1. #1

    Question Kill shot countdown?

    Hi Guys,

    Wondering if anyone can recommend an add on to assist with monitoring the 6sec cooldown for the Glyph of Kill Shot effect (refresh it if target doesnt die, only happens once every 6 sec). So basicly something thatll flash up a count down from 6 after i use KS.

    Any suggestions?


  2. #2
    Pally auras, is quite a good mod for tracking the things, i;ve not used it for what you're asking but if you check it out, it might work.
    What I do though is I set up an extra bar near the centre of my screen in a vertical column and have all the skills which have short CD's I should be tracking, such as chim shot etc.
    works for me since its close enough to the centre to pay attension but not to far away to need to actually divert my look, can be considered messy but my UI has been called messy anyway.

  3. #3
    OmniCC should do the trick.

  4. #4
    Haven't done any pve in cata but what's the point waiting 6sec before using a second Kill shot? Correct me if I'm wrong but 1 KS every 6secs (so 2KS per 12 sec) is not better then firing 2KS in a row every 11sec (1sec gcd + 10sec CD) right?
    Or maybe you just wanna know when to reset KS with readiness? That's the only case I would see that aura usefull.

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