1. #1

    Ashe (and Ashe Amethyst skin) make over

    Similar to the upcoming Soraka visual remake and the past Kayle/Gangplank overhauls, Ashe is slated to receive an updatin'. This information was brought forth by Morello in a post where the community has demand that the Amethyst Ashe skin contain purple particle effects instead of the normal, blue spell effects. While this change is on the menu, I'm much happier now that I know soon I will not have to stare at Ashe's ugly and blocky feet.
    So, I talked more to the skins team about this - something pretty exciting to add.

    As you've seen with Gangplank and Kayle, we've been trying to redo some of our old, outdated-looking models. Ashe is next up on this treatment, and with that should come the Purple arrows.

    The reason to wait for this is that particles, model and animations are all really closely tied together - and when we change the model, a lot of the "how things work" has to be redone anyhow. It's really simple to add it in there, and you get a sweet new Ashe base too!

    Morello, Lead Champion Designer, via the official forums.

    Hehe, I really think she needed a rework of her skin. Finally.
    Last edited by mmoc13485c3c3f; 2012-04-26 at 10:34 PM.

  2. #2
    I like the new ashe skin.

  3. #3
    Thats nice to know!

    Hopefully Taric, Nidalee, Twisted Fate and a few others will get one soon too.

  4. #4
    Soraka has, hands down, the worst in-game model and is (i think) the only of the initial 40 champions to not have a new skin other than the "starting 2". Not to mention that she's one of the most popular / most played supports. Riot really needs to get their priorities right. Ashe recently got a splash art update, and her in-game model isnt too horrible, nor is she as popular an AD carry as Soraka is a support.

    Right now Riot needs to work on Soraka model and splash art, then the same for Poppy, then new skins for Udyr and Trundle.

    Feel free to PM me about any question you might have regarding LoL.
    Holy paladin

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by thoukaia View Post
    Ashe recently got a splash art update, and her in-game model isnt too horrible, nor is she as popular an AD carry as Soraka is a support.
    REALLY?! Both Ashe and Syvir (or w/e is her exact name) both have EXTREMELY blocky model, while amount of details on Soraka is quite decent.
    As for splash art - I agree Soraka is bad here, but Pantheon, Mordekaiser and Shaco are even worse. And the worst one is Sion. Some of those still look like renders and not piece of art, and others are just incredibly lousy pieces.

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