking mad it's insane, 3 of the team instant locking mid champs, then refuse to help out in different situations, resulting in bad stats for me, then i get reported for having bad stats! GAAAAHAHSDPSAFMDSFSFSDPOPFADGDSG

  2. #1302
    I feel like I want to smash my head into the keyboard... 2 games skipped in a row and now sitting about waiting for debuff to wear off...

    the first queue 2 people lock mid and then have caps-lock hissy fits at each other threatning to feed or afk if they couldn't go mid - dodged

    second queue 4 people jabbering in french, they all lock mid / top heroes nothing supporty / ad carry / jungle or tank though. They refuse to talk english - dodged

  3. #1303
    Quote Originally Posted by Wiseone View Post
    It's just a video game, grow up people.

    Infracted. We don't need this in the vent thread.
    Sorry bud, that argument is shitty in on-line games.

    ---------- Post added 2012-09-16 at 08:03 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Mortimers View Post
    I hate bot lane in ranked.
    Glad I'm not the only one. That lane seems to fail the most, which is why I'm also afraid to play either support or AD carry.

    ---------- Post added 2012-09-16 at 08:05 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by samhazza View Post
    Depends, if I am playing a premade on bot lane, it usually turns out to one of us being fed.
    And if I have a premade in my team, it usually ends in two feeders and "PUTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" or "MERDE" in the chatbox.

  4. #1304
    The only thing I hate more than playing support with an AD carry I don't know, is playing AD carry at any time.

    I always seem to get hellish opponents in bot lane whenever I'm there...

  5. #1305
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Try playing AD carry with an atrocious support. That really makes you cringe.

  6. #1306
    "Oh hey Alistar nice pul-NO DON'T HEADBUTT HIM INTO ME YOU FOOL."

  7. #1307
    It seems like every game I get into the fucking carries sit there and fuck attack the tanks and then wonder why they lose. And people wonder why I don't want to play ranked.

  8. #1308
    Tryndamere support, not fun, not fun at all.

  9. #1309
    Quote Originally Posted by Alsonia View Post
    It seems like every game I get into the fucking carries sit there and fuck attack the tanks and then wonder why they lose. And people wonder why I don't want to play ranked.
    Oh boy, here we go again. If both teams are well-positioned attacking the "tank" (depends who their "tank" is) is often a good idea. Obviously if their AD is sitting around in the middle of your team you should focus them, but if their AD is in a protected position trying to attack them will just get you killed.

  10. #1310
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    Oh boy, here we go again. If both teams are well-positioned attacking the "tank" (depends who their "tank" is) is often a good idea. Obviously if their AD is sitting around in the middle of your team you should focus them, but if their AD is in a protected position trying to attack them will just get you killed.
    In big low elo clusters where nobody is every in any sort of half way decent position and you go out of the way to attack the tank. Also; bruisers its kinda their job to take some hits and beat up squishys.

  11. #1311
    Playing Pantheon. Game is taking a long time - closing in on 45 minutes against intermediate Bots. I've got Merc boots, Warmog, Atma, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster. I Grand Skyfall in to gank Leona who is at half health. She walks from the edge to the middle, eats the Skyfall, and two shots me.


  12. #1312
    Teemo support!!

    Just fucking leave the game already please.
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  13. #1313
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alsonia View Post
    In big low elo clusters where nobody is every in any sort of half way decent position and you go out of the way to attack the tank. Also; bruisers its kinda their job to take some hits and beat up squishys.
    When I play ADC I'll attack whoever is trying to nom my face off so I don't die. The only time you really get a chance at the other Carries is if your team has a fantastic initiate, or they are stupid an in the middle of all the CC.

  14. #1314
    lastpick doesnt want to support => trolls

    game starts => ad carry doesnt connect, jungler ragequits and said lastpick trolls.... losing in 13min is fun!

  15. #1315
    Another day, another game I feel disgusted at this community. Let me explain what happened last night:

    I was in a game with a friend, he was Syndra and I was Nidalee, we decided to do intermediate bots in order to practice. We have a Malphite solo top and Cho'gath jungle, fair enough. THEN we have an Annie, who decides to take heal and surge and goes bot with me. This Annie lost the game for us....against bots....

    She didn't buy items for the first 20 minutes, her score ended up being 0/21/0 and even in the 50 minutes (it went on for 1 hour) she bought Trinity Force, B.F. Sword and Madreds razors. I mean wtf? What dark creature decides to do this sort of thing in their spare time? We lost because Mundo and Trundle were extremely fed and Mundo had over 5k HP, even my deathfire + spears couldn't do much to him :C Me and Syndra ended up reporting her.

    On a side note, Annie also left the bot lane and went roaming for the rest of the game, leaving me solo bot against Zilean and Kog'maw.

  16. #1316
    I had a game as AD where I first got jumped by Lee Sin, whom I killed, and then by Irelia, who I killed with the skin'o'mah'teeth. And then Gragas ulted me. What my team was doing, god only knows...

    Then I had 2 games (Ez and Ashe) that went along the lines of 15-2 and 11-2, so it was k.

  17. #1317
    Ok, last game made me just want to punch a hole trough my pc, we had a ali + kennen bot, one of them feeding the other afk non stop, bot lane afk farming and losing from a lvl 30 with about 15 wins.

    I was mid, vs an akali, who prob still losses againt easy mode bots, just to tell you how sucky she was, 10 min's in game I had 80 cs she had 20 and one death.

    Now my lane got camped all game long by atleast their jungler and one from bot who was getting facerolled anyway or one from top since our cho was afk farming.

    K so at the end of the game, although still being first on CS by about 100 minions while my tower get destroyed quite soon since they were 5 mid 20 min's in game because our bot went afk and top was still afk farming. Their akali who was terrible, end up 11/3 or something like that because she got all the last hits, she start flaming and braging how good she is, while she failed all the game long and got carried by a team who let her last hit.

    So yeah afther game I check her match history, no elo whatsoever, 100 wins and her match history was all red except for that last game, not a single game positive rofl.

    People like that make me want to jump on their face.

    So yeah she got cocky because she won a 5 vs 3 game ( more like 7 vs 3 since our bot was giving them free gold all game long )

    people who act like this should just get insta ban from the internet


  18. #1318
    High Overlord MrMayor's Avatar
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    I come here after a bad game to see how good I have it sometimes.

  19. #1319
    I refuse to play on weekends. Lost a 4v5 (we had 5) because we had an ADC that kept running into the team 1v5. Horrible intiates etc...... Just the level of stupidity/trolls is so high on the weekend.

    Another example of this is had a game where my friend was diana jungle, I was support. The other 3 players were queued together. For about 30 of the 48 mins of the game the adc and mid were reeming the diana jungle who wasn't doing too bad but was better than our top riven who gave up 8 deaths in less than 10 mins. At one point we (bot lane) decided to dive there corki who was around 20% health with me taking the turret hits, Varus our ADC. couldn't get the 3-4 hits needed to kill corki who's escape was on CD along with flash. End result was corki getting a double kill because Varus ran away while I was taking the hits so he could get kill. Although we won the game (ended 4/2/2x). The last 15 mins of the game, mid and varus was sucking up to my friend (diana jungle) who was carrying our team.

  20. #1320
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Playing as MF in a bot game for the daily win, laned bot with a Xin Zhao who constantly whined about getting KSed. Seriously?
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