1. #1

    Start from Zero: What profession to choose?

    As i recently moved over the pond to the US, i also changed from the Eu Servers to the US ones (Area 52, Horde).
    I have to start from scratch again with my professions - so what would you guys recommend to fit as a good, money-making profession right from the ground?

  2. #2
    combine mining and herbalism. save all mats if you wanna switch later or just sell it.

  3. #3
    Herbing and inscription. Scription makes money all the way up, not just the top level stuff

  4. #4
    If you just want professions for stat bonus pick alchemy and inscription. You should be able to get both 525 for around 5k gold.

    Alchemy will give be a goldsink as you start off, but volatile life -> volatile air combo can net you some stable gold for months to recover.
    Inscription is pretty much free as long as you can get rid of the glyphs for a reasonable price (not as easy as it sounds!). Also note that sometimes you can buy blackfallow ink off the AH cheaper than it is to make do the whole milling for certain parts of the leveling process. You can exchange the blackfallow inks to lower inks at the inscription vendor.

  5. #5
    Mining and herbalism because they cost nothing, you can sell product straight away and you get experience.

  6. #6
    Put two gathering professions on your DK, which will be your level 58/59 farmer (when it leaves the staring zone). Pick whatever profs you want on the toon you are going to level (matching them up with your DK's gathering profs.). Take enchanting if you want to disenchant green drops and quest rewards.

  7. #7
    I would have to advise Mining and Herbalism as others have said. There is a good market for lower level materials, especially now that people are trying to power through new professions in time for Pandaria. After you make a comfortable amount of gold, maybe then you can change over to something with more benefits to your class.

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